Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Today I am especially grateful for:

  • waking up early after a good night‘s sleep
  • for several nights in a row without anxiety, panic attacks and insomnia
  • getting my errands done before the day‘s heat
  • nicely chatting with Mrs J
  • having a nicely cleaned flat
  • having my monthly review done; a good look back on the last month and things that are done, a good look on how matters are right now, and an interesting outlook on the next month
  • the feeling of summer vacations being just around the corner and all the excitement that comes with them
  • good food
  • a good walk through the woods
  • very invigorating yoga practice
  • getting news about my mum‘s appointment at her doc, meaningful test results, and a path forward on her health issues
  • having an internet connection back again
  • getting stuff done
  • looking forward to Recovery Dharma
  • good books
  • my daughter
  • this day

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Evening gratitude.
I’m grateful for a relaxing afternoon and evening on the balcony with cats, book, tea and time to think. It was wonderful. I got one summer day fitting for me and my needs. Very grateful for it.

I’m grateful I took a break, fetched the mail, planted 5 tomato plants, reorganized the toolbox, puttered around a bit and in a blink 1 hour was gone. So much done :pray:
I’m grateful I was outside when the parcel delivery came around. I guess that’s no coincidence, it’s the flow of the day. I’m grateful for flow🙏

I’m grateful I noticed Missi going in and out of the litterbox only peeing a little bit. Vet appointment tomorrow morning. Now my sweet furball is warming my legs :heart:

I’m grateful I do the best I can. Life is lifey sometimes. I prey it’s treatable. The horror of having to put down Penny immediately because her short breating wasn’t asthma but a giant tumor 5 years ago is still a trauma.
I’m grateful I don’t have to care about vet costs. I’m grateful I always have enough money for caring properly for my cats. I’m grateful I spend my money on cats and a good life. I’m grateful I don’t need much for myself.

I’m grateful I include the ex in my prayers today. Don’t know why. Just feel like doing it. I pray and meditate for all I love. Sure a small part of me still loves him. I’m grateful the major part of me is grateful and content how it is. Without him. Can’t imagine dealing with this cat health issues and him by my side. I would be a nervous wreck, forgetting to take care of ME first. For sure not calmly sitting in the deckchair with a sleeping Missi on my lap enjoying her warm fluffiness :heart:

This post got a bit derailed … I’m grateful I got all this off my chest. It’s a wonderful day for living in the moment. ODAAT

  • All the uncomfortable truths about so many things. Yep it will set me free. If I’m honest, I’ve made a lot of progress in not only accepting truth, but taking hard actions as a result. I can’t pretend anymore and it’s not Backwards Day.
  • Recovery. Without it I would be doomed.
  • Hope that gets me through the crushing loneliness. I’m on the right path. I’ve got people in my corner. They may not be at my house, but they’re in my heart.
  • Easier time of it, when it comes to the obsession of alcohol. I just don’t consider it as an option. Took months to get here.
  • Little signs. Suddenly I’ll see something or someone that I didn’t expect, and they have something to help me keep my chin up
  • Fresh groceries
  • A thinner but angrier fat kitty on a diet :laughing:. Ok hon…just let me finish this post…
  • Grief. That I can feel it.
  • 118 days of sobriety
  • Dealing with hard things. I have some real courage now. Sobriety brings true courage, there is no such thing as liquid courage.
  • you! My friend: Where would I be without you?



I’m grateful to be finally on my way home tomorrow!!! I’m grateful for making it through this stressful time and thankful everything has turned out well. I’m grateful that my friend is doing better and is well enough to travel. I’m grateful that all turned out okay in the end and I did it all without drinking! I’m grateful to be able to see my dogs in 2 days time when all my travel home is finished!!!


I’m grateful to be back on my healthy eating routine. My low carb plan will kick start my weight loss before my hols.
Grateful to finish work today and have an hour on the sun lounger in the garden.
Grateful I allowed myself to be mad earlier and the other person knew it. I’m fairly easy going but something they said just got my goat.
Grateful for early nights, :sparkling_heart:


Grateful to have water in this weather.
Grateful for a plan to travel away in the next 30 hours for a couple of much needed cooler days
Grateful my cats are smart
Grateful for freezer leftovers
Grateful for a working shower
Grateful for London and it being my home for this past twenty years :heart:


I am grateful today

AA MEETING this morning
Daughter came and helped with chores
Auto mechanic who unlocked drivers side door (after hip surgery, you know how hard it is to climb over the console to exit the passenger door?)
Farmer’s Market tonight with friend and live music
For God giving me wisdom and patience to not over react with every little crisis


@skhan So grateful that you are ok. The cuts and bruises will heal and this may be the one event to get you on the sober track. Don’t worry about what others think. This is your life and your path. Sending strength friend.
@juli1 Love seeing you on the gratitude thread. Much love dear friend :hugs: :heart:
@trustybird Sending you love and hugs friend. Hoping that you are able to pivot with ease. Remember that you are not alone :people_hugging:
@davina_davis Shut the front door! WHAT? Goats to eat the weeds? I am in love with everything about this. Enjoy the morning bleating :hugs:
@acromouse Glad you have a path forward for your moms health issues. Hope all is well and she will recover with ease :pray:
@erntedank Hoping all is well with Missi :pray: Sending positive healing vibes her way. :hugs:

Practing gratefulness with you amazing souls!
Today I am so very grateful for …

  • Waking up and taking it easy. It was cloudy enough so i did not have to rush to get in my walk and swim. Grateful i was able to do both with ease
  • For my amazing yoga today - body really did feel the stretches and i am thankful for that
  • Going to the clinic prepared to spend an hour waiting to pick up a test kit and having no line!
  • Finding out that i have more blood work needed. Wasn’t prepared for it today but will do on Friday when i have to return the kit.
  • Taking apart my bathroom sink and getting it unclogged. It is much easier taking that plumbing apart then it is putting it together. Grateful i finally got it all put back and the water is flowing with ease again.
  • My sister is sending me articles and other tests i can do to help figure out what is going on with my health.
  • Finding the store that carries my favorite vegan chocolate bar. Picked up 3 bars - grateful that they will last me a long while.
  • Comedy and laughter. It really is what got me through the darker days
  • Mobility. I am in awe with myself everyday and pray that i can continue with this routine. I am feeling free and really loving the outdoors.
  • For seeing my favorite dog yesterday. I was getting worried as i had not seen him for almost 4 weeks (was about to knock on door and ask the owners what happened). He always greets me on my walk with a high jump and nod
  • For my family, my HP, my daily practices and routines, for my healing health, for this chance to live life on life’s terms - clean and sober!
  • For all you beautiful souls! You all make this journey so much easier and i’m grateful.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Grateful for a less humid day. Grateful to be halfway through the work week. Grateful for a clear mind and a lower stress day. Grateful to be home before 8pm. I got more but this is enough for today :smile:



Day 180.
Knowing that whatever happens I am worthy of good things. I have led my life in support of people and that counts.
All of you and other people doing this work.


Today I’m grateful for

-A kitchen full of food
-Having a steady, manageable lunch shift by myself
-The generosity of so many customers
-The rain that started when I got out of work and cooled the air
-The motivation to do the dishes
-My extraordinary patience, that I never thought would return after my last relationship
-Being able to deal with my 10yo’s sleepover while being exhausted
-My daughter not being as hyper as other kids
-My cuddly kitties
-Free leftovers from work
-Pain relievers that help my head/neck when needed
-Nice smelling candles
-Having time to catch up around here
-Feeling like a part of this community
-Learning new things about myself everyday
-My daughter’s happiness
-A day off tomorrow


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful

My recovery, i dont have to drink at situations anymore
I got thru a long, frustrating meeting yesterday
Time with hubby and Boscoe
Hot coffee
Clean water
Air conditioning
Chats with sober friends
This amazing community
Its almost friday payday


I’m grateful for

My bone tumour not being cancer.
My sons health is good.
My health is okay.
The time I got with Basil in our family and that I got dig and bury him myself and he lay to rest in our family pet cemetery - not alone.
I’m grateful they catio is finished.
I’m grateful for the birds I noticed that they built a nest behind a loose brick on my back garden wall.
I’m grateful to feed them and give them a bird bath so they can live their happily. I also put a nesting box with nesting wool inside just incase they need.
I’m grateful for the sunny weather it a natural mood lifter for me.
I’m grateful for my sister she is so lovely :rose:
Grateful for food and clean water.
Grateful for this community as always :hugs:


Grateful my checked moles are clear and not anything worrying for now.
Grateful the Dr has prescribed me ultra strong steroids and antibiotics and antihistamines now as I am on week five of insect bite drama…
Grateful for a cool fine breeze today
Grateful Bluey wanted a tonne of cuddles today. I did too.
Grateful for this changed weather :thermometer:
Grateful for coffee
Grateful for podcasts
Grateful for thinking
Grateful for words
Grateful for the invention of fiery ginger beer
Grateful for lists
Grateful for my six months sober today.


6 months :heart_eyes_cat:
Ya snuck that in there :smirk_cat:


Congratulations on your 6 months :fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::sparkler::fireworks::star:


I am grateful for:

  • the weather will cool down soon
  • food
  • a swim
  • a small talk with a lifeguard
  • being connected
  • the new contract
  • possibilities
  • privileges (might sound weird, but yeah I am very aware thar I am privileged)
  • healthy environment
  • no bullshit guys in my life :sweat_smile:

I’m grateful I been waking up on my own at around 5:30 to get my chores and coffee done so I can get Benson out by 7 am. I’m grateful I don’t have to get up at 4:30 in the desert to walk him by 5:45. I’m grateful I wake up with a mantra going on in my head for a delightful ear worm. I’m grateful for my sleep meditation on my grateful Insight Timer app.

I’m grateful for catio time after dinner last night it was nice and relaxing. I’m grateful I choose that with a leisurely home cooked meal instead of frantically rushing to get to a meeting instead.

I’m grateful my new handyman showed up again on time to take pics to work up an estimate.

I’m grateful I got a kick ass day today and I’m finding time for gratitude and time to take care of myself, before workers and deliveries. I’m grateful this house will not kill me. I’m grateful when the Dallas contingent shows up a week from Saturday with their fucking dogs. Boxers :scream: it’s not gonna kill me. I’m grateful whatever work gets done gets done.

I’m grateful my daughter feels comfortable enough to drop Gus off for 4 hours Saturday afternoon :scream: as they have to attend a celebration of life. I’m grateful that will not kill me either. I’m grateful I’ll be ready. :joy::joy::joy: ready? That’s funny :grin: I’m grateful I’ll be ready, to just go with the flow and play Pop Pop.

I’m grateful if every morning I wake up to step 1. It’s not so bad. I’m grateful I can carry myself to step 2 when I listen to a speaker on Al-Anon or AA speaker app on my walk with Benson to start my day.
I’m grateful for Tom W

I’m grateful to stop by and maybe later get caught up here in between workers and deliveries.

“Gratitude is a powerful catalyst for happiness. It’s the spark that lights a fire of joy in your soul.”
Amy Collette


I’m grateful that my mood from yesterday did in fact shift.
I’m grateful I recognize my moods now. As a drinker I was often depressed, now I get the array. With that array comes the occasional giddy joy. I love that.
I’m grateful for my husband.
I’n grateful for my girlfriends of 30+ years. I’m grateful we’ve been friends this long and I’m grateful we still like each other.
I’m grateful for a day off tomorrow and my ever growing to do list. Maybe I’ll get some stuff done tomorrow, maybe I won’t.
I’m grateful for a new friend at work. We are going to take the motorcycle basics safety course together which has been a goal of mine for YEARS.
I am grateful that my buddy @Tragicfarinelli has been sober for half a year today. Hell yeah girl!


Today I am especially grateful for:

  • @TrustyBird‘s dancing cat gif, really hot stuff :joy:
  • my first ‚run‘ of the ‚run your butt off‘ program
  • my butt which I am very much like and don‘t want to run off
  • having booked a place to stay with cooking facilities in Utrecht for my trip in about a month
  • today‘s heat being ok for me
  • having my hair nicely cut
  • feeling better with the portion sizes I decided today on
  • having moved forward with my digital prototypes and sorted out several things that felt like blockage until now
  • my daughter‘s doc calling back with her lab results and everything being a ok
  • having done the errands I needed to get done in the city
  • having a fan in my bedroom
  • expecting the heat to drop significantly this night
  • ear plugs
  • relaxing yoga
  • mindfulness training and being able to access open and friendly awareness
  • Recovery Dharma I am looking forward to this evening
  • life
  • summer
  • this day

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars: