Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Congratulations!!!:tada: 11 months is awesome


11 months! Right on and congratulations!:tada::confetti_ball::balloon:


Grateful today

119 days sober
Attended AA meeting (been awhile since surgery)
Dinner guest tonight lovely to catch up
Laundry task completed
Funds for fill up of gas for car
Seeing GOD answer prayers


Congratulations on your double digits :tada::tada: keep going strong :muscle:t4:


So awesome love!!! Way to go friend. Excited to be on this journey with you love!



Great job Keeks.
Congrats on the 11 months AFAF


Tonight I’m grateful that I’m finally sitting down after a really hectic, yet surprisingly good night at work, with enough time to catch up around here before getting a good nights sleep for work in the am.


I am grateful this morging for birdsong at 5 in the morning. They sure sound happy. I am grateful for summer harvest from my little garden patch, especially the garden flowers I got to pick and bring home. I am grateful my need for beauty is easily satisfied. I am grateful summer is here. I am grateful for laughter and kind and gentle jokes. I used to be a real cynic and thought it was such good and witty humour to put people and things down. I am grateful this is not me anymore. I am grateful for positive people in my life. I am grateful I can be there for my friends. I am grateful I let them be there for me as well.
I am grateful for this place - I come here. Dark days get lighter. Light days turn into radiant ones. Wishing you all a faboulous day, grati-people. :orange_heart:


Good busy life and 11 months!!! That’s a reason to dance :+1::sunflower::man_dancing::dancer::dancing_men::women_with_bunny_ears::dancing_women: Congratulations @Dilettante Kiki !!!


Today I’m overflowing with gratitude :pray:

Rain at night and a cool morning, aired house cooled down, got 5 hours of good sleep, not even the nightmares bother me today.

Working around the house getting lots of things done and organized, enjoying the breeze that airs the house, mojo is good today (at least for inhouse work) :pray:

Cats, especially the old boy doing great with the cooler temperatures :pray:

Still leftovers for a yummi lunch :pray:

OMG I got so much done this morning, I’m happy, full and tired after lunch, sitting on the balcony, enjoying the cool wind, soaking up this weather like a battery loading :pray:
Grateful for cats Where my cat people? #3 - #2235 by erntedank

Deeply grateful for the calm, peace, kindness, love, joy and gratitude I feel.

Gonna get a book and take a reading nap in my deckchair now. For the first time since april. I’ve been up for 6 hours and accomplished more than in a slow week. Time to rest, center myself and live in the moment. ODAAT :pray:


Morning sober tribe

Im so very greatful for…

Slower starts in the morning
787 days free
My love for numbers
Boscoe cuddles
Hubbys kisses
Family is safe after a storm last night


God saved me last night. I crashed my bike and walked away with only a few cuts and bruises. I have to face the world today with a lot of shame with everyone in my small town knowing what I did.

I’m grateful for life.

I’m grateful to see my kids going to the last day of school.

I’m grateful for knowing in my heart that I need to change.


I’m grateful you’re alive and checking in with us Skhan
Welcome home my friend.

“Your sober date changes, but that’s all that changes. You know everything you knew before, as long as you were able to fight your way back without dying, you learn a lot.”
Matthew Perry

I hope you see you around the forum


I will be there in spirit in a chair on your balcony. Sounds lovely and calm. The calmness is what we are all looking for.


Sorry about crashed bike. Hope you are ok. Good to see you back here. Take care my friend.


Back to gratitude :bouquet::cherry_blossom:

I am grateful:

To be sober
To be healthy
To have hope
To have possibilities
To get the job with mostly all points that were important to me and even a bit higher salary then my demand
To step into a new world beginning of September

To love
To be able to love
To be loved
To be save
To have food


Glad you’re ok. And you’re here. It could be the day that changes everything :people_hugging:


I’m grateful to wake up rested sober and hangover free.
I’m grateful for text messaging.

I’m grateful for Tom W. On my Al-Anon speakers app. Especially part 2. Self acceptance is the key.
I’m grateful when he quoted the Bible and he said, “it doesn’t matter if it happened or not.” Listen for the message. It was about Adam and Eve and original sin. I’m grateful for my open mind and to look at things differently.

I’m grateful for the new book I just downloaded Addiction and Grace
Love and spirituality in the healing of addictions.
Gerald May

I’m grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful Alice seems pretty good and awake this day.
I’m grateful we got 1 cheap rug delivered and installed in our exercise/office room. I’m grateful it was cheap so it was very light and easy to carry in.

I’m grateful my new handyman seems very nice and knowledgeable and kind. I’m grateful my SIL loves his work and was here when we met yesterday at my house. And the Gus was with him.

I’m grateful I’m so overwhelmed and just can’t let go and stop thinking of what needs to be done next. Well, grateful I can recognize it anyway. I’m grateful I’m taking this time to relax and sit and do some gratitude work.
I’m grateful I got Benson walked at 7.
I’m grateful Alice was purring on my lap from 6:30 to 7 when I had to give her the boot so I could walk Benson before it got too hot. Sorry Al :cry:

I’m grateful I feel pretty good currently and hope to get on my reformer next and see what the day brings.

I’m grateful I’m prepared to be swamped Thursday and Friday and possibly Saturday with more deliveries and the chimney guys are finally getting here to start their repairs. Yay! Boo!

I’m grateful for you all keeping the lights on here on my home thread.
Where your treasure is, there will your heart be also.


I’m grateful I woke up today.
I’m grateful for very strong coffee.
I’m grateful I can feel a tough emotional spell coming, hopefully I can pivot.
I’m grateful that I love my job so much that I don’t care (mostly) that I got tricked into training the new guy. I’m grateful I think I will have the emotional reserves to do that.
I’m grateful I have friends who love me and reach out to me. I’m grateful they understand when I tell them my work/life balance lacks life these days.
I’m grateful that even on kind of low days like today my brain knows to reach out for connection.
Thanks for bring here folks. I’m grateful for you. 🩷


Hi grateful people :purple_heart:

I am grateful for the goats that our HOA sent to eat the weeds behind our house. They’re so fun to watch and wake up to their bleats in the AM.

I’m grateful for coffee and chocolate and tacos.

I’m grateful for you all, as always :heart: