Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

So grateful that you are here with us. We do need that constant reminder that alcohol is literal poison and it is a matter of life and death… grateful we are choosing life :pray:t4::people_hugging:



People in recovery are boss.
My recovery is a second chance at everything, not just being sober.
Pain, it shows you where you need to look
Breakfast tea
Safety :ring_buoy:


Good morning sober tribe,

Im so very greatful for…

My recovery
Everything is temporary
Boscoe cuddles
My mom
Hoping for relief
A mindfulness retreat this afternoon
Its ok to not be ok


Grateful for quiet time in the morning with my coffee, outside, mantras and pets.

Grateful for friends to have visit.

I’m grateful for cool mornings and cool evenings.
I’m grateful for all the microclimates around here.
I’m grateful for hikes with my friend.
Grateful for my lawn and garden guys.
Grateful my pool guy comes the day after them.
Grateful for my health.
Grateful we got eggs.


I’m grateful for a good meeting and a productive work day. I’m grateful that the project is going so well. I’m grateful for my friend who helped me with some house work in the morning…I got behind on some things and needed help with one of my arms out of commission. I’m grateful for my neighbors and friends. I’m grateful that I found transportation to be able to take the kids at the orphanage on a picnic on Saturday. I’m grateful to be sober and healthy.


Things I am especially grateful for today.

My daughter felt somewhat distressed yesterday evening and slept in my bed. I enjoyed waking up and her being the first thing I get to see.

I checked out more locations for the game and had fun coming up with ideas for riddles and stuff to do.

I had a good yoga session and a good talk with my ex afterwards.

I am considering letting somebody back into my life at least for a limited occasion who has caused me suffering. I am glad I feel like I might be moving forward there.

Now I‘m off to recovery dharma.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I am grateful :heart:


Jazzy, I’m so grateful for getting to read your gratitude entry. You go ahead girl! Love life :two_hearts::heart::stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


Thanks love!!! Yes— definitely loving life :people_hugging::heart::sun_with_face:


Good morning sober warriors

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety
My recovery
An empowering and uplifting ladies aa meeting yesterday
Its friday
My numb mood feels like its lifting ever so slowly
Good communication
My relationship with my folks
Hubby and Boscoe
Just because i couldnt get myself moving this week doesnt make me bad and doesnt mean i cant increase my exercise this weekend
Camping trip to look forward to



for Trusty Bird :bird:
Knowing that I’m just in a funk at the moment.
Delivery of a nasty McDonald’s in bed. Yeah, so?


I’m grateful for another productive day getting a lot of work done. I’m grateful for coffee with cardomon. I’m grateful for blackberry muffins. I’m grateful for cuddles with my dogs. I’m grateful for a free weekend to relax and chill. I’m grateful that I still feel hopeful, positive and in a good mood. I’m grateful for the project I’m working on. I’m grateful for loving friends. I’m grateful for my job. I’m grateful for the smell of wild sage and mint. I’m grateful for my comfy bed.


Friday gratitude.

I’m grateful for yesterday. What a beautiful holiday to celebrate Ferragosto with friends. 5 women, lots of delicious food, a fire pit to burn all notes on what we want to let go, bunches of blessed herbs, all cats around us, chatting, laughter, enjoying a day together. I’m grateful I was up at 4.15 a.m. to bake a Zwetschkenfleck and prepare everything with joy and mindfulness.

I’m grateful I was up at 5 today and proceeded with plum preservation. Heaven in jars.

I’m grateful I vacuumed the townhouse a bit during my lunch break between two appointments. Every little task counts.

I’m grateful I did all chores in the morning. Thus I could relax on the couch when I came home in the afternoon. It’s fucking crappy hot. I’m grateful for cool showers and aircondition in the car. I’m pretty sure I will install aircondition at the farmhouse. The summers get ridiculous horrible hot and I’m fed up with constant mushbrain mode, crappy sleep and focus in banana mode. Working on the farm under this conditions is dangerous for me and I’m fed up with not being able to use the evening hours because I’m too tired and unfocused due to the house inside being too warm for me. I WANT to work, I’m in the mood to work, the work doesn’t exhaust me, I just can’t because of the heat melting my body & brains. At least this is a sarcastic step forward from “I need to do it at my pace otherwise I’ll get exhausted quickly”. I hope the universe has a good laugh.

I’m grateful for leftovers, they will feed me all weekend.
I’m grateful for tea, the big cups to gulp down delicious hot or cold tea are my constant companions these days.
I’m grateful for sleeping meds, they give me a few hours of reliable sleep so I can make it through the day ok-ish.
I’m grateful that in general I’m ok, slow, unfocused, clumsy, partly suffering from the heat, but mostly ok. Not well, not bad, not fine, ok. I’m grateful for being ok! That’s a lot better than the last summers for 10 years (as far as I remember, the hotter it is the worse is my memory).

I’m grateful for the colorful blanket I put over my car for sun & hail protection. It looks so much nicer than any of these grey car canvas covers you can buy. My life - my rules! ODAAT

Oh, and hugs to you @TrustyBird


I’m grateful for a day off.
For optimism and change.
I’m grateful that most of my life is never so pressing that I can’t put my errands off for another day.
I’m grateful I have a cat sitting on my feet.
I’m grateful for new recipes to try, today I’m making pad kra pao with eggplant.
I’m grateful that the stress and uncertainty of this week didn’t make me want to drink. I’m grateful I no longer romanticize drinking as a solution.
I’m grateful for friends close and far that I can talk through my struggles with. Connection is a big part of the solution folks.
Right back atcha TF. :kissing_heart:
And gratitude and love to all of you TS. 🩷


Happy Weekend, grateful friends

I am grateful for books, my Kindle, and the Libby library app.

I am grateful for continued employment, a car that runs, a family that loves me.

I’m grateful for brown sugar Boba.

I’m grateful for the new Lady Gaga and Bruno Mars duet. It will be my weekend soundtrack.

Grateful as always for sharing your gratitudes 🫶🏻


168 days sober today. Sometimes I start to think it’s not that important but it is. Just that fading of the pain. I need the reminders! It’s hugely important even if I don’t feel like it is, you know? I can’t trust my thoughts or feelings sometimes. Remember when they used to lead you off a cliff? There’s a backdrop of constant stability, joy, hope and progress. I get used to it and even forget it’s there sometimes. It’s quiet and not particularly overwhelming like the bad times were. It is peace and stability that I love. :dove:

For the sense to rest today. Feeling run down. No reason I can’t rest. Grateful I learned to respect my limits. I wish I was 100% healthy but I’m not. Sure am better than I used to be. I just get these big energy crashes sometimes.

I’m grateful for this long drive I’m making early Sunday morning. Heading to Santa Fe, but taking 2 days to get there. I will get to see the lovely purple mountains. And drive up the mountain roads to piñon pines and aspens, and cooler weather. In town I’ll go to museums, galleries, coffee, maybe some jewelry shops. I would like a new hat as well. I like hats.

For getting to see my big brother for the first time since he moved away in May. Happy for him- it’s a beautiful city.

Driving there and back sober. Not worrying about shadowy police cruisers up ahead, or lights behind me :rotating_light: I do need to watch my speed often, though…:grinning:

This place! I like doing gratitude, especially when I don’t want to. Always I feel better- like now. :white_check_mark:

My barrel-chested sweetheart cat. I am sad she has to go to the cat hotel tomorrow but it’s best for all. She seems to come home happy so maybe they’re nicer than I am hahaha

All the food I’m eating ‘so it won’t go to waste’. I’ll be eating road food so home food is good. Might bring a basket.

So many things but new friends tops all

For the sleep I’m about to get. Insomnia is better and I’m grateful :heart:


Day 103
I’m full of gratitude even when things are mucky.
Grateful for Jesus
Grateful for my Friday night Celebrate Recovery group. A bunch of used to be, dirty scoundrel sinners saved and celebrating together. Being there to serve one another in downfalls/struggles of life. And being a place to accept new people and help/guide them in their recovery. Trying to save lives and souls. Reminding folks they don’t have to do things alone.
Grateful for the men in my group. All ages sharing their victories and downfalls. Learning and leaning on each other. Being open in group.
Grateful for this place and you fine people here with me. Always remembering that even though it’s just another day, one word here, can travel in someone’s recovery in mighty ways. Happy to be here.
God Bless every one of you


I’ve been absent from writing on the thread (the best cozy corner of this community, in my humble opinion :blush:) but reading for inspiration from time to time…

Time to check in a bit more frequently, I think!

Grateful for a quiet weekend morning. Grateful for coffee, then switching to tea to enjoy a good book I’ve been trying to read for over a month. I’ve been really distracted, mind racing and all over the place. Grateful I’m trying to slow down today, and get to a calmer state of mind :pray:

Grateful school starts next week and we get back to a family routine. Grateful I started training for a race in november and hope it will keep me motivated to push myself.

Grateful to see milestones achieved, and to have been inspired to set my day one for quitting cigarettes a couple of days ago. Feeling optimistic!

Grateful for this community.

Much love to you all! :heart::heart::heart:


Good morning to all of you amazing sober humans!

It is Saturday morning and I am grateful to be….

-Sober and at peace with my decision to become a person who doesn’t drink alcohol

-Working on my recovery every day, overcoming unhealthy thought patterns, examining how I spend my time and energy.

-living in a safe and loving home with a man who helps me be better and who lets me love him with my whole heart

-working on being a good mom to my adult kids

-working on my reactions to triggering events, feeling lots of feels… it took over 900 days to get here, but crap, or is it yay! Lots of feels are here.

-winding down my summer break and getting excited to start a new school year teaching English language to immigrant children. It’s hard work, but it is good work!

-getting back on the school year routines and keeping busy because a lot of down time has been amazing and even a bit challenging. I appreciate it because it is special.

-good health and a loving marriage

-an amazing relationship with each of my siblings. I’m doing hard work on the relationship with our mother, but I’m pretty confident I can get to a healthier place on that.

-grateful to be alive and healthy and safe and sober.

I wish you all the best on this journey. Life is unfolding right in front of us, it is pretty amazing to be present for it every day.


I’m grateful for having a good day. I’m grateful that the picnic for all the kids went well and was a success. I’m grateful for being in a positive good mood. I’m grateful for a quiet night in just chilling. I’m grateful for this community and how much support and encouragement I get from it. I’m grateful for the evening rain and for the rainbow I saw. I’m grateful to be sober and that I am happy.