Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

The power of us sober is very powerful! Glad you are back up and running and not in the dark.


Oh that is awesome! So grateful for the small miracles.


Grateful for sunny winter days
Grateful to be at work
Grateful I have a job thats somewhat flexible in where we can go, allowing me to pop in to see my daughter compete this morning.
Grateful she had fun despite losing most matches.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


jotting down some Friday gratefulness :hugs:

So very grateful that I woke up early and ready to go even after a crappy nights sleep
I am so very grateful for an amazing walk. Grateful I left earlier today to avoid the busy streets in the morning. (so many people trying to get the active movement in before the heat hits).
I am so very grateful for the refreshing swim
I am so very grateful that I was able to get the delivery complete in time and then had the patience and time to deal with some paperwork and filing issues.
I am so very grateful that I finally lost it and chopped my hair ā€“ total hack job. Grateful that i was able to get it fixed and looking better. Grateful for feeling light and new. Grateful that I know its gonna take a minute to get used to LOL
I am so very grateful that the storms held off so I could be active this morning. Grateful that we did have cooler weather today and less humidity. God iā€™m so very thankful for less humidity.
I am so very grateful for treating myself to some Thai food. So YUMMY.
I am so very grateful for my HP, for my family, for my inner peace, for my recovery and for learning more about myself, for my healthy boundaries.
I am so very grateful for this beautiful community. For this safe space. For my connections here!

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:



That I can feel so much joy around the simple acts
That pleasure is not my only source of joy
For eating at a place owned by an ex Gurkha, immersing a little in that rich culture and honour.
My own body that carries me.
Shorter hair in this heat!
Listening to people sing karaoke as I tried to fall asleep. They had fun! :grin:
Podcasts :pray:t2::pray:t2:
Early mornings are now my thing. Wow, I LOVE THEM.
A beautiful break away with my better half, full of quality and genuine invested time and communication and fun.
Getting out my escape room in the time.
That I fell asleep for a nanna nap at the end of my breathwork session yesterday while relaxing at the apartment.
That my cats have been comfortable at their boarding host. To get pictures of them exploring and gaining confidence is so good.
For the feeling of peace.
Letting go of annoyances.
My sobriety a million times over. Without this, I have little.


I am grateful that I handled an incident yesterday with grace and calmness.
I am grateful that, while I really could have and had started doing it, I did not talk myself down to a pulp.
I am grateful for the internetā€¦and the fact that I could search for and figure out at least the cause of the incident.
I am grateful that I took the day off. Took care of myself. Watched Deadpool. Read Neil Gaiman. Went to a meeting.
I am grateful that at the meeting I was reminded how violent I can be towards myself.
I am grateful for the work I am putting towards healing myself from all the violence I have inflicted on me.
I am grateful for another day sober. For the community that helps me stay another day sober. For the serenity it all brings me.

Have a wonderful weekend. xo


Good morning all!
It is Saturday morning and I slept about 10 hours!

When I sleep too long I have strange dreams. This time it was that I was pregnant. Ha! (Impossible for me at this stage of my life)

I was happy and proud in my dream, but everyone around me (friends, my parents) were very judge mental and unhappy with that situation. This includes dead relatives who showed up for the dream. So now that Iā€™m awake, Iā€™m grateful it was only a dream and that my life does not have that much drama.

Iā€™m grateful to be in therapy so we can figure out how to help me deal with some earlier trauma, including some that I could see and feel in that dream.

Iā€™m grateful to be sober and have this first amazing cup of coffee.

Iā€™m grateful to live in a safe and loving home. My life did not start out that way.

Iā€™m grateful to have resources to care for myself and my family.

Iā€™m grateful for this beautiful summer break and that Iā€™m starting to get excited about the return to school and my work in a few more weeks.

Iā€™m grateful for this community and your kindness and support.

Iā€™m grateful to be healthy and able to do things I enjoy like biking and swimming.

Iā€™m grateful for a weekend with no plans.

I wish you all the best today and that you get to experience some peace in your recovery journey.


Iā€™m grateful that I got in a early morning walk before needing to go over to the funeral yurt. It felt good to exercise and gave me a good time to clear my head. Iā€™m grateful for everyone coming out today. Iā€™m grateful for my house. Iā€™m grateful for being able to have some chill time tonight putting on some chill music and reading some before bed.


Things I am especially grateful for today.

I took another trip today. On a train from Wrocław to Katowice. I love train rides. I loved the landscape. I have not been to this part of
the world in years.

One of my cousins picked me up and then we met with many others from my family. Some of them I have not seen in years. It was so wonderful to connect again. We used to spend all our summers together as children. Sometimes even other vacations. Such a great time.

Now I am back in the city of my birth, in the house I used to visit my great grandma. In a nice and quiet room with beautiful trees everywhere.

I am tired and very happy.

Steep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I am really pleased you are having a lovely time. May you sleep well my friend!


Grateful for the reception I get from the kids when I walk in the door after work ( if their not to caught up playing nintendošŸ˜‚)
Grateful for old friends that truly care.
Grateful for another day at work, working with a great crew.
Grateful for a hearty sunday lunch shared with the work crew.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Abundance of gratitude. Another lovely day. God is good and present in everything I do. I do remember to be thankful when things are good.
Grateful to have energy TO DO!

Chilling time
True happiness.


Grateful for AC!!

Grateful for iced coffee. Grateful for refrigeration.

Grateful for a day off work. Grateful to spend the evening with my 10 month old great niece. What joy she brings to my life. Grateful she finally went to sleep.

Grateful always for this thread. Xxoo. ODAAT :people_hugging:


A few gratitudes before i go to the gym

Im so very greatful

Im enjoying learning how to run long distance, im a work in progress
I got to take Bdog for a walk before it got too hot. Plus he pooped right by the trash so i didnt have to carry a bag o poo for 30min
Air conditioning
Communication with hubby
My ability to pay the tax man
Thank got for our emergency fund
Good music
My gym membership
My tan
The cityā€™s quick response and communication on cleanup after the storm
I dont dread sundays or mondays
I dont puke on my walks thru the neighboorhood bc im nauseous and hungover, sorry neighbor!


Iā€™m having to dig deep for gratitude lately. Itā€™s just life being lifey.

Grateful for air conditioning. Itā€™s been a hot :fire: summer. Electric bill doubled but the comfort is worth it.

Grateful I made a decision to research a new day program fur my daughter. No success finding a new aide so Iā€™m discontinuing the search, and looking into a 5 day program closer to home. I have a tour scheduled Wed for one place and hopefully Friday for another. My AA friendā€™s sister works at the one weā€™re visiting Wed, so thatā€™s comforting. My daughter does not do well with change, so weā€™ve been having a lot of discussions about the pros and cons. Hopefully, the tour will ease her concerns.

Grateful hubby did not have an accident when the breaks failed on his truck. He insisted on driving it to the mechanic to avoid another tow bill. Grateful I have the funds to cover another mechanic bill. This truck has been extremely costly and delaying a new car for me.

Grateful I could use my daughterā€™s Uber account and give hubby my car rather than renting a vehicle. Grateful she has hundreds of state funded miles available. We lose them if not used anyway.

Iā€™m grateful for the kitten that came to our AA meeting last night. She earned her 24 hour chip (weaned from momma the day before). She was a pretty calico kitty adopted by one of the members. Very well behaved in a carrier during the meeting but of course we had to pass her around for cuddles afterwards.

Grateful for everyone here helping to keep me sober another day.


Iā€™m grateful the funeral days are over. Iā€™m grateful for good friends, neighbors and this community. Iā€™m grateful to be home relaxing now. Iā€™m grateful for cardomon tea and biscuits. Iā€™m grateful that I could get in some exercise and a semi decent hike this morning. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ve slept well these past few days. Iā€™m grateful that I could take the dogs for a quick swim this afternoonā€¦well Mop went swimming Leila is too afraid of water so only sticks her paws in. Iā€™m grateful that even though the past few days have been a bit rough Iā€™ve done well and havenā€™t been having bad cravings and Iā€™ve felt strong.


Iā€™m grateful you never know who or how youā€™re going to help people around here :kissing_heart:
Thatā€™s why I say this is a magical place.

Iā€™m grateful you matter. Ya you!

Hope you donā€™t mind me stealing that @I.cant.We.can i know you donā€™t :kissing_heart:

Iā€™m grateful I went back to bed at 5:30 instead of getting up. Grateful I slept in til 7. Iā€™m grateful when I told my wife your burning daylight at 7 am :joy: she said she was going to burn some more :zzz: :zzz: :zzz: :joy:

Iā€™m grateful I havenā€™t had a chance to do my regular routine and thatā€™s ok. I got coffee and catio time this morning so all is great!

Iā€™m grateful my sister is traveling Spain with family and Iā€™m very happy for her. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m not faking that happiness for my sister. Iā€™m genuinely happy for her. Iā€™m grateful I know that is because of my recoveries. Both of them. Sheā€™s still my dumb sister :kissing_heart: we went years hating each other. What a waste.

Iā€™m grateful being happy instead of right all the time brings me a shit load of serenity :wink:

Iā€™m grateful for this slow start to the day and I can make adjustments. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ve enjoyed my morning being in the present.

Grateful for you all.

Choose being kind over being right and youā€™ll be right every time.
Richard Carlson


Well said! Humility is just that!


This made me laugh :joy::rofl:
My family deemed me the moron sister. I miss a lot of posts on our group chat so Iā€™m always behind on whatā€™s happening in their lives, then I ask questions or post about stuff thatā€™s no longer relevant. Iā€™m grateful I proudly wear my moron crown. :joy:


I am grateful that I came here and saw this!

Grateful that I am making progress on Step 4. Grateful for some of the things that the work is revealing to me about myself. Iā€™m grateful for the discovery I am finding in recovery. Iā€™m grateful that I am learning to pause before I react.

Iā€™m grateful that I am doing more things that I didnā€™t want to do because of fear. Iā€™m grateful that I have done a few driving lessons (one of my fears). Grateful that in a very very strange way, road rage is a very common topic in the meetings I attend, and I see myself both as a learner, stalling the car in the middle of the road, and perhaps at some point in the future, counting to ten when someone else does that (That made a lot more sense in my head!).

I am grateful that I am going back to the gym tomorrow morning. Grateful for the apprehension (Why am I apprehensive about going to the gym?)

Iā€™m grateful for another sober day. I am grateful for all of you. x