Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Things I am especially grateful for today.

Today I reached 9 months freedom from sugar. Nine months ago I started this recovery journey and sought connection. I will always be grateful for this community and all that stemmed from setting my first step on this path.

I checked out further locations for the game. The above is a shot from a bridge of our world famous suspension railway. I am so glad I can use this crazy invention as public transport on a daily basis.

Fell into a nap after lunch and boy did I sleep. I think it was at least an hour when my daughter woke me up coming back from school. Obviously I needed it.

Did some yoga in the afternoon, my ex came by for dinner, Iā€™ll be off to a Recovery Dharma meeting soon and then to bed.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Sweet Thursday Grats

Grateful I made it through a hot, exerting day.
Grateful for this cold brew from Starbucks to cool me down.
Grateful for Pandora.
Grateful to have a little ā€œme timeā€ right now.
Grateful for Yoshiā€™s ā€œkitty bisquitsā€, purrs and snuggles every morning. :smiley_cat:
Grateful for my little family at home.
Grateful I can still provide, despite coming home tired and sore every night.
Grateful my HP hasnā€™t given up on me, even when my faith wavers on my really low days.
Grateful for my journal.



Neat bridge. Where is this exactly?


@Dazercat Iā€™m grateful for that gif of Jake Ryan :heart_eyes: Glad youā€™re feeling better also.

@JazzyS I have been so in love with the farmers markets right nowā€¦so many gorgeous in season produce! I ate the sweetest, juiciest plums today. Yum

I am grateful for books!! They take away my worries and anxiety when nothing else doesā€¦I am grateful for the ability to slip into other worlds, different places, new perspectives.

I am grateful to be 238 days AF and hangover free.

Grateful for this thread, always. Much love and ODAAT! :v:


Iā€™m grateful this thread persists, that itā€™s here when Iā€™m not. Iā€™m grateful too to have let go of keeping up, @I.cant.We.can and @Dazercat. When time allows, I love dropping in on the daily. It hasnā€™t allowed for the last three weeks. Iā€™m glad thatā€™s okay.

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m adaptable. Went to visit Mom for the long weekend 3 weeks ago and just got back home this week.
Iā€™m grateful a room opened up in a home that gives mom way better care. Iā€™m grateful I got her moved and settled and that I can say, you know, M ā€œsans wineā€ does a pretty good job at life! Only because M has her recovery and supports to lean on heav-i-ly.
Iā€™m grateful for my dear 85-year old mama. She might be the bravest person I know.
Iā€™m not grateful but grateful that the dog girl is visiting her dog dad thru all of this. It woulda been too much for her. Iā€™ll be grateful when she comes back home.

Grateful for work and routine, itā€™s grounding effect. Grateful work gave me some leeway to tend to all of the above.
Grateful for dear pals scattered all over.
Grateful I indulged in new bedding. Comfy.

Iā€™m grateful for all of you.

Iā€™m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


I donā€™t know if you know anything about the suspension railway in Wuppertal. If not you can find out more with this Wikipedia article.
I took the picture from a pedestrian bridge crossing above the Bayer facility at Varresbecker StraƟe.


You and I, walking the same day on this path!

I am grateful for that!
I am also grateful that today I woke up planning to do powerful and magic things.
My son is on his first ever flight without his mom - to NYC.
My kids have power, though they often lean in.
Today I am hoping that my smell and taste come back. I will restart all the things that are known to help - grateful that I know.
Grateful to you, this thread, this page that I have been on since 2016. Can you picture the internet difference back then? So different.

Have a grateful day, my people.


Good morning sober warriors.

Happy friday!! So greatful ive caught up on everyones gratitude what blessing we have.

Im so very greatful forā€¦

A bit of mania sans anxiety to lift my mood and increase my confidence
Hubby made dinner last night bc i had a late night with my ladies mtg, thanks babe
I can chat so easily with my mom
My relationship with my mom and dad
Family photos today to celebrate my folks 50th wedding anniversary. ( i may be more excited than them. Im sentimental in that way)
Its friday
Heck yeah its payday!
Its nice to be compensated for all the stress and effort
Boy did i get a dose of leadership drama yesterday but i cant control it so i let that shit goā€¦still debating a one on one with the ceo
Woke up and worked out
My recovery
My spirituality
I was desperate and broken enough to listen to the aa suggestions of people with more sobriety than me
This place. Heck yeah.

One day at a time sober crew


Iā€™m grateful for this moment.
Iā€™m grateful I can hear.
Iā€™m grateful I can hear Gayatri Mantra
Iā€™m grateful I can see.
Iā€™m grateful I can see my silly cat Mav inside on the cat towerā€¦ā€¦just lookingā€¦ā€¦ and cleaning up like a doofusā€¦ā€¦ and now itā€™s time for a nap :kissing_cat:
Iā€™m grateful for the amount of joy one cat can bring. And I have 4 :heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat::heart_eyes_cat: how grateful is that?
Iā€™m grateful for the fire in the fireplace.
Iā€™m grateful for my catio
Iā€™m grateful for my hoodie. LlBeam hoodie this morning and my beanie from London.
Iā€™m grateful I can look up and still see the moon.

Iā€™m grateful the insulation guys finished yesterday. No workers the fuck in my house all day :blush: Iā€™m grateful the chimney guy will be out for his last little thing outside hanging my fireplace doors.

Iā€™m grateful I passed my California drivers licenses written test on line. Got everything submitted and an appointment with the dmv on Tuesday to make it official.

Iā€™m grateful Benson is waiting for me.

Iā€™m grateful I know I got to work real hard on resentment today and accept things the way they are. Iā€™m grateful most things are pretty fucking awesome!! Iā€™m gratefulā€¦.what if I concentrate more on that :thinking::pray:t2::heart:

The thrill of living our lives in concert with others is great indeed. But we must have the freedom to fulfill our part of the journey alone.
Let Go Now


No chance to catch up, Iā€™m grateful I hop in for some gratitude.
Today Iā€™m grateful for an interesting workshop all day. Iā€™m grateful I left a bit early because I was well done from the heat. Iā€™m grateful for a shower, a sleeping cat on my ankle, my comfy couch and that Iā€™m home. Thatā€™s enough for today :pray: ODAAT


Iā€™m grateful for a good day even though I spent half of it waiting around for people to show up. Iā€™m grateful for my friend who helped out with some chores today (canā€™t wait to get this brace off and be fully independent again but grateful itā€™s healing!) Iā€™m grateful for empanadas and salad for dinner. Iā€™m grateful for keeping in a good mood instead of letting annoyance take over. Iā€™m grateful for feelings of peace and hope. Iā€™m grateful for cardomon tea and a cup of Turkish coffee enjoyed outside in the sun. Iā€™m grateful for fresh tushuks to lay on tonight they are so fluffy after their time in the sun and being beat. :blush:


Today I am especially grateful for:

  • a run in the morning
  • exploring the city (the picture above is from a mural on a car repair shop)
  • a nap in the afternoon
  • a surprise invitation to a game board night
  • a short yoga practice
  • getting stuff done I donā€˜t especially like doing which yield a benefit later

Have a good night sober friends :night_with_stars:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for 3 nice sightseeing tours I did today around here. It was fantastic.
I am grateful for people I met here and irl who encouraged me to go and seek help at a psychiatrist. I got help and feel so much better.
I am grateful I survived the visit of my mother. It took me one week to recover from it.
I am grateful I could finally let go of my frustration and self hate about how the visit was.
I am grateful I have two weeks off and donā€™t feel pressured to go on vacation.
I am grateful I have enough.


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful thatā€¦

My folks 50th photoshoot went well. Not too many cooks in the kitchen
A wonderful family celebration
My recovery
Im more comfortable in bar atmospheres. Im good just hand me my mocktail :slight_smile:
Hubby was on time to the shoot!
I had a productive week with my new staff
Im not prepared for budget meetings next week but ill wing it. I can only do so much
I found my voice this week
I was confident and had clear thinking
I wonder if running in the am contributed to my mental clarity
I miss my dogson but glad he could spend the nite at grandmas
My relationship with my mom, i love being the baby lol
Trying out a new therapist today


I am grateful for:

Today, I am alive and woke up really early, as usual these days.
I decided that today is the day I talk to people about what I want. Itā€™s a thing I never had an issue with and am ready to face the fact that people donā€™t know, without me telling them.
My kid touched a crocodile. He had swallowed something (a penny) and was brought to her workplace by the zoo for a CT.
My son flew and is experiencing NYC. Wowza!
My day. It will be full of me doing the things in my mind.
All of you on my day 239.
This morning I read the things I usually read - good for me!
I am grateful for the work I will do today because I can and I matter.



Today Iā€™m grateful to be alive, healthy and sober. Iā€™m grateful for my coping tools and that they are helping and working. Iā€™m grateful for the good days and for the bad days. Iā€™m grateful for a hike and spending time outside in the sun.
Iā€™m grateful for all the wonderful berries and fruits this time of year.

Iā€™m grateful for the berry smoothie I had today- was so tastyšŸ˜‹ Iā€™m grateful tomorrow is a new day.


Iā€™m grateful for this thread that has retrained my brain and is key to my sobriety.

Iā€™m grateful I noticed a couple of newbies last night this morning and Iā€™m not going to stifle the thought of inviting them over here.
@Noel-Marie @Gin-gin-girl

Iā€™m grateful for another sober hangover free morning and a gorgeous cup of coffee.

Iā€™m grateful to be able to sit outside each morning with my cats and coffee and a fire going. Iā€™m grateful for the late cool August mornings as itā€™s gotten down to 56 this morning. Iā€™m grateful it will warm up and be a beautiful day.

Iā€™m grateful I tested negative for COVID yesterday and celebrated by taking a good long hike in my new hood on the trails. Iā€™m grateful and so blessed to live where I live.

Iā€™m grateful I slept in a bit today.
Iā€™m grateful I got no plans but to get in a hike and or walk Benson.

Iā€™m grateful the art work I dropped off to get framed is done and it looks great! Canā€™t wait to make another salon wall. Iā€™m grateful my daughter in law can help me with that. She already has.

Iā€™m grateful the list of things that involve moving to a new state and fixing up the house has dwindled immensely. Iā€™m grateful that is so just in time for fall football season and new place to end my year.

Iā€™m grateful I missed going to my meetings this week while being sick. I mean I missed going to them. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ll be able to go to them next week. Iā€™m grateful to be looking forward to 2 beach meetings next week godwilling.

Iā€™m grateful for you all and the support we continue to give each other. Especially in the magical ways we might not even know it, just by sharing.

Gratitude can have such a powerful impact on your life because it engages your brain in a virtuous cycle. Your brain has only so much power to focus its attention. It cannot easily focus on both positive and negative stimuli.


1#Im happy to be going fishing today
2# happy to have a good cup of coffe
3# happy got a new fishing pole
4# happy to get back to fishing to try to keep my head straight.
5#happy to be dont be sleeping anymore


Sorry just read again first cup of coffee last one was not to be sleeping anymore


Grateful I just found this thought Iā€™d share.

@Noel-Marie @Alicat22

Iā€™m grateful gratitude works for me and the other people here. Give it a shot. What do you got to loose. :pray:t2::pray:t2:

:warning: :no_entry: Warning :warning: :no_entry:
Side effects of gratitude could include retraining your brain and an uncontrollable desire to get on here and list what you were grateful for and read what others are grateful for. Happiness. Less anxiety. And contentment. And a special bond with everyone on this thread :pray:t2::heart: