Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Day 20 and I’m feeling grateful about it. Grateful that I’m healthy and I’m able to run and to take long walks. Grateful that I don’t have to wake up to hangovers anymore. Day at a time. Yay!


Day 20 hip hip hooray for you. Days keep ticking off in your counter. I am with you in spirit. :hugs::sauropod:


I’m grateful for today being a good day- I felt myself and confident. I’m grateful for a good meeting this morning. I’m grateful for the rainy day and the fresh snow I can see on the mountains. I’m grateful for pots of cardomon tea and watermelon. I’m grateful for good conversations with friends. I’m grateful that I do have positive memories. I’m grateful for music and books.


Thank you very much, my friend. How are you doing today?


I am well. Celebrated 5 months yesterday. Hubby had congratulations for me and nice to know he sees the effort needed to stay on the sober trail. We had a great dinner out and when we got home he went outside and brought me this…

Fuck! That is a lot of cleaning dicing and bagging or cooking. I do love it though.


Grateful for today. And every day that I have been sober so far. Just saw your “1 day” post @Steve14 and it has quite inspired me. Thank you!

A weekend of rest. Spent with my dogs and people I love. xx


5 months, shiiiit! That’s so awesome, congrats! And it’s really great to hear your hubby supports you, that’s so important. And haha, at least you’re not bored now while working with those beauties!


Things I am grateful for today.

I woke up early, did my morning yoga, my run, my meditation. I love this morning schedule and how easy all of this is in the summer. I love those summer days.

Did my weekly review, looking back, taking stock, looking forward. The flow of things.

Had nice chats with my daughter, all her ideas for stories. She is just marvellous.

Spend some time at the pool, talked to a friend. Had one of those very emotional talks with my ex about heart break. This is not easy, but this is how it goes. This is life. I love life.

A good intermediate yoga session, focus on breath, focus on movement, focus on body. Then breathwork and meditation. Grounding me in the present moment.

Breathing through anxieties, fears, upsets. Just breathing and doing life.

Looking forward to Recovery Dharma this evening.

This day. This life.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I’m Grateful for the support I’m getting.
I’m Grateful for the few friends I do have.
I’m Grateful for being alive.
I’m Grateful for the experience life is giving me.
I’m Grateful for strength I have in me.
I’m Grateful for God being with me through this tough time :pray:t2::pray:t2:
I’m Grateful for to wake up another day.
I’m Grateful for my safety that has been brought to me.

Right now it’s hard to think of what I’m grateful for but I managed. It helped me a lot right now I’m glad I took the time to do it right now. :pray:t2::pray:t2:


Grateful for a great SMART meeting this morning. Grateful it’s cooled down enough over the past 2 days that I could take a nice walk with my doggie Russell. Grateful for all of your gratitudes! ODAAT 🩵💙


I am grateful to be sober and hangover free.

I am grateful that the thought of the taste of alcohol makes me feel sick… so gross :face_vomiting: …ptsd from so many hangovers

I am grateful for a lazy day with my sig otha and fur babes.

I am grateful for nature and for seeing a deer outside for the second day in a row.

I am grateful for my family and for hospice care helping my mom.

I am grateful to be here :pray: :two_hearts:


Welcome to the community Christopher. This is a wonderful place to connect with great support and motivation.

Some days can feel super hard to find something to be grateful for but working on the practice has really helped me change my mindset and keep a positive outlook on my sobriety journey.

Glad to have you here with us and practicing gratitude.


Grateful to see you Chris.
Stick with us friend.

I been working gratitude all day long and haven’t had a chance to post it yet.
I’m grateful you showed up here.
I’m grateful for my gratitude practice.
Reading it.
Writing it.
Seeing what I have In common with others.
I’m grateful we all have devices we can support each other with.
I’m grateful for my eyes so I can see what I’m writing.
I’m grateful I get to go to a meeting in 10 minutes.
I’m grateful for all the gratitude I was going to write here today but haven’t had a chance to but it’s been going on in my mind all day.
Most grateful for being sober before it was too late.
Hang in there buddy.
Keep reaching out for help.
We all been there that first few days.
It fucking sucks!!
I’m grateful I’ll never have to do that again.
I’m grateful for all the friends I have found here. Good friends. Good sober friends :heart:


Sunday gratuity!

4 good days with Hubby. Great communication. Celebrated 5 months sobriety. Great dinner out. Very busy and tasks completed this weekend.

Boat outing was so fun and relaxing.


ooh that is a beautiful view – glad to hear you had such a wonderful weekend celebrating your 5 months of being awesome – keep that momentum going friend!


I’m grateful for self love, compassion and forgiveness :yellow_heart:


Happy Sunday my sober peeps!
So very grateful to be digging in and finding my gratitude’s today…I am so very grateful for:

  • my 19+ months of total sobriety
  • 1000 days of no smoking. So grateful for breathing clean and healthy air. For kicking this addiction and finding the strength and motivation to attempt becoming completely sober
  • for my comfy bed - spending a lot of time here this weekend as i’m not feeling so hot. Grateful this will pass
  • for leftover pizza and a air fryer that heats it up so great - almost better than the original
  • realizing my weighing machine is more high tech than i realized and i just needed to download an app :woman_facepalming:
  • had a bad emotional day a few days ago and baked up a great healthy batch of scones, muffins and sugar free cookies
  • baked goods were what i needed today as i have hard cravings for chocolate / sugar - now i see why LOL
  • Trying a new non alcoholic red wine which sooo tasted like the real thing that i had to stop. I thought this is what i would want but it just made me want the real thing. Not happening - not losing my streak. Not needing to be sucked into a dark hole.
  • For my family - their support and unconditional love. The may not understand this addiction disease but they know I’m working hard and can see the progress.
  • My HP! For my faith and connection. For me not giving up on my faith or on myself.
  • This community and all of YOU wonderful souls

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Great to see you popping in – hope you are doing well :hugs:


Is this on the Sacramento River?


Yes it is. We are on Salt creek and it’s 5 minutes from the river.