Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’m grateful for
The sunshine
Public transport from my village
My free exercise class
Being free of worry about lack of money this week
Having family to help me with food and sober activities
Having my sponsor
Having all of you :pray:t2: :heart:


I’m grateful for a good time visiting a friend and catching up. I’m grateful for coffee with cardomon and lemon scones😋 I’m grateful for my friend who understands my anxiety and strong dislike of cities. I’m grateful that we already found someone to hitch a ride home with tomorrow. I’m grateful that I’m learning to cope with my anxiety better and that I’ve not had bad cravings the past few days. I’m grateful to be sober.


I’m grateful I woke up today.
I’m grateful for good black coffee.
I’m grateful I rescued 2 brother kitties almost 3 years ago, I love them and I love having them in my house.
I’m grateful I had an excellent dinner with my husband last night.
I’m grateful I chose to start recovering from addiction 2 and a half years ago. I’m grateful I’m still on that path.
I’m grateful it has taught me that I need to leave things that I can’t control alone. No word on the apartment yet.
I’m grateful I have a roof over my head today.
I’m grateful that anxious thoughts are just thoughts, they aren’t facts.


I’m grateful I had a nice walk with Benson and a chat with a good friend.

I’m grateful I got a few minutes before therapy to be grateful.

I’m grateful our best friends are coming in town tomorrow evening.

I’m grateful I’ll be able to get my morning beach meeting in before they get here.

I’m grateful wifey and I enjoyed our long drive to the beach for dinner last night. I’m grateful we took the coastal route home.

I’m grateful for my health.
I’m grateful for my catio.
I’m grateful Benson is using his new catio bed.
I’m grateful for technology.
I’m grateful for Waze, even if it takes me on a long white knuckle canyon road that I hate to drive on to avoid traffic :scream:

I’m grateful wifey daughter and grandson have a Monday play date at 9:45.

I’m grateful for my peace and quiet.
I’m grateful for my recovery and how far I’ve come and it’s never too late.
I’m grateful I have a wife to love :heart:

“Thou must learn to renounce thy own will in many things, if thou wilt keep peace and concord with others.”
Thomas A’Kempis
ODAAT In Al-Anon


Nice post but you had me at Lemon Scones! :hugs:. Reminder to self… get off your butt and make a sugar free baked good.


Things I am especially grateful for today.

Today was a coming back home day. All the excitement of travels already receding. Doing all the boring daily life stuff. I am glad I can take my time to get back into normality again, glad I know the boredom and dissatisfaction is just a part of coming down from all the up and up of travels.

It was rather hot today. I am grateful our flat is in one of those old stone houses that don’t take to the heat too fast. The temperature here is still reasonable. I hope the night brings some cooler air.

My neighbours downstairs smoke some vile stuff. The smell drifts up into my flat. I am grateful I can take this with far more equanimity than I used in the past. I still can’t stand it. But I don’t get so riled up about it any more.

My ex visited today. I would have been our wedding anniversary today. We agreed to go to couples counseling. Maybe this will help us to communicate better, maybe we’ll learn better ways of interacting. I am grateful these opportunities exist. I am glad we actually do have the means to live apart. I am getting fond of my independence.

I didn’t make it to the dharma meeting I wanted to join today. But I am grateful to know tomorrow will be a meeting aswell. Grateful for the technology making it possible for me to connect in this way.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Monday gratitude.
I’m grateful I have medication at home, my old boy had another seizure and cramped heavily. He is resting now. My heart breakes facing there might not be much together time left. I won’t let him suffer when he doesn’t recover to his comfort level one day.
I miss my parents and my ex. I would be grateful for someone huging and holding me. I’m here for my old boy. I must be here for me too. I won’t allow myself to fall back into codependent patterns and turn to my ex for emotional support.
a) We don’t do that anymore
b) Why do you want to go to the hardware store for milk?
c) Go to bed. Tomorrow is another day.
d) Letting go is part of every life. Been there, done that. Enjoy the time left. It will be ok, there will be peace.
e) I am not alone

I’m grateful for crying. I’m grateful I’m a loving person. I’m grateful I notice some of the crying is about older losses. My old boy is the last one who loved and lived with my parents and my ex. When he is gone it’s only me left. I don’t know what I’m afraid of loosing but I definitely feel like I will loose a part of myself. Grieving in advance is horrible and I’ve been doing it all my life.
I’m grateful summer depression, heatwave and exhaution play a big role why I feel like this. It too shall pass. All of it. I’m grateful this mantra keeps my head up.

I’m grateful for the reasons why I am exhausted:

  • met the new real estate agent in the morning
  • went to IKEA for a storage rack and saw fika described in the food department :blush:
  • finding someone to finish the fucking dry stone wall is work in progress
  • having Schnauze voll and bringing the mulcher for repair. With the tractor. At 34 °C. Without A/C. That was a long drive forth and back.
  • A part I needed was in stock and this time I did not forget to buy it.

I’m grateful for a nap, showers, peppermint oil to ease the headache, food in the fridge, putting my needs first, insurance agent called and told me the new PC is covered by insurance.
I’m grateful the old boy ate, he is very hungry after a seizure. I’m grateful he joined me in bed. It’s a miracle that he is up and moving around 2 hours after those heavy cramps and being so desorientated. Astonishing every time anew. I will tell my nerves to relax too :pray: ODAAT


For batch cooking, saved my ass today.
Making do with what we have.
Cold fridge water
Jalapeño ginger ale
That this heat might bugger off.
My clever boys staying as cool as they can like bosses
A breeze tonight
Episodes of Cobra Kai to see me past the torture of a 32 degree living room #teamJohnny
For five hours sleep last night
Kindle time
Breathwork today



I was moved by your post.


grateful for every “one day at a time reminder” and all the personal storys I read in this forum. Feels very connected and helps alot, at the bad days or moments.


Grateful to be sober and trying my best to recover one day at a time. I really been reflecting a lot on my life and choices. Who am I ? Who am I without the drugs and alcohol? I’m trying to make sense of my life and the many chapters. I’m grateful to realize that little by little I will understand my life.
Grateful for my family and the love and support. My parents are in Denver visiting my brother. Because of my legal issues I can’t leave the state but I’m grateful that maybe I don’t need to be going anywhere in early recovery. There will be plenty of time in the future to see my brother and us all be together.
Grateful for the sober living I stay at… sometimes it’s a lot of feelings to live here but there is so much support and all of us looking out for each other. We come from different walks of life and different addictions and bottoms but the feelings are the same. We can’t use drugs and alcohol for any reason what so ever!
Grateful for my job that gives me purpose to get up in the morning even if honesty sometimes I feel mixed emotions about being responsible. In the past I give up and relapse right when things are going good because I don’t know how to deal with the good parts of life. My normal is doing bad things and that’s what I been used to but I’m grateful to be retraining my brain.
Grateful for my counseling, AA meetings that remind me about me.
Grateful for my higher power which I talk to a lot. It’s Mother Nature… not sure if she hears me but I’m gonna keep talking to her.
Grateful for this community and reading around and learning so much. Grateful it’s 24/7!
Grateful to be alive.


I’m so sorry Tiglat is having such seizures. I’m glad you can be there for him and you have meds at home. It must be very scary to have to watch that. I’m sorry you guys are going through this. You’re a great cat mom and I’m sure the old boy appreciates all the love in your heart for him. I’m hoping maybe he just had a bad day.


Yes do this. And then share the recipe with us.


Ok Peach Blackberry pie is on the agenda tomorrow


Grateful today

AA Meeting
Bookkeeping work caught up.
Gym pool exercise
Healthy Food
Feeling Good & Happy
Fresh berries
Productive positive communication with spouse
Time moving at a doable pace
I am so grateful for all the connections today with YOU my friends.


@erntedank I’m so sorry about Old Boy. Big virtual hugs. I hope you can love and live in the good moments and try not to grieve in advance too much!

I’m grateful that my son is home safely from his road trip. He got a whopping speeding ticket on his way home. I am grateful that he is learning a hard lesson.

I’m grateful that the weather has cooled down a bit. It’s only going to be around 90 for the next several days, I know it makes it easier for the firefighters out here.

Grateful for frozen yogurt and a nice sing along in the car with my daughter on the way there.

Grateful for all of your shares. :people_hugging:


Thank you for this reminder. :slightly_smiling_face:


Thank you @tailee17 @Dazercat @Davina_Davis for your caring words and hugs :smiling_face_with_tear::people_hugging:

Idiopathic epilepsy in old cats is not for sissies. I hoped it would be a single occurence 2 months ago and I’m grateful I prepared for not. I will watch the time periods inbetween, the 2nd and 3rd were only 8 days apart. Maybe the heat is a trigger. I’m grateful this is the last heatwave for this summer.
I’m grateful I really do try to enjoy this lazy, burning hot summer days. I’m deeply grateful looking forward to normal temperatures and the days getting already remarkably shorter makes it possible that I enjoy summer mid august. And of course I’m grateful for my house that stays at 24/25 °C and showers galore. It makes being outside bearable and coming back inside joyous.

I’m grateful for the luxury that I could spend the cooler morning hours from before dawn until now puttering around the house, trying to see falling stars from the Perseid meteor shower (will try again :blush:), drink tea, read, cuddle with the old boy, play with the juniors, do my stretching excercises. I love being up early :heart:
It’s 7 a.m. and time to close the windows and shut down the blinds on the east and south side.
Have a calm, peaceful and lovely day dear fellow sober gratipeople :people_hugging::sunflower:


We all need this reminder some days. :face_with_spiral_eyes:

Hug those babies tightly @erntedank and give the old boy a special scritch from me. I’m sorry you are going through this.


Back to some gratitude.
Tanks for this possibility.
Switched to “tracking” this wonderful thread

Today I am grateful for:

  • a new point of view Aga @acromouse painted for me this morning :heart:
  • a swim in the early morning with solid 2500m, next to some military guys that blocked a full lane, watching me like :astonished:
  • food
  • food as fuel
  • food from our garden
  • possibilities
  • being in the house now (heatwave)
  • family
  • my new job starting soon
  • keeping my standards high!
  • love
  • being able to love
  • being loved
  • my new Garmin watch tracking my swims just perfectly!
