Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Today I’m grateful for

  • psychiatrist appointment was good
  • fetched more stuff from the townhouse, I need it for preserving produce
  • notice that the new modem is on the way
  • machinery chaos, one not starting, another constantly having problems, the third one lost its airfilter :see_no_evil: More than enough signs to move my ass inside, order spare parts and read manuals. Mowing in homeopathic doses.
  • amazon next day delivery
  • found the bill for the broken PC to hand in to the insurance. I’m grateful I’m organized and find the things I need. Mostly.
  • catlove
  • water
  • as many showers as I like, today: 3
  • i’m grateful I never stop learning and stay curious
  • bedtime with the old boy beside me

Things I am especially grateful for today.

In the morning I went with my aunt to her exercise class. It was so much fun exercising in this group, such great vibes, so welcoming. Whenever I get to this place I am welcomed with open arms by the ladies’ community.

I went into town later and took a hike over the hills here. All the trails I used to walk as a kid.

On the way back I chanced upon an artist’s workshop. The guy came out and we had
such a great chat about what it means to be an artist. My soul sang. Meeting another soul like mine.

Now I’m back with family. Just home. Relaxing. Knowing where I belong.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I am so grateful for this thread. Truly my safe space and a calming, lovely place to be.

Grateful for Peacocks Olympic coverage. It’s been a lovely way to spend these past hot August evenings.

Grateful for firefighters. We have some raging wildfires here in Northern CA, in over 100 degree heat for weeks. Bless them all.

ODAAT, my grateful friends :orange_heart:


Grateful for my higher power.
Grateful I’m learning it’s way easier to let go…
grateful for my parents and brother who aways give it to me real.
Grateful for my recovery program. I’m learning to be ok with feeling uncomfortable. Exposure therapy!
Grateful for my job that understands my life changes. I don’t have to hide anything.
Grateful I ran into a friend I knew from multiple times of sleeping out on the streets. He is still out there but I told him about a state run free detox he can get into tonight and hopefully gave him some hope. A lot of people on the streets in my area don’t know about the detox they can get into and get help. I can tell he is tired. Grateful to not be out there in my addiction. Grateful I don’t have to live like that!!
Grateful for my sober living house and everything it is teaching me and the people who help.
Grateful for music and the memories it brings back from different periods of my life.
Grateful for this recovery process. Almost glad it’s not easy because maybe it’s making me stronger.
Grateful for the good and the bad.
Grateful for this community.


Early Thursday morning gratitude. I am grateful to see another day sober. Grateful that the headache I have is not a hangover…though it needs to be checked as it has gone on for a bit too long. I am grateful that I am learning to love myself and that has involved doing things that have a net positive effect on my body and mind.

I am grateful for my new therapist. He really does see through my bullshit…which is what we need as alcoholics. I’m grateful that he asked me to be more proactive in doing my daily gratitudes.

I am grateful for my trainer. He’s got my body in pain, but I am also grateful for the pain. It does happen when going back to they gym after SO long.

I’m grateful for not smoking. My chest feels great. Cardio workouts are much easier. My office doesn’t smell like an ashtray.

I’m grateful for the jobs I do and the many people I interact with. Even the not so nice ones. I am grateful that I ask for and get the serenity to accept the things I cannot change.

I’m grateful for.short weeks! It’s a public holiday in South Africa tomorrow. National Women’s Day. I will be celebrating all the women in my life including those on here. Grateful that I will also be attending a social event tomorrow at the home of one of the members of my home group. Grateful for more sober days.

I am grateful for all of you. x


Good morning sober warriors,

Im so very greatful to share this gratitude practice with ya’ll. Im greatful for your gratitudes.

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety and recovery
Slept in this am
Quiet walk with Boscosito
Hot coffee
Ladies AA mtg to look forward to
Its thursday
I get to work from home tomorrow
I enjoy my job these days
A fresh perspective
Growing knowledge
City Trash pickup weekly
My folks
I dont have to be home while the insurance adjuster checks my roof


Good morning @Cjp
Grateful to follow you like in old times up in my Flagstaff home in the ponderosa pines :evergreen_tree:
Give Ol Boscosito :heart_eyes_cat: a pet from me and The Ol Burner. I’m so grateful you are still with us, sober and sharing your experience strength and hope with us.

I’m grateful for my sobriety.
I’m grateful for my AA beach meetings.

I’m grateful I woke up too early.
I’m grateful it gives me more time to do what I use to like to do to start my day without rushing.

I’m grateful I use to hit the gratitude thread, running, every morning, first thing for over 3 years without missing a day. Gosh. I was pretty prideful. Sure kept me sober. I’m grateful I instilled the practice of gratitude on a daily basis. No, a constant basis. I’m grateful I don’t beat myself up if I don’t make it here somedays.

I’m grateful for catio time in the marine layer with cats, a glorious cup a coffee :coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee::coffee: 7 for 7 :wink: and my gentle mantra playlist going. And my hoodie and of course The Ol Burner.

I’m grateful I realized Benson is much more deaf than I thought. I knew he was loosing his hearing and acting strange. He’s a dog. Of course he acts strange. I’m grateful, otherwise he seems pretty good. I’m grateful I can be more sensitive to his needs.

I’m so so fucking grateful for my first reading today out of Richard Burrs book Living These Days.
Slowing Down
“Be not afraid of going slowly, be afraid only of standing still.”
Chinese Proverb

Slowing down is an art and a practice. Many of us spend our days focused on where we’re going, the destination, rather than being where we are. We tend to operate with an over-revved up engine, an agitated mind and nervous system, rushing more out of habit than from necessity. We may feel that rushing gives us a sense of purpose; almost saying: “look how busy I am, I must be important, or I have important things to do.” Busyness and hurry often result more from ego importance and less from intention. Perpetual busyness manifests as discomfort when we don’t have things to do, we slip into boredom and restlessness.

Sorry I don’t know how to hide shit like @Chiron does. Miss you by the way. Hope you’re well. Send us a sign will ya :peace_symbol::om::star_and_crescent::atom_symbol::aquarius:
Grateful I just learned this group of emoji’s are astrology signs thanks to you :heart_decoration:

I’m grateful……where the fuck was I?
Wrapping it up.
Grateful for you all keeping the lights on here.


“Remind me each day that the race is not always to the swift; that there is more to life than increasing its speed. Let me look upward into the towering oak and know that it grew great and strong because it grew slowly and well.”
Orin L. Crain


A beautiful breathwork session
The bathroom upstairs getting fixed in September
A great gym session
That I batch cooked for the week
A good sleep
Walking by 7am these days
Thati was up so early that I made my OH a good lunch box to take to work full of healthy and nice things :relieved:
For my resolve in sobriety


I’m grateful for a productive afternoon getting a lot of work done. I’m making good progress on things. I’m grateful for my friend who came by today to check in and help me out. I’m grateful for blackberries and black currants. I’m grateful that my fall today could have been worse and I was able to come down without any problems. I’m grateful for the eagles I saw again. I’m grateful for chill music. I’m grateful for feeling peace today.


Things I am especially grateful for today.

I took my time this morning, so it was already late morning when I left for my short hike. The sun was already burning and I enjoyed walking up the hills. Through the fields and woods to the small sanctuary by a spring.
As the weather was great and I longed for more I decided to go back home the round about way: further through the fields and hills. After 30 minutes it suddenly started to rain and all hell broke loose: heavy rain, thunder, storm, hail. The paths first turned to mud and then to streams of mud.
I had no rain gear and not even a sweater. After a few km I gave up and called my uncle who came to my rescue and picked me up with his car in the next village. Soaked, hungry and tired I was glad to be home. I had a great adventure.

I enjoyed the rest of my day being utterly boring with reading and relaxing with family.

Now I’m hoping my clothes will dry up by tomorrow.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Today I’m grateful to God for being so strongly in my life. I’m a spiritual person, not believing in any religion, and today I have felt the connection to God, Prime Creator, Mother Earth on a really firm basis. I’m so grateful that I’m alive and healthy to be able to practice chakra meditation and chanting Gayatri mantra. They help me tremendously on my sober path, they give me peace and an identity. Today I’m grateful for these little moments of bliss and happiness.


Quick check in.
I’m grateful that life is busy.
I’m grateful that I’m ME again, so freeing.
I’m grateful for friends and beeing supportive.
I’m grateful for all my blessings.
I’m grateful for help.
I’m grateful I DO.
I’m grateful for the life I’m living.
I’m grateful it happened finally that the ex is part of my past. Something changed significantly within me since this authority intervention. I’m grateful this is enough satisfaction to move on for good.
I’m grateful I feel vivid and free :pray:


So very happy for you…what an amazing feeling. :people_hugging::people_hugging::heart:

  • To be doing this mini recovery retreat! I just decided today I need to do one. Had some fairly weak drinking thoughts but it was more than I have had since I got sober. A lot of changes, mostly very positive are happening in my life but it’s a bit scary too. I can’t drink so I need to do more recovery and health stuff
  • The new garden is starting Monday. Grateful I can do this. It’s alcohol money overhauling it, you see. Rocks cost money :laughing: And all the little plants that arrive in September . It’s a good time
  • The wild turkey in my yard that talks to me. Tom is gone, and now it’s this young girl. She just yelps and whistles at me and makes me laugh. I have a new friend. Trying not to feed her but that cute sound! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: she’s still a baby so maybe Mom is gone. I better not adopt. But sometimes animals choose you for handouts.
  • 160 days of sobriety
  • A trip to the Rockies in 10 days!
  • All you wondrous people
  • Food
  • A flock of birds divebombed my patio this evening, where there was a congregation of red wasps! Oh snap! Yes!!!:raised_hands: Natural extermination

I’m grateful for another morning, and every morning sober and hangover free.
I’m grateful I get to enjoy my pets from the first waking second while still in bed until the last sleepy second before I fall asleep.

I’m grateful to watch Benson be so cute in the morning running back to the house for breakfast on his new grass. I’m grateful I get to go outside with him each and every time he goes outside. :warning: Swimming pool and coyotes :no_entry: But the thing is… I’m grateful “I get to” do this and it’s almost never ever an inconvenience or a pain in the ass. I’m grateful it’s just more time for me and him together. I’m grateful I can tell wifey where he :poop: I’m still grateful she still does all the poop chores.

I’m grateful for my wife, disease and all. I wouldn’t be where I am today. I’m grateful I have serenity.

I’m grateful for the misty morning outside with my coffee and pets, plants, and mantras in the catio.

I’m grateful I love where I live. I’m grateful I’ve always loved where I’ve lived. I’m grateful I got to live so many different places in so many different states and one other country. I’m grateful I got to live in a big city a couple of times. I’m grateful I got to live in the desert a couple of times. I’m grateful I got to live in the mountains a couple of times. I’m grateful this is fucking it! Until they stick me in memory care :scream:

I’m grateful for life on life’s terms.
I’m grateful “life on life’s terms” always makes me think of my sober warrior friend @Lisa07 and that is how we live now. ODAAT :kissing_heart:

“The shell that had enclosed my life, that had prevented me from living and loving, has cracked, and the power of the Al-Anon (edit to insert) “Recovery” program is filling the void that for years kept me at a distance from life.”
As We Understood . . .


I’m grateful for a long sleep and this mornings lay in. I’m grateful for a long walk…but missed my normal hike. And I didn’t get to see the eagles today. I’m grateful my friend milked the horses for me. I’m grateful for feeling peace and hopefully today. I’m grateful for my friends and neighbors. I’m grateful for cardomon tea and fresh mint. I’m grateful for couscous and blackberry tart. I’m grateful my neighbors are doing okay. I’m grateful to be sober and that I have good support.


Things I am especially grateful for today.

This morning I went with my aunt to her exercise class. As I already did on Wednesday I enjoyed the class. The ladies there are great, the trainer motivates and guides well. I love to move my body, to exercise. I had a great time.

Later in the day I took a bike ride. A short tour around the places I know here. Went to the cementry, visited my dear grandparent’s grave. Took a tour around the Czech part of the region, cycled a few hills. Enjoyed my ride a lot.

Spent the afternoon as lazy as can be. Chatting with my aunt, reading, a walk. A great day.

Tomorrow I’ll be on the train back to the city. I’m so grateful I had this time here.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Congrats on you 160 days AF Marie
Sorry. Couldn’t resisted a twerking turkey to celebrate.
Mini recovery retreat sounds like a great plan.
Have fun in the Rockies.


Yippee its Friday!
I am so very grateful to be awake! Grateful for the breath in my lungs and the energy to move!

I am so very grateful that I am getting more sleep some nights. Still not great but I know it will even out. Grateful that I was able to find ways to deal with my pain when I woke up at 2 and finally got to sleep at 3:30.

I am so very grateful that I did get up on time for my walk. Grateful that I hooked myself up to the TENS unit so that I could do the walk. It did help and that is a mental relief.

I am so grateful that the day just got away from me with deliveries, errands, work for the restaurant, getting in my swim and strength workouts … OOF - grateful to be sitting down finally at 4:30.

I am so very grateful that I am sitting now and catching up on TS. Grateful to start with the gratitude’s!

I am so very grateful for finding a decent laptop for what I need at a very reasonable price. Grateful that my laptop is so broken and yet still works but can’t be moved LOL. It will now be a permanent fixed desktop laptop at the restaurant.

I am so very grateful for dark chocolate clusters I got from Sam’s – mashed together with all sorts of seeds and nuts – the perfect snack :yum:

I am so very grateful that I was able to reschedule a CT scan. It was for a few days ago but for some reason, I did not get any reminders or check in requests (which I usually do get) and I totally spazzed on it. Grateful I will not be charged for the missed appointment.

I am so very grateful for my family, my HP and my connection I am gaining to myself. Grateful for the boundaries I’m setting. Grateful to see what is not longer fun for me and staying clear of these situations.

I am so very grateful for comedy! I am grateful that I am exploring new stand up comics. So much fun and a bundle of laughs :laughing:

I am so very grateful for all of you! You guys are amazing. Grateful to be on this journey with you all :hugs:

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I am grateful for the love of my daughter, I am grateful for a beautiful day today ,I am grateful to my higher power keeping me sober today .I’m grateful I will remember today tomorrow .I’m grateful for exercise in the park i am grateful to have my first class sponsor back from holiday tomorrow I’m grateful she’s going to kick my ass about my step work :pray:t2: