Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Good morning sober tribe,

Im so very greatful today

Its amazing the progress in my thinking and quality of life since i gave up booze. Surreal to think i couldnt see a way of life without drugs and alcohol and today i dont want to go back. Its as if i was trying to fill a hole in me my entire addiction and im filling it with growing spirituality and principled living.

Glad i got my ass up and did a 90min workout
Signed up for the aa convention that i’ll hit all weekend
Beautiful weather
Im able-bodied
Sober sisters
the AA promises
I have enough
A camping trip to look forward to
Tasty pumpkin spice overnight oats and coffee
My folks have been married for 50yrs today
Mental health treatment


Things I am especially grateful for today.

I‘m back to the old dosage of my meds but it will take a few days until they work as expected. That means all kinds of discomfort for the time being. I am grateful I know where this discomfort stems from, grateful I don‘t blame myself for it, and grateful I know it will pass rather soon. Also very grateful I don‘t have any pressing responsibilities at the moment and can take my time with life.

I‘ve had the day to myself with my daughter being first at my mum‘s and then at her dad‘s. I like these days when I have all my time to myself, where I don‘t have to feel responsible for another person.

I had a good chat with my mum and my mum in law on the phone today. I am very grateful they are both still around and live nearby.

Spend a very lazy day with lots of reading, podcasts, anime, etc. I am grateful all these things are available to me, and grateful I am able to accept that I need the rest and the time right now, and don‘t pester myself how I should be doing something „more productive“.

The day is almost done. I‘m going to have more quite time. Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Grateful I can do the things that scare me most. Traveling sober is one! I’m a little nervous this evening, but more from excitement than fear.

Grateful I have the opportunity to travel.

Grateful for a change of scenery and somewhat cooler weather.

Grateful for the land of enchantment, New Mexico.

For all the hard stuff I’ve walked through to start living again. Drinking wasn’t living.

For my older brother for moving there first. I will likely do the same when I’m more sober (2 years+)

Hatch green chiles. They’re going to be roasting them everywhere I go. I love some green chile enchiladas!

169 days of sobriety. I’m going on a week trip that will push it close to 6 months! Will keep it going

You guys :heart:


Happy anniversary to your folks. !!


Wishing you an amazing travel experience! I remember I traveled to Paris - Paris! - in my early sobriety. Less than a month. I was terrified and it ended up being the best trip I ever had to the city of lights…I truly enjoyed everything, it seemed like the world was in full color again. So grateful for those memories :heart:

Grateful today it’s back to work and back into the kids’ school routine tomorrow.

Grateful my oldest is traveling back by himself for the first time, after an amazing summer vacation with a good friend and his family.

Grateful we have friends like these in our lives!

Grateful for my youngest son’s sense of humor.

Grateful for one more day not smoking first thing in the morning.

Grateful I was able to vent to my husband yesterday that it’s been very, very difficult for me to be away from him every week for a year and a half now, and with no idea that this will get any better any time soon. Grateful he stepped away so this didn’t escalate. Grateful I was able to break the ice when tempers have cooled and we had a hug and I had a cry. He asked if this was a good time to ask if I was thinking of stopping smoking. I said I already did. Foolish of me to think I was hiding it from him. I feel better.

Grateful I have a family, a job, my health, and that I’m trying to do better when I can.

Grateful for this community :heart:


I’m grateful for a relaxing day spending the morning with a good friend then having some much needed chill time on my own. I’m grateful for my neighbor who brought me over some fresh naan this morning and helped milk the horses. I’m grateful for the blackberry and raspberry tart I made today. My favorite treat! I’m grateful for my a healthy tasty dinner- couscous salad. And I’m grateful for having the day off to relax and recharge.


Gratitude today:

My partner being the best antidote to sadness and understanding the spaces between the words
Simple pleasures like card games
Heartfelt chats in the sunshine
Local parks
Feeling my funk lift it’s corners
Dogs in the park, so happy


Things I am especially grateful for today.

My night was not very restful and I felt like lorry had hit me the whole morning. But it all improved during the day. My symptoms, pains and discomfort receded. I even went out for a walk in the late afternoon. Now I am feeling far more clear headed and I even feel like I am getting my energy back. This is a reason to rejoice.

My daughter was here for only a short time and then ran off with a friend for a day at the pool. I am rather glad about that. I felt not too well all day and knowing that she is spending a nice day I feel like less of a burden on me.

I spend a lot of time reading and watching TV. I‘m glad these distractions exist. I am also glad I might be able to do something else tomorrow.

The day is coming to its end. Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Grateful for an inspiring SMART meeting to start my Sunday. Grateful for my sore muscles as they are proof of all of the hard labour I did yesterday.

Grateful for coffee. Grateful for beets with goat cheese and pecans.

Grateful for my adult children acknowledging the hard work I’ve put in to my sobriety. Grateful to be 234 days hangover free!

Have a peaceful day :sparkles: :blush:


Sunday evening gratitude.
I’m grateful for rain, it cooled down and the house airs. I’m grateful for a long nap while it rained.

I’m grateful for fresh tomatoes every day. Together with the leftovers they made my food today. I’m grateful I stayed over at a friend’s yesterday and they cooked a delicious wok dish. I’m grateful for more socializing IRL these days.

I’m gratwful for a long chat with a recently widdowed friend. I’m glad I can help her grieving and coping. Talking about EVERY kind of feelings is so freeing. Her late husband and my ex have similar destructive sides of their personalities. Talking about the struggle this caused helps us both to let go. I’m grateful we are not alone.
I’m grateful I feel happy to start a fresh week tomorrow. I have quite some plans I’m looking forward to. I’m grateful for my peaceful life. ODAAT :pray:


I’m grateful I went to the family bbq, although I didn’t feel like it. I’m not feeling social the last couple of weeks, but it did me good to be around people I feel relaxed with. Plus I’ve had the best rib fingers ever.
I’m having some cravings these days, but I’m grateful my playlist of sobriety videos on YouTube keeps me focused. I’ve also been craving vaping, weird after being five months nicotine free. I am grateful I notice what I feel and take action. I am grateful I have been through them before, so I know these cravings will pass. It is very important to stay away from certain people and situations when I feel this way. I’m feeling a bit lonely but I understand I do that to myself, so I push myself to meet friends I feel comfortable around. I am grateful it always makes me feel a bit better.
I am grateful for the beautiful full moon tonight!


Good morning sober warriors

I hate monday mornings but their so much better not hungover!

Im so very greatful for…

A long night of sleep
My cuddle buddies
My recovery
Our safety
My family
A job i dont despise
A somewhat reliable vehicle
In home washer and dryer
AA program and sponsorship that has breathed life and joy back into me
A desperation and willingness to change about 835 days ago

“Why stop at gratitude? Take it one step further. How about joy?” Random aa speaker nugget


I’m grateful for the sunny day and the very bright stars tonight. I’m grateful for a good session with the online counselor today and for the advice she gave. I’m grateful that I am feeling comfortable with her. I’m grateful for getting a lot of good work done today and for the input I’ve been given. I’m grateful for my dogs who are the best girls. I’m grateful for a low anxiety day. I’m grateful that I have good support and people around me who care for me. I’m grateful for my neighbors who are helping me with practical things. I’m grateful my arm is hurting less and seems to be healing well.


I’m grateful for Hope
I’m grateful for the world wide network of support here at TS :pray:t2: again. It’s magical.

I’m grateful I got the house to myself today even though I have COVID. I’m grateful my Covid symptoms aren’t so bad. I’m grateful we had a fun visit with my friends for 5 days, even if she did bring me COVID :grimacing: I’m grateful so fucking grateful for her thinking about Gus. I’m grateful she wasn’t feeling good. She usually has allergies but since she was going to see “The Baby,” she thought maybe she ought to test for COVID just in case. I’m not grateful she tested positive but I’m grateful for her practicality and she just wanted to “make sure.” I’m grateful her husband and my wifey have tested negative. So far. I’m grateful we can look up the CDC protocol on COVID cuz I don’t know what the fuck to do. I’m grateful I can isolate here for 5 days. I’m grateful it kinda sounds nice. Because I’m grateful I don’t feel all that sick. I’m grateful it’s mostly sneezing and chills and tiredness.

I’m grateful I can still sit out in my catio with my mantra playlis, fireplace, double hoodies, yellow beanie, cats, coffee, hot tea and my little Sancho.

I’m grateful for the hummingbirds that dive bomb down in here for a sec. I’m grateful I can hear and see the birdsong atop the 2 pine trees that stick out above my catio roof line.

I’m grateful I can watch movies. Study for my California drivers license, try to find health insurance, and start looking into Medicare this week. I’m grateful I got no excuses now.

Grateful we got one more big project up in the attic this week, which is going to suck but after that we should be good for a while.

I’m grateful for where I live it’s so beautiful out here. I’m grateful I can walk my Burner at a normal time and not at 5:30 am if I was still living in the desert. I’m grateful I lived in the desert a couple of years. It was beautiful. I’m grateful for all the places I’ve tried to call home but not quite. I’m grateful I can finally call California home. I’m grateful I had a good run the East coast to the Left coast.


Repeat to Yourself, “Life Isn’t an Emergency.”
Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff
And it’s all small stuff


I am really happy for you Covid symptoms are few. Take care of yourself!


Thank you my friend


Happy Monday my dear friends
Much love to you all – I am so grateful for you all!
I am so very grateful for waking up each day to a new beautiful day!
I am so very grateful for my family and their unconditional love. Grateful for all the care and love they give me.
I am so very grateful for good wholesome food and yummy ripe juicy fruits. Just can’t get enough
I am so grateful for indoor plumbing! Grateful that I do not take this for granted.
I am so very grateful for cold showers.
I am so very grateful for good books to read. Grateful I finally started the Mathew Perry book and have teared up or balled so many times in the mere 35 pages that Ive managed to read so far. Grateful to have this opportunity to know this man through his words
I am so very grateful for yoga and finding that my body is able to move more these days.
I am so very Grateful that I received a voicemail that my mouth piece will be ready in a few weeks.
I am so very grateful for my positive attitude. Grateful that I know comedy and laughter will keep me from going into a dark headspace. Grateful that I have access to loads of comedy and laughter.
I am so very grateful for my HP. Grateful for my connection to HIM and His help in keeping me grounded - helping me find myself and giving me the patience and resources to find my way in recovery. Grateful for the friends He has placed in my life to help me on this new path. Grateful for the lessons i’m learning each day and grateful that I am not being hard on myself (not as hard anyways) when I don’t see immediate gratification.
Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Things I am especially grateful for today.

I already felt better yesterday afternoon. Today I woke up with all kinds of aches and nausea but this also improved through the day. I am grateful I am slowly getting better. I know I won‘t remember much of this in a few weeks.

Even with my brain fog I managed to do some stuff for my daughter‘s party and for the game. It was not much. I just couldn‘t think properly and being creative was out of the question. But I am grateful for baby steps.

I spend a lot of time with podcasts, anime and reading. It‘s so good to have these distractions available.

My ex and I went to our first couples counselling appointment today. The bike ride did me good, and I liked this first take. I am curious how this will develop. I am grateful this help is available.

Now I‘m looking forward to my recovery dharma meeting and a peaceful evening.
Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Gratitudes and tiny triumphs for today…

Grateful I got my “fix it” ticket resolved this morning, and it was easy and quick.
Grateful to be back on the road with no restrictions.
Grateful I won the raffle at work: a $10 gift card for Starbucks. Not too shabby!
Grateful for the iced coffee I’m enjoying.
Grateful for my job.
Grateful Mom’s walking again.
Grateful for my wife’s good cookin’. :yum:
Grateful my Sister isn’t going to need a heart valve transplant after all.
Grateful for our kitty’s snuggles every morning.
Grateful for my HP getting my family through rough times.



Thankful for:

Day 234. Cute number
I will be OK.
Tomorrow, I will be more active, as I start my Masters’ again, because why not? I have nothing else going on. :thinking:
I will contact a relative, hesitant to do, but know there is help there.
Degrees under 90 for a few days - nice.
I can’t smell the egg-smelling water - Yay me! I need to have the landlord treat the well, I will because I should.
I am pretty far for the 1st time since 1992. Go me for being happy that I live.

Thankful for all of you.