Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’m grateful my Mom’s funeral went well.
I’m grateful I had so many friendly faces in the crowd. I’m grateful my old roommate turned up. I haven’t been the best friend to her since we moved out of each other’s lives, I can change that.
I’m grateful my almost full month of grief has been bookended with a funeral. I feel closure.

I’m grateful to be back to business as usual. I have an eye appointment before work and then back to the daily grind. Its a good thing I like my daily grind.

I’m glad we decided our second bedroom will be a dopamine room. A cool place to go hang out and listen to music, play with Lego or cool science stuff and just relax. I’m grateful I bought our first big piece of furniture for the room. I’m grateful it is brightly colored. This room will be rad.

I’m grateful I won’t be working on someone else’s house cleaning this week. One house is enough for now.

I’m grateful for cool fall weather and coffee.
I’m grateful for love and friendship.


Things I am especially grateful for today.

Woke up late today and took a long walk through the old town. I am grateful I am in this city, grateful I can walk, grateful for the great weather.

I’ve been having some digestive issues due to my food intolerances today. I am grateful I know the symptoms, I know they will be gone tomorrow. I am grateful I have a comfortable place to stay, and lots of books and TV to pass the time.

Despite the discomfort I was able to visit my favourite book stores. I found two interesting books. I am grateful I felt good enough to go there, grateful these stores exist, grateful I could enjoy this stay.

I did a yoga session in the afternoon. I am grateful I felt physically and mentally well enough to do that. Grateful I know how to adapt the movement to my needs. Grateful I experienced my body in this way.

I am grateful for the Buddhist teachings that are helpful for me in times when I don’t feel that well.

I am grateful for this life and grateful for this day.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I’m very grateful for @HoofHearted who posted this, great content with link to interesting BBC document. YT’s algorithm suggested to watch also this video on quit drinking motivation. Truly recommend to watch especially to those who want to quit, who are in early days/weeks/few months of a sobriety…


I’d argue you are one badass sober lady :muscle:
Carry on :kissing_heart:
Grateful you are with us :100: in tact


Thanks Daze. A month is a long time to wait for closure and since Dad died during Covid and there was no service this feels like double closure. Back to business as usual and that feels good.
You are a pretty badass dude too. You guys save me every day. 🩷


Grateful for a time of rest. today I slept 8 hours!!!


I’m grateful to be alive today.
I’m grateful to be sober.
I’m grateful to be a part of this community.


Grateful for my 230 days of sobriety
Grateful Scale shows proof I am serious about weight loss
Grateful for AA meetings where they never take a day off
Grateful got my tires rotated and free with shimmy gone
Grateful I went to restaurant alone for chef salad - I deserve it
Grateful to get nails done

Grateful for my Yunna
Grateful Woody works around Yunna being here to at least get fed
Grateful my God is showing me daily a life I never could have achieved without his help
Grateful I can sit here watch baseball while dinner bakes in my wonderful oven


@cjp hope that vet visit was helpful and Boscoe is feeling better :hugs:
@Misokatsu OOH spotting a Lamborghini :heart: My absolute fav car and would have totally made my day. I’m sure your son was stoked!
@dazercat So sweet of you to make that bacon for your kids - i’m sure that smell is super tempting. Love that your lemon tree is flowering! Not something I would expect in October - Wonder if you will get any lemons this year?
@TrustyBird a dopamine room sounds awesome! How cool is that? send pics if you can when you have it all set up. So grateful you got a chance at closure this weekend for the passing of your parents :pray: :hugs:
@Dilettante Love ya babe - so good to see you posting. Sending love and hugs your way :heart: :hugs:
@tailee17 OOH those are some cool looking nails. Hope you enjoyed that chef salad – you sure did deserve it!

So grateful for this beautiful day! Practicing some needed gratitude today :heart:
:heavy_heart_exclamation: Was a rainy cold morning so got to sleep in some
:heavy_heart_exclamation: Was able to get work done for my parents
:heavy_heart_exclamation: Finally made a few calls that have been looming for a bit - yeah procrastination
:heavy_heart_exclamation: Was able to get my walk and workout in the afternoon.
:heavy_heart_exclamation: Broken tent and outdoor heater were picked up curbside within few minutes of me putting them out (as worried that garbage man might not pick up as they were not in the provided bin
:heavy_heart_exclamation: Had a good inquiry for my dining room set so got it moved to the garage for pick up. The guy flaked but least got one more heavy item is out of the basement. Grateful the garage has room for these items now that I have organized and cleaned.
:heavy_heart_exclamation: My Higher Power - grateful to be praying and meditating to keep my connection to Him. Grateful that I can keep my faith and have hope that His plan is for a better and healthier life for me
:heavy_heart_exclamation: for my family and grateful they helped me get my stuff moved and have let me store so much at their place.
:heavy_heart_exclamation: YOU ALL! this place is awesome. So grateful that I found this place when I did!

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I am grateful I made it to all the group psychotherapy meetings.
I am grateful I have a one on one therapy starting end of October.
I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I can read.
I am grateful I have an apartment I like.
I am grateful it’s just the size I can manage (48 qm).
I am grateful I have enough food in the fridge.
I am grateful my jaw is okay. Better anyway.
I am grateful I can walk without pain.
I am grateful I have enough.


I’m grateful for decent night, certainly better than yesterday. Lower back pain still continues but it’s more manageable.


I am grateful for this warm purring furry fat boy sprawled across my lap, for zoo day with my 3 yr old granddaughter, for 49° on the outdoor thermometer this morning (after 70° only 2 mornings back!), and for 2 months of sobriety today. It’s a good thing we’re doing, searching for beauty, friends.


I am grateful to be sober, for not loosing any more time and energy to drinking and its aftermaths.
I am grateful for my son. I love him so much and miss him dearly, but I’m grateful he is doing well.

I am grateful for having a couple of weeks off and being able to help my parents around the house.

Sobriety brings me so much, I feel like being brought back to real life. Drinking felt like this force which I didn’t have any control over. It used up so much of my time and headspace. Now I can feel everything, the ups and the downs, and I’m doing alright. No more hiding and lying.


Im so very greatful for…

Day 898 of continuous sobriety, that is radical to me
Woke up and worked out
Best 10k time yesterday 1hr0min
Boscoe is already feeling better! Vet issued antibiotic eye drops and an anti-inflammatory
Hubby made dinner last night
It wasnt that good so im not too bummed he left it on the counter overnight
We have enough for me to make meals for wed/thurs
Our ability to save
Our ability to travel
Our warm house
An aa meeting to put me in the right mindframe tonight


I’m grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I’m grateful that having hard days doesn’t have to equal a relapse. There are other ways to deal with the discomfort without adding to it by ingesting poison. Can’t believe i thought that was the solution once… ugh.

I’m grateful for a long weekend and rest.

I’m grateful for my family.

I’m grateful to be working closely with the vet to make sure Will’s blood sugar is being taken care of correctly.

I am grateful for good food, tv and scented candles. :two_hearts:


I’m grateful

  • for being able to visit the orphan kids today
  • for getting back into my normal routine today. Getting my morning chores and hike done. Then some visiting and organizing my work load for the coming weeks
  • for pots cardomon tea
  • for pears and apples
  • that I am healthy and sober
  • for a beautiful day
  • for my girls and their cuddles

Congratulations on your 2 months!! :confetti_ball::tada::muscle:t4:


:older_man: I’m grateful for another morning of quiet time and coffee.
:older_man: I’m grateful we’re headed to the beach this morning.
:older_man: I’m grateful for a wonderful family get together with both grandchildren and children and spouses.
:older_man: I’m grateful the fajitas and sides for 8 came out pretty good.
:older_man: I’m grateful Pop Pop lets her throw toys in the pool and fishes them out later.
:older_man: I’m grateful she sleeps quite well.
:older_man: I’m grateful I slept quite well.
:older_man:I’m grateful IT’S AWAKE :scream:


Way too much to catch up.

Quick tuesday evening gratitude.
I’m grateful the coloscopy will be tomorrow. Today was draining with the preparation procedure. I’m grateful I can stay at my townhouse with its automatic heating and short ways. Especially from the couch to the toilet.

I’m grateful for my heated pillow, my back hurts from yesterday’s loading firewood.

I’m grateful the ex proceeds with removing his stuff. I’m not grateful for emotional mimimi due to fasting and hormones. This too shall pass :pray:

I’m grateful I submitted the note about completing all items on the authority’s removal order yesterday. I’m grateful I didn’t give a fuck that the ex refused to add in the place of deposit of his oldtimers as requested. Not my problem, the authorities will question him about it to close the case. Another big task ticked off the to do list for good.

I’m grateful for the relaxing bath I took this morning. I needed some extra selflove and selfcare. I’m grateful yesterday ME heated up the hot water buffers. Hormones are crap, this shit can stop torturing me every once in a while. I’m fucking done with it. Fuck hormones, fuck menopause. Fuck feeling needy and lonely.

I’m grateful for sleeping meds. I’m grateful tomorrow is another day. With food. I’m looking forward to eating something I chew. I’m grateful my best friend is home again and will accompany me tomorrow. ODAAT


Grateful today for:

  • walks
  • museums
  • chats
  • chillaxin
  • life