Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’m grateful for a cozy bed.
I’m grateful for travel opportunities; both the money to do so and the infrastructure involved in flying me places.

I’m grateful that my cats are insane little weirdos who meow at 5 am and tunnel through the bedsheets on some crazy mental adventure. I’m grateful that their huge dilated eyes make me laugh when I could be yelling at them for waking me up.

I’m grateful I have people who love me who I do my best to love back. I’m grateful I can admit that it is hard for me to love people. I’m not incapable though, its just harder for me.

I’m grateful that my last two nights of rotten sleep are probably exposing some travel anxiety which is new for me. I’m grateful I can see that and try to learn from it.

I’m grateful for stressful work dreams that are probably trying to expose a resentment I was unfairly holding towards a co-worker. I’m grateful I will apologize for that resentment today.

I’ll be grateful for a few more hours of :sleeping::zzz::zzz:.


I’m grateful for.
A good run and view along the river.
Waking up on little sleep feeling energized.
It’s Friday.
The Sunrise.
Having everything I need.
Morning coffee.
Reading all your gratitudes!


I’m grateful to be sober- I came real close to drinking today and am SO grateful I didn’t. I’m grateful for the sunny day. I’m grateful for calming music, cups of tea and good friends. I’m grateful for my dogs who give the best cuddles and comfort.


Im greatful @Laner didnt drink today

Im greatful for a loving family
Im greatful for coffee and sparkling water
Im greatful for kids and the laughs


I’m grateful for another morning to try and live in the present.

I’m grateful I reread this again this morning.
Detachment is not letting someone else’s past determine your present. Past baggage so readily complicates present experiences.

I’m grateful I recognized I was doing this last night. I couldn’t control it. I knew I was doing it :grimacing: and maybe recognizing it and learning from it. Again. Will help me today.

I’m grateful I read I can’t give up something I never had. “Control.” Over people places or things. I’m grateful I need to learn to give up the illusion of having control.

I’m grateful for “don’t go there.” Actually used it once or twice. I’m grateful when I remember these things and little sayings or mantras.

I’m grateful for deep sleep.
I’m grateful to be up early enough for the house cleaners. I’m grateful I can walk Benson after they get here. Too late to walk him now. Grateful the cats are all locked up.

Grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful for John Lennon and his song Beautiful Boy :smiling_face_with_tear: :musical_note: life is what’s happening when you’re busy making other plans :notes:
I’m grateful for The Eagles, Hotel California live.
I’m grateful for air conditioning.
I’m grateful my wife does all the laundry all the time.
I’m grateful I got to cook at home last night.
I’m grateful I already cooked the bacon yesterday for BLTs for lunch after the housecleaners leave. I’m grateful is that me being practical or is that me once again planning and trying to control the future :thinking:

I’m grateful I’ve always thought I’m so practical :thinking: or am I always trying to control the outcome :thinking: I’m grateful I’m just trying to make things easier.

I’m grateful for my reformer and actually got my ass on it Wednesday. I’m grateful I can maybe get on it today.

I’m grateful for my health.
I’m grateful for this moment.
I’m grateful I get to do gratitude and get my thoughts in order and leave them here.
ODAAT fuck OMAAT will ya!? (moment)

The past controls the minds of many. But we can walk away from it, our own or someone else’s past. Detaching in this way is necessary if we want to experience peace.
Let Go Now


I spend the most part of my day cycling with @Mno through his city.
I am so grateful I got the opportunity to spend time with him and for his gift of a day I won’t forget soon.
Thank you friend :hugs::star_struck::bike::people_hugging:


I’ve not been posting here daily like i used to, but I had to drop in and share my gratitude for this

Because of this one thing I chose to do a year ago, and choose to keep doing every day, my life is unrecognisable and I am the happiest I have ever been!!! I am so grateful for all the support I found in this community, you guys really are the best :kissing_heart:


Grateful to see you Kiki. I swear I was thinking I hadn’t seen you posting on here much lately. Just this morning when I thought about OMAAT or AFAF :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Anyway…. So grateful to see you post your one year AFAF and letting us know. What a great day!! I’m so happy for you and grateful to be part of this sober journey together.

Congratulations on your first year of freedom.
You Rock!

  • A great week where it didn’t feel like a battle.
  • Realizing that feeling very good can be a disaster if I think I’m cured of alcoholism, and stop doing the things that brought me recovery. I’ll just go ahead and dance with them that brung me. :laughing: (sorry, Texas made me say that)
  • Meeting a bunch of my neighbors and liking them
  • The cat who is so sweet and mellow
  • Risotto and green beans
  • Cloudy days in July
  • Turkey that continues to look for me daily. He does this cute little clucking purr sound when I appear. I won’t feed him but he still tries!
  • The hope I feel
  • Being right here in recovery :heart:
  • My trip to the mountains is only 3 weeks away
  • my sweet friends here

Congrats girl!!! :tada: I can’t believe it’s already been a year since you joined us! I remember some of your first posts. Amazing to see how far you’ve come! So grateful to have you as a part of this community :heart: And so proud of you for doing the damn thing!


Thank you Alisa! :smile: I’m grateful for an extra candle. :wink: :birthday:

I’m grateful it’s the weekend. I’m grateful I’m okay with changed plans, to be home.
I’m grateful for the rain - sometimes heavy and loud!
I’m grateful for tools to handle all kinds of emotions.
I’m grateful for pals. I’m also grateful I like/need my solo time too.
I’m grateful for projects at home and the time and energy to enjoy them.

I’m grateful for all of you.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I am grateful to be sober and to want sobriety.

I am grateful for the peace and ease that an alcohol-free life offers… the challenges that come along are way more manageable without a raging hangover/anxiety.

I am grateful for my job and to have steady employment.

I am grateful to have plans with my seester today.

Grateful for all of you and this thread. Odaaft. :two_hearts:


I’m grateful for a safe drive home from my short trip. Traffic was awful. I’m grateful the gas tank was full, the A/C working, I’ve always bottles of water in the car and a colleague told me very nice alternative route to avoide the ugly traffic jam on a part of the highway. I’m gratefully stretching on the couch now.

I’m grateful for lovely days, delicious food, good talks, nice places to visit.
I’m grateful I slept well, sometimes I don’t when I’m away. Oh I have to plan more time for this trip next year. 5 days/4 nights would be wonderful. Dreaming of a whole week … Maybe in autumn or spring. I’m grateful the neighbours took care of cats & plants. I have to give more information next time, the plants were not watered sufficient and I came back in the afternoon instead of mid morning. Learning to organize my life! For the first it was fine and I’m deeply grateful for this nice short trip, I needed a break, socializing and fresh input.

I’m grateful I feel quite well physically. It’s burning hot again today, the last 2 days were smoother. I’m grateful I enjoyed visiting places and coping well with summer :pray: I’m grateful I can extend my little vacation with a day of staycation if I want to. Lemon balm water and a book on the balcony sound very chillaxing to me :sunglasses:

I’m grateful for all the blessings in my life. I’m grateful some hormonal burps don’t impair me too much. A bit of female discomfort aka cramps (oh yeah, yesterday evening I noticed something that could possibly turn into a period bleeding, fuck this shit, I’m done and want freedom, it has been so peacefully for nearly a year without). A bit of emotional mimimi thinking of the ex. A bit of pity-party. A bit of general melancholy. All passed rather quickly. This fucking period will pass too and hopefully it is the very last one. I’m kind to myself and pamper me :+1: I deserve being treated lovely and friendly. The best way to make sure I am is to do it myself. So it be :pray::hugs: ODAAT


Happy late Birthday Emm! I hope it was a good one with plenty of half and half for your coffee!


I’m grateful to see Jenny on the check in thread with 4 days :boom: :boom::boom::boom:
@Jesile missed you girl :blush:

I’m grateful I don’t have a migraine just a bit headachy.
Grateful I’m up too early and too late to go back to bed. Grateful I can do some recovery work, reading, gratitude before I walk The Burner and then hit up the men’s meeting at 9.

I’m grateful we got a clean house.
Grateful for the BLTs I made yesterday.
Grateful to find another great restaurant last night.

Grateful for Hope
Grateful for cats.
Grateful for dogs.
Grateful for clean floors.
Grateful I’d rather have cats and dogs and litter and mud on my floors.

Grateful Gus made over yesterday and had fun with nana while I was at the chiropractor. Grateful I saw him for a bit at the end.
Grateful Gus and my daughter are joining us for pizza tonight.
Grateful for where I live now.

Grateful for my mantra chanting music in the morning.

Grateful for a warm Maverick on my lap.
Grateful for my overwhelming garden.
Grateful I can still see something new everyday.
Grateful for this thread.

“If you want to turn your life around, try thankfulness. It will change your life mightily.
Gerald Good


Good morning friends, I’m grateful for the weekend.
I’m grateful it will be quieter than usual- husband working, son working, daughter away on vacation with a friend…… I’m so grateful I don’t drink because this would spell disaster for me in the before time. I’m grateful I made a reading nook in my living room with a comfy chair, nice lamp, cozy blanket, and plenty of books. I’m grateful there’s always house chores- IF I feel like doing them! I’m grateful I can entertain myself. I’m grateful to see all the new and old faces on the homethread. I’m grateful we are all still here and still working towards better♥️


Thank you! I’m enjoying some half and half in my coffee as we speak! er, read :smile:
Your reading nook sounds so lovely! i hope you get lots of time to enjoy it. (chores schmores :sweat_smile:)


Thank you for the mention Eric, I have been off track and was too ashamed to come back again, but I’m proud and happy to be active on the forum again! And grateful for the little things, including my friends vegetable garden! :rofl:


Congrats on 1 year sober!!


Good morning my sober tribe,

Im so very greatful for

My sobriety
Im not too triggered in the vacation/party atmosphere
I got a little run/walk in
Time with family
The luxury of a vacation, fortunate to have this space where we congregate annually for the reunion
Neighbor let us set up tents on his property
Blue water
The deer that joined me on my run today
The eagle that lives on this lake