Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’m gratefully exhausted for watching plumbers all day. Actually grateful I been watch my pets all day so they don’t get out.

I’m grateful to be out of a week of HVAC hell and into a week of plumbing hell. I’m grateful I’ll be able to take a hot shower tonight. If they ever leave. I’m grateful they are very nice guys and very good plumbers. Not that I went to plumbing school but they seem to know what they are doing. Or professionally have me fooled.

I’m grateful I noticed I left my car lights on last night. Battery is dead. Grateful I’ll get it going when I get it going. Grateful I got 2 other cars.

Grateful the water is turned on.
I’m grateful I got the sink dishes that were piled up clean.
I’m grateful for indoor plumbing and running water.

I’m grateful I stopped by the home thread.

And I’m so grateful I’m sober and I can act calmly through this and most everything.


Birthdays sober are the best.
Good for you Gurl :partying_face:


Congratulations on your 60 days Laner.
That’s HUGE!!!


I’m grateful there’s a new gratitude thread.

I’m grateful I don’t drink. I’m grateful I don’t want to drink. I’m grateful I’m under no illusion that I can drink.

My mom has to move, she is declining and her needs have changed. I’m grateful I can face my emotions around this, and that I made plans over the next few weeks to get her ready and see this move through.
Sibling tension has always been high. I’m grateful I can maintain boundaries and also not get hooked into the low-hanging fruit of conflict and drama.
I’m super grateful for my therapist and the session we had, that he incorporates stuff from recovery dharma, that we share laughs and tears and a few f-bombs for good measure. :wink:

I’m grateful for the late migration of geese today and all their honking.
I’m grateful for the unseasonably cool weather - it will warm up again.

I’m grateful for my bed, for good rest, the sun and the dog girl waking me before my alarm, for knowing I have everything I need in this moment.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Happy Birthday lovely @Davina_Davis !

I’m also grateful to see @Matt and @CATMANCAM and @TMAC and always @EarnIt!

I’m grateful to @DuncanNZ for starting this thread :pray: and to @Dazercat and @I.cant.We.can for keeping it alive for so many posts. :orange_heart:


With the random, unwelcome lows I experienced this past week, I feel this thread would do me some good. I feel grateful for many things in my life, but probably not daily, or by putting any real thought into it. So, today I’m grateful for…

-474 days without a drink
-Never craving a drink for 99.9% of those days
-Having had this beautiful day off to recharge for the week to come
-My job, which is filled with the most supportive people one could ask for :pray:
-Being present while spending time with my daughter
-Accepting boredom, and not feeling like I always have to be going somewhere or doing something
-Having an apartment to be bored in
-My 2 loving kitties :heart_eyes_cat:
-The 24/7 Bob Ross channel
-The fact I’m beginning to feel tired earlier than usual
-Every one of you :heart:

I can already tell how taking this time to focus on the good will help keep me in a positive head space. I’d like to say I plan on doing this first thing in the morning, but I sometimes tend to get lost in here, or my phone in general, when I pick it up too early in the day. Time will tell :relieved:


Thank you for the much appreciated birthday salutations, my friends!! So, so very grateful for you @Steve14 @jbaldwin84 @JazzyS @Dazercat @M-be-free49. Means a lot :people_hugging:🫶🏻:heart:


Same here on that feeling. Made me think of what I’m grateful for. Since deciding to put down the drink and quit my bartending job without a clue on what’s to come, things have really been coming together. Had a second interview today to get back into a salaried supervising manufacturing gig. Was always hard to do with my drinking and always wanting that bartending money and lifestyle. Man if I had stayed and all the years I would have towards retirement by now. I was such a lost baffoon thinking I was cool and living the best life. I’m sure I got the job. I’m grateful for that. Kind of excited to calm my frkn life down a bit


I could buy a house with the money I’ve spent on habits, but lets not dwell on ‘what ifs’ :slightly_smiling_face:‍↔ After all the “fun” I’ve had, I’m content living in peace in my little apartment. Embrace the boredom! Good luck with the job :four_leaf_clover:


Grateful for my wife, whose personal work exploring her emotions has helped her to be emotionally available to me at my times of vulnerability.

Grateful for a sunny day today, good for finishing exterior painting.

Grateful for anger, which helps me to see when things are out of balance and I need to take action to set boundaries and expectations.


Im greatful that …

Im sober
Today is a new day
Saved nearly $5k since quiting vaping
My self awareness
My hubby, my rock
Boscoe, my emotional support animal
Late start at work
Emergency savings
Got my car back


I’m grateful for easy and painless travel today! I’m grateful for good laughs with my friend and to have found good people to ride to the capital with. I’m grateful for a good mood today and feeling like I’m in a good place. I’m grateful for cheesecake and coffee! Such a special treat! I’m grateful for a hot shower and a good place to stay overnight. I’m grateful for a friend to travel with and am now really looking forward to this trip.


I’m grateful I was able to jump start my car last night. I’m grateful I thought to take it for a 20 minute ride. I’m grateful it started this morning. I’m grateful it won’t be in the way where the plumbers will be working today.

I’m grateful Alice spent time sleeping on my neck last night. And early in the morning. I’m grateful I was up too early this morning getting things done to sit and have plumbers in my house all day.

I’m grateful, yes, we knew all this shit that had to be done on the house. I’m grateful we both love it and bought it anyway. I’m grateful none of it is surprising.

I’m grateful the Chilies :hot_pepper: down the road is a good one. I’m grateful for sandwich store apps.
I’m grateful for running water. I’m grateful for hot water.

I’m grateful I enjoyed my coffee in quiet this morning like all mornings since I got back from Italy. I’m grateful I had Mavy on my lap and saw a busy couple of hummingbirds out the window instead of being on my screen doing this :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: or that :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m grateful for the different birdsong here and the familiar gamble quail @M-be-free49 that keep me in the moment. And the froggy choir is still on going in the evening.

I’m grateful we got some catio furniture coming today. For us not the cats :smile_cat: I’m grateful we have a dresser coming tomorrow. I’m grateful for my wife’s online furniture shopping skills.

I’m grateful being stuck here also keeps me busy unpacking. I’m so grateful to be living where I’m living and settling down.

I’m grateful I don’t drink.
I’m grateful I sleep well.
I’m grateful for the home thread going gangbusters.
:pray:t2::heart: :blue_heart: 🩷 :green_heart: :orange_heart: :brown_heart:

We are only as blind as
we want to be.

Maya Angelou


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful we got through the “graduation “ party at my house, which quickly turned into a family party for my mother in law. I’m grateful I knew that would happen, and was mentally prepared for all the garbage that went with it. I’m grateful my son and nephew felt celebrated and got some graduation money. And I’m very grateful it’s over :joy:. I’m grateful I rested good last night. I’m grateful to have the home thread to visit every day. I’m grateful for love and forgiveness :heart:


Hey girl :wave:
Look at you popping in at 6 months sober
I’m so grateful I didn’t miss this.


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
I am grateful I was not stuck in anxiety all day today.
I am grateful I could go through a fairly normal day today.
I am grateful I got to work on my prototype. I am grateful I was able to build a good foundation for the structural elements in my game and can start building more of a structure tomorrow.
I am grateful the sun finally showed up a bit after all those dreary days.
I am grateful for yoga during some of the worst mood swings today.
I am grateful for my class today, for easy grocery shopping.
I am grateful my ex took care of our daughter’s doc appointment.
I am grateful for TV, podcasts and books.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I am grateful for Narcotics Anonymous.

I am grateful that I am an addict in recovery. I am proud to be a clean addict.

I am grateful that I can support my sponsees and keep them safe at their appointments.

I am grateful that the fear I have of losing the connection I have with my HP is huge.

I am grateful that as i sit here at a methadone clinic I can do a Tonglen meditation to turn these suffering addicts pain into white healing light.

I am grateful for my life.
I am grateful I am clean
I am grateful for God.


Today I am grateful for old friends. I’m grateful for my job, I hope I always find it as fascinating as I do today. I am grateful for the never-ending work of self-improvement and new workout moves that I will have to look up.

Mostly I’m grateful I woke up sober today.

Thinking back on the cycle of drink, beat yourself up mentally for drinking, drink again keeps me on the right path.


I am grateful husband drove me to Bay Area for physical therapy, I am grateful I can eventually lay down and just sleep. Grateful for 98 days sober


Today I’m grateful for alternatives. Options.

I’m grateful I comfort the cats during thunderstorms. Again. This evening. The house vibrated. I fucking hate this shitty weather.

I’m grateful my ex showed up today and checked the landslide. Fortunately it’s no big deal. Man, I am so pissed with this fucking rain. I’m grateful we both are pissed about the the still undelivered expertise, 7 weeks delay without any notice, fuck those useless “experts” and lazy courts. I’m grateful we were friendly and civil today.

I’m grateful for HALT. I need to take better care of eating.

I’m grateful for planting and starting to change the balcony into summer mode. Will take a while. Especially when the cats always play with my stuff or grab my dress to play with it :smile:

I’m grateful for a very long call with a dear friend yesterday. And a post vaccation chat with another friend today. And lots of texting. I’m grateful for modern amenities to stay in touch.

I’m grateful I can work and live at my pace. Still navigating my way step by step, every babystep counts.

I’m grateful for breath meditation, it helped me through a codependent outburst after the ex left.

I’m grateful I’m safe, free, feel good, have my shit together just for today. I’m grateful for the wonderful house I live in, for the comfort and security it gives me, for a fridge full of food and a hot shower, for catcuddles and friendly people, for hanging around and thinking about stuff, for a well equipped workshop and potassium soap, for the dishwasher, cloth washer, clean toilets and making tomorrow ME happy. ODAAT :pray: