Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I am grateful today
Husband back to out of town work and I was able to stay calm cool and relaxed giving hip recovery the time it needs.
Beautiful day, birds galore
Time spent with cat Woody as dog out of town too ( they don’t get along)
Stewed garlic chicken
So grateful God loves me and continues to show it to me daily
111 days sober


I am so grateful for

-Sleeping well and waking up fully energized
-My creativeness when it comes to cooking
-This day off
-Taking the time to give myself a pedicure
-Savoring this last bit of daytime alone time before school is done
-Spending quality fun in the sun with my family
-My brother, who agreed to help me install my AC, even tho (I didn’t know when I asked) he’d been up almost 24hrs bc of his job schedule!
-The used AC I got from work that is crushing it!!!
-The summer solstice
-My loving cats and my parents loving cats
-My daughter doing the best she can while her dad’s in jail
-My sobriety and undesire to drink
-This community. You all rock :100:


Day 35. Today I am grateful for:

  • Good chat with my boss last night who is supportive of my recovery.
  • My dad buying me a couple of sausage biscuits for breakfast.
  • A good night’s sleep.
  • Another day in rehab.
  • Ability to go to the gym everyday.
  • My wonderfully supportive family.

173 days, not perfect, but meaningful and necessary.
Understanding that not everything I went thru was mine to hold up. Nope. I did good, kid.
My funny, serious, stern, gym instructor today; she made the two hours I spent this morning pumping iron (haha, 1kg weights) and contorting into :scorpion: poses enjoyable… She is the very best.
A strong body
A strong heart. I’ve always had a tender heart, and that’s made others sometimes take advantage of me. That’s not my fault or issue. Stay open.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so greatful for…

Got my ass to the gym
Hot coffee
My recovery
Looking forward to an AA mtg tonight
Have tomorrow off work
Time with hubby, even if hes annoying lol
The ability to have a gym membership
The ability to eat healthy
My mobility
This amazing community and our gratitude practices


I am thankful for Day 172. Today I have the interview to sell cigarettes. I calculated “Take Home” and maybe that’s the reason just not to do that…

Grateful for good hair - will have to be careful about keeping the scar covered to try to stay grateful of people who open their mouth improperly.

Grateful for my friends, that I actually got in my divorce. They check on me pretty much daily to see how I am.

That’s it. Also, happy the temp should drop 10 degrees tomorrow.


Today I am grateful for:

  • Yoga practice. Having a daily practice to connect with my body and ground myself in.
  • Meditation and mindfulness practice. A way to sort my mind out and find a way in the chaos of thoughts.
  • Bike rides through the city. The infrastructure here makes it all so painless.
  • Discoveries made through the day on my rides.
  • Good food, a place to cook and easily accessible grocery stores.
  • Walks in the rain.
  • Waterside. Plants along the canals, all the bird life here.
  • Good books, smart books, helpful books.
  • Coffee.
  • Friendly mindful awareness.
  • this day.

Grateful for another day of sobriety. Living in the moment and just for today.
Grateful my first day at work by myself in the dish pit went well and I stayed caught up all day. I really been working hard at the restaurant. It’s nice to have something to do and have purpose.
Grateful for having a safe place to call home.
Grateful for food/ water/ air conditioning.
Grateful I had a nice conversation with my mom. So grateful to have family in my corner. They have done so much for me. I repay them by staying sober and trying to live a good life. And to be there for them like they have for me.
Grateful for YouTube and the endless entertainment.
Grateful my cold seems to be almost gone.
Grateful the day is almost over and I can get some good rest and be prepared for tomorrow.
Grateful for this community. :sunglasses:


Practicing some gratitude’s on this beautiful Tuesday

Today i am full of gratitude for but not limited to the following:

  • Waking up early enough to get in a walk before the heat kicked in. Grateful to call it a short walk as my new shoes just aren’t meant for brisk walking and were causing me pain.
  • For getting to the pool and getting a swim in. Figuring out the proper time to get in tomorrow so that i can enjoy a swim before all the pool is in full sun. Grateful to have been able to clean the pool before getting in and no one saying anything as technically the pool doesn’t open till 9
  • For a lovely nap today
  • Not so humid today
  • Vegan ice cream (tastes like ice cream :yum: )
  • Baking up a storm today
  • My family
  • My daily practices of prayer and meditations. Grateful for connections - making new ones to myself and staying connected to my HP.
  • This lovely community and the support I get here daily
  • Getting on a sleep schedule. Still not sleeping through the night but am getting to bed around 10 and getting loads of rest

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I am grateful for a day off today, even if I do have to go into work for 4 hours tonight I am taking today easy. Rest is good.

I’m grateful that I called off my weekend plans. I was supposed to camp this weekend with girlfriend’s and their kids and something was holding me back. I’m glad I decided to listen to my gut and back out. I can use 4 days around here to get a lot of things done.

I’m grateful for good food. Today I picked up our veggie farm share and stopped at the store. Tonight after my short shift at work I will cook. I’m grateful my husband has better knife skills than I do and that I can wait for him to do the majority of the work. I’m grateful for my safe home to ride out what might be a bad storm, there are so many people who are currently unhoused and am I very aware of how fortunate I am to have walls and safety. Now nap time before work with a kitty on my chest to finish out a very relaxing day off. Stay sober folks.


Quick check in.
I’m grateful that I’ve called/texted out for help after nearly 2 years to people who where there for me after the big bam separation. I’m proud and grateful I figured out particular help I need and ask for :pray:
I’m grateful I don’t need anything I asked for to be done urgently.
I’m grateful I decided to be brave and send a shoutout for help.
I’m grateful that life is lifey and my old boy is fine. Waiting for blood results. I’m grateful for every day - especially with him. Nagging fucker :sparkling_heart::heart::heart::joy:


Today 100% I am grateful for many things in the “sober” eye. The biggest thing is being present in every moment I have with my son… we have had the time of our lives since I did get sober. And I couldn’t be happier with life.
I love it.


Today I’m grateful for

-MY AIR CONDITIONER!!! How tf did I make it thru days like this?!
-Witnessing the glorious thunderstorm that woke me up and lasted 2 hours this morning
-Learning that my cats are afraid of thunder :joy_cat:
-Making it easily thru the day on maybe 3 hours sleep
-My daughter having a close friend her age in the building
-Exploding Kittens
-The AC in my car
-The golf course closing for the day so I never had to go outside at work
-An easygoing day at work, even with the boss present
-My trainee, having never served before, being fully competent her 3rd day
-A day off tomorrow for both me and my daughter to enjoy together
-Not having to set an alarm
-Hopeful plans to go down to the lake (if the air is breathable)
-The AC that makes the air in my house breathable
-Grilled cheese and asparagus sandwiches
-My AC :joy:

  • Ginger Beer - taste it or not, it bites my throat. Thanks Aldi
  • Aldi Salad - taste or not, good seasonings and ample protein. I got a bite from ARUGULA and also tasted blue cheese
  • Had the most amazing “Don’t take this job.” point yesterday, and got a fulfillment of my thought from a business friend millionaire, who had posted just that thought on Linked 30 seconds later. Meant to be, 100%.

Note to self- You know powerful and successful people, who appreciate and trust you. Call them, lean into them. Stop treating yourself worse than they would ever allow.

A little Jené yesterday and today.


A good job.
Good people in my life who love and respect me.
My fat kitty Bird and his constant love.
My fiery kitty Water and our slow re-connection.
Coffee, forever and always.
The joy and hope of new cleaning supplies.
That last statement made me sound 3,000 years old but I just bought The Pink Stuff and can’t wait to shine up some things around here.

20 work hours (2 days) until a 4 day weekend.


I’m grateful the house is still cool inside. Outside it’s above 30 °C at 8 p.m. I hate summer.
I’m grateful I started to mulch the gras this morning. Ouch, every bone in my body aches.
I’m grateful I forgive the ex being an asshole again. I’m grateful I miss the good times and love in my life. I’m grateful I don’t have to walk on eggshells anymore, not knowing why he is again pissed at me, feeling sad and hungry for love.

I’m grateful the blood test came back and the vet explained it well. I have to keep an eye on the old boy for changes as the blood test shows some inflammation. If he doesn’t feel well antibiotics will help. He needs another shot of fluid in 2 weeks. I’m grateful parameters are ok for his age, nothing serious. Kidney values a bit over normal, natrium a bit under, slightly anaemic. No real root cause where the seizure came from. I will take good care of my beloved old boy and my two purrfluffballs :sparkling_heart::heart:

Feeling melancolic today. Summer Solstice. Summer depression is atrocious. Even more since I’m alone. I’m grateful this too shall pass.
ODAAT :pray:


Day 45!

Thankful for the blood of Jesus

I am thankful for finally realizing that I don’t need ALCOHOL TO BE “NORMAL”

I have stepped away from my phone and have been killing more items off my to do list. Taking this sobriety and its blessings to the next level. Feeling so good. The only struggle for me is moving on from the disappointment I have been to myself for so many years. All that growth I could have been in, but it’s NEVER too late to start. God bless you all and keep fighting for the potential we hold!


Today I am grateful for

  • so much sunshine
  • a walk in the morning along the canal
  • being woken up by the rising sun
  • a trip to the shore
  • a ferry ride through the new port
  • a great chat with one of the ferry guys
  • all the interesting stuff I learned from this retired port traffi controller about all things post
  • once again the bike infrastructure extending even through the port
  • a great bike ride through the port area
  • so many interesting and fascinating things I got to see
  • relaxing Yin Yoga
  • Recovery Dharma meetings
  • being Ok with popcorn
  • the view from my window
  • good books
  • feeling at peace
  • good food
  • this vacation
  • looking forward to tomorrow’s TS meetup
  • this day

I’m grateful to be sober, safe and alive. I’m grateful for my friend S. I’m grateful for being okay with everything going off our plans and not really stressing about it. Yeah I miss my dogs and will be happy to be home but we are okay and all will be well. I’m grateful for kind people around who took us in and let us stay for however long we need. I’m grateful for laughter and fun stories. I’m grateful for being stuck in a place that I can at least enjoy and get around fine in. I’m grateful to feel at peace


I’m grateful to be moving towards being ok
I’m grateful my last therapy session is tomorrow at ten am.
I’m grateful that my gym is less than a mile and I can leave so much trauma on the mats
I’m grateful for food and clean water
I’m grateful I can read, it’s literally my favourite thing ever to do.
I’m grateful for a lovely day and a deep foot mask tonight
I’m grateful for my comfort