Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

@just_laura so lovely to see you on the G Thread – glad that you are already feeling the positivity from practicing gratitude. It really is the one thing that’s kept me on the positive track (even on days I can’t write and only read here).
@jbaldwin84 Fingers crossed on your interview – love reading life coming together after sobriety. Amazing how we can put our energy towards positive outcomes! Keep it going JB.
@laner grateful that the travel was painless – hope you are able to enjoy your trip. Coffee and cheesecake :yum: sounds like you started it off right :laughing:
@dazercat Grateful that the house is coming together without too much of an inconvenience. Grateful that you have running water—ooh and finally hot water to boot!
@trustybird Great to see you here practicing gratitude Emilie! Another day sober is always something to be grateful for :hugs:

Tuesday gratefulness :hugs:
I am so grateful for another day alive and working towards my healing.
I am so grateful that i was able to work the festival this weekend. Grateful that i got through it all even when i forgot to take my TENS unit. Grateful that i am not backsliding completely and am able to enjoy bits of the day since the festival. Hoping that my swelling and exhaustion even out so i can be present for the Pride Festival this weekend.
I am so grateful that i was a able to do a nice walk at a medium pace today with mom. Grateful that it was fast enough to get my heart rate elevated. Grateful that i was able to catch up with the workout challenge. Grateful that i was able to nap afterwards LOL
I am so grateful that the weight gain and inflammation is not keeping me from working out. Grateful that i am still keeping a positive outlook on life and enjoying being active when my body allows it :joy:
I am so grateful that i have gotten everything set and organized for Friday.
I am so grateful that i have my endocrinologist appointment tomorrow. I am so grateful that i have sleep studies and lung / chest exams coming up too.
I am so grateful that i took my mom to my favorite park yesterday for a walk.
I am so grateful for my family and their beautiful love!
I am so grateful for my HP - grateful that i am finding my way back to meditation and prayer practices (lately not doing these everyday and it was starting to show).
I am so grateful for this beautiful day of being alive!

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day /evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Hey everyone!!!
I’m grateful to be off from work and now am relaxing! I’m grateful that my youngest will be starting summer school tomorrow. I am concerned about his development when it comes to school, so I’m grateful that he will have that consistent learning environment year round for now!
I’m grateful for hot showers (about to hop into one right now) and I’m grateful for Salonpas patches for my tense shoulders!!!
Have a good day everyone!!


Grateful for another day. Grateful for the rain that hopefully brings in less humid air. Grateful it’s not Monday :smile: Grateful for air conditioning at the house. Grateful I have I all that I need.


The day is done and I’m sitting in bed eating cheesecake :joy: Today I am grateful for…

  1. My wife booking my lab appointment. It was hell to find the one in my town today and when I got there, a sign on the door said “By appointment only”. So I’ve got it booked for Thursday in a different town that we are visiting for the day.

  2. Finalizing anniversary plans. Lots of plans over the next few days. Taking the kids out of school half day tomorrow and they are going to my parents until Friday. 3 days just me and the wife, can’t wait!

  3. My exhaustion. I’m glad my body and mind are drained from today. I can feel that I’m going to have a deep sleep. Hopefully crazy dreams again, I kind of like the excitement and mayhem without real consequences.

Another good day, of course it had its moments. I’m glad I didn’t let those moments carry forward or take over the day.

Time for bed… Enjoy the night everyone!


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for all my family, friends TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for @M-be-free49 and @Dazercat checking in on me and mentioning me here. I’m grateful I do my best to live with a greatful and thankful heart one day at a time and that my thousands of posts on here has helped tremendously with that. I’m grateful that I have held my job for a year and that it’s the first time in 46 years I have accomplished that. I’m grateful for the gifts of, not just sobriety but recovery. I’m grateful for perspective changes and how just stopping drinking and drugging wasn’t enough on its own for me, I needed more. I’m grateful that detox centers, treatment centers, Churches and the twelve steps of AA, NA and CA have worked and God willing, will continue to work for me. I’m trying to be grateful to have paid off a substantial amount of debt today as part of my ongoing financial ammends but $3000 is alot of work and money to me. I’m grateful that I earned that money a way I can be proud of and not by stealing or dealing like the old me had done. I’m grateful for my cat who is almost a year old now. I’m grateful my parents are joining me at Church this Sunday for the first time in the 15 months that I have been going and I have no idea how long since we attended any Church together. I’m grateful my Sister has joined me and is now a member for the last few months. Im grateful for a productive day off and that my laundry is almost done so I can go to bed.
May our higher powers grant us courage to do the right thing.

p.s. You’re a beautiful star, shine bright dear ones. Ya you!!


Oh I’m grateful to read posts from old and dear Gratidudes and new ones too!

I’m grateful to be likened to a gamble quail, and thought of when said quail is spotted. I’ll take that any day. :joy:

I’m grateful to feel more at ease with unease, if that makes any sense. Life’s unknowns are always there, but right now they’re kinda loud for my liking. At least I’m not running from them anymore, or trying to.

I’m grateful I can admit I’m pretty tired these days. I could use a little less right now. Grateful I know to be gracious with myself. Old me would apply the pressure and reward me with wine. (No, it didn’t work.)

I’m grateful for the rain. I know you’ve had enough, dear @erntedank, but here our spring was tooooo dry. Bring it on! Wet dog, dripping clothes, and green green forest.

I’m grateful I’ll go to bed soon. Today’s things I didn’t finish will still be there tomorrow.

I’m grateful for all of you.
I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Lovely to be here @JazzyS :blush:

Well, I almost started the day off here but decided I ought to get some stuff done first and now it’s night :upside_down_face: Either way, today I’m grateful for…

-Waking up with less pain than usual
-The weight that’s been lifted after speaking to my exes roommate and finding out everything is being taken care of while he’s in jail
-The new members I met and served at work who repeatedly mentioned how refreshing my positive attitude was
-Feeling free enough to discuss my sobriety with anyone at anytime
-My parents, who take care of my daughter while I’m at work bc I could never do it without them
-Getting to work outside on such a beautiful day
-The leftover food we can take home after a buffet
-The fact that my cat’s hairball situation seems to be improving
-The coolness that came with nightfall after a very hot day
-Opening this gas/electric bill this morning :raised_hands:

-This incredibly amazing community I stumbled upon by chance :heart:


Today I’m grateful for the new meeting I joined. I like in person meetings and a new one opened in my city on Wednesdays. It is nice to start the day off with this :innocent:

Grateful for Talking Sober.

Grateful for sober friends I can call for checkins.

Grateful for understanding customers.


I’m grateful to wake up sober and hangover free after going to a great pub we discovered over here.

I’m grateful I can get The Al-Anon forum on my kindle. It’s a monthly pamphlet/magazine with real stories of experience strength and hope.

I’m grateful for all the stuff I got put together yesterday as the plumbers were here all day. Again :blush: I’m grateful the catio furniture looks great. I’m grateful I can still put children’s furniture toy boxes play scapes etc…… together. I thought I was out of that business. I’m grateful wifey has the nursery all set up. I thought I was out of that business too. I’m grateful I don’t know or care if it will be used much it looks great and we are ready.

I’m grateful I’m not trying to bite off more than I can chew. Although we got a shit ton going on. I’m grateful I am spacing this shit out.

I’m grateful I got my walk in with Benson yesterday.

I’m grateful for my espresso in the morning as I get my pet chores done. I’m grateful for my cuppa in peace after getting my morning chores done.

I’m grateful I said yes when wifey ask to stop at the store after dinner last night. I’m grateful she said I could wait in the car. I’m grateful it made me feel sad. Like the walk of shame to buy wine. I’m grateful I’m ok with that boundary even if I think maybe I’m enabling her. I’m grateful things with us are going well, real well, and there is no point in saying no when I can just stop at the Albertsons on the way home and sit in the car. I’m grateful for this first. I’m grateful I think if my back didn’t hurt I might have just gone in with her.

I’m grateful I been married to this wonderful woman for 41 years today. I’m grateful I cannot imagine a life without her. I’m grateful I love my wife :heartpulse:


“If I am this capable of loving an alcoholic so much, imagine how awesome I could be at loving myself.”
Grace W. Wroldson,
So You Love an… Alcoholic?: Lessons for a Codependent


Congratulations on your anniversary today Eric! Beautiful words :heavy_heart_exclamation:


Happy Anniversary to you and wifey! :partying_face:
41 years is long effing time. :joy:


I’m grateful for a smooth and easy travel today (even got on the right plane this time🤣). I’m grateful to be in Uzbekistan again as it’s a place I really love and is special to me. I’m grateful that my Uzbek family greeted me at the airport and immediately took me in for a delicious meal at their home. I’m grateful that they also accepted my friend. I’m so grateful for them. This is a family I meant several years ago traveling in Uzbekistan and they knew I had no parents so sorta ‘adopted’ me as their own and I know I’m always welcome in their home. I’m grateful for delicious plov made my favorite way and for being able to now rest. I’m grateful that my anxiety has been low. I’m grateful that the guest house I’m staying in has running water and a shower! I’m grateful it’s not too hot here yet. I’m grateful for this group and how supportive and encouraging everyone has been.


Thanks @Naomi
Thanks @Lisa07

Ya it is!!


Quick gratitude list today:
Sobriety. A healthy mind and a healthy body. Good fruits and veggies. The occasional pizza. The ability to pivot and change when old ways no longer work. Kitties. The feeling of relief when a busy week is over. The camaraderie of struggle. The dictionary app on my phone which eventually helped me out with camaraderie, at first it was stumped. :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:
Onward soberinos!


Happy anniversary to you both! Congratulations on 41 years :partying_face:


Greatful for…

My sobriety
A family nap this morning
Workin from home
A new to me AA mtg last night
Looking forward to my favorite lunch
This amazing place
Doing my best that i have today


Happy Anni @Dazercat !!! What an amazing commitment. Hope you and wifey have a wonderful day :bouquet:

I’m grateful for the AC in my office when it’s 105°F outside. And then the AC in my car and my home.

I’m grateful for an early morning walk, improvedmy mood immensely. I need to remember that.

I’m grateful for 160 days of sobriety! Feeling better all the time. Grateful as F for this lovely community :pray:


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
I am grateful for my mood improving hour by hour, day by day.
I am grateful for my mum visiting.
I am grateful for working some more on my prototype today.
I am grateful the sun came out for a bit today.
I am grateful for TV and books.
I am grateful for coffee.
I am grateful for this day.


I am grateful for being sober. For living in reality most of the time. For my roommate, all the loved ones in my live, all my stupid lucky privileges in this world and I am so really grateful for this community, that taught me what it means to live one day at a time and that it’s always worse it.


HAPPY ANNIVERSARY my dear friend. 41 years :astonished: that is remarkable. :tada: :tada: :heart: :couple_with_heart_woman_man: