Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Day 828 free from weed and alcohol

Im so very greatful for…

My mobility
Getting my butt up and moving this am
I dont dread going to work today
Boscoes punk a** telling me which way we’ll walk. Jokes on him we just did the reverse route i had intended to take lol hes the boss
Hubby doing chores
I was able to make lunches for the week last night
A morning without meetings
This peace ive been feeling amongst the chaos
Looking forward to an aa meeting tonight

Peace my gratidudes


:rofl::rofl::rofl:. Too funny …glad you’re letting him think he’s won :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


222 days of freedom
The Olympics, loving it
Cuddles with Bluey, even though it’s way too early :disappointed:
Cuddles with Bear who thinks everything is a Roly Poly bed party :tada:
Simple satisfying food
Getting diet back on track after a break away
Getting back in the gym with two killer classes


YES — 222 and going strong!

Love this TF :heart:


That’s so weird. I attended a quantum flame healing session the other evening with a practitioner. My number that came up was 8 (abundance, synchronicity, balance, eternity). My message that came up was ‘purpose’… I felt connected to 222 today!


I love it! Love when the universe speaks to us – YES! Beautiful number and message :hugs:


I’m grateful for my morning hike and that I saw the eagles again. I grateful that i had a good day despite my high anxiety. I’m grateful that I could get some work done today. I’m grateful for this community you all have really helped me. I’m grateful for the new relaxations techniques I’ve been learning they have really helped me cope better with anxiety and stress. I’m grateful for my friends and neighbors. I’m grateful for good days and bad days.


Day 4 and im greatful for forgiveness


I’m grateful to wake up with 3 pet heads in my face this morning. Alice, neck, Benson right shoulder, Daisy right side chest :heart::heart::heart:

Grateful for morning catio time.
I’m grateful for all my readings I did this morning.

ODAAT In Al-Anon

  • I would not look back over my shoulder at the disappointments of the past—I would not anxiously contemplate the future. I would live just for today—as well as I can.*

Courage To Change
It takes courage to step beyond what is comfortable, predictable, and known.
“Courage faces fear and thereby masters it.
Martin Luther King, Jr.

Living These Days
Joseph Campbell: ”We must be willing to get rid of the life we’ve planned, so as to have the life that is waiting for us.”

But to step into a new life, we have to let go of the life we are living. It’s not easy,

The sooner we can let go of how we think things should look or need to look, the sooner we may start to experience what we are called to.

Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff
Be the first one to reach out lovingly

Let Go Now
Becoming willing to live one’s experiences differently is the first necessary step to discovering the freedom promised by detaching from upheavals in the lives of others.

I’m grateful I got to, and made time for, my gratitude list this morning.

I’m grateful for my little portable speakers and Bluetooth so I can have my mantras playing out here in the catio.

I’m grateful for a little Gus time yesterday afternoon. I’m grateful his fall could have been so much worse. I’m grateful he got over it quickly.

I’m grateful I’m enjoying working on my second salon wall. I think it looks great on the first try. I’m grateful I’m following my DIL expert advice. I’m grateful I know she’ll text me back when she texts me back.

I’m grateful I got caught up with Julie in London yesterday. I’m grateful she got over that dreadful Covid and is feeling better. We were all pretty worried.

I’m grateful for Hope
I’m grateful for you all and this thread.


I’m grateful to see @Button83 on the selfie thread. Congrats on 4 days.

Grateful that gratitude is one of my strongest tools in my sobriety and it has totally retrained my brain. I’m grateful I am not alone in this fact. I’m grateful when others here have said the same thing. I’m grateful there’s always an open chair here for more gratitude.


In recovery, we either learn to be grateful, or we don’t last. Gratitude is the air of recovery. Gratitude is what makes the lungs of recovery fill, the heart beat, and the life flow. The attitude of gratitude focuses on what we have rather than what we don’t. With gratitude, there is such a thing as enough. People filled with gratitude aren’t good consumers because they don’t heed the message “You need more stuff. Stuff will make you whole.” Gratitude makes us whole, not stuff. It allows us to make the abundant blessings we already have in our life not only count, but be enough. And not just enough, but more than we could have imagined. Gratitude allows us to understand that there is enough for everyone so we don’t have to hoard whatever it is we think we need. There is plenty. In a culture addicted to the belief that “I need more,” people with an attitude of gratitude stand out. They are like roses growing out of cracks in a ghetto neighborhood. People watch. They see. And in being seen, we give some small measure of the bread of life to the world.


So glad that Gus is okay and bounced back from the fall…oh how I miss being young :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

Hopefully we will get to see these when you are done :hugs::smiling_face:

Grateful your friend is doing better and recovering from Covid :pray:t4:


Thank you! I really needed to read that. Being greatful for what i have instead of worrying about what i dont. How selfish I have been. Its not even material things im worrying about its my happiness in the future, instead of being greatful for the happy moments i have now.


Today I’m grateful of being healthy despite of decades of drinking, smoking pot and popping pills. I feel like this sobriety has made me a new man although I’m still on early recovery (day 29). I’m grateful I have a flat, food and water. I’m just grateful of being alive and letting God guide me through difficult times. I’m grateful of this community, you all are really so awesome that I don’t have enough words to express my gratitude. I’m grateful of all little things in this wonderful life that I didn’t notice them while being wasted. Thank you, God. Thank you everyone.


Tuesday gratitude.
Today I’m grateful living at my pace is NOT being lazy. I’m grateful I shook that off.
I’m grateful I was up on time and I don’t remember how I spent the morning. Laundry, cat & plant chores, and 2 call were involved as well as 2 huge cups of tea. I’m grateful a new modem will arrive within 2 days. Hopefully.
I’m grateful for yummi salad for lunch and not so grateful I got the runs afterwards. My gut is very sensitive these days, I have to take more care. I’m grateful I noticed it before it gets severe.

I’m grateful for catlove, for a nice chat on the phone, for a nap, for journalling, for paying bills, for harvesting plums & mirabelles and making jam. I’m grateful for cooked potatoes to neutralize the sweet taste. I’m grateful the kitchen is clean again. Off to bed. ODAAT


This is so very true… Thank you for sharing this message.
@acromouse So grateful you have shared your travels with us.
@Cjp I love CJP 4.0
@Dazercat a bit envious of beach meetings… enjoy
@Button83 4 days!! Congratulations
@MrMoustache Way to go day 29. Just a suggestion…get a potato or even a sweet potato/yam slice it thin … season and bake it oven… Much healthier than store bought chips/crisps…Find a seasoning you like…

My gratitude today includes
AA Meeting, Meeting with sponsor, catching up on bookkeeping work, Husbands LACK OF disapproval and dissatisfaction.

Grateful I get pool time soon and can catch up on August Challenge.

Grateful I was available to watch Daughter’s kitten for a few days and was able to hand him back. Grateful I didn’t have to be woke up at 6:30am by crying Baby.

Grateful to all who come here…This wisdom bestowed on me is priceless but don’t send me a bill…then I would have to feel guilty for taking advantage of you. haha


Wow, thanks for the tip of making my own chips! Never thought about that. Thank you, my friend.


Thanks for the chuckle friend – you are priceless :hugs:


I am grateful for the loud voice of… to be honest I dont know what it is. My higher self? God? Captain of the Aliens? All I know is it keeps saving me.

When it yelled “You need to get a bone scan.” I literally said out loud, out my mouth to nobody, “I, do?” then I sat there and realized what i had heard and said, “I guess I need bonescan.”

I am grateful that being an addict in active addiction for 33 years with an eating disorder is enough weight to prompt a bonescan with our medical system. I am grateful it was paid for.

I am grateful that I dont have osteoporosis, and that hopefully the osteoperia that I do have will not get worse. I am grateful I found out before i had to take bone builders and shitty meds. I have hope I can do this with food and exercise.

We can only abuse our bodies so much before they give us a big fuck you.:fu:t3:
I am just grateful I still have a body.



Day 829, feeling peaceful

Im so very greatful for…

My recovery
My health, mind, body, spirit
Got my ass to the gym this am
Feeling hopeful for work
Sober friends
My marriage and our growth (individually and collectively)
Boscoes furry face
Hot showers whenever i want…what a luxury!!
Good coffee
Good sponsorship
AA and not having to travel this path alone
Mental health meds


I’m grateful for having lower anxiety today and feeling in a good mood. I’m grateful for being able to spend time at the orphanage today and having fun with the kids/teens. I’m grateful that I felt good after. I’m grateful for having a productive work time after and making good progress on new translations. I’m grateful for my neighbors who are grieving after a death in the family and am glad I could visit for tea. I’m grateful for feeling peaceful and hopeful today. I’m grateful for laying down having a cuddle with my girls who are extea soft today after their baths.