Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’m grateful

  • for getting home safe yesterday and that all my friends are safely home and not effected by the avalanche
  • for a good and encouraging time at Sunday group
  • for a relaxing afternoon
  • for being able to sit down with a pot of tea and spend some time reading
  • for good friends
  • for my dogs who are the most cute especially Mop who turned 4 today!
  • for being sober and healthy
  • for my house. It’s tiny, nothing fancy, has no indoor plumbing but it’s mine, it’s cozy and I don’t need anything else
  • for feeling hopeful and peace

It’s been a hot minute since I posted here, but grateful I still read everyone’s gratitude.

Grateful for that weekend I got in Florida with my sisters a few weeks back. We had so much fun, even went axe throwing for the first time. What a weird feeling to not have to worry about anyone else, especially in the airport. Grateful hubby and daughter managed fine without me. Grateful I won enough money on a penny slot machine to cover my entire trip and then some. Didn’t tell hubby until later that week when he was low on cash. I guess it slipped my mind. :joy: He wasn’t mad when I told him how much. How could he be?

Grateful for my AA program. It’s keeping me calm during these extremely overwhelming days at work.

Grateful for pause, pray and proceed. Needing to use it a lot in the office. We work in teams of 2. I’m on 3 of those 2 person teams. One of them is now a 1 person team (me) during the busiest time of year - 4th quarter hell. My teammate was out for 2 weeks for a family death, came back a week and went out for 2 week vacation. I couldn’t wait for her return while I was drowning. She came back this week to tell us she’s taking a 3 month leave of absence. I responded with compassion rather than anger. That’s only because I work a good recovery program. Now I’m in the pray stage and will move into the proceed stage this week, when I meet with my boss to discuss an action plan. I work a 60 hr week and don’t have anymore to give or I’ll find myself in a mental institution.

Grateful picking up a drink or a drug is not an option when life gets lifey. I’ve been through worse in sobriety and I’ll manage this new challenge with grace and dignity.

Grateful for the ladies in AA. I had one of them with 17 years of sobriety ask me to be her sponsor last night. I had to turn her down but I’ll continue to be one of her main supporters. I asked her why me with only 5 years when there are many others with so much more time and experience. Her response was basically - “You have what I want. Sobriety is quality over quantity”. Grateful for the compliment.

Grateful we got approval for my daughter to attend a recreational activities program. The state pays for the staff and we pay for the activities. This will be such a relief for me being I’m her sole entertainment. She can pick 2 a week. They’re all nights and weekends so won’t interfere with her day program. Grateful a haunted house is on the calendar. Maybe she’ll let me off the hook this year since she’s going with them. I know it’s fake but it still scares the shit out of me.

Grateful for my sobriety and everyone here sharing their experience, strength and hope.


:leg:I’m grateful Ross and Rachel are back together this morning.
:leg: I’m grateful I got Mavy on my lap.
:leg: I’m grateful my wife is up with her coffee and has B on her lap.
:leg: I’m grateful Benson is right next to me.
:leg:I’m grateful I fed Alice by the back door and she ate right there. She gets confused at her age.
:leg:I’m grateful for the tons of pics and videos of my grandchildren on the shared photos album on line.
:leg: I’m grateful for that technology.
:leg:I’m grateful for my friends in England.
:leg:I’m grateful Julie and I have been sending messages back and forth and she enjoys my video messages.

:leg:I’m grateful Norma and fam will be here tomorrow and I got caught up on the photo album I mentioned above. I was thinking about my perspective of looking at this or any family visit as a battle. Like how are we going to get through this? I mean there is nothing good or bad about family visits. Yes there may be stress.
:leg:I’m grateful I’m wondering why I’m thinking of it as a battle and how are we going to get through it. How bout I just let it be.
:leg: I’m grateful I know it will all be great in the long run and we will get through it. But this battle mentality I think I got isn’t a way I want to look at things anymore. And it’s exhausting living this way.

I’m grateful :smiling_face:

Let Go
And Let Live

I’m grateful :leg: made me think of my daughter the whole time I wrote my list here. She’d get a kick :leg:and a :rofl: :heart: over it.


I’m grateful you shared these P’s
I haven’t heard of these 3 P’s
Nice. You know I love a good………acronym, nope alliteration :face_with_monocle:

And someone wants what you got and they got all that time. Woozers how great is that feeling :smiley:
Your killing kid :kissing_heart:

I’m grateful all went very well home and away for your Florida trip.
Back to the grind :cry:


Thinking of you and sending love today @TrustyBird :people_hugging::kissing_heart:


Today I’m grateful I was able to stop smoking pot after two weeks binge. I’m grateful I’m back on track without alcohol in my life (day 21). I’m grateful I’m physically healthy and to be able to run and take long walks. I’m grateful I have a close relationship with God. In the end, I’m grateful I’m alive despite of the depression, anxiety and fear. ODAAT.


Things I am especially grateful for today.
After about 10h we arrived in my home city: Wrocław. I am grateful for the whole experience. It’s been a long while since I did such a long car trip. It was new and old at the same time. My mum and I used the time for chatting. I still prefer to take the train. I am grateful for the time spend with my mum and for having the choice how to travel.
I took a short walk around the old town. Tried to make the room I am staying at somehow nice, ate dinner. I am grateful I have this place to stay here.
A quiet evening is left. Some reading.
I am grateful for this life and grateful for this day.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Sunday gratitude.

I’m grateful for a lovely, relaxing sunday. Did some urgently needed chores in the morning after a short walk in the crisp air during sunrise. So beautiful.
I’m grateful for service on TV.
I’m grateful I knitted a bit today. I’ve been too much on the phone playing the 3 games I have lately as they put my brain in mute-mode and require patience and focus.

I’m grateful for the big pot of soup I cooked yesterday. I got to freeze 2 portions and had soup galore today. I love soup.

I’m grateful I walked around while chatting on the phone today. It helped with my backpain.

I’m grateful I chew on plans, more a wish-list at the moment, it’s a good start to slide slowly into my new life. I’m still not feeling much besides relief, gratitude and a calm sense of freedom. I’m grateful I didn’t see the ex today allthough he said he would come over to fetch stuff. Maybe he did, maybe not. I enjoyed a full day home alone.

I’m grateful for catfun, catlove, mischief and cats. They are so sweet.

I’m grateful I fired the furnace and stored away boxes that are no longer needed.

I’m grateful I’ll be in bed soon with a smile. Nothing special, I’m just content and grateful and smile :blush: ODAAT


I’m grateful for rediscovering my old gold chain with the cross of Jesus
I’m grateful for opportunity to realize again what evil alcohol and addiction to it is
I’m grateful I won’t become again that weird person
I’m grateful for my plans and objectives, stepping up on that ladder
I’m grateful my lower back pain is subsiding
I’m graeful for my good health


I am grateful for being in a better mood again.
I am grateful for working in a great team.
I am grateful for a healthy body.
I am grateful for trust.
I am grateful for having possibilities.
I am grateful for getting enabled.
I am grateful for learning.
I am grateful for knowing my niece and her very special character.
I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful to love.
I am grateful for love.
I am grateful to be safe.
I am grateful for food.

:woman_in_lotus_position:t2:🏋🏽‍♀ :revolving_hearts: :avocado::green_salad::fried_egg::ramen::sweet_potato::tea::shaved_ice::panda_face:


Grateful that I am hungry. It has been lacking.
Grateful for a roof over my head for today.
Grateful that my emotions are only a rollercoaster of poor moments and that it stops and sees positivity to happen.
Grateful for a Simon Sinek reel that talks about the trust you gain when you ask for help. It’s hard for me and I might rewatch it because thinking about it doesn’t handle the action.
Grateful for you.


I am grateful for another sober day, working on my parents house and my campervan. I am grateful for being in bed early and being able to get some rest. I am grateful for being tired.

I am grateful I didn’t drink when I felt the urge this week. I am grateful these feelings pass.

I am grateful for working with my father and grateful both of my brothers are doing well.
I am grateful for everything falling into place.


Today has been difficult. I was struggling to find something to be thankful for and then I logged in here.

Today I am grateful for all of you. Even if I have never interacted with you, you have likely interacted with others I’ve had discussions with. This is such a wonderful community, so thank you to all of you.



@lisa07 great to see you posting Lisa. So happy to hear that you had a good visit with your sisters :hugs: Grateful to learn of the three P’s :pray: Sending you strength to stand up for yourself and set healthy boundaries at work.
@dazercat OOH Ross and Rachel’s break is over eh :laughing: Glad to see them back on the mum. Excited for your upcoming visit with the Texas clan. I’m sure you all will have a blast :heart:
@acroumouse Grateful you arrived and can now start your vacation – have a wonderful trip!
@submarinemonkey Grateful you logged in and practiced some gratitude. Hope it helped. I know that even when I force myself to do it, I can start feeling lighter once I’ve written down things that I’m grateful for. Sorry that today was difficult. We are here if you need to talk it out :hugs:

Practicing some gratefulness on this beautiful Sunday with you lovely souls …
:sunflower: Woke up on time for my morning walk but it was still drizzling and so I turned back within a few minutes as a cold rain is not my idea of fun
:sunflower: Went back to bed for a few hours and woke up to still more rain. Was able to do a light jog indoors
:sunflower: Finally got around to cutting my nails.
:sunflower: Got in a 5 mile brisk walk and luckily had my jacket on for when it started to rain 1/2 way through
:sunflower: a lovely yoga session to help with the stiffness in my joints
:sunflower: my mom made extra for lunch which ended up being a lovely dinner for me
:sunflower: my new bands for my mouth splint are heavy duty. They seem to be lasting longer. Grateful that my dentist realized I was missing the mouth adjuster and made me a new one. This is helping readjust my jaw in the mornings.
:sunflower: Pumpkin spice tea - I’m enjoying it in my Pumpkin spice mug :jack_o_lantern:
:sunflower: Was able to catch up on my accounting
:sunflower: Was able to return my new head lights that I purchased from Amazon. They suck! Were great for the first few days and then don’t even last for 2 hours and take over 24 hours to charge.
:sunflower: My family and how much I love them! Grateful for the connections we have and grateful we live so close to one another.
:sunflower: My Higher Power. So very grateful that I will continue on this spiritual path and work on myself to be better each day.
:sunflower: For all of you! Grateful for this community and how much the support and love here mean to me.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My recovery
Hubbys sober from booze
A good bowling party with family
We have a vet who can hopefully get us in and some antibiotic eye drops for Boscoe, poor boy looks miserable
Up early ready to take on the week sans hangover
A life without hangovers
This community


Grateful for sobriety
Grateful for a weekend binge reading a book
Grateful son saw Lamborghini on the road
Grateful daughter likes her new trousers
Grateful for peace at work
Grateful for time and ingredients to cook a meal
Grateful for long sleeve weather
Grateful for not having to shave weather
Grateful for the internet

  • I am grateful to have a second/third… last chance to better myself
  • I am grateful for my lovely flat
  • I am grateful for my sweetie of a dog
  • I am grateful for my job
  • I am grateful for my freedom
  • I am grateful for my friends
  • I am grateful for the lovely people I have met recently



Today I am grateful for the quote on this app, “Only I can change my life. No one can do it for me.”
I am alive. I will continue to be alive. My kids are healthy and OK.
Universe has spoken that it’s well past time for me to get off my ass and start making things happen, whatever I feel passionate about, which actually is now and has always been a lot.
Still without alcohol, and that matters a great deal. My mind has always been strong but that was a tool to shut it down for a period of time. It’s been a couple of decades since I used it for fun.
Gratitude for this note to others: If it’s a problem for you and you are unwilling to give up the “fun” - trust me, that part changes for everyone.
Much love.


:bacon: I’m grateful for the smell of bacon in the morning.
:bacon: I’m grateful I’m not eating it as I am just prepping it for the Dallas clan to make it easier for Sonny Jim to make breakfast.
:bacon: I’m grateful for Jumanji and how my son got the nickname “Sonny Jim.”
:bacon: I’m grateful for movies and theatre and especially musicals.
:bacon: I’m grateful for music and humor. 2 of my favorite HP’s
:bacon: I’m grateful for my wife and all my furrbabies.
:bacon: I’m grateful the Dallas clan is on the plane.
:bacon: I’m grateful I got to share at the meeting yesterday about how I have to use all my Al-Anon tools with my DIL so we have a fabulous loving visit.
:bacon: I’m grateful I shared how easy it is to use my Al-Anon tools on my active alcoholic but sometimes I forget I can use them on people that aren’t addicts.
:bacon: I’m grateful I just noticed a new flowering bud on my lemon tree. And saw the old dead flowering bud and the dead one looks like it may be turning into a cluster of little lemons. I thought it just died and that was the end of it. :lemon: I’m so grateful I didn’t knock the dead stuff off the branch. Guess it wasn’t dead yet.
:bacon: I’m grateful for the little things that amaze me when I have a grateful heart. Maybe they’re big things.
Hope y’all aren’t dreaming of bacon :bacon:
:pray:t2: :bacon: :heart: :bacon:

The times when we can say no, in a kind way, rather than saying yes and then resenting it, will occur, on a daily basis. This can make the next twenty-four hours rather interesting, too.
Let Go Now