Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

  • 111 days sober!
  • I slept a full night, which made today so much brighter it was unreal. It’s a big priority now.
  • Grateful to be losing weight. I’ve been working on it, but the scale would not budge! Until now. It’s like I finally tipped my metabolism towards faster. Takes time. Glad I didn’t give up. Now I have momentum. Want to get in shape for ski season, and really just life.
  • Fears that are abating
  • Another unseasonably cool day in Texas.
  • Hope. That is huge.



Grateful for

-The longest day of the year
-Waking up easily after only 5 hours of sleep
-Making it thru the workday that ended up being longer than expected
-The random blackout that happened just before I was leaving so I didn’t have to finish all the work
-Being able to lie down for an hour while my daughter was at a friends
-My landlord requesting me for the event I worked this morning and tipping me $100, which covers the new $100 increase in my rent this month :upside_down_face:
-Deciding we should drive past the marina to see if they were having their Thursday night car show/concert and having dinner outside
-My daughter actually asking to get ready for bed 45 minutes earlier than usual (never happens :astonished:)
-Having this extra time to myself to catch up here and get to bed early myself


Been a good long while since I had a look at this thread.
Grateful for sunny winter days
Grateful for the opportunity to pick up the kids from school on a regular basis.
Grateful I get to watch them doing all sorts of activities that they enjoy
Grateful that my body is feeling healthier than its been in the last few years despite still working around a couple injuries
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Grateful to be clean and sober today and to have a job and the health I have.


Grateful for instructions. I’m grateful there are programs and processes and systems I can live in, for recovery and for life. I wasn’t the first person to do this, and I won’t be the last.

Grateful for friends who call. Over the last few days I’ve had many heart to heart conversations. It means a lot - it helps me feel I am together with others in this educational mess called life.

Grateful for Talking Sober. It’s a big world out there and we’re all finding our way. Talking Sober is a safe harbour, where we can find our friends.


Good morning sober tribe,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety and recovery
2y1m20d free from weed and alcohol
I was asked to sponsor someone at my ladies meeting last night, ahhhh, super nervous but excited. My only job is to share my experience, strength, and hope, and take them thru the steps
Looking forward to coffee sunday to get to know them better
My folks love watching Boscoe
I love chatting with my folks when i pick up Boscoe
Hubby putting in extra hours to pay down debts
Hot coffee and sunshine
How much hubby makes me laugh
People with compassion
A peace ive gained from AA ive never known
Planning to attend my family reunion this year
My higher power im growing to know


Hi everyone,
I’m grateful to @Twizzlers for asking after me.
I’m grateful to be on this journey, my life has changed so much. I could never imagine going back to what it was like.
I’m grateful for books that give you that little reminder that what you’re doing is actually ok, good for you.
Grateful for a little sunshine in the uk today, at last :sparkling_heart:


Grateful for

My sobriety
My daughter(everyday)
Having alot of energy that got me thru the day
Work not being stressful at all tonight
Not experiencing pms symptoms when I definitely should be
Knowing I can sleep in tomorrow
Doing the best I can


Good morning all you amazing sober people! It’s a rainy Saturday morning here in Wisconsin and I am with the coffee and the gratitude today.

I’m grateful to be sober and healthy.
I’m grateful for this amazing summer break and the changes in routine that are allowing me to practice a lot of self-care, calmer routines, better care of my home and family, and just plain old time on my hands!

I’m grateful to have the resources to be able to live this way.

I’m grateful that my school district pays me to write curriculum in the summer and that I mostly enjoy that work. I enjoy organizing and planning for the new year.

I’m grateful that my hubby and I will have a little getaway this week to celebrate our anniversary. We met 19 years ago this week and got married 17 years ago. We’ve had a good journey and I am very grateful that we are both sober now and are enjoying our calmer life.

I’m grateful to have had a nice phone call with one of my sons and he is expressing interest in giving up drinking as well. He’s working very hard in his career and he wants to be able to always do his best. I’m grateful that he feels comfortable talking about this with me.

I’m grateful for this lovely quieter time in my life and the chance to practice the routines I will have in retirement. It’s 3 years away, so by the time I get to it, I will be skilled at this! Hahaha

I wish you all the best today. If you are in this part of the world, it’s just going to keep raining today.



Grateful for my gym :+1:

Grateful for my friends in recovery, who call me daily and invite me to meetings I haven’t tried yet (all the online meetings are awesome :clap:)

Grateful for coffee and cats, both of which are with me every day when I wake up :smile:


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful for getting through the busy push at work, and now having a week off. I’m grateful for a long weekend trip to cooler weather and pine trees. I’m grateful to watch the hummingbirds play around the feeder this morning, and that it’s overcast so I can enjoy sitting on my porch. I’m grateful life is simpler for me now, and I can keep it that way. And of course, I’m always grateful for the homethread, and all of you♥️


Grateful for cooler weather before the heatwave sets in tomorrow. Light spots of rain as we walked to Kilburn through Queens park. Refreshing and everywhere was vibrant and busy and alive.
Grateful to pop in the pet shop and find Blue the most perfect little toy peacock with real feathers. We got Bear a little fat mouse. Both were really happy with their toys and it fit their personality nicely. Blue ran off with his immediately, growling. :rofl:
Grateful for a lovely chilled morning, no gym, rest day. Just a stretch of the legs in my lovely city.
Grateful for a nice safe home and my health.
Grateful that cracking my phone screen wasn’t a big deal, I will live.


I’m grateful I didn’t fall asleep on the toilet last night. :cry:
I’m grateful I can play Prashanti Paz’s mantra on my new sound bar while enjoying my morning coffee and chanting out loud to myself.
I’m grateful I got a warm purry Alice on my lap.
I’m grateful my Paz meditation is still playing from her album Inner Light.
I’m grateful we will have a Gus day at a park after his nap.
I’m grateful I was able to putter around the house yesterday. I’m grateful too much puttering too little time.
I’m grateful we had fun at the comedy club Thursday night.
I’m grateful I know my roll in this disease.
I’m grateful I know what I can control. Fuck All!
I’m grateful I can sort of control my mornings and what I do until people in the world around me wake up.
I’m grateful for beautiful weather.
I’m grateful for the 24 hour local news channel. I’m grateful I don’t watch it much but it’s good to have and I’m trying to watch it some since it’s local.
I’m grateful there’s no fires around me.
I’m grateful I might just have to make a deal with Alice and get up with her on my lap to get my day going.
I’m grateful for this thread.
I’m grateful for my life and wife and children and pets and grandchildren and my DIL and SIL
I’m grateful for meetings and I got to get my ass to one. Tomorrow.
Love you guys.
“When it comes to life the critical thing is whether you take things for granted or take them with gratitude.”
G.K. Chesterton


Good morning my gratidudes,

Im so very greatful today for…

783 days free from weed and alcohol
Creeping up on almost 1 year free from nicotine
Down a few lbs since i went up last week, i hope to continue losing fat
Got my butt to the gym and had an awesome workout
Boscoe and i are able to communicate
Boscoes such a smart guy
Hubby and went to bed early last night
Hubbys doordashing for some extra cash
Air conditioning and a humidifier
Summer breeze
A young lady asked me to sponsor her, nervous, but will talk more tomorrow
My HP sent her my way because right before that i was wondering how i could step up my recovery
Meeting with my sponsor in a few for a healthy lunch
I can talk about this resentment im trying not to let build for my boss
My folks
My family
My home
A well supplied grocery store
I dont live in a food desert
I get to share my experience strength and hope

  • Grateful for every one of these 113 days sober

  • I pushed myself to meet former colleagues for lunch yesterday. Yes, it was triggering. But we helped each other through the trauma then. We have positive history, so as long as I am in town I will meet with them. I need to face triggering situations with grace and confidence. I am no longer an anxious mess,

  • Grateful for the uncertainty in my life. I have never been this lost and it’s a gift. All the intense planning and subsequently pivoting in life is exhausting. For once, I will go with the flow. It will change a lot.

  • That feeling of adventure is back. Like a child, I’m curious again.

  • Freedom. I have more freedom than I’ve ever had. I would not feel that if not sober. Those feelings were blunted by alcohol. Alcohol created illnesses, stupid crises, brought stupid people into the picture. It took away the lightness of heart and spirit.

  • Dreamy. This has happened in years. Maybe since childhood. That I could lean back, relax, and see myself enjoying new things with new people. They’re all sober and extremely good-looking, by the way. One of them is teaching me to ski.

  • Spirit has reappeared. I feel things now. It’s woo and amazing! :laughing: All the little nuances you don’t pick up drinking . There’s a lot more ‘something is wrong here…’ moments. And ‘this one here, absolutely this one!’ when you don’t just know logically, your spirit starts jumping in. ‘Spirit, is that you? What do you mean it just feels right? You aren’t just comparing total cost of ownership??’ :thinking: ahhh…the knowing! Where does that come from? Not from the beer aisle.

  • Fitness. Body is changing! I can’t seem to keep fit when drinking. My arms turn into blubber. I’ll lift while drinking and my muscles don’t want to grow. Because they’re not made of beer and green chile tortilla chips, it’s true. Real food. And they sure didn’t appear the first couple of months sore. Please don’t give up! Give sobriety time. I promise. I’m so grateful my body is changing at last

  • Grateful I can be a good friend now. I feel lonely so I need to be a friend to others.

  • Grateful for my Maine coon cat. She’s so chill. My 12 year old baby cat.

  • Hope. This is the biggest one. I had none before. I couldn’t see a future. I wouldn’t even look.

  • Grateful for you and TS. Saved my life. :heart:


Im so glad youre feeling the benefits of sobriety @Lighter i know the insomnia was tough, glad youre sticking around. Hope is a game changer for me too


I’m grateful I read your gratitude list today Marie. What a beautiful thing. I gratefully loved every bit of your list. The freedom, the spirit, the sense of adventure, the new found lightness of heart, going with the flow. I’m grateful to be working on that going with the flow thing.
Congrats on every 113 ODAAT Marie
Love it all :heart:


Today I’m grateful that my sobriety has opened doors, I do house sitting, pet sitting. I could not have done this whilst drinking, I’d be so resentful of not being able to drink or I’d get really drunk and make a mess or not care for the dogs. I’m grateful to enjoy being sober.
I’m grateful to enjoy a peaceful afternoon here after a busy morning. Just me, the dogs and my book, perfect.
I’m grateful to be going home tomorrow though to get back into my normal routine.
I’m grateful to be here :sparkling_heart:


Thank you, Eric, I’m glad you enjoyed reading it :blush:


Happy Anniversary! Have a wonderful getaway!