Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’m grateful for the delicious veggie curry I made yesterday. I’m grateful its so spicy that it makes my nose run.
I’m grateful I wasn’t too tired to cook last night.
I’m grateful to the woman who just gave me two beautiful tomatoes from her garden while I was eating my dinner in the breakroom. I’ll be grateful to slice them up with salt and pepper.

I’m grateful I was patient with my apartment complex during this transfer stress but I will be super grateful to sign my new lease tonight. Our wait is over, we got the bigger place. More importantly we have a place to live next year. I was starting to worry. I’ll be grateful to sleep easy tonight going in to a (hopefully) productive day tomorrow.


I’m grateful for 106 days
Grateful to be sober
Grateful for my struggles and facing them with a clear mind and focused heart


I am grateful today

Finished bookkeeping work for day
AA meeting
Pool time
Healthy eating
God is helping me stay calm and focused on what is important


Grateful news Emilie
I’m so happy for ya.


Thanks Daze. Me too. I’ve been waking up at 5 am with anxiety the past week. Hopefully I sleep through the night with this weight off my shoulders.


Good morning gratidudes,

Im so very greatful

My monday didnt suck too bad
I get to train today
My recovery
This community
My AA community
Feeling safe
A husband that does chores this week w/o me asking
My folks
A job i dont despise
Letting go
The serenity prayer
A new day to practice living a good life



Vegetables (bring them on)
Cats :cat2:
Competent gym instructors (My gym instructor today had a MADE IN HELL hoodie on, and he’s not wrong :imp:. Love me some bossy Charley)
Water :sweat_drops:
Hot showers :heart_eyes:
A washing machine
Replays on DAZN. I got to watch my beloved Chelsea team beat Gotham city 3-1 in New York ( it played while I was sleeping with the time difference)… It’s some new strange tournament where the champions of USA play the Champions of England… So grateful to see it on DAZN :soccer:


Good morning gratidudes :pray:t2: :notes: :pray:t2:
I’m grateful for music :musical_note:
I’m grateful for the chat I had with an Al-Anon friend in Scottsdale.
I’m grateful I reached out.
I’m grateful I just remembered that was actually Sunday :expressionless:
I’m grateful I’m feeling better.
I’m grateful my Covid symptoms aren’t bad.
I’m grateful I get to rest.
I’m grateful I still get to isolate :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: it hasn’t been 5 days yet.

I’m grateful for the internet.
I’m grateful we were able to get a lot done on line.
I’m grateful for Covered California. Got the form all filled out and now I wait 2-4 weeks.
Hopefully grateful I’ll have health insurance again.
I’m grateful for all the DMV stuff we were able to get done yesterday on line. And register to vote. I’m grateful all that’s left is to study and take a test.

I’m grateful we went to the vet and their boarding facility. I waited in the car. They won’t take Alice :scream: fuckers. They said she too old to board. Again fuckers. I’m grateful we will have to find someone or something better to board Alice for our next trip in November. I’m grateful maybe they have a point. Old cats can get stressed in a boarding kennel. I’m grateful I’m not all pissed off at them. But they’re still fuckers for now :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m grateful for HOPE, especially after last night. I’m grateful for the things that are out of my control. But for cryin out loud does it have to be most everything? Just as well :pray:t2:

I’m grateful for the blue skies over my catio courtyard and the huge butterfly :butterfly: that was flying too high. I didn’t think butterflies flew that high. He was really up there. I’m grateful the hummingbird stopped by briefly again this morning. I wonder if it’s the same one every day. I’m grateful I wonder where all the birds sleep at night.
Grateful to wrap this up.
Love you guys :notes:

“In Al-Anon, ( edit by me In Recovery)
I realized that if my life was going
to change, it was up to me
to change it.”

Al-Anon .org


I’m grateful that I could take it a bit easy today and that I managed to get some work done. I’m grateful the new toilet is finished and the old unsafe one can be knocked down and covered. I’m grateful for being able to eat a little bit for dinner and that my stomach ache is feeling better. I’m grateful that my neighbor helped fill my buckets today so I wouldn’t have to make so many trips to carry them. I’m grateful for good music and being able to read. I’m grateful for feeling peace and hope. I’m grateful for having a positive mood and attitude. I’m grateful for low anxiety and new more healthy coping skills. I’m grateful for the dogs who make me laugh and comfort.


@Dazercat Get well soon friend :mending_heart:

Things I am especially grateful for today.

Today was much better than the last few days. Still some uncomfortable symtpoms but way fewer and improving through the day. I am grateful for this improvement. Feeling better every day is like coming back to life. And it always gives me a good perspektive on all the things I usually take for granted.

At some point in the day even my brain started working again in a useful way and I was able to work some more on the game. I have a good plan, now I have to take a trip through the city tomorrow to check on some more locations and the concept should be done this week.

Tomorrow is the first day of the new school year for my daughter. We are ready and set. She is excited, I am curious. She has a good school life. So many people contribute to her and my happiness. Very grateful for that.

Managed to do a grocery bike ride. Riding felt good again.
Did a short easy yoga practice. Felt like my strength is coming back. I really need exercise on a daily basis for my mental and overal health. So I am very grateful for every day I can excert myself.

Read a bit, listened to a few new podcasts, watched some anime. Very grateful for all the media available to me.

Recovery Dharma for the evening. So grateful I found this community and the programm. Starting to feel right at home there.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful drinking alcohol is no longer a tool I use.
I am grateful for a nice evening walk in fresh late summer air.
I am grateful my vacation starts on Friday.
I am grateful for a very relaxing and calming massage yesterday.


Welcome One4theRoad
This beautiful thread with all its wonderful people keeps me sober.
Glad you found us.


Welcome I am glad you are here.


I’m grateful for forward motion.
I’m grateful for a better night’s sleep.
I’m grateful for more packing for a new (although only 30 feet away) adventure living in a new place.
I’m grateful my husband is as silly as I am. We are workshopping mission names for our upcoming move. Because why not. Operation Tuxedo Drop is the current forerunner. We have two tuxedo kitties who are going to fight tooth and nail (now I see where that phrase came from) to not get shoved into a carrier.
I’m grateful we pulled out their now-too-small carrier from when they were kittens and they fight for the privilege of laying in it. I’m grateful I won’t expect it to be that easy with the new carrier.
I’m grateful for lifelong friends and for a new gym membership. I’m grateful that I get to visit the gym with a lifelong friend tonight. I’m grateful our healthy bodies can walk there.
I’m grateful for sobriety so I can see all of this.


Tuesday gratitude.
I wonder where 2 days are gone in a blink. I’m grateful I know I was busy and sober, not even a codependent issue occured. I’m grateful I got a lot done because a lot more is waiting to be tackled.
I’m grateful for films that make me smile.
I’m grateful I spent hours at the hairdresser today and got fresh colour, a nice cut, hair care, a little massage when the hair was washed and a nap while waiting for the colour to unfold it’s beauty. Yes, they have new chairs where you can put up your feet and lay back. Very comfy. Beautiful hair now.

I’m grateful I got me-time in the evening. I’m grateful I fell asleep about 3 or 4 times today, the weather made me super tired. I’m grateful I’m catching up on laundry and chores.

I’m grateful I put first things first. Now off to sleep. ODAAT


Nice to read you. You been missed :blush:

If you’re interested. This helped me a lot when I stopped smoking long ago.

Good luck. You’ll love yourself even more when you stop. And you’ll smell better :blush:


@acromouse Glad you are starting to feel better. Hopefully :100: very soon :pray:t4:That nausea can be so rough to deal with. Yeah to getting things put together for your daughter’s party game :clap:
@WilliamBloke Grateful your sister doesn’t need a heart valve transplant - hope she continues to heal
@EarnIt OOH a Masters’ degree – how cool… go for it! :hugs:
@TrustyBird OMG so very happy to read this – been waiting with you for this news. I’m sure your anxiety must have been so high. Hope you did manage to get some sleep. So excited that you will have a larger space to move into at the end of this month.
@One4theroad welcome to the community friend and great work on starting your sober journey. You are among a wonderful group of people here

Tuesday gratitude’s
SO very grateful for but not limited to…

  • the breathe in my lungs
  • the clean air around me
  • my heart is light
  • my body is able to move (may not be graceful but its a step in the right direction)
  • my pains are not slowing me down
  • a good nights sleep (i’ve been off schedule on times but do get a decent amount in daily - with the help of naps).
  • spending quality time with my mom
  • seasonal fruits and veggies
  • beautiful clear skies
  • healing properties of water
  • hard water pressure in the shower
  • letting go of my attachments to material things
  • finding my inner voice and listening to my body
  • good music
  • my Higher Power
  • my energy levels improving to let me be more active (healing takes time) – patience (i’'m learning to be more patient with myself and my surroundings)
  • Wi-Fi!!! Seriously so grateful when I have it. Feel so disconnected otherwise.

Wishing you all a wonderful addiction free day - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Grateful today …
Feeling God’s presence as soon as I awake.
Made it a productive day with very little sleep
Nails got done (self care)
Completed work tasks
Grateful peaches can wait 1 more day
So grateful for AA group and sponsor.
Grateful I have a pool to go to and meet up with a great group
Hip is recovering well yet jumping and side stepping a bit slower to return
Grateful for connection and lovely lively chats with folks here.

Thank you all for being here sharing the sober journey.


Thank you, Eric! Day 5 and counting!

Drinking lots of water! :smile:

I’m grateful to have led a good meeting at work with a tricky team. Grateful everybody seems to be falling into a cooperative mood, and share some light hearted laughs in the middle of hard work.

Grateful the weather seems to be cooling off slightly.

Grateful my kids left on time for school.

Grateful for fresh blueberries.

Grateful for my extended family and for being more conscious about connecting with them.

Much love to you all!


A fantastic workshop on Autonomic Mapping to assist overwhelm
The human brain
The human body
Better sleep…ISH… I’ll take it :rofl:
Less bothersome and tiresome noise in my head
A day to work on my next career move
My digestion starting to even out again
That my cat plays hide and seek and chase
Breathwork sessions on demand with my breathing circle membership
The truly kind people of the world :revolving_hearts: