Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Today I’m grateful…

-That @cjp thought of me :heart: Thanks girl! It really was a wonderful time
-To have had enough energy to make it thru the day
-I tidied up around here for the first time in a while
-My legs are that good kind of sore instead of debilitating
-I only work 2 more days until a day off
-For how much I’ve grown mentally this past year
-I can keep my emotions in check concerning all 3 of my exes
-To have had a wonderful conversation at work tonight with that new couple I met Tuesday who told me I was positively lovely…again :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
-I’m able to get my bills paid, even if there’s not much leftover
-I noticed the cat puke on the couch before I sat down
-This crisp cool night that’s ideal for sleep
-For everyone’s strength in this community
-Perfectly ripe bananas
-For looking forward to the comfort of my bed :sleeping_bed:


Oh Eric, I’m so sad to read this. Sending everyone love. :heart:


I think it is amazing and wonderful to get to 6 months sober! Congratulations!!


School’s out for summer!!!

And this is one grateful and tired old teacher lady!

I’m grateful to be sober and healthy. I made it thru several end of year social events with no concerns for me about my decision to be a sober person. It was fun to watch and visit with others. I enjoyed leaving early with no concerns about how I could drive home safely, how to keep the buzz going, and how to manage the bad sleep and hangover the next day. Yay!

I’m grateful that while the end of the year is a crazy time, my sober brain has more capacity to be consistent and firm and kind to kids who are overstimulated and out of control.

I’m grateful that I have the real experience of knowing my “life’s work” is to be in schools. Even though I’m exhausted, I’m already excited for the coming school year. I have learning and writing lined up for myself for this summer and another new challenge added to my teaching in the coming year.

I’m grateful to have wrapped up year 37 in public education. Woooot!

I’m grateful that my husband and I will have a quiet and sober and pleasant little summer break in our cozy home. We are practicing for retirement that will come in a couple more years.

I’m grateful that I have several small projects of self-care lined up this summer too. I’m starting back to some therapy soon, gotta get some more or different strategies to help me manage my feelings about my parents. I’m tired of rage and resentment and anger. I would like to figure out this stuff people speak of called “letting go”. What?!? You can learn to do that?

I’m grateful that I have an appointment on Monday to speak with the state retirement office and start nailing down some timelines and plans for that little pension.

I am grateful to be making great progress on my mother in law’s estate settlement. Yay!

I’m grateful to not have giant plans for recreation this summer. Going to get into a routine of early biking, walking, swimming and some better food choices. (Not only do people in Wisconsin celebrate events with a lot of alcohol, but also with a lot of salty, fatty, sugary food that has messed up my tummy in the last few days). I’m going to journal more and scroll social media less.

Im very grateful for the progress my siblings are making in their recovery journey as well. We are overcoming our shit and getting better every day!


Saturday gratitude.
I’m grateful I nap away the afternoon with a fluffball insisting to cuddle up. Actually with 3 fluffballs on the couch, the two boys on opposite ends sleeping like angels. I’m grateful I maybe fall asleep while typing. The weather is still unstable and triggering migraine and fatigue. I’m grateful I did go grocery shopping yesterday before another rainy episode startet. I don’t know if I can be grateful to have stocked up on icecream on sale. I definitely should NOT eat a full cup at once watching series :see_no_evil: Now I have the runs.
I’m grateful internet connection is ok again, they fixed a problem with the main cable. Fucking lightning stroke put it out of order.
I’m grateful I’m inside my cozy, comfy farmhouse, blinds down, and can ignore the next thunderstorm brewing. I’m grateful we all here are fed up with this bullshitweather. I’m not alone. I’m grateful I’m not alone.

I’m grateful I can take it easy today and rest, the night was crappy.
I’m grateful for bringing my thoughts pen to paper.
I’m grateful for understanding friends.
I’m grateful for tea, watering cans, mops, flushing toilets, cozy blankets, courtains and blinds, leftovers, potatoes, cuddles, catlove, sleep, a hot shower, the washer, fresh laundry, not giving a fuck and finally having money in the bank from the cost coverage of the trial I won.

Just for today I am content, fine, happy, serene and I’m grateful for my life as it is :pray: ODAAT


I’m grateful for the weekend and I have no one the fuck in my house!

I’m grateful the HVAC guys and the plumbers, the last couple of weeks, were so nice, caring, thoughtful about the cats and Benson and closing doors and thorough and they got the jobs done. I’m grateful the chimney repair :man_facepalming: guys can’t move in until the 24th. I’m grateful I can’t and don’t have to imagine how they going to fix everything. I’m grateful Anthony Hopkins seems pretty cool with it all and doesn’t think it’s that big of a deal. I’m grateful we got our logs ordered yesterday with AH guidance and they’ll be shipped here in time for when work commences.

I’m grateful this is my final opus.

I’m grateful when I called Jedi Junk Removal the messages and options were all said in Yoda’s style voice. I’m grateful I complimented the lady and told her that right there got my business. I’m grateful she said they could come out same day in most instances. I’m grateful for businesses with a sense of humor.

I’m grateful to have woken up by the cat puke alarm at quarter to six so I can get my day going. Early morning Benson walk and a 9 am men’s Al-Anon meeting. I’m grateful it will be my first men’s meeting. I’m grateful this is out of my comfort zone. So I am definitely going. I’m grateful if I’m too comfortable I need more. Dang! Sound like an addict. More of something different that is.

Whelp my friends. Have a great sober weekend.
:pray:t2::heart: 🩷 :brown_heart: :white_heart: :black_heart: :yellow_heart: :green_heart: :blue_heart: :orange_heart: :pray:t2:

Life begins at the end of your comfort zone
Neale Donald Walsch


@Bluekoolaid So good to see you back here Trevor and working on your recovery. We do all have our own rock bottom and it seems that you may have hit yours-- grateful that you have the tools and the will to get back on the sober track and show up for yourself. You are doing great friend - you are not alone :hugs:
@Steve14 WOOT WOOT 20 months is awesome. Hadn’t see you in a bit - seems like another busy week for you. Glad you will have a short day today and a full day off tomorrow. Enjoy your weekend and congrats on your sober time!
@lab WOW 37 years is impressive - thank you for educating and helping shape young minds :heart: Love the summer routine you have planned. Its all about the better choices :hugs:
@erntedank Man this weather seems relentless and too dreary. Sorry you are dealing with it for so long. Be cozy and comfortable my friend - this too shall pass - hoping for sunny brighter days ahead :people_hugging: PS - hope no more cable problems - that is the absolute pits when you are stuck inside with no connection.

Happy Saturday you beautiful people!!
I am so grateful to have caught up here - so much love and gratitude – love this thread and I love you guys!
I am so grateful for my healing body (it is taking its sweet time but at least it is going in the right direction).
I am so grateful that i was able to get in my workouts and walk in during the day and still be present and totally present for the festival last night. It was a huge success and a lot of fun. We did run out of food 3 hours in. Luckily the event had other food vendors this year (we were the only one last year). Grateful that i love this festival the most. EVERYONE at Pride was super friendly - happy and shed a positive vibe. It is always so great to deal with smiles and kindness.
I am so grateful that the fancy ice cream truck that showed up was all vegan ice cream. More grateful that we got to try some before they ran out.
I am so grateful for the lovely walk along the river after the festival with my ice cream in hand. It was a beautiful evening.
I am so grateful that i managed to work and push through the pain and symptoms. I am grateful that we did close shop when we did as I was at the end of my energy and pain tolerance level. Grateful tor the lovely sky I saw on the drive back.
I am so grateful for a positive and loving attitude these days (hope and pray that it lasts). I am not letting things get to me and not focusing on hurtful words or tones. Life is too damn short.
I am so grateful that i saw a good friend who was also friends with my beautiful friend i lost a few months ago. Grateful that we both shed a tear in remembrance and i know someone else who remembers how wonderful our friend was and how we still carry her spirit with us on a daily basis. We have both planted some cacti in her memory as she was the “cactus” lady :laughing:
I am so grateful for my mom and our time spent together. We are getting closer these days and it is lovely to bring out the youthful side of her (she is forever trying to take care of everyone else and now its nice to see her not as a mother but as a friend - a whole different person). I love it and am grateful that i have this time to spend with her.
I am so grateful that i was able to get up and make a lovely breakfast to enjoy with my 4th cup of coffee :astonished: It is too hot right now to do anything outdoors so I am enjoying the lazy time with coffee and TS
I am so grateful for my family, my recovery journey, my HP, COMEDY and LAUGHTER, for meditation and prayer
I am so grateful for sleep. Grateful that I am working on regulating my sleep and hopefully will be able to keep to a 10 pm bedtime (last night does not count as i didn’t get home till almost 11).
I am so grateful for being alive!
I am so grateful for you all - love this community and the friendships I have made / am making :hugs:
Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Thank you Jasmine! I appreciate your kindness and hoping you have a great day. :sun_with_face:


Congrats on 20 months!!! Amazing :tada::tada:


Working at Pride sounds fun and exhausting!!! Hope you get lots of relaxation time, have a lovely evening my thoughtful friend 1🫶🏻


Today I’m most grateful for
-my 13.5-month old daughter’s health and happiness
-my health
-my job that I enjoy and pays my share of the bills
-our wonderful home
-my wife, even if we are having a tough few days together


Lol .you nailed it …it was an awesome experience as always …loads of fun but so darn exhausting. I am now resting up … thanks Davina. You are too sweet. Happy Saturday :smiling_face_with_three_hearts::hugs:




I’m grateful for rest. I slept all day today. In years past this would happen due to a hangover or depression caused by alcoholism. Today I slept all day because I worked a lot this week and needed the rest. My brain is only beating me up a bit for it.

I’m grateful that balance is something I constantly strive for.

I’m grateful for international packages in my mailbox full of the cutest tiny miniatures for a dollhouse.

I’m grateful my Mom calls me even if I struggle to call her back.

I’m grateful for kitty snuggles and cartoons.

I’m grateful I will never run out of new hobbies or new ways to enjoy this world. This week I’m giving journaling a try. 🩷



I just keep going in this life.
I continue to be sober.
I know that change is to come only with my work.
I am aware that blaming other people does not work, does not get you anywhere.
I am aware that consistent isolating, in most ways has been less of a good decision.
I continue to be grateful that I know things and that I can talk back to myself about talking back to myself.
I am grateful that all people don’t hate me and I keep telling myself that, despite overtelling myself the 1st part.
Still going, still going, still going. 162.


Today I am grateful for…

-Being the only server working dinner
-The generous table that added an extra $100 to the already included $60 service charge (tip)
-My kitty babies :heart_eyes_cat:
-Being exhausted from work and sleeping good the past couple nights
-Finally hearing from my ex in jail
-My mom for asking if I wanted any produce from the farmers market and I said “idk, something weird” and brought this home…I didn’t even know what it was :joy:

-Something new to try
-Being a part of this place
-Everyone here :heart:


Something to do when you’re bored. Go to a farmers market and get something weird. You’ll then have to figure out what it is and how to dissect it :joy:


I’m grateful for a good trip so far and that I got all my work finished already and can now just have 2 days to relax! I’m grateful for good friends here, tasty food and that my anxiety has been so low. I’m grateful for good nights sleep and having enough energy in the days. I’m grateful for camel milk and yogurt. I’m grateful to be feeling good and that I’m comfortable here. I’m grateful for mint tea and hot naan.


I’m grateful it’s the weekend. Im grateful I was able to get out early to run my errands before it got too hot. I’m so grateful my oldest grandson called and invited me to go shopping and out to lunch. I’m so happy to be apart of their lives again. The mean everything to me.

I’m m looking forward to tomorrow.


I do this all the time! More often with fruit. If there’s something I haven’t tried, that’s what I’m gonna get :joy: I don’t understand people who won’t try new foods :face_with_monocle: What if it’s your favorite food but you’ll never find out?!