Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful

I can weather my mental health dips, just have to be patient

My recovery
My family
Time with hubby
Boscoe cuddles
My back spasm feels better
Fall weather in august
Our home


A cooler day so far, thankfully. Only 27/28 today
A great spin class, banging tunes
A Drs appointment today for my foot pain.
Leftover bits in the fridge that somehow made a nice meal.
Feeling strong
Returning confidence
Six hours sleep despite the horrendous heat
Ability to have a refreshing shower
My gorgeous boys, I love it when Bluey wants cuddlesā€¦ Itā€™s far more intense but rare than Bearā€™s love of cuddles.


Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m up early enough to get to my AA meeting at the beach. Iā€™m grateful itā€™s a beautiful 45 minute drive.

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m looking forward to the meeting but still a little anxious. I guess thatā€™s normal. Especially in a new town where I donā€™t know anyone. Iā€™m grateful being in a new state or town and not knowing anyone can also work to my advantage.

Iā€™m grateful for catio coffee mantra mornings.

Iā€™m grateful my friends will be here this evening.

Iā€™m grateful for my wife and daughter and son and DIL and SIL and granddaughter and grandson. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m so blessed to have this gorgeous family. Iā€™m grateful I live near half of them now. Iā€™m grateful god willing the other half may move here too. Iā€™m grateful I have no control over that. Or much else for that matter. Ang for that Iā€™m learning to be grateful :pray:t2:

Iā€™m grateful for my catio fireplace.
Iā€™m grateful I get the pleasure of Benson, Alice, Maverick, Beatrix, and Daisy. What a treasure to get to have gods beautiful little creatures bless me with their mere presence.

Iā€™m grateful for the humming bird that stopped by to check us out this morning. Iā€™m grateful she didnā€™t get in the house through the open door.

Iā€™m grateful for my plants and garden and the guys that work so hard maintaining it once a week.

Grateful for gratitude.

ā€œThe function of prayer is not to influence God, but rather to change the nature of the one who prays.ā€
Soren Kierkegaard


I started a running gratitude list. Every morning, I write in the notes section of my mood and wellness app one thing Iā€™m grateful for and one goal for the day. It helps me start each day with what I call the 3 Pā€™s: presense, positivity, and productiveness. It kicks off each day on a positive note and helps me stay motivated to make the day productive in at least a small way; in turn, this keeps me more present in my life. I try to come up with something new for the thing Iā€™m grateful for each time, but there are some repeats. I listed coffee six different times in the last six weeks! :coffee:

The other day, I started a journal entry that lists in order everything Iā€™ve put down as something Iā€™m grateful for. After a month and a half, the list is already long, and itā€™ll be incredibly satisfying to watch it grow longer every twenty-four hours.

Today, I went one step further in including gratitude in my life every day. I began amending every negative thought with something Iā€™m grateful for thatā€™s related to that thought. When I had to clean the bathroom, which I hate doing, I thought, Iā€™m grateful I have a bathroom to clean. When I had to do the dishes, which I also hate doing, I thought, Iā€™m grateful we have food to eat with which to dirty our dishes. When I remembered we only have the big giant mailers to use for mostly very small orders (Iā€™m in shipping), which is incredibly annoying and feels like a waste, I thought, Iā€™m grateful I have a job to complain about.

Too often, we spend our days bitching about what work makes us do or what we have to do to keep our house livable, when we should be reminding ourselves of how lucky we are to have a job and a home.

This doesnā€™t mean Iā€™ll never complain again. Thatā€™s an unattainable goal. But if I can then find the positive that accompanies, if not replaces, the negative, it makes it feel a little less bad.


Iā€™m grateful that we made it home safe today. Iā€™m grateful for the happy greeting I got from my dogs- this is always the best part of coming home from a trip. Iā€™m grateful that Iā€™m managing my anxiety better these days even though sometimes its still high and overwhelming I am coping better and in healthier ways. Iā€™m grateful to be sober. Iā€™m grateful for a successful trip but am most happy to be home. Iā€™m grateful that I feel hopeful and that Iā€™ve been able to have a more positive outlook on things lately.


I am grateful I have a place to live, still no word about where that might be next month so I am grateful for today.
Kitties curled at the bottom of my bed.
Stacks of boxes remind me of the things I own and the hope I carry.
Iā€™m grateful for work.
Iā€™m grateful for my strong body.


Things I am especialy grateful for today.

  • the heat lessening in the afternoon
  • being able to do a yoga session with less heat
  • very good roasted potatoes
  • good food overall
  • good books
  • my creative capacities working instantly
  • a nice, not too crazy day
  • Recovery Dharma in an hour

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Grateful for a healthy body to exercise. In this past 8months Iā€™ve learned to be patient and thats transferred into my thinking about exercise. I needed to recover my fitness and Iā€™ve realised Iā€™m not 25 anymore, be patient and take it slowly.
Grateful I feel the improvement even if its not immediately obvious to others.
Grateful Im happy with where Iā€™m at, but still see room for improvement, in all facets of life.
Grateful for the nap Iā€™m about to take :joy:
Grateful for another day sober and hangover free


Gratitudes for Tuesday, 8/14

Grateful for a day off today.
Grateful for a positive doctor visit this morning.
Grateful for the wonderful, delicious long nap this afternoon. I feel like a million bucks!
Grateful for iced coffee.
Grateful for this good vibe Iā€™m on. Hope it stays around a while.



Welcome to the gratitude thread Erin
Grateful you found us.


Me too, thank you! :sparkling_heart:


Today I am grateful for all the time I might still have in this world and all the fullfillment I can still find or at least search for. And of course grateful for the ODAAT reminder.


Wednesday mid morning gratitude.
Iā€™m grateful I lounge on the couch, Missi on my lap, the old boy beside me, Bigfoot on the comfy chair with the scheep fur, all sleeping. Iā€™m grateful for the vet being a 5 min. drive away. Iā€™m grateful the old boy got his liquids.

Iā€™m grateful I was up at 6 after a crappy night, itā€™s too hot for proper sleep. A miowing old boy doesnā€™t help either. Iā€™m grateful I finally made the highgrass mulcher work. It needs maintenance but for now itā€™s ok. First things first.
Iā€™m grateful all the morning chores are done.
Iā€™m grateful I rest as long as I need it.
Iā€™m grateful the WLAN works again, I made it work yesterday. All this stuff cost so much time. Nevertheless, Iā€™m grateful all this efforts pave the way to ā€œnormalā€. Iā€™m grateful I get better in fixing thingy by myself.

Iā€™m grateful for lots of plums waiting in the kitchen to get preserved. Heaven in jars.
Iā€™m grateful my little balcony garden produces fresh vegetable. Iā€™m grateful I decided this to be enough for this year and skip the field.

Iā€™m grateful for the life I live :pray: ODAAT


@acromouse Great to be back home but iā€™m sorry the vacation is already receding. Life really does take over very quickly. Grateful that you and your ex have a good enough relationship to be working it out in therapy but also grateful that you are finding yourself and your independence :hugs:
@erntedank Oh iā€™m so very happy you had the medication at home. So very sorry that your ol boy had another seizure so soon after his last. Grateful he is feeling better already.
@juli1 So grateful to have you here with us love ā€“ gratitude has really changed my life. Even if I donā€™t actively write here daily - i do read daily and mentally practice it in every moment of my life. :hugs:
@cjp Sending good calming vibes your way my friend ā€“ hoping you are feeling like yourself in no time :hugs:
@ErinLeigh Great to have you here with us Erin. Love your list and the pic :heart: I do have many repeats in my daily gratitude and Yup ā€“ coffee is high on my list LOL.
@trustybird So sorry that you still havenā€™t heard about the apartment. Hoping you get news soon :pray:

Happy Wednesday you beautiful souls!
I am so very grateful to be alive and well today. Grateful to have my Wifi working again and be able to connect with my TS fam.
I am so very grateful for my amazing mom! love spending time with her. We do bicker and get on each otherā€™s nerves but that doesnā€™t last and we equally enjoy each others company
I am so very grateful that my eye is feeling a bit better - not looking great ā€“ I was bit by something last night and it is super swollen and hurts but still able to see so not too bad
I am so very grateful for good food and clean water
I am so very grateful for my strong coffee. Grateful for even enjoying it late last night and still managing to get to sleep
I am so very grateful for the lovely talk I had with a dear friend the other day. Grateful that it ended up being a video chat so I could see the beautiful scenery in the back ground.
I am so very grateful for air conditioning
I am so very grateful for my HP. Grateful for my connections to Him and to myself. Grateful that I feel His presence with me
I am so very grateful for WhatsApp and being able to connect with people around the world
I am so very grateful for being able to catch up on TS after a day of no internet.
I am so very grateful for all of you!

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Iā€™m grateful for being able to work on the trauma workbook today and for having this resource. Iā€™m grateful for my work and this current project- Iā€™m enjoying working on it and am learning a lot. I think it could be a great resource for the community in the future. Iā€™m grateful for the worker who will build my new toilet he seems like heā€™ll do it well. Iā€™m grateful for my friends and neighbors. Iā€™m grateful for all the berries that are out now! Black currants, red currants, gooseberries, raspberries and blackberries! :yum: Iā€™m getting into freezing and preserving some for winter goodies. Iā€™m grateful for the arm brace itā€™s a bit clunky but my arm is feeling better now itā€™s stabilized and Iā€™m able to do most things alright. Iā€™m grateful for my good mood still keeping Iā€™m up and down so often but itā€™s been really consistent the past days. Iā€™m grateful for a good long walk this morning and went up some on the mountains. My friend made me promise to not go on my normal long hike though until my arm is healed up. Iā€™m grateful for feeling peace and hopeful.


Grateful today
@JazzyS I am sorry about your eye. Also sorry about your WIFI, you were missed. All is right with my world when you are part of it
@MrsOdh I appreciate your posts. Praying for you and your current situation. Nothing is as awful when caring for someone whether they are ill or not becomes a full time job.

I am grateful for another day sober. I am grateful thanks to God I am handling daily conflicts in the universe with patience, love and kindness. I am grateful for my husband for providing me a beautiful place I can recover and thrive.
Grateful I no longer want to drink, hide and think thoughts on how I do not want to live.

So very grateful for the sober journey and healthy living. Grateful my body is responding in so many positive ways.


This made my heart smileā€¦thanks friend :people_hugging:. So appreciate you and grateful to have you in my life.


Things I am especially grateful for today.

Our cleaning help came today. We are originally from the same part of Europe and have mutual acquaintances. Whenever we see each other we spend a lot of time chatting about people, places and things happening in our lives. I enjoy this immensely.

I went out today to check out possible locations for the scavanger hunt game. I am getting some ideas, something is slowly coming up. I really love that process of gestating ideas and concepts slowly comming up like the first bubbles on a cooking liquid.

The heat lessened over night and this brought a lot of relief. Now itā€™s heavyly raining and I am glad I got everything done before the rain, and glad the rain will now fill my water barrells in the garden.

I did my afternoon yoga practice. It was a strong one. And especially after picking up running again this morning I am feeling slightly tired and some muscles a bit fatigued. But I like this feeling and it usually means I will get a very good nightā€™s sleep tonight.

This evening I am co-hosting a Recovery Dharma meeting. I am looking forward to this. I wanted to get more active in the community and this is my opportunity to do so. I am a bit nervous. I donā€™t have any experience with this and sometimes I stumble over my words with English not being the kind of language I speak too often. But I also am confident everything will be alright. Especially with this kind and caring group.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Iā€™m grateful for the post office. It still seems miraculous to me that I can order something (ask for it, pay for it) and it shows up. I have a working theory that this is why I got so deep into drinking. Aside from the very thirsty alcoholic living inside me I think I was asking ā€œcan I have this, is this okayā€. Now Iā€™m doing that with recovery and am much happier with the way I am being asked to pay. Iā€™ve traded crippling depression and hangovers for honesty and self-respect. Miraculous.

Iā€™m grateful that my body is stronger than it was. This isnā€™t through workouts (yet) just a cleaner, more active lifestyle.

Iā€™m grateful I can work my brain out in this place. Iā€™m on every day, probably twice. It cuts into my book reading time but if this is my current addiction (addiction recovery :face_with_raised_eyebrow::stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:) so be it.

Iā€™m grateful that I am choosing to trust the universe that my semi stressful housing situation will work out the way I want it to. I am at an impasse, and it feels like its out of my hands. I will keep doing what I need to do in my life and see what happens.

Iā€™m grateful for any addict recovering or struggling today. I know you and I am you. šŸ©·

  • I made my exercise goals the past 3 days. Was slacking just a bit. Because I was feeling leaner! Paradoxical. :wink:

  • I have a brand new front garden. Gorgeous. New plants, new rocks, drip lines and extended beds. And just a bit of zoysia sod. Xeriscape for my hot hot home! I save water and sanity. The Earth is getting hotter. I can get creative with the rock areas. Some of the neighbors have cute sculptures. I want a few cacti in pots :cactus:. I can truly enjoy this sober. I wouldnā€™t even do it while drinking. I am so happy I got sober March 1st :blush:

  • My road trip this weekend! Itā€™s going be 105 here, but relatively reasonable where Iā€™m going. High elevation :white_check_mark:

  • creeping up on 6 months sober! But I have a trip to do firstā€¦ODAAT

  • This place where I am reminded daily why I am still here. Itā€™s a dangerous time. Memories of drinking have faded and Iā€™m becoming more healthy and confident. That confidence can quickly turn to arrogance if I donā€™t get my dose of humility here. 5 months of sobriety is not a long time. Please donā€™t let me forget. I need to be here! Because Iā€™m here, Iā€™m getting better. If I ever stop doing the things that help me stay sober Iā€™m dead. If I donā€™t think itā€™s life and death, I will die. This is no joke and I am damned grateful to be alive today :heart:

  • All my dear friends here

  • 166 days :baby: :laughing: