Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Glad to hear all ok now!


Oh dear friend - That is a scary day and iā€™m sorry that you went through this. Grateful everything is alright with your kitty :people_hugging:



  • Day 170.
  • Cut off my hair that hasnā€™t been cut or brushed in 7 months, no real choice. Today I decided what is most important. I donā€™t know what you know about me - but I had a lot of hair, down to my rear before my accident. The weight of what came off is like a bag of flour.
  • Tuesday I have an interview for a job I will likely get - but I donā€™t think I will accept it.
  • My son and parents who accept him, no matter who they are or who they parent
  • My Dad-types of friends and my Dad, who I look a ton like - We won the mother/daughter look alike contest when I joined a sorority - just sayinā€™.

So very scary!! Glad all is okay now. :heart:


Iā€™m sorry to read this Erntedank but so happy he is ok. What a scary evening. Glad you all are ok now.


I am grateful for the wonderful father figures I had in my life, on this US Fatherā€™s Day. Iā€™m grateful that my husband has been a good father to my kids.

Iā€™m grateful that The House of Dragons season premiered tonight. Flipping awesome. Iā€™m grateful that my daughter made it home safely, albeit a day late, after breaking down on the I5 hours from here.

Iā€™m grateful for my SMART meeting this morning, and Iā€™m grateful for hope. Have to keep hoping. Grateful for this thread and you all. ODAAT. šŸ«¶šŸ»šŸ«‚


Iā€™m grateful that this proved to be true

-That, even after sleeping horribly, for maybe 3 hours, I had energy until the end of the night
-I used that energy to get things done
-Iā€™m broke yet again, but only after paying every bill and spending $200 on much needed groceries
-I have tomorrow off :hugs:
-The insane heat headed our way doesnā€™t look like itā€™s bringing humidity with it
-I have an AC I can choose to install if it does get too intense
-Bob Rossā€™s soothing shows
-My cute kitties!!!
-Time with my family tomorrow to celebrate Fatherā€™s Day
-Any sleep to come


I will end the day with some gratitude! Thankful for another day above ground. Thankful for air conditioning because it was a hot and humid day. Thankful I felt sadness today missing my dad and I was able to just sit with the feelings that in my past I would stuff or self-medicate. It felt good!!! Thankful I am going to bed sober. Thankful for all of you :yellow_heart:


My husband and I have been trying to ā€œput good in the jarā€ every Sunday night. Basically you write something good down for the week that you think future you will want to remember.
Iā€™m going to share my good weekly thought with you guys too.

I forget which book it was in but one of the quit lit/self help books I read talked about the importance of saying no deliberately so you can get to a deliberate yes.
As a drinker I had zero boundaries and often said yes to things I had no interest in doing mostly just because people asked.

Two and a half years ago when I got sober I started working on my deliberate no.
ā€œDo you want to help my friendā€™s cousinā€™s teacher move this weekendā€
ā€œDo you want to pop into this bar after dinner just for an hour or two? I promise we wonā€™t stay longā€
ā€œCan you keep up with all the family obligations even though they sometimes make you feel awful and are more than you want to commit to?ā€
ā€œDo I have to say yes when I mean no?ā€

Now that I have flexed my sober muscles with boundaries and said some very deliberate nos this year I am getting the hang of it. No leads to deliberate yeses. I am grateful for the impending deliberate yes.


Grateful England won their first match and that they were graceful competitors and no argy bargy ugliness was shown. We canā€™t count the Bellingham shoulder budge; he was clattered repeatedly, and with a huge target on his back these days.

Grateful for holding more pause in moments that usually would start internal beef and discomfort. I donā€™t know why we start arguements with our self when we are bored or restless, just release and have no drama and expectations.

Grateful to great writers. I really love Gabrielle Zevin currently, such a lovely heartfelt author.

Grateful to my little family of four. We fit perfectly.

Grateful to have a home and gym membership and food on the table.


Greatful forā€¦

My sobriety
My recovery journey
Got my ass to the gym today
Air conditioning
Father day with the family
A work from home day
Acknowledging things outside my control


Today I am grateful for:

  • My sober friend who has been an angel in my time of need.
  • That my children still love me.
  • That I made myself go to group therapy even though I didnā€™t want to.
  • That I got some sleep

Grateful for day 171. I have two interviews this week. I thought being a catering manager would be great and along with my loves - but the salary is so low. I will go anyway, just to check out the place and leadership.

Grateful to see the scar on my head. No one took pics of me in the hospital and I may say that it brings me fully to reality in change. Today I reacknowledge that I meant to do things that truly matter, to me, and to others. Grabbing on to my love of most humans.

XXOO to all of you people.


We keep a ā€˜Good Thingsā€™ jar on the counter for the same purpose. Pop in little notes of good thingsā€¦big or small. It is a wonderful family ritual. We read them thru each new year. Grateful to my friend Angela who first suggested it years ago. :heart: And for every moment I was able to spend with her. :people_hugging:


Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful I made it to my counseling appointment today. I wanted to call and say I couldnā€™t make it because Iā€™m sick but then I thought about how If I was drinking or using I definitely would have went to the liquor store Or met the drug dealer even if I was sick. We talked about responsibility in our group today. I have always avoided responsibility and took the easy way out. Glad Iā€™m not doing that today.
Grateful Iā€™m off work today and can now rest.
Grateful for having all my needs met.
Grateful for safe shelter and food / water .
Grateful for my family and the support.
Grateful for my phone.
Grateful for my bike and the miles Iā€™m getting day to day.
Grateful for AA and NA.
Grateful for my higher power. I sometimes take my will back. Iā€™m by no means perfect. Iā€™m trying to do things differently this time. With action towards my recovery.
Grateful for this community.
Grateful to be alive . :sunglasses:


Grateful for my cats, who are always good company when Iā€™m home.

Grateful for my recovery friends, because they understand me in a way no one else does (including myself sometimes).


Thank you so much for your kind words @Dazercat @SassyRocks @tailee17 @JazzyS and all of you gratifolks :people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging::people_hugging:

Today Iā€™m grateful my old boy had breakfast at 5 a.m., slept all day in bed, joined me while I was napping on the couch late afternoon, had dinner and now we are cuddling up together, him, Missi and me. The big red furball is on the chair next to the couch sleeping all across the sheepskin rug.
Iā€™m grateful we have the vet appointment tomorrow afternoon. Seems the old boy feels ok, loved and cared.

Iā€™m grateful I do my best to keep the house cool, a heatwave is announced. I hate summer. And grass. And working outside. Iā€™m grateful I will do all the outdoor work when I will do it. Iā€™m grateful I refrain from stressing myself and work on old thinking patterns that make me feel guilty for staying inside and deliberately saying NO. Thank you @TrustyBird for bringing it up. Itā€™s important for my working on let go and inner boundaries :pray:
Iā€™m always grateful to find here the encouragement, nudges and kindness I need. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m not alone :people_hugging::pray:

Iā€™m grateful my friend who had brain surgery recently is recovering very well. We had a lovely chat today. Her energy of being happy and relieved is infectious! Made me smile and happy from the bottom of my heart. For her. And for me too as I enjoyed her sharing.

I hand my heavy heart and sorrow over to God and the universe when Iā€™ll go to bed soon. Nothing of what makes my heart heavy and the uncertainity that impacts my life so hard is under my control or influence. All I can do is go back to basics, focus on myself and let go. I do the best I can. Thatā€™s all and it is enough. ODAAT :pray:


Today Iā€™m grateful for

  • tons of sunshine
  • easy bike rentals
  • the worldā€™s best bike infrastructure
  • a day of bike rides
  • time at the lake
  • outdoor yoga on the beach
  • mindfulness trainingand being able to access this place inside of me of friendly non judgemental awareness
  • good food
  • salted popcorn
  • a nice nap
  • city life without needing a car
  • this whole wonderful day

I really need to put in some exercise. I am not sure whatā€¦maybe even walking around the acreage. 8 months of mostly laying or sitting needs some adjustment.


Happy Monday yā€™all

Today i am full of gratitude for but not limited to the following:

  • waking up to another day of living on this beautiful earth and a day of healing
  • my family and the unconditional love they dote on me daily
  • my HP! Grateful for my connections to him and myself. For my faith.
  • for waking up at 5 am ready for a walk but then hearing the roaring thunder and realizing that iā€™d have to wait. Grateful that I was able to get in a decent walk and it ended just as the heat started to rise.
  • for air conditioning. High 90ā€™s this week and such nasty humidityā€¦ grateful that it will not last.
  • listening to myself and realizing when iā€™m at my threshold and need to dial it back
  • for my comfy new sheets! I ended up tearing my sheets while making the bed :laughing:
    -for my new walking shoes and sandals. grateful that I love my shoes but they do start to hurt my feet after a few miles of walking. Grateful for my insoles that i will be able to use on these to provide cushion and comfort.
  • for getting a few days at the pool last week and the swim did not cause any inflammation.
  • mobility - moving more and feeling less fatigued days
  • for getting to my friends business and picking out new reading glasses with transition lenses. A sporty pair so they will be very versatile.
  • for this community and all of YOU

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening --sending you all so much love :heart: :heart: