Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I was aiming for slightly unsettling and (as always) a little weird. :wink::heart_eyes_cat:


Today I’m grateful for a busy day. I’m tired and early to bed.
I’m grateful Missi will be ok, have to give her meds for a couple of days, blood tests are ok, a tooth needs to be done in 3 weeks, she lost weight. Thank you @JazzyS and all who thought of her :pray: I feel relief and have faith I can handle this.

I’m grateful for all here who get better with their health. Sending healing vibes to all who struggle with health issues :people_hugging::cherry_blossom:

I’m grateful my therapist is understanding, had to cancel our appointment today because of vet. First things first.
I’m grateful breath meditations and focused timeouts helped me through yesterday evening and today.

I’m grateful the mower is repaired, I do hope I find time to fetch it tomorrow. If not it’s ok. I’m grateful I get help tomorrow with mounting lamps. First things first.
I’m grateful everything I can prepare is ready. Or at least I hope so.
I’m grateful I jumped over my shadow and bought a new ladder that must only be used indoor. I was fed up with always cleaning every piece the ex stored somewhere before it can be used inside the house without making everything dirty. That hurts somehow because there must be 3 ladders outside anywhere burried in the high grass. My life, my rules.

I’m grateful I got some chores done. I dislike being behind on chores. I like the house neat and tidy allthough I am not very good in keeping up with the necessary fumbling :see_no_evil: I’m grateful I do the best I can :pray:

I’m grateful for Missi on my lap on the balcony. We enjoy the evening and cool breeze.
I’m grateful tonight I’ll get 8 hours of solid sleep thanks to sleeping meds. Last night was crappy with thunderstorm and nightmares. I’m grateful I take a shower before bed. I need it. ODAAT

  • I’m grateful to be celebrating 4 months this weekend! Longest I’ve gone in 10 years. I had six years then, so a ways to go for a PR, but it’s a lifestyle. The counting part is less important. Except for now…haha

  • Feeling brighter than this morning.

  • My cool, quiet and peaceful home.

  • Walking into your closet and having your favorite clothes fit again is a wonderful feeling. No more drunken bloat.

  • Financial security

  • Friendship

  • you!


Thank you @Lighter @JazzyS @erntedank @tailee17 @Dazercat I’m grateful for you and your support :blush:


@twizzlers So grateful that the bone tumor is not cancer :pray: You are absolutely the sweetest – grateful that you are looking after the birds and providing them with such love and care :hugs:
@tragicfarinelli WOOT WOOT! 6 months is amazing work friend. Grateful that the moles checked out clear. Fiery ginger beer? OOH that sounds lovely. What brand is it?
@lighter Yeah to coming up on 4 months. You had the 6 years which is impressive work and you know you can do it again. Each day sober is a day won! Great work Marie

Practicing gratefulness on this beautiful Thursday :hugs:

I am so very grateful for …

  • waking up early and getting in a lovely walk / swim before the heat kicked in
  • for takiing a scenic route to do the delivery today
  • for being available and able to do tomorrow’s deliveries
  • for staying on top of the workouts for this months challenge
  • for getting all my errands run and now being comfy at home catching up on TS
  • leftover pizza
  • air fryer to warm up said pizza - turns out so crisp and perfect - almost better reheated.
  • for scheduling my dental appointment (they called me thankfully as i most likely would have forgotten to call) - It is in November (luckily i am on the wait list)
  • for getting the pool to myself since most people do not enjoy early morning swims
  • for my family! For my HP and my connection to Him. For meditating / praying to keep me feeling peaceful and connected.
  • For all of YOU! Thank you for being a part of my journey.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Grateful for your posts, Jasmine! Always brightens my day. Thank you :blush:


Sweet of you to say Marie – thank you love. Hope you are having a wonderful day :hugs:


Grateful for good weather, so I can work outdoors.

Grateful for helpful staff at the store, who helped me get my equipment fixed up and operating properly.

Grateful for clients who communicate clearly and appreciate my attention to detail.


I am truly grateful today. God has blessed me special .

4 months sober
AA Meeting and my AA caring friends who are always there for me
My daughter who has helped so much with household tasks
My husband who recognized how hard I have worked on cleaning and organizing the house. “The house looks great” statement from my husband


Thursday Gratitude
Another day with low humidity
A smooth day at the shop
Tomorrow’s Friday
A nice dinner
630 days free of the poison.


Grateful today for…

  1. Organizing and cleaning up my house, schedule and life.

  2. Kids being home for summer vacation. Today was day one, it was nice not having the running around and all that goes into a school day.

  3. My new job, it’s going amazing. Sucks we are planning to strike next week but it is what it is.

  4. Just taking time to reflect on good parts of the day, something I didn’t do for a very long time.

Enjoy the night everyone!


Today I am grateful for

-Ending up in a good mood after a funky feeling afternoon
-Getting my laundry done
-Being able to rest for a while afterwards, childless
-A sunny day cool enough to wear leggings
-Forcing myself to get off the couch and spend time outside
-There being a decent band playing at the car show
-Remembering how much I used to (secretly)drink at said car show(or anywhere I went) and wondering how I could ever be like that
-Never being affected when others are drinking around me
-Walking the nature paths bc my daughter wanted to, even tho I didn’t want to at first(bc you start by walking up a giant hill)
-Seeing a groundhog and a few deer up close on the walk
-My daughter wanting to go to bed early tonight after staying up so late last night
-Having my usual peaceful, quiet evening to wind down


Hey jazzy.

These are really lovely and our two go to ones:


Resting in the deckchair for some ME time and gratitude on a cool morning with Missi on my lap. I’m heartfelt grateful for the silent, peace and comfort here on the farm. Feeling blessed :heart:

I’m grateful I woke up at 4.30 and started with all the little household tasks that 2,5 hours later make the house look a lot more tidy and organized. I’m grateful every (mini)task done counts.

I’m grateful I recognized that I started to get stressed and nervous. I’m grateful I took a break to pause and get some ME time to focus on myself. That’s so important and I’m glad I am practicing this tool these days. I tend to forget it, so double grateful.

I’m grateful everything is prepared for lamp mounting. I found all tools I was too tired to assort yesterday. 7 hours of solid sleep do wonders!

I had a weird, creepy dream that made me feel uncomfortable in many ways. I’m grateful I can sit with it later. First things first. Next is shower. If Missi let me stand up :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


Thank you for sharing…these sound amazing. Will hopefully be able to find something similar here or possibly request a World Market to import them.


789 days, i like the progression

Good morning sober fam,

Im greatful this thread is so alive, brings a smile to my face
Friday payday
My favorite aa meeting
Compliments when i threw on a dress yesterday
Boscoe cuddles, hes my buddy
Hubby picked up a shift
Time with hubby this weekend
Hubby has a few days off next week, he deserves the rest
Got the budget to cfo for the finance committee review, it doesnt look pretty but i think its accurate, or as accurate as it’ll get given all the moving fuckin pieces
I decided to take a couple days vacation between midyear budget and next year budget
A job that keeps me busy
Dreams about traveling
Therapy tomorrow
Time with my folks
My freedoms


These are all such awesome things! Lean into them and enjoy all that is around you :slight_smile:


Grateful for a good nights sleep, the feeling of clarity in my mind during a morning at work and the ability to be able to make the positive changes in my life that are important to me.

Looking forward to enjoying some good food with my girlfriend today and getting in some exercise.


Friday gratitude
A cool morning with some light rain
Waking up at 4am feeling recharged
A good workout
My mood
Business is good
Taking Sunday off
A busy week
Living life


Evening gratitude. Oh boy, this day had some annoyances.
I’m grateful my acquaitances will shop the missing parts to mount the lamps next week. I’m grateful for good chats and professional help.

I’m grateful I’m NOT stressed out by the internet provider telling me bullshit and refusing to repair the WLAN without costs. I’ll figure it out myself, I don’t pay 119 euro per hour for some dumbass electronic bullshit chaos they caused. for this rate I can buy a completely new mesh :see_no_evil: Time for fumbling modems and routers … I hate it.

When I went to the office to claim this months rate being credited as I had no internet … bam. The PC obviously had one blackout / hard shutdown too much and goes in ennervating blue screen loops demanding a fucking number nobody ever needs and when entered this dammed thing won’t start whatever I tried for hours. Last time i’ve seen blue screen fuckery was 20 years ago. Sarcastic ME feels melancholic about the “good old days”. I’m grateful I’ll get some help with this patient next week. I’m grateful I’m old school and have a mobile phone. Will do it until all this mimimi equipment works again. I’m grateful I have to leave my comfort zone to solve these problems. Feels like it’s time to step up. Not happy, I want to cuddle up on the couch and wait until heat is over, not plague my poor mushbrain with catching up on IT problems and solutions. I do the best I can.

I’m grateful it’s bedtime and tomorrow a new day and yummi breakfast wait for me. ODAAT