Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I need to catch up. For my future ref im on post 1255.

Running out of time so wanna practice my gratide before i kick off the workday

Im so very greatful for…

Forward motion
My recovery
Apparently ive become a woman whos motivated by self to wake up at 5am lift and run, crazy how far ive come lol
A decent run
My lil family
Hubby helping with chores
Boscoe being so cute, boy did we miss him when he spent the nite at grandmas
My backfill at work started today, i can just tell she’ll be an awesome asset to the prganization
I have hope
I have love
Rolling into my 37th year sober happy and in shape mentally, physically, spiritually
An awesome aa convention where the message still inspires me
A lovely stranger duane who recommended reading pg 417 and 420 in the big book
Feeling whole
Working on feeling like i am enough
The 12 step promises


I’m grateful for having good resources available to help me cope, heal and come to understand myself better. I’m grateful for a good meeting with the potential volunteers and then with social services. I’m grateful for this Dutch doctor who is willing to add more to his work trip to help the people here. I’m grateful for a good walk and then talk with my friend. I’m grateful for a healthy and tasty dinner. I’m grateful for the sunny day and the smell of mint. I’m grateful for hope and peace.


Things I am especially grateful for today.

Yesterday evening I logged into the online meeting I wanted to attend. There were more than 20 people already there but none of the expected hosts. I felt like that was a good opportunity to step up and give back. So I decided to become host and somehow with the help of everyone there we managed to have a good meeting. I am very grateful life threw me this opportunity. It made me grow in my gratitude.

I did not sleep well last night and the alarm went off too soon. I am very grateful I had nonetheless enough energy to get out and work on the game. I finally came up with a narrative and am very satisfied with that. I am grateful I had the strength and energy to be about and think and create again.

My daughter is suffering from migraine today again. I am glad I can help, grateful there are meds available, grateful we managed everything else she needs for school tomorrow.

I took a nice nap in the afternoon, did a short yoga session, rested a bit. I am still not back to my old self, but I enjoyed being capable again today.

I‘m going to co-host a meeting this evening. I‘m grateful I found Recovery Dharma. It‘s an attitude I feel my values are aligned with. I have a deeply ingrained aversion to hierarchies and even the idea of a higher power makes me cringe. I could not get over this wording in other programs. In a buddhist based approach I feel at home.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I am grateful to have definitive answers to my housing stress. The lease is signed. Now the only stress will be shoving my cats into carriers for the less than minute walk next door.
I am grateful for this small salty bag of potato chips. I have made myself a deal that if I eat a banana at work I can have a small bag of chips. This ups my banana intake, which I don’t really like to eat, and stops me from buying chips for home.

I’m grateful for health and safety and enough of everything. I’m grateful I can start to be excited about our move again, I lost some enthusiasm with all that uncertainty. I’m grateful I bought the cutest little toadstool night lights for our bigger pad. I’m grateful I’m not drunk, hungover or planning my next drink. Onward!


Today I’m so grateful for becoming a man in the dumps of drugs and alcohol, because it has lead me to where I am currently. I was asked by a group leader at my celebrate recovery if I’d be interested in sitting at a table representing them tmrw evening.
Grateful because that lets me know that my sobriety is getting noticed. The change in my life, in my heart, and soul is getting noticed.
Grateful for the chance to possibly save some other folks from the evil of addiction.

My name’s JB. Thanks for listening


Grateful today
Having fresh air to breathe
My health and feeling good
AA Meetings
My dishwasher
Staying focused on my to do goals today
My connection with my friends here
Being able to express myself and my opinions
Being aggressive with myself and made it to the gym
Healthy food
Sleep (lately struggle with that)

I am grateful GOD still shows me his blessings


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions. I’m grateful for my family, friends, TS and the gratidudes. I’m grateful for music and how it connects with memories and emotions. I’m grateful for my cat the Angel of Peace and that he turned a year old almost a month ago. I’m grateful that I can afford to take him to the vet for the first time on Friday. I’m grateful that I celebrated 18 months clean and sober at my NA group on the 7th of this month. I got a friend named cowboy Will to speak. I’m grateful it was the first time someone asked him to be a speaker and i surprised him by getting him to give me my medallion since my sponsor couldn’t make it. We both teared up a hit. I’m grateful that I knew he had been hoping to get asked to speak numerous times during his 5+ years of continuous sobriety. I’m grateful that my sponsee just left my place after we read and discussed step 6 out of AA’s book, 12 steps and 12 traditions. I’m grateful that I can work on acceptance and growth as my job at Canadian Tire took a drastic shift, they offered me a spot in the automotive department instead of my beloved sports department, as a way to learn more about the company. I am grateful that I have the courage to try and this will be my fourth department in the 14 months I have been there. I’m grateful that I can pray they are moving me around because they have intentions to make me a manager somewhere, someday. I’m grateful that I can work on not having unrealistic or unhealthy expectations towards work or any area of my life. I’m grateful for my apartment that is still looking pretty new after 26+ months of living here. I’m grateful for humor and laughter. I’m grateful that I get to play volleyball, golf, ride my bicycle and watch sports. I’m grateful that I started physiotherapy for my back after re-injuring it for the 3rd time at this job, a month ago this Thursday. I’m grateful that I have lost the obsession to keep up on this home thread of mine/ours and this application. I’m grateful to have a deep respect and think about a whole bunch of you (too many to memtion ) allllll the time.

May our higher powers help us find and manage connections.

P.s. You’re amazing. Don’t quit before the miracle, or after. Ya you!!


Happy 1 year birthday to Peace and congratulations on your 18+ months of sobriety.

So happy to see you thriving in your journey… keep the momentum going strong :muscle:t4:


Good morning sober fam

Im so very greatful for

Our collective gratitude practice i believe it elevates
My recovery
My mobility
Meds to help with inflammation
Mental health meds that aid in my quality of life 10000x
Hubby and boscoe
Looking forward to folks 50th family photos
Numbers and my love for em
A job i love most days
I am hopeful
Good communication
My basic needs are met
Im not homeless or suicidal
Dresses make getting ready for work so easy
Routine that gives me structure


A great weightlifting class, I’m feeling stronger lately.

Nice natural food, it really lifts my mood.

Getting back on to my liquid probiotic shot every morning. It’s expensive, and I’m locked in for another year again, but I can’t honestly put a value on my gut health. Ergo, my mental health.

Getting away from London this Friday until Monday (with the boys) to the countryside to celebrate my OH’s 46th birthday and to see ‘nanny’. I love going to bed pretty early there, and leaving the boys in the living room with my MIL (they are so funny, they like to stay up), and hearing her chat to them as they play. It’s precious and so empowering for her as she’s started to pick them up :smiling_face_with_tear: She often says she’s looking forward to seeing them. :revolving_hearts:

Missing the noise of the carnival this weekend. It’s fun if you don’t live in it :crazy_face: We get a security detail and police patrol in our close so it’s hard to get in and out the car park. Usually we just go away, and I’m happy to return to quiet streets. Though actually we will be back for Children’s day on Monday, which is often worse than adults day for some reason despite people being due back to work on the Tuesday. Madness.

An amazing breathwork (conscious connected breathing) this morning before the gym. I’ve been avoiding it for about a week, possibly denying myself, possibly not able or willing to commit the work. I dunno, but it was powerful and releasing from tension and stress and the harsh inner critic. :shushing_face: I’m glad I bothered to make time for myself.

A hot shower
Breakfast tea


I know I must be grateful for many things.

I am grateful:
I am alive and become more by the day. I can stop my misguided internal gags.
I am on day 237.
I know how to be healthy. I have been studying it for years. Deciding not to be is a choice and I will not make that choice.
There will continue to be choices and I will keep that in mind.
I cannot change other people and must keep that solid within.
I will not struggle to be powerful, it’s become too habitual and will be changed.

I must hit this thread each day because it is a plus for life.

Have a good day.


I’m grateful for another beautiful California morning sober and hangover free.

I’m grateful for my readings this morning.
I’m grateful for TS
I’m grateful I got The Burner on my lap.
I’m grateful I already had Mavy.
I’m grateful Mavy is back but on my shoulders since The Burner is on my lap. Plenty of room.

Grateful I Google a couple of my mantras. I might learn something. I haven’t gotten in to learning more about them yet but I’m intrigued :thinking: :pray:t2:

I’m grateful my Covid symptoms seem to be gone. I’m grateful I was able to go for a hike yesterday and it felt good. I’m grateful my friend who brought Covid to our house tested negative after 1 week, and neither one of us had really bad symptoms. Just tired. Little more sneezing than usual and allergy type symptoms that weren’t too bad.

I’m grateful the workers in the house yesterday think that they can finish up today and it won’t be a 3 day job :crossed_fingers: :pray:t2:

Grateful for HOPE
I’m grateful for HOPE in so many things.
I’m grateful it feels good!!

Allright!! Sober Gang!
Let’s go get another 24! :kissing_heart:

If you wake up in the morning with gratitude on your mind, it’s pretty difficult, in fact almost impossible, to feel anything but peace.
Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff


I’m grateful for a long sleep last night and hoping for another night of good sleep. I’m grateful for having high energy and good focus today. I’m grateful work is going so well especially got my focus and drive back after being sober. I’m grateful for the kids at the orphanage and for their joy when we played some games today. I’m grateful for the donation given to help buy school supplies for the kids there. I’m grateful for good conversations I’ve had on TS. I’m grateful for having a good relaxing visit and dinner with my closest friend tonight. We talked about a lot of things some serious some not. I’m grateful she is my friend and is someone who I can easily be serious with but can just as easily have fun together. I’m grateful to be sober and healthy (minus the fractured arm which is healing up well).


I’m grateful to see you checking in.
Grateful Peace has come in to your life for a year now. It’s a beautiful thing.
I’m so grateful you got 18 months clean and sober.



And this. I think I’ve finally reach this point too. I understand you :100:. I use to feel bad when I don’t post here. It’s been such a HUGE part of my recovery. And it still is. Especially you brother. Love you man. Thanks for stopping by


Exactly one year ago I started focusing on my last big financial debt and today…

Pow! :boom:
I’m grateful for goals, I’m grateful for sacrifice and I’m grateful for positive forward momentum.


Boom :boom:

Debt free fall.


I am soooo excited to finish but happy to rest here today and look back on a job well done. :blush:


It’s like shackles are lifting. Proud moments. :sunglasses:


Today I’m going to research certifications to forward my career. Movement breeds movement. Onward!


Thursday gratitude. Life is so busy.
I’m grateful I got a lot done. I’m grateful I got solid 8 hours sleep thanks to sleeping meds. I’m grateful for my cuddly sweet cats. I’m grateful for fresh veggies, working WLAN, a beautiful sunset, chill mornings, knitting, naps.
I’m grateful for my last 2 days of workshop the next days.
I’m grateful the authority notice to remove the cars & stuff from the farm came. I’m looking forward to my lawyer’s letter to the ex & his lawyer. My nice karma satisfaction. Maybe I’ll add 1 or 2 sentences.
I’m grateful I’m to bed early again as these long working days are tiring me. I’m grateful I’m not really exhausted, just tired :pray: ODAAT