Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Today, I am grateful for every day that led me to this moment; the beginning of the month in which I quit drinking.
I am grateful for those moments that led to it. Those I remember and those that I don’t.
I am grateful for the grace shown by those around me around this period last year. Grateful too to those who said “Dude, you might have a problem.”
I’m grateful for an ongoing year of firsts and the ability to have handled them all sober.
I am grateful for the community and everything I keep learning everyday.
Thank you.


I’m grateful I’m happily up too early to have coffee and get my little routine things done before I head off to my first AA meeting in my new hometown-ish

I’m grateful there’s more than one way to make coffee :coffee:

Strange, but grateful I’m not unencumbered by a cat this morning :smirk_cat:
Grateful I can give Mavy his eye drops on my own. Grateful wifey will walk The Burner.

I’m grateful for all my new chanting mantra type music that I seem to be playing all the time.

I’m even grateful my new cardiologist didn’t call me yesterday as we made the appointment 6 weeks ago. I confirm it twice this week. And I’m grateful I just don’t give a shit. I’ll deal with it later. I’m grateful, so what if I wasted a half hour or more waiting for him to call me at my own comfortable home because he’s apparently too busy to schedule an office visit.

I’m grateful I can feel a difference in me and what takes away my serenity. I’m grateful I’m surrendering to so much control these days and it feels pretty fucking good. I’m grateful when I think about it :thinking: it was just an illusion of having control. I never had control in the first place. I tried to. And it’s been EXHAUSTING. I’m grateful I can see this in so many aspects of my life.
“I have no power at all over people, places and things, and if I ever for a moment mistakenly believe that I do, and act as if I do, pain is on its way.”
Russell Brand


I’m grateful for a good hike this morning and then for a good celebration at my neighbors today. I’m grateful for my good days and for my bad days- today was a good day. I’m grateful that I am getting better, healing and becoming more and more myself. I’m grateful for my life. I’m grateful for a job I love that provides for me. I’m grateful that I could go to the orphanage today and spend time with the kids playing football, games and just chatting. I’m grateful that I felt good after and not heavy or depressed after. I’m the past I’d feel so bad when I’d leave but today I felt good knowing that showing up is all I can do even if I want to do more. I’m grateful for having some time to myself tonight I was needing it after my very social day.


Things I am especially grateful for.

I‘ve been having a bit of trouble with anxiety lately and as it usually spikes in the morning it did so today. I was running around the flat like a headless chicken trying to think what else needs preparing for my daughter‘s trip. And then she just gave my a hug and said some soothing words. My mum and my brother came by to pick her up. We talked. The left for their vacation. I went to the grocery store. And with time my anxiety subsided.

I did all the prep left for my trip tomorrow. Everything set out for tomorrow morning. I am calm.

I read a bit Pema Chödrön about smiling at anxiety, keeping the heart open, letting life. I want to be there. Smiling at life.

Strong yoga was good. Reading, relaxing. Recovery Dharma in a few.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I’m grateful for gym plans and social plans. Fitness and socialization are lacking for me and tiny steps make habits.
I’m grateful for my family. I am good at calling some and not so good at reaching out to others. This isn’t good or bad, just where I am.

I’m grateful for Olympic athletes who show us the limits of our bodies and for the long time soberinos on here who help me stretch the limits of my mind. I’m grateful for new people on this app too, every time I interact with someone who is struggling it reminds me of the journey I’ve taken and the journey I’m on. You have to put in work every day to get results.

I’m grateful I will get to peek at our new apartment before move in. I’m grateful a new dresser might be in my future and I’m extra grateful that it might be teal.
I’m grateful for bagels with seeds and garden veggie cream cheese.
I’m grateful for decorating projects that live in my mind and friends who can help those come to fruition. I’m grateful I woke up sober.


Im greatful im 50 posts behind and will go back to catchup but wanted to get my gratitude out first :slight_smile:

Im so greatful for…

We didnt lose power in last nights storms
We didnt have property damage as many others do
My family is safe
Hubby and i panicked cleaned the house when we thought family would need to stay, they have power again and dont need to stay and i have a cleaner house

Everyone is home safe from the family reunion
My brothers dog got scared and ran away on the roadtrip but they found her 1.5mi down the road, poor girl is traumatized but alive and with family

My anxiety is better. Geez alot has happened in the last 48 hours. I knew us hitting a bird on the road trip home was a bad omen. Hopefully things calm down soon

Im greatful i have my ladies aa meeting tonight


Today is a day to be very grateful.
I’m grateful for karma and things falling into place. It happens because I work(ed) hard on letting go, focussing on myself, made thousands of babysteps, developed a sense of living at my pace and doing the best I can, being kind to myself and working patience. Patience is big work for me. I’m grateful acceptance is not for everyone, I’m good with letting be what is out of my control. It’s enough. I don’t have to force me to accept things.

I’m grateful I got an offer AND timeslot for finishing/repairing ex’s ideas of the facade. I’m grateful I will talk about accepting it with my lawyer next week as it would be a perfect match for the work on the outside facilities / stonewalls finishing another company could start afterwards. I’m grateful I decided to finish this building site at my costs when my lawyer says ok. Dreaming of this as a biiiig Christmas present from me to me.

I’m grateful for therapy today, I needed it with so much going on. I’m grateful it’s ok for me to be delighted that the ex gets authority trouble. I’m grateful that this is enough satisfaction for me to let go the shit he put me through the last two years. He gets trouble, his comfort zone gets severely disturbed, his ignorance no longer is a winning strategy but has negative consequences. That’s enough satisfaction. Maybe I’m easy to pacify by karma. I don’t wish him any bad, I want him to hurt once. I’m grateful I’m not the cause of it, only aside and involved because this is still mutual property due to him and his attitude. I’m grateful I feel free and AM free from obligations I can do shit about.

I’m deeply grateful my recently widowed friend reaches out to me and I can be there, help and be of service with expertise and emotional support. I’m grateful people call me “All-knowing Trash Heap”. There are fields where I’m a strolling encyclopedia on two legs with tons of expertise. Death & estate/inheritance issues are one of it. I’m grateful I could help and support many friends in the last decades during their hard and sad times of loss. And bullshit coming along with it. Including myself.

I’m gratefully sitting on the balcony, listening to the rain that finally broke today’s humid heat, Missi on the chair next to me, Bigfoot haunting an insect. Life is so calm, peaceful and beautiful on the farm. I love it. I’m grateful for every day.

I’m grateful I had to buy a new PC, the old one is broken beyoned repair. I will try to get a refund from insurance as this was caused by power outages and lightning strokes. I’m grateful I had 4 hours of chatting, petting a fluffy oldtimer cat I’ve been knowing all her life and drinking coffe at my schoolfriend’s. And of course for all the instructions I got about data transfer and installing the new PC. My personal IT hotline. With a leg in plaster :see_no_evil: Their hollidays are crashed. Poor them. I’m grateful for lifelong friends and their spouses. These friendships remain even if you don’t see each other for years. I’m a lucky, blessed person with many such friends. My heart is overflowing with gratitude, love and the feeling of being connected. I crawled out of my reclusiveness and enjoy socializing again without feeling easily overwhelmed. I’m grateful life is a constant flow of changes :pray: ODAAT

More gratitude: Oldtimer gained weight. Leftovers. Financial skills to make money to pay bills. Being a reliable person. Plants and veggies growing. Reliable car, necessary when living rural. My beautiful, wonderful life and having you all always in my pocket :people_hugging::pray:

  • All these awful emotions! Without them, I won’t heal.
  • Plenty of good food to eat.
  • It is no longer July! July is absolutely the toughest month for me. Brutally hot with long days and short nights. I don’t sleep well in July. Now the days are getting shorter, and soon my sleep will improve :blush:
  • A safe, comfortable home
  • A stronger body.
  • 5 months of sobriety complete in less than 3 hours! Before I sleep tonight, I will be beginning Month 6 sober!
  • your support and kindness :heart:

Grateful to be back here and reading all of your posts.
Grateful for how good Im feeling both physically and mentally
Grateful that after a tough time at work last week I could compare it with similar events in the past and I definitely dealt with it better mentally.
Grateful for time spent with my family
Grateful for time spent alone
Grateful to be getting fitter and stronger as I go
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


I have been putting this off…

But I am grateful that I am not alone doing this. Step 4.


You will feel so much better when you get thru the muck. Write down everything on your conscience to get true freedom!

Good luck @Oluoch


Good morning sober fam,

Im greatful for my recovery

Im greatful i pause ( a lot more) before taking action, this helps with not immediately over reacting

Im greatful for Boscoe cuddles and him tapping me right now telling me to cuddle him more…bossy s.o.b.

Im greatful our roof didnt get significant damage and a contractor will seal it for free, definitely calling on them the next hail storm

Im greatful for the flexibility at work to take care of storm damage and take pto

Im greatful im back in the office and can be productive

Im greatful hubby and i can talk about finances


My sponsor is making me do a list of people I resented growing up. The last name on my list was my sponsor for making me do it! :smile::smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I’m grateful to be sober and healthy. I’m grateful that I am able to help neighbors and the community. I’m grateful for being accepted. I’m grateful for everyone who has come to help out today. I’m grateful for all the men who came quickly to dig the grave and the women who came with food and supplies that were needed. I’m grateful to have the evening to myself to drink tea, relax and hopefully get good rest.


I’m grateful for a glorious day yesterday. By myself for most of it.
I’m grateful it still took a little work.

I’m grateful I think I figured out it wasn’t going to the AA meeting that I was fearful of.
I’m grateful I enjoyed myself at the meeting on the beach in the sand.
I’m grateful I came and went and nobody talked to me :+1: perfect. I’m grateful there’s plenty of time for that later.
I’m grateful I felt comfortable sharing as there were lots of moments of silence.

I’m grateful for the beautiful canyon drive socked in with the marine layer.
I’m grateful for porta potties :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:
I’m grateful I brought a blanket and a hoodie.

I’m grateful for the walk on the beach after, in solitude seeing :dolphin: and :duck: and :seal: oh my :hugs:
I’m grateful for the screaming laughter of lots of young children that I walked by. I’m grateful I saw the joy in their faces as they played and ran in the surf and sand.

I’m grateful I had a good time doing what I wanted to do.
I’m grateful my wife just brought me a smoothie. I’m grateful she’s been doing that most days lately.

I’m grateful for the 3 messages in my head today and yesterday.

To compare is to despair
I’m grateful my sponsor use to say that. I think I’m finally getting it. I use to just think it was a jealousy thing comparing what I got to…….someones………
I’m grateful I think what I’m doing is comparing what I’m doing (like having fun in this instance,) while someone else……. I don’t know……….is just doing something else. Like Staying home. Doing what they want and I’m thinking about them and what they’re doing and I’m “shoulding all over myself.” Instead of just enjoying my moments. I’m grateful I did enjoy many of my moments off by myself yesterday. I’m grateful I noticed I had to work at it.

I’m grateful I’m learning to do more by myself and that, that doesn’t mean I love my wife any less. Thank you friend :kissing_heart:

I’m grateful I heard at the meeting
You got to love yourself
To choose faith over fear

I’m grateful for my day with lots of different workers in the house again finishing up a couple of plumbing jobs and chimney and fireplace things.

I’m grateful how far we’ve come with visits and trips and moves and buying and selling and fixing up and more family visits with dogs :scream: and moving to a new state. I’m grateful for all the life I took in on life’s terms. No fucking booze. I’m grateful I’m beginning to be able to breathe again.

I’m grateful I think I’ve gone on too long or at least long enough.

I’m grateful for another sober day my friends.
Have a great weekend all


Today I am grateful for:

  • a safe trip to Berlin
  • and a safe trip to Wrocław
  • nice travel companions
  • all the interesting people and places I got to see
  • my umbrella
  • public transport
  • family
  • unexpected turns
  • keeping my heart open and letting life
  • a well trained body
  • opportunities to do yoga on the train
  • arriving
  • cool air
  • yoga before bed

Steep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Living throgh day 2 of no electricity. No wind damage. No house damage. Just dropping it while I try to get some % on this phone

Much love!


Hoping you get your electricity back soon :crossed_fingers: Grateful no wind damage.


Grateful today
Clean house
Being able to be good host for company
Relaxing calm days
No expectations from others or for others
Major League Baseball
Grateful God is with me always


It came back!!! The company said at least 4 days…I posted here…and BOOM…changed my life!