Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Things I am especially grateful for today.

This morning I took my time with my morning routine, shopping groceries, making breakfast, enjoying my morning coffee.
I enjoyed yesterday’s excitement and now today’s easy and relaxed rhythm.

I took a long walk along the Odra river into the Old Town. I took my time, watched the boats, took a very short stroll around the market place.

I love this city but tourists do so too. I was glad to escape to this green and quiet part where I am staying.

I took a walk in the afternoon through a district of the city I used to live in as a child. I even found my old primary school. The house we lived in at that time is not there any more though. Things change.

Had a great chat with my cousin. I have many of them. A big family. I love knowing there are so many people in the world that I belong with and that belong with me.

An easy evening. Some reading, maybe anime, relaxed and chillin.

Steep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Sunday gratitude.
I’m grateful I watched service on TV on the couch when my old boy had another seizure. I’m grateful I had meds for this situation and made him cramp safely on the couch so he didn’t fall down. I’m grateful the vet prepared me well for this case :pray: I’m grateful he was ok after 1 hour of being a bit desorientated and wanted my steak for lunch :heart: I’m grateful the rectally applied diazepam made him poop nicely after 2 hours. Maybe I should apply a micro clyster in the future to help with poop. He gets really old and needs special care. He is so lovely, I love him to pieces. I’m grateful for every day he is still with me.

I’m grateful the chores were done before all this happenend. I skipped everything beside cooking and spend the rest of the day on the couch to comfort my old boy.
In this situation I really missed the calming presence and support of my ex. I’m grateful I can do it alone without being overwhelmed or desperate. I’m grateful I rely on myself in a good, healthy way. I’m grateful for first things first.

I’m grateful for the wasching machine, I needed it today. I’m grateful for my lovely, caring youngsters. Their presence and purring is soothing.

I’m glad the neighbours like the postcard I wrote. Maybe they can look after the cats when I’m away for the annual family get together at the end of august. 2 full days would be nice.

I’m grateful I started to set up the new office infrastructute yesterday. It will take some time as my nerves are not the best after today.
I’m grateful I bought a nrw mailbox and mounted it, the old one has been destroyed by a thunderstorn last month. I’m grateful for doing what’s necessary, at my pace. I do the best I can and leave the rest to the universe. I’m grateful on tuesday I will be able to write my lawyer, informing him of the latest developments to discuss them on thursday. My gut is in turmoil with so much happening after months and years of standstill and stagnacy. I’m grateful I allow myself no future tripping and focus on being present. I want to save myself from expectations and hopes that are not met. I feel vulnerable but for the first time in long I don’t feel insecure facing upcoming things. It will be what it will be. I’ll handle it when I’m there. I’m grateful I know I have emotional and practical support, I only have to ask for it :pray: I’m grateful I get better in asking for help. ODAAT


I’m grateful for:Daily reflection s
:Messaging my sponsor (she’s flying out on holiday)
Im grateful for being able to try and give my message to the still suffering alcoholic who wanted to cry talk and have someone to listen at the bus stop .tried to give advice as she’s planning a night on the streets tonight.I’m VERY grateful to my higher power that I’m able to be sober today and could be of service to my fellows… for that I am responsible

  • Having no money worries.
  • August. Fall isn’t too far off. I might even see a few trees turning in the higher elevations.
  • A trip to see my big brother in Santa Fe in 2 weeks. Love it there, it’s beautiful and full of the arts.
  • Not being under anyone’s abusive thumb. I’m free from that now, and I now choose mutual kindness and respect.
  • 156 days of sobriety
  • Becoming who I am meant to be. :heart:

@lisa07 So very grateful that your hubby is ok and is able to have your ride while his truck gets fixed :pray:

SO glad you are enjoying your trip home and what a wonderful way to put it! Absolutely amazing to feel the connection of belonging. You are now part of our TS family too love :hugs:

Sunday gratitude’s - So very grateful for:

  • Getting my physical activities (walk, swim, weights and cardio) done this morning even though I did not sleep well last night. Hoping to finish the day off with some yoga
  • Got to chat with my aunt in Germany today. She is one of my favorite people and I’m glad I was able to connect with her as she is going through a hard time
  • Getting all my work for the restaurant done. I haven’t been able to do much for so long that it’s nice to contribute some more these days. ODAAT!
  • Getting cozy in my Halloween sweats and watching some scary movies.
  • Going to give myself a mani / pedi shortly
  • For my family! For the love and support I get from them daily. For them being by my side during this recovery. I know I’ve not been easy to deal with.
  • Spotify! Love how I can listen to whatever i want when i want it. How amazing is that!
  • Love that Amazon now as live tv (guess its been happening for a minute but I just found out). Seeing old SNL skits kept me entertained yesterday when I couldn’t sleep LOL
  • Having leftovers from last nights dinner as my late breakfast option today when I burnt my croissant.
  • For my TENS machine that will hopefully help ease some of this pain i’m in.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening! Sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Cozy Halloween sweats and movies sound divine!! Cannot wait for September, when my Halloween season begins :heart_eyes:🫶🏻:jack_o_lantern:


Me too!! I can’t wait for those crisp cool days where I can burn candles and bake :blush:


@lighter i just couldn’t wait for another month (i usually do wait till September to start too) :rofl: Seeing the horror movie in the theater a few weeks ago really lit the bug in me LOL


@JazzyS I totally get it! Going to look at Halloween house pants now. :laughing:


Me Time today!
Pool time
Kitchen time
Pet bonding time
TV Time
Soon bedtime!


Grateful for being able to move and exercise
Grateful for days off with the wife when we’re both of shift
Grateful for good spots to walk the dogs
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


grateful for made it into the next week and still sober even if the weekend was exausting. Grateful for all the resources and knowlegde I find here and that I collected over the last 3 month. Really grateful for all my loved ones, friends and girlfriend!


221 days of having my kittens and also my sober reality.
Cool morning air
My sister visiting in 12 days to stay for a few days
Coffee while reading a great book (that’s going to break my heart in pieces, I can tell already)
Body pump later today, I need the release
Eight hours sleep


Good morning my sober tribe,

Im so very greatful for…

My recovery and the evolution of cjp 4.0
The AA promises continue to come true in my life
I woke my ass up at 520am and worked out
I increased my running time
Youtube without commercials
Boscoes fuzzy face, poor guy needs a haircut
Quality time with hubby this weekend
I dont dread going to work
Air conditioning
Our safety
Those blessings that we take for granted
This amazing community

Peace along your journeys today


I’m grateful for being able to have a counselor now and that I like her. I’m grateful for this morning hike and that it helped bring my anxiety down. I’m grateful for the eagles I saw again. I found where they live and will keep an eye on them. I’m grateful for my new friend. I’m grateful for how fascinating languages and am enjoying learning a new dialect. I’m seriously amazed at how similar to Kyrgyz it is when Karakalpakstan is located a ways from here- am interested to learn the history more. I’m grateful for creamy tomato soup and fresh basil. I’m grateful for getting the grant for the translation project and have heard from a neighboring country that they also have interest in this resource being translated. So maybe I’ll have that to do in Uzbek when I’m finished with Kyrgyz. Really loving how excited social services is about this one! I’m grateful for an easy evening in relaxing and having a cuddle with the dogs.


I’m grateful I’m 4 for 4 on the Moka pot coffee the last 4 mornings.
I’m grateful for my ice pack.
I’m grateful I already got The Burner walked.
I’m grateful my handyman is coming today.
I’m grateful he communicates more than necessary.
I’m grateful he’s a real nice guy and does wonderful work.

I’m grateful for my daughter-in-law and how she’s helping me to make some salon walls.
I’m grateful she’s an artist.
I’m grateful my first salon wall of my art or the art works I have come to accumulate. The ones that made the cut. Came out quite nice.

I’m grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful for my marriage.
I’m grateful I’m content and happy enough.
I’m grateful for my blessings.
I’m grateful I have family near buy.
I’m grateful I get a chance to surrender every day, if I’m smart enough, and be happier.

I’m grateful I’m learning to do things on my own and I’m enjoying that.

I’m grateful for Al-Anon meetings.
I’m grateful for AA meetings.
I’m grateful there’s an AA meeting on the beach Mom - Fri at 8:30 so I can definitely fit one of those in my week each week. I’m grateful after the meeting I can enjoy the beaches and find a coffee shop or something for lunch.

Be thankful for your blessings and never
doubt your struggles. Don’t ask why it happened, just be thankful for the
strength it gave you.

Live life happy .com


monday gratitude.
i’m grateful i tackled the dammed internet nonfunction. seems that the lan ports are broken. fuck the “support” hotline who could have checked that easily the 5 times I called. After hours of excluding every other problem … I set up the new PC with mobile hotspot :roll_eyes: what a crap, like using an old 56k modem, but grateful I got it. Now my nerves are done, after 2 other hotlines telling me bullshit and figuring it out on myself. Oh Jesus, I KNOW why I quit doing this crap 20 years ago. It’s enervating. I’m grateful the basics are working.

I’m grateful it was not hot today, very comfortable temperatures for me going up and down to the cellar level where the modem is. Lots of stairs today :wink:

I’m grateful for enough toilet paper at home, yesterday’s overeating took its toll.

I’m grateful for lazy cats sleeping all day while I was working.

I’m grateful I tackle things I really dislike. ODAAT


Things I am especially grateful for today.

I spent the morning in my favourite book shop. It’s always the hardest part of my visit cause: books!!! In my native language! Really good books!
When I left my home country as a child it was very soon very clear that I will not go back home. Basically never again. I might go and visit, but never go back.
So everytime I go back to this country I am a visitor. What has kept me connected and lessened my loss somewhat were family visits and books. I will never get that home of mine back, but I can find some solace in books, in my mother tongue.

So today was about books, about being something in between: Visiting and coming home at the same time, and none of it completely.

I had some nice chats with people in town, enjoyed the sun, the trees around here, just life.

I think I am going to log into a Recovery Dhana meeting later.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I’m grateful that I got through the court date that I’ve been dreading for 7 months. Grateful that I’ve been sober for those 7 months.

Grateful for you that have been there every step of the way.

Grateful that Monday is over.

Grateful for Chappel Roan.

ODAAT :pray:🫶🏻 :people_hugging:


Thankful for the new football/ soccer team I joined last week. As long as I get my daily 8h of sleep and 2-3 good sport sessions a week, I can manage so much better. Grateful I really understand that now, took me long enough, even though you can read this everywhere.