Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Happy Saturday morning to all you amazing sober excellent people!!!

I’m grateful to be sober and healthy.

I’m grateful to have spent time this week with my brother and sister and most of our kids.

I’m grateful to have made it to 1002 days sober! When I started this journey, 1000 days seemed amazing to me. And it is!

I’m grateful to be in a safe and kind home.

I’m grateful to have spent some time with my best friend and get some support on a family situation that is challenging to me.

I’m grateful to be getting to solutions in the settling of the estate of my mother in law, may she rest in peace.

I’m grateful for a beautiful Saturday and the impending visit of more family today. I’ve been preparing food and I’m sure we will have a nice time.

I’m grateful for all of you and your strength and courage and inspiration. We are doing it!

I wish you all peace.


I am grateful that my son finds his way in life with traveling, relationship, study and work. I am very proud of the man he’s becoming. He is moving away for half a year, I am so going to miss him. It is bittersweet.
I am grateful for the coffee date with a friend this morning. Sun, coffee, coversation and dog on lap. A perfect combo.
I am grateful I am still sober and nicotine free. Sometimes my addict brain is telling me how boring life is sober. And yes, it’s not all rainbows and sparkling unicorn farts. But I wake up everyday not hungover, my lungs and liver are healthy and I haven’t had an anxiety attack in forever. Boring, yeah sometimes… But better than drunk and hungover.
I am grateful I am able to built my own camper van. One step at a time but slowly it’s taking form. I am grateful to be able to travel Europe in a few months.
I feel emotional and I am tired these days, but I wouldn’t want to get back to where I was eight months ago. I wouldn’t be where I am today if I’d still drink.


Congrats Kiki! :star_struck::partying_face::muscle:


Grateful today:

A lovely walk around the two cemeteries nearby. I found Pete Burns grave today, even though it’s been there 8 years and I’ve walked past it a million times before and never spotted it. I’m grateful that Pete Burns lived, I remember the best times (before alcohol took my soul) dancing to his ‘Spin me right round’ track in clubs in the 90s and 10s. Later, I saw him almost daily when he was checked into a mental health clinic as I worked next door. It wasn’t much long after that he passed away at age 57. He was cheeky and irreverent and fabulous, always kind and chatty. RIP Pete. I’m grateful I found you today.

Grateful for a breeze to cut thru the sun.

Grateful for a haircut, it’s much shorter and shaggy and I love it. Cooler too!

Grateful for a very releasing breathwork today. That’s four sessions this week. The power of the breath is greatly understated.


I’m grateful that today was a better day. I’m grateful I was able to be productive but also relaxed without high anxiety, cravings or flashbacks coming up. I’m grateful for going on a picnic with a friend. I’m grateful for the couscous salad we had for dinner. I’m grateful to be sober and that I’m making good changes. I’m grateful for my life. I’m grateful for languages and how fun and beautiful they are to learn. I’m grateful for good friends and people around me. I’m grateful to live in a place I love. I’m grateful to have a job I love. I’m grateful that my job is so flexible. I’m grateful to have my own home. I’m grateful to be comfortable.


@cjp running with deer…I love it! Keep enjoying your family reunion vacation :blush:
@lab congratulations :tada::clap:t4::tada: 1002 days!!! Quadruple digits and going strong. So happy for you
@naomi great to see you friend. “Sun, coffee, coversation and dog on lap”. Yes…a perfect combo
@Tragicfarinelli loving the breath work! So cool to walk the cemeteries…I find that to be very peaceful. Cool that you found Pete too. What a lovely memory… RIP :pray:t4:


Congratulations on your 1 year! You are amazing!


Today I am especially grateful for the following.

I woke up on time to see the sun rising over the skyline of Utrecht. It was marvellous. This and the smell of coffee roasting from the factory next by was the perfect start for my last day in the city.
Waking up so early meant I had enough time to get everything organised before leaving the appartement.
I took a last bike trip to the bike rental, enjoyed the morning, the air by the canal, the bike paths, the mosque, all the other people cruising on their bikes.
I even had some time left to meander along the city center and even met Nintje for the last time.
My train trip was very uneventful and I was very happy to see my mum and my daughter back after a week away.

I started reading up on ADHD. I had this inkling that this might be something about me. I was very scared to do so. I have always had a lot of fear about mental illness. I still feel apprehensive but also like there are parts about it that might actually be helpful for me, for understanding the ways I am having trouble dealing with life.

The day is done, I‘m almost done unpacking, and looking forward to a Recovery Dharma meeting later this evening.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


5 months today! :partying_face:


Thank you so much!


Conscious connected breathing is incredible. Check it out.


Saturday gratitude.
Waking up early.
Spending sometime reflecting on life and seeing the things I need to work on.
Realizing I’m not putting in enough effort on making changes in my life.
Being open to start therapy.
The knowledge that sobriety isn’t the fix all to my life.
Pizza for dinner :partying_face:


Tonight I’m grateful for

Enjoying my lazy days off
Feeling satisfied I still felt like cleaning the bathroom
Remembering I bought a piece of pizza earlier :yum:
Krieger’s forceful cuddling
His normal baby kitten meows and his crazy loud, guttural yowls he does when no one’s looking
Kiki wanting to cuddle during the day on the couch again
My building being the quietest it’s ever been
Not worrying every time I see a cop while I’m out driving anymore
Knowing there is much to be done and knowing it can’t all be done at once
My sobriety with no thoughts of drinking
My silicone pot holder that helps me open the tightest of jars
The chocolate petit fours I got from work
My bed, that’s calling my name :sleeping:


1002 days, that is amazing! Congratulations! :hibiscus:
I love your Saturday posts, I might follow your example to write a weekly gratitude post :pray:


Thank you @Dazercat @Just_Laura @Naomi @Cjp @tailee17 :heart::heart::heart:
I am so grateful for all the support I’ve found here. It really has made all the difference in my recovery to be able to talk to other people who understand and who are walking the path with me!


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful

Im so very greatful im comfortable in my recovery
Im not truggered in this family get together party atmosphere
We had a couple good days of sun before the rain is coming today
Hot coffee
Movement and mobility
I dont smoke anymore and can be more present
Calm in the mornings
Mother nature


thankful, for making it through my first musikfastival and still sober. The food in my fridge, my clean shower and toilet and very thankful for my relationship, that feels more and more like a “forever thing”.


So grateful for the this too @Just_Laura!
Even when I got sober, I still had to worry because I was driving on a suspended license for 2 years. Grateful to be completely legal these days. I still twinge when I see a cop but then I quickly remember I’m all good. Grateful to finally be at ease when I do get pulled over. Most recently was on my way home from an AA meeting for speeding, but only got a ticket for the light being out over my license plate.


Happy Sunday Grats!

  • A decent night’s sleep. Still fitful but better.

  • I put on one of my oversized t-shirts to bum around the house in, and noticed it was more like a dress. Did it get bigger? No, I’m losing weight. Quickly. I got over the early sobriety plateau and am no longer so hungry. I like this! I can go skiing this year! So grateful for better health. Yeah, I have to buy clothes but with the money I’ve saved from not drinking, I can buy all new shirt → dresses :laughing: Watch I’ll have to go through this again but it’s good, good

  • My new landscape! A plan is drawn up and I need to go through the permit process, schedule and wait till Summer begins to wane. Finally I can get this looking sharp.

  • Therapy. It is helping a lot. Took a while.

  • Another cloudy July morning! We’ve finally had an abnormally cool summer so far.

  • Hope

  • 149 days sober!

  • A slow Sunday. I’m just going to hang out. :heart:

  • You


Sunday gratitude.
I’m grateful I slept in after a crappy night. It was hot and the old boy miowed me awake several times for no apparent reason. I hope a lot of additional cuddles helps for tonight.

I’m grateful for nice chats with people walking along the street in the morning while I harvested the Mirabelle tree. I’m grateful I had two buckets full when the sun came over the barn roof. No wasps for me, too dangerous. I’m grateful I mowed under the Mirabelle and Plum trees after lunch before a rainshower. I’m grateful I stayed outside and enjoyed the summer rain. And the nice shower afterwards followed by couch and dozing in front of the TV.

I’m grateful I can calm myself with this hormonal induced emotion shenanigans. I’m grateful the grey sky and open window help with the summer depression as well as harvesting in the morning. Still learning and trying ways to navigate this more stable. I’m grateful it’s ok most days. A lot better than last year.

I’m grateful for my life. It’s a good life. A peaceful life. That I miss love in my life, a partner to share it, for romance and sex, missing togetherness is hard. After more than 2 years I thought I would be used to living alone and lacking what I loved in our marriage. Nope. I’m grateful I know what I miss. And what I don’t miss. ODAAT