Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

So very sorry for their loss. Sending hugs and love to you all. :people_hugging::heart:. God just wasn’t ready to let go yet :broken_heart::pray:t4:


I am grateful today
For sofa I can recover from surgery on with leg elevated.
Yunna allowing me to share couch.
Daughter came to do chores.
Pest control sprayed our house.
Husband and daughter mowed yard and orchard.
I thank God for putting me right where I need to be at this time!100 days sober!


Today I’m grateful for forgiveness. I feel more confident this time around because I was able to forgive MYSELF! I was my biggest problem. I was the one that would put myself down in the hole for a reason to numb myself. Was a constant Groundhog Day. I knew as the sun was hitting my face that very day. Still whacked from booze and drugs the night/hours before hand that I was done. That was the end of the road for treating myself that way. I would put it all behind me. Forgive yourself and put in the work. The figure was from others will follow. Start with yourself. We deserve it


I am grateful to have been able to be correctly diagnosed and be put on the right medications to help me mentally. I’m grateful that I could immediately see a difference in my mood and decision making immediately (although not the best but definitely improved).
I’m grateful that today I was able to have my very first therapy session finally! I have been trying to find a therapist since my Bi-polar diagnosis to go along with me being medically treated but have struggled to find one. So far I like him and think it might work out! Time will tell, but fingers crossed!
I’m grateful to have finally gotten the call that the intensive outpatient treatment program I wanted to start finally got my referral and we were able to set up my first appointment for Monday for intake and then Tuesday to officially start the program!
Up until today I have only abstained from alcohol, but now I feel like I have taken the next steps to help set me up for better success when it comes to staying sober. I still have anxiety and I’m hoping to be able to learn some tricks to help with that!
I’m grateful for 39 days!
I hope everyone has had a great day today!! Good night!


Grateful for whatever insight is at work in me now, bringing me here to type, rather than doing what I do often did in the past in the evening (my addiction).

Grateful for my wife’s cooking.

Grateful for my wife’s sense of humour. She is really funny. When she tells funny stories from her work, it’s hilarious :joy:


Morning my sober gratitude tribe,

Im so very greatful for…

My recovery
Woke up without an alarm with time to workout
Got my ass moving and ran/walked 4mi
Its Friday!!
I have plans to hang out with my mom tomorrow
I get to see moulin rouge the musical sunday…yay!
Feel my low mood subsiding
Quiet mornings


I’m grateful for another morning sober and free. I’m grateful for the cool marine layer we seem to have each morning. I’m grateful I walked Benson a different route yesterday. I’m grateful to watch the Pacific fog cruising through the Santa Monica mountains as we walked. I’m grateful I got so many walking options.

I’m grateful the plumbers will have a short :crossed_fingers: day today and wrap things up. I’m grateful for everything water. Hot. Running. Cold. Flushable. Filtered. And I get to take it for granted that when I turn on my tap out comes water. I’m grateful for all those utility house home things I get to take for granted.

I’m grateful things are taking shape around here. I’m grateful things are looking good. I’m grateful we moved where we did. I’m grateful for all the different birdsong. The familiar birdsong. I’m grateful for funny sounding cat noises. And trying to guess what cat just let out that noise.

I’m grateful for a long chat with my best friend from childhood and how when we do chat it’s like we just talked yesterday when we only talk on the phone a couple of times a year. I’m also grateful for chats like that with Julie in London. And especially more grateful my sister and I also have a good relationship now and have fun loving chats like that too. I’m grateful to have mended old wounds with her a while ago and made my amends to her last spring. I’m grateful for the gift I now have in my sister.

I’m grateful for you all. And that I feel comfortable sharing all sorts of my feelings here in this safe place. I’m grateful life and feelings are good when I’m sober.
:pray:t2: :heart: :orange_heart: :blue_heart: :green_heart: :yellow_heart: :black_heart: :white_heart: :brown_heart: 🩷


'Twas too late after checking in last night to stay on any longer so here’s what I was grateful for yesterday…

-Waking up refreshed with minimal body pain
-The cool morning rain that led to a gorgeous day
-An all but perfect lunch shift
-Having the night off so I was able to attend my daughter’s school’s roller skating fundraiser
-Still having enough energy after work to skate the whole time
-Not feeling awkward for being one of the only people who dressed up, since everyone I talked to said they didn’t see that part on the flyer (it was the 1st and biggest line on the page, they’re just no fun :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes::face_with_hand_over_mouth:)
-Their nostalgic pizza :pizza:
-My strong sobriety, that kept me from thinking about drinking the entire time even tho they recently got a liquor license, and the liquor store I frequented most was just a few doors down.
-Catching up with an old friend and making a new one
-My beautiful daughter and seeing her happy with her friends
-My own happiness :relieved:


Thank you for this day :palms_up_together:
I am grateful for sunshine today. A walk through the gardens and the woods.
I am grateful for morning yoga and meditation in the sun.
I am grateful for friends and having a chat on the phone.
I am grateful for working on my prototype.
I am grateful for coffee and good food.
I am grateful for all the flowers in bloom, everything growing, nature on its way to high summer.
I am grateful for quiet time, video games and books.
I am grateful for the good feeling of getting things done.
I am grateful for this day.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I am grateful that it is finally Friday! I am grateful that all the streets downtown are blocked off for Pride celebrations. Even though it makes my commute tricky, I’m grateful that my town celebrates Pride. I’m grateful for you all, as always. Happy weekend :tada:


It’s been a nice and relaxing day. I am grateful for…

  1. The kids being back home. We are hanging out as a family having movie night. I got to pick so we are watching Beverly Hills Cop 2.

  2. My mom visiting. She came over to drop the kids. She had my little niece with her. I haven’t seen her in a while and can’t believe how big she grew.

  3. Feeling at peace. There is a different vibe in the house. Everyone is on the same page, very peaceful and calm.

Enjoy the night everyone!


Grateful to have three months sober this time around. Even grateful for the two months I did in jail for stealing wine. This last relapse really brought me to a bottom I’ve never experienced before.I had a lot of time to think in jail about my life and reflect on the things I’ve done and the places I’ve been. I mostly thought about family and the Effect my alcoholism and drug addiction has had on them. It’s a selfish way to live. I’m grateful they still talk to me and support me as long as I am trying to change or better my life. I’m grateful I’ve made a decision to take this more seriously because it is serious. I’m grateful I don’t have to worry about being honest to this community. I’m grateful I feel hopeful about the future. I’m grateful that Tuesday I will be going back into the working world and working at a pretty cool restaurant. I’m grateful they’re able to give me a chance even with my background. I’m grateful for my freedom. I’m so grateful for my family and my friends. I am grateful for shelter and food. I’m grateful for my recovery net work. I’m grateful for AA meetings. I’m grateful for coffee. I’m grateful for long bike rides. I’m grateful for my experiences good and bad. I’m grateful for the life I live and the lessons I’ve learned. I’m grateful for my higher power Mother Nature. I’m grateful for Talking sober and that it is 24 seven… I’m grateful for all the reading I’ve been doing on here the last few days catching up. So very grateful!


Im greatful @Just_Laura dressed up and skated all night

Im greatful @Bluekoolaid is back and we share a higher power

Im greatful for…

Beef jerky
Hot coffee
The need not to get wasted on weekends
No hangovers
My furry overlord aka Boscoe


Grateful for cravings, because, like weights, they give me a chance to strengthen my resistance by using my sobriety toolkit.

Grateful for the way my emotions help me see opportunities. When I feel the weight of shame or fear, that signals there is a need to reach out and talk it out. When I do that, I always find that I get insight or I get help. It’s woven into the fabric of life I think: give my emotions space, and they will light my way, often in directions I hadn’t expected.


I’m grateful for the love of Jesus.
I’m grateful for the people who have patience and maintain a positive outlook while working at the DMV.
I’m grateful for pets when times are tough and lonely.
I’m grateful for tacos.
I’m grateful for the men and women who come to group and share their messes.
I’m grateful for this app and all of you.


Grateful to see you @Bluekoolaid!


Grateful you made it back Trevor.
When we are using it’s all about us and our next drink. Extremely selfish way to live. You got that right.
Stick around will ya?
I hope you brought your dog with you.


Thank you so much. Really missed you guys and this thread!! Grateful to see you as well sunflower1 :sunglasses:


Thanks Eric! I’ve been in a pattern of only lasting a couple months and then going back out in the last year. I know that I have to put some work in to have lasting sobriety. One major change I have made is reaching out to somebody to take me through the 12 steps of Alcoholics Anonymous. I’m definitely going to stick around. No matter what I’m not picking up a drink or drug. I’m too exhausted to even think of that as an option. As far as the dog that’s the family dog which stays with my parents but I visit him as much as possible. I really love Tucker so much. He’s such an intelligent dog. I know if I stay on the path of sobriety and get my life together one day I can have my own dog. Down the line I’m probably going to adopt a pitbull may be a rescue that has anxiety just like I do and we can get through life together.


Grateful it’s Friday. Grateful tomorrow will be a short day and I will take Sunday off. Grateful I hit 20 months sober yesterday. :partying_face: