Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

  • For this big shift for the better this week
  • For realizing that this breakthrough is potentially dangerous. I begin to think I’m all better. And that I can take those good sober feelings into a drinking spiral. I had some fleeting thoughts of drinking and decided I’m not doing enough. It’s just haunting, how the pain fades. So I’m grateful to have this fine place to come to and remember.
  • A relaxed Friday.
  • Slept a full night last night
  • Cooked supper though I didn’t want to. Need good nutrition to keep sober and happy.
  • The soaking tub at sunset with the sound of distant thunder
  • the scary truth about everything. It’s just, well… scary but yah it will set me free :heart:
  • The nice man who helped with the red wasps today.
  • google maps
  • online menus for restaurants in the mountains
  • Feeling more at ease and less anxious
  • hope
  • that feeling that something good is going to happen
  • feeling that good things are also happening now
  • less worry
  • you guys! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

Good morning to all you amazing sober people. It. It is Saturday morning and you get to be sober today!

We are the lucky ones.

I’m grateful to be sober and healthy.

I’m grateful for my cozy modest home.

I’m so grateful to be in my marriage with a man who is learning and growing and gaining peace in his sobriety next to me and with me and also all by ourselves as distinct individuals.

I’m grateful to have enough resources to care for myself and my family.

I’m grateful that my home is safe and loving.

I’m grateful for good healthcare and the time to address some issues.

I’m grateful for the beautiful weather we are having, a bit of cool in the summer is always a fun break.

I’m grateful that a friend of mine is letting me support her in her sobriety. It is so good for me to help others get their start.

I’m grateful to have time this summer to work on some things in myself. My mental health is on the mend, but man, sometimes I still wonder why I can’t calm the f*#¥ down! Oh wait, actually I do understand why, I just wish I could master the process!

I’m grateful that I am finding myself getting a little bit excited about the start of the new school year shortly! Woot! It’s coming! New students, next level of routines! It’s going to be another good year of work.

I’m grateful for the progress I am making on my personal journey to peace. Striking a balance between trying to resolve childhood trauma, living joyfully in the present, and loving the people in my life is…… hella work!! Hahaha!
Nevertheless I persist. Am I stubborn and controlling? Or persistent and determined? And how does that lead to peace? Is it peace I’m seeking or resignation? It’s hard to define. But I will know it when I feel it. Moments of it come to me now. Can it be tended and grown? This is my challenge…. To get to a real and authentic bit of peace.

In the meantime, I’m sending big love out to all of us on this journey. If you are first just starting out, please know the first days and weeks are usually the toughest. But you can do this thing called sobriety. If you are past the first parts and are trying to sort out all that you have learned and are actively building an amazing life in recovery, well I send you big love as well. I’m so grateful for all the resources and kindness that have been available to me. My hope is to be a tiny bit of light for others on the path. It brings me joy too.

Enjoy today. Work hard, play nice, and take good care of yourselves. You deserve to be safe and healthy.


I’m grateful for a good walk this morning it gave me good time to think some things over and get my head on straight. I’m grateful for the sunny day and that it was productive. I’m grateful for getting a good price on having someone build the new toilet. I was determined to do it myself but just don’t have the time or capacity for it right now. I’m grateful for my dogs who are very comforting and loving. I’m grateful for my neighbor who let ne borrow their donkey today. I’m grateful for my friend S.


Good morning sober tribe,

Im so very greatful and thankful for…

My recovery
My family
Im in love with my husband today lol
Good communication
Positive results from my weighin with my trainer
Got my ass up and to the gym
A reprieve from the heat
Able to pay for someone to groom Boscoe…ill share b4 and after pics when hes done :slight_smile:
Our home
Our safety
My ability to pay bills and save
I get to go grocery shopping today
All the things i get to do
All the addictions and habits i am free from

Fuck cravings. Love and peace to you all sober warriors


I am grateful that I have a working brain. I shared some of my past with my 20+ that I had not been specific about in the past. I am lucky that it just kept working, even today.

Grateful that people can’t control me, just things that surround me. It’s so important to keep in mind that things happen for a reason, usually a big reason. There’s a piece of me that thinks I was never due to stay in this house.

Interview on Monday with the VA, in a place I don’t want to live. That said, I am really pushing on careers in the government to gain my retirement pay. It’s not that much time and not the first time I have laid it out in my world.

Three weeks to leaving here, no place to go, no money to use, I still know that worse has happened to many people and should I reach out, I tend to know a ton of people. I am due to suffer. That’s true.

All my happiness to you. Today is 225, the longest since I toddled, as far as I know.

Gratitude is majorly for staying free of alcohol. I have always been smart, but the thought snap is huge, even without sleep. I am operational.



And I may cry today…first time in over a year. It’s been hovering.


Wishing you luck with finding a new home love – i know that can be super stressful. Hopefully something will pan out with work and home. I do also believe that things happen for a reason (the reason is not always known at the time and sometimes not ever). You are doing amazingly well with your 225 days.

I see you struggling to eat more again – is the stress causing this? Glad that you are managing to eat something. Don’t have to answer if you don’t want to.

Its ok to cry - it may actually be therapeutic. here if you need to talk things out or vent – you are not along :hugs:


Stress is part - large part. Having no taste or smell definitely makes it quite a bit worse. If I wasn’t such a chewer, I’d drink supplement shakes. I probably should…

And I am not against crying, though for whatever reason, whatever happened to me in that accident (brain injury?) froze it. My kiddos and docs said I didn’t shed a tear for a month in the hospital - but I did tell people off.


Things I am especially grateful for today.

I had a last morning today at my favourite place on earth. Chatted with family, ate great food from the garden, breathed the clean air. I’m immensly grateful such a place exists for me and I was able to go there this year.

A longer than expected train ride later I was back in the big city. I value the contrast of those two places. Here city life is at its summer height: skateboarding tournaments through the city, kids playing in water fountains, tourists everywhere.

I found a series of books about anime drawing and think the’lI be the perfect gift for my daughter.

My last evening here, I’m content and at ease.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Saturday evening gratitude.

I’m grateful for some restful sleep allthough the rest of the night was crappy. Instead of getting up at 5 I slept in until 7. I’m grateful I got a lot of chores done in the morning. I’m grateful my multi-stop tour running errands was finished by noon. I’m grateful I am able to move in the heat a bit without nearly collapsing. I unloaded the car, put away the groceries, unpacked the new modem, stored the cans … I’m grateful I acclimatized to the summer heat and can do more than just survive as the next heatwave hit us today and will stay until mid next week.

I’m grateful for fresh veggies, a full fridge, a shower whenever I want, fresh cloths and modern amenities.

I’m grateful Missi needed her Mommy today, we had hours of cuddle time. I’m grateful she occupied my knitting box to sleep in it. I use old shoe boxes and have more than one :heart::smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m grateful knitting brought me peace of mind today.

I’m grateful I mounted the new trimmer cutter and it works. I’m grateful I used up a whole tank testing how it works and how to handle the trimmer.

I’m grateful for a relaxing evening with cats, snacks and crime series.

I’m grateful the grassland finally got mowed.
I’m grateful the little things in life make me happy and grateful. ODAAT


Yeah that makes sense and is rough. Glad you are actively working on trying to eat or at least give your body it’s needed nutrition :pray:t4:. Hope it gets easier for you. The shakes may be a good idea (maybe add a few nuts or banana chunks so you have something to chew​:thinking:… This helped me when I had to start a liquid diet )

Sorry the tears are not coming. Glad you are starting to feel like you may be ready to cry again. Signs of healing. :pray:t4:

Glad you were still able to express yourself :blush:

Much love Jene :people_hugging::heart:

  • An easy day. Easiest in a while. I need a break

  • air conditioning

  • 162 days sober

  • lots of hope

  • realizing that I am still in early sobriety and have to take things slower. If I want to stay sober.

  • Being free of abusive people. I can choose better now, and will no longer tolerate any form of that sober…

  • Sunday therapy session tomorrow morning. I need to keep working on trauma stuff. I feel better but I have a ways to go. Feeling better means you keep doing that thing. Same goes for sobriety. Feeling better tripped me up in the past but not this time

  • Being ok with help. I don’t like to get help but this time I am getting help.

  • For the little bit of patience I am learning. I was awfully uptight and impatient. In Before Times. Slowly I’m unwinding. It’s so strange. I no longer give a shit if people are mad or if they are rude or if they cut me off to get there first. Sick of this culture, everyone stepping on everyone. I’ll take my time and enjoy what’s left of my life. :blush:. :peace_symbol:

  • This wonderful app and all the good people here


Grateful to be at work this morning feeling happy and enthusiastic.
Grateful for the reminder that some of my workmates gave me of how one functions after a night of drinking. A couple of them showed up quite hungover, and one didn’t show up at all.
Grateful that the workday is almost over and I’ll be home soon to see the family.
Grateful for having a gym to use at work. When I finish this post I’m going to try get a workout in.
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


I am grateful for the beautiful weather. I am grateful my work gives me the space I need to take care of my parents. I am grateful for the uncondional love and cuddles from my dog. I am grateful my son is safe and enjoying his travels.

Yesterday I met up with some friends in the city. I am grateful I resisted the craving for a glass of wine. The sunny weather can be triggering, but I checked off my list:

  • What is the real reason I want alcohol?
    9 out of 10 it’s social awkwardness. I am an introvert. I can always leave if I’m not feeling the vibe (and so I did after one hour). I used to numb myself with alcohol to shut off these feelings.
  • I say out loud I won’t drink today.
  • I play the tape forward. I want to make a healthy dinner later. I want to wake up tomorrow without hanxiety, shame and disappointment.
  • Drinking will make me want to smoke.
  • I don’t want to throw away my 8+ months of sobriety.
  • What is one glass going to do? It will never be ‘just one’. It’s not the glass of wine I want (it’s not that special), but it’s my brain craving the poison ethanol.

I’ve had a few cravings these last couple of months, but in stead of white knuckling my way through them I now pause, ask myself why I feel that way and what I need at that moment.
Playing the tape forward is also a very big help.
I am grateful to be sober and grateful for the insights. It does get easier over time.

Have a beautiful Sunday :sunny:


Grateful to read you first this morning @Naomi :pray:t2: :heart: the 8 months :heart:

I’m grateful to be listening to Guru Stotram in my catio after coffee and cats with a fire going this morning. I’m grateful for the Pacific coast chill in the morning and evenings. I’m grateful the sun is making an appearance. I’m grateful for my new little outdoor blue tooth speaker lamps.

I’m grateful for that first slug of coffee after I get situated after I get to do my little morning chores of feeding and taking care of the pets.

I’m grateful for a nice Gus afternoon evening yesterday. And he liked my cottage pie.

I’m grateful yesterday’s meeting was about perspective. Sometimes it’s healthy to change my perspective. Hell, more than sometimes I do believe.

I’m grateful for my 2 new house plants. And my outdoor plants I’ve accumulated and been taking care of.

I’m grateful no one is working in the house this week.
I’m grateful our best friends are coming for a visit Tuesday evening and staying a few days at Casa G. I love those guys.

I’m grateful for :pray:t2: Om Shanti Om :pray:t2:
I’m grateful for you all.

Do I argue, rage and weep to make my spouse behave in a way that I think will make me happier? Happiness isn’t won that way.
ODAAT In Al-Anon

“Be not overcome of evil, but overcome evil with good.”


I’m grateful for safe travels today. I’m grateful that I could see a good and kind doctor today who was helpful. I’m grateful that I could have a nice evening out for dinner with my friend in the city. I’m grateful that we had coffee and a nice dessert. I’m grateful for a hot shower it was so nice. I’m grateful my friend could travel with me and that we have a good place to stay while here. I’m grateful for the driver we had today we got picked up quickly (sometimes you’re standing there so long waiting to hitch a ride out) and am grateful he wasn’t a creep and also had other ladies in there traveling. I’m grateful for my neighbor who takes care of the dogs and horses while I’m away. I’m grateful that even though my wrist ended up being broken that it wasn’t a bad break and should heal up well. I’m grateful to be sober


Yes I agree. I want my sixth month chip. I worked hard to get this far. I want to reward my personal very personal achievements! Sobriety is giving me strength and self esteem I cannot get anywhere else.

I am sure all here understands me!


Grateful another sober day! Grateful I am finding strength from God to stay focused on what is important in life. The little annoying hiccups during the day are not worth losing my cool or serenity.


I like the part about asking yourself what it is you need at that moment. The answer is never alcohol. This one truth keeps me sober. And a requisite part of it is not feeling shame about it if I have a craving. I don’t have to because the craving is a legitimate need…for something else! Somewhere along the way the wires got crossed. A lot of times it’s rest or people I need. Sometimes a plate of food. It’s legit and if I figure out what it is, the craving stops and I am stronger in my sobriety.


Hi sober grateful people!

I’m grateful for a wonderful SMART meeting that started my day off right.

I’m grateful for farmers markets and the blackberries and raspberries that were huge and so sweet.

I’m grateful that my son has spent this past week with my Mom, and when I sent her a text thanking her for all she’s done for him, she replied “He’s mine, too you know”. So wonderful to know my kids are loved by my family.

Hope everyone has a wonderful sober start to your week. Stay strong, do what you need for yourself :people_hugging: ODAAT