Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Yesterday, after a long period of suspicion, I was formally diagnosed as high-functioning aspergers/autistic as well as OCD.

I am grateful for this knowledge.

Along with other pieces, it will hopefully lead to a more complete understanding of self. Perhaps more importantly, I am hopeful it will help me be kinder to myself and not live under such heavy, perpetual, self-imposed pressure. It’s crushing me.

I have an additional, more intense and detailed screening in a few weeks.


Much love my friend. You are loved by so many in real life and in virtual reality. This too shall pass - hoping you and your friends can do something fun to celebrate Summer Solstice

@jbaldwin84 Love the realization. No we do no need to poison ourselves to feel normal. Chuck the disappointment as nothing can be done about the past - embrace the now and keep putting in the effort for a better today / tomorrow. Like you said “it’s NEVER too late to start”

Grateful that you have a better understanding of yourself and will be kinder / gentler with yourself moving forward :hugs:

Hump day gratefulness
Today i am full of gratitude for but not limited to the following:

  • Getting up early enough (still hit snooze like 3 times :laughing:) to get in my walk. Man oh man the humidity was high and i was drenched by the end of the walk. Grateful for getting my pace better each day. I can feel my body slowly returning. Grateful that i am able to be so active through all the symptoms and pain.
  • My lovely swim and workout session.
  • For being so active this morning without coffee. My coffee machine decided to cop an attitude this morning and would not brew. Then the bits i finally got were so WEAK. I gave up and started the day. Finally got a half decent cup around noon. Looking forward to making this right tomorrow.
  • For the nap I am able to take in the afternoon as my body has not fully recovered from the fatigue
  • For my inflammation reducing a bit and I am closer to the weight I was at when I started working out a few months ago. Hope this trend continues
  • For air conditioning and being able to wear a hoodie indoors and chill - when it’s blistering hot outside.
  • Looking forward to dying my hair this evening - back to the eggplant color
  • For stand up comics. Love YouTube short clips
  • For friends and family. Being able to connect with friends after a long delay as if no time has passed.
  • For Elderberry Juniper Kombucha --so in love with this flavor
  • Dough has risen and i can start working on the pretzels. Been craving pretzels and this will be my 2nd attempt at making them at home. Looking forward to them.
  • My HP and my daily practices that lead me to Him - our connection and the on going support I feel from Him
  • This community! I know i would not have made it this far without you all. Can’t believe that I am approaching 1.5 years of sobriety. This is beyond wild.
  • Grateful for the little bit of flirting i have been doing with the Condo’s maintenance guy.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Greatful you have some answers and a pose of compassion for self @TMAC


Late to my written gratitude practice today but greatful nonetheless.

Im greatful to read all the gratitudes before me and agree and laugh with your gratitudes.

Im greatful…

Ive been productive during my off day
Time with hubby
Good walk this am
Good gym sesh
Hubby did some chores
A day without horrible heat
Boscoe and his cuddles
Reaching out for help
Perspection and retrospection
This amazing community

  • Grateful for a delightful rainy afternoon 75F/25C! It is incredibly rare this time of year. Normally 100F/39c

  • This community that has carried me during my worst nights and days. I have trauma flashbacks that are terrifying and I haven’t slept much. I have virtual arms to hold me up, here :heart:

  • The growth I am experiencing now. It is quite painful but I know I’m making a little progress now.

  • Prior long stretches of sobriety where I banked and invested my money

  • A home

  • A reliable vehicle

  • Bits of dreams forming for the future. Nothing concrete as I’m not ready, but the groundwork is coming along. I’m getting spontaneous ideas. It’s wonderful to have a more creative side re-emerge

  • Trip planning: New Mexico. Santa Fe. Likely my next home city. It’s time to look around more :heart:

  • 110 days without a drink!

  • Gratitude in Advance for the sleep I will get tonight


Grateful for my sobriety and the true freedom it brings.
Grateful my cravings to drink or use don’t last long and I think about the consequences.
Grateful I’m learning how important it is to stay busy. I get myself in trouble when I have time to think.
Grateful I made it through another busy day at work. My body will adjust with time. It will be nice when I get my first check and can take care of bills on my own and buy some clothes. Also I want to start eating more healthy and will have more options.
Grateful my cold is not bothering me… it’s still here but doesn’t feel as bad.
Grateful for my family.
Grateful for my higher power. It’s nice to give up on doing things by myself. And my way of doing things is exhausting. So I ask for help.
Grateful for music and movies.
Grateful for a successful day.
Grateful for this community.
Grateful to be alive. :sunglasses:


Wow, I am so grateful for this feeling I have inside of me. Its multiple feelings all blending into this one big feeling that can’t even be described. My kiddo handed in her final assignment today, she has finished grade 12, and has done so with exceptional grades. I am grateful that she was awared a scholarship to recognize her hard work. I am grateful for the big smile that slowly stretched across her face as she read the letter of congratulations. I am grateful she feels proud of herself, I am proud of her too. I am grateful that I was of sane, clear mind for these last 4.5 years of her life and was able to support her through all of this homeschooling.

I am grateful that even though my back is f^cked, I have some ice, I am laying down and the day is done. I have hope that tomorrow will be better.



I honestly don’t know why I look so fat in this photo :laughing:

Day 1356 of continuous sobriety.

Grateful for my little tiny baby boy Jonah. He’s amazing. I thank God every day.


I am grateful today
113 days sober
Made a new friend today.
Able to relax and give hip the time off it needs to heal
I am grateful for God in my life


Quick one tonight. Today I’m grateful that this day turned out even better than I imagined and I loved everything about it!


Good morning sober tribe,

Im so very greatful for

A productive day off
A break in routine
My recovery journey thus far
My fav AA mtg tonight
A new sponsor
My mobility
My determination
Our emergency fund will be in better shape next april, sans any emergencies
My brain power working at an acceptable pace
Good days
My mom
My family
Our home
Shelter, clean water, healthy food
Seeing pics of me 2, even 1 year ago and acknowledging the progress ive made on my health journey


I feel amazing today.
I have everything I need inside myself
I have enough
I am enough
I have two gorgeous fur kids who honestly are my dream angels.
I have the greatest partner on earth.
I can see a future
I can flex muscles I never had before
I am where I’m meant to be


I’m grateful no one the fuck is in my house today!!
I’m grateful after 2 long days the AV guys are gone and problems and electric issues that came up are solved.
I’m grateful the junk pick up went smoothly.
I’m grateful the termite guy was good and thorough and explained what he was doing and didn’t get in the way of the AV guys.
I’m grateful Chilis :hot_pepper: is just down the road and it’s a good one.

I’m grateful we are going out tonight. Going to see Trae Crowder. We need a laugh.

I’m grateful we like our new vet. I’m grateful we are home. Getting a new vet we like makes it feel more real.
I’m grateful we are going to try Solensia for Alice’s arthritis. I’m grateful she was really good with the vet. And the vet was very good with Alice.
I’m grateful the vet discovered on Bensons visit he was getting arthritic and we are doing Librela once a month for him now. And his lump we originally brought him down for is just a skin tag. I’m grateful Alice and Benson are on the same schedule for these once a month injections at the vet. And I’m grateful Mavy was a good boy at the vet too for his zit chin.

I’m grateful wifey had fun playing with Gus yesterday while I was still stressing around the house with all the workers. It was a nice break for me.

I’m very grateful my irrigation worked today as they disconnected it and moved the controller outside and put it back together again.
I’m grateful my landscape guy works his ass off around here for me making my place look nice.

I’m grateful I don’t have much back pain to speak of and no headache today.
I’m grateful for my cats and dog and wife and children and grandchildren and DIL and SIL and my sister.

I’m grateful it looks like a clear day for now.
Grateful to get some gratitude out here.
Grateful for you all.
Gratitude gentles even the roughest roads and gives wings to the heart.
Sue Patton Thoele


A beautiful day to practice gratitude’s

Today i am most grateful for …

  • my improving health (i have to take my increase energy levels and ability to move as a sign of improvement). reminding myself of where i was just a few months ago.
  • getting my walk in even in this nasty humidity. How am i sweating at 6 am just standing still? :laughing: Grateful that i was able to clean off and get in a nice swim afterwards.
  • a easy drive to make our out of the way delivery. my mom accompanied me on the drive
  • was able to pull over and rest when my stomach pains got too intense.
  • ran into a neighbor last night whom i’ve been meaning to connect with - made plans for tea tomorrow afternoon.
  • for my coffee - got the perfect cup today and am enjoying a few sips now as i am trying not to nap today. Gonna see if i can push through.
  • for my padded eye patches with cooling gel inserts.
  • for the warm temp pool and that they use Bromine instead of Chlorine. So much gentler on my skin.
  • for my HP and that i can do a light meditation during my morning walk.
  • for learning the trick with green onions and being able to get so much more from one stalk (you just put them in water in light and they continue to grow)
  • for my family - love them oh so very much!
  • for my solitude time - i may need to get active in socializing again (just don’t feel up to it at the moment – taking baby steps).
  • being content with what i have and where i’m at in life
  • for working on my negative thoughts and behavior issues. addressing things that bother me in a healthy manner and as they arise so that i don’t sit with bad feelings or let them fester.
  • for my TS community and all the support i get each and every day.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Summer Solstice Gratitude :woman_fairy:

Today I’m grateful for

  • waking up early to my alarm and starting the day
  • being productive during the cool morning hours
  • the repotting of the balcony plants proceeds
  • house is vacuumed & mopped
  • love the broom closet
  • therapy
  • breath meditations to let go and lighten my soul
  • leftovers and easy dishes
  • my reliable car
  • meeting a neighbour when I fetched the mail at the townhouse
  • staying calm in the heat
  • the farmhouse, it still stays ok tempered inside :pray:
  • rest, nap, sleep
  • cats on and around me
  • I took time to knit while watching a Miss Marple crime
  • kitchen is tidy

I am grateful I worked hard on refocussing on myself and letting go today. I’m grateful it’s evening, I feel content and will go to bed feeling I did my best to celebrate and use the solstice energy.
If you wanna share how you celebrate solstice, here’s the link to this year’s call Summer solstice - #19 by erntedank


I am grateful that 855 days ago I took my last drink. I’m grateful that I can now see all the power alcohol had over me.
I’m grateful for healing whether that is through work, reading, movement or stillness.
I’m grateful for a long shift at work and the overtime pay it affords me.
I’m grateful that I have the next 4 days off with zero plans but to just be me.
I’m grateful that I keep getting better.


Today I am grateful for:

  • the gorgeous sunset I can see from my window
  • the sunrise I saw this morning
  • my trip full of wonders I took on a streetart route
  • a very nice meet with @Mno and @SoberWalker in Rotterdam. Thank you guys! It was so nice meeting you in person.
  • a longer meditation
  • nice chats with friends
  • my vacation coming to an end on such a good note
  • peace and freedom in my heart and mind
  • this day

Yes, it was nice to meet you too Aga! Just arrived home, my train had a delay :sweat:


Home too. Slow connection between Rotterdam and my side of Amsterdam. :steam_locomotive: It was fun ladies. Nice meeting you both.


Hi grateful fam!

I’m grateful for payday.

I’m grateful that my son is going camping this weekend with friends, and they chose to go where I grew up camping even though it’s over 5 hours away.

I’m grateful that I have A/C at work and home, especially since the wildfire smoke is already getting bad.

I’m grateful for 175 days of sobriety and the will to keep going. ODAAT :blue_heart: