Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’m grateful I was spacing out and my thumb hit the reply button on this screen, well played psyche.
I’m grateful for old friends who can make me cackle laugh.
I’m grateful my kitties wake me up in the morning.
I’m grateful I slept a little extra today, I needed it.
I’m grateful todays plans are to walk to a food festival and eat. That’s it, maybe some packing later but not a lot of need-to-dos today.
I’m grateful I can have this type of day. 🩷


I’m grateful to be sober and able to take my two grandchildren to Disneyland the other day. I know if I was still drinking I wouldn’t have the money or I would jeopardize their safety by drinking before going. :cry:


Today I am especially grateful for

  • getting the groceries done early in the morning
  • having tons of time to do nothing
  • having all the beautiful flowers on the balcony, so I can enjoy them even on days when I don‘t want to go anywhere
  • podcasts, books, crosswords, anime, and other forms of entertainment
  • rain
  • a quiet evening

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I am grateful to my wonderful Dad for helping me with DIY and being an all round amazing guy.
I am grateful to have beautiful happy children who light up my life everyday.
I am grateful for my violin and the joy it gives me when I’m feeling low or stressed out.
I’m grateful to have a warm comfy bed that I can’t wait to get into as I am still so tired!!!


Also grateful for Tesco delivery as there is no way I could drag my sorry ass to the supermarket today or tomorrow :rofl:



To feel part of a family through my in laws.
My resilient ten month old wonder cats, adventuring with me in the car.
Saturday night quiz shows, I’m not joking.
Sparkling water
Fresh air and cool weather


I’m grateful for
My kind and loving daughter
Hot showers
A warm bed
Good food
My sponsor
My AA programme
This gratitude thread
My hp
My quiet village


Grateful for.
Another day above ground.
Food to eat
A roof over my head
A bed to sleep in.
A life that is manageable.
Ending another day sober.
Reading others gratitude.


Sunday morning gratitude.

I’m grateful for a good night, restful sleep, the cats sleeping in with me. What a luxury.
I’m grateful I have a bandage at home to fix my left wrist. I fell yesterday and sprained it. What a lovely excuse to skip mowing :wink: I hope it stops hurting in a few days, I pamper it with unctions and curd compresses. I’m grateful I can help myself with most kinds of health issues and hurtings. Thanks to Grandma’s home remedies :pray:

I’m grateful for 2 days of interesting workshop. Time flies, this education is finished! I’m happy about the nice certificate we got, it looks pretty. I’m grateful for all the knowledge shared, the seeds we exchanged, the delicious veggies we shared and the wonderful meals we had together. So to say: I’ll be back for more :blush:

I’m grateful the cats miss me when I’m away and are extra cuddly today.

I’m grateful I will meet my best friend for brunch soon. I missed her, she’s been away for a month. I’m blessed to have friends who miss me too :smiling_face_with_tear:

I’m super grateful I am getting on with household’s big chores. The entrance door glasses are clean, boxes and paper are packed for drop off at the recycling park, the car windows are cleaned inside.
Have to hurry now, back for more gratitude later :blush:


I’m grateful I had a lovely weekend when the kids were out playing with friends, doing sports, and gathering around the table for meals.

I really missed my family during the summer, when everyone was away traveling!

I’m grateful I was able to swim 1.7km yesterday! Major victory!

I’m grateful for my husband, for his presence in the weekends, and to snuggle with him on the couch, even though I fall asleep in the middle of any programs we start to watch…

I’m grateful for my health and for taking deep breaths of clean air :heart:

Have a great Sunday, everyone!


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful it cooled down over the night.
I am grateful for a nice chat in the gym this morning.
I am grateful I have a nice trip planned starting tomorrow. I am excited about it.
I am grateful for the women’s meeting I can attend.
I am grateful I have enough.


I’m grateful for a surprise rain shower. It cooled the night and brought wonderful petrichor. What a lovely respite before the heat begins again this week.

I’m grateful to be looking forwatd to my SMART meeting this AM. I really get so much out of them.

Grateful for being awake before the rest of the house. A quiet, cool morning is so elusive lately.

Grateful for this thread and you all, as always :yellow_heart:


I’m grateful for a slow relaxing morning having a lay in and then a hike. I’m grateful for a better more positive mood today. I’m grateful to be clean even if it was from a not so luxurious bucket bath. I’m grateful for a good friends and good conversation. I’m grateful to be sober, alive and healthy. I’m grateful the cool evening and the stars which are especially pretty tonight. I’m grateful for letting myself have a more relaxing day today- I was needing it.


I’m grateful for another beautiful morning.
I’m so grateful for my mantras and chants and how long I been doing them. I’m grateful I starting to look them up and I’m fascinated by all the Hinduism, Shivas, Gangas, Parvati, :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2: Dharma and Sangha :pray:t2::pray:t2: I’m grateful I don’t know where it all belongs but looking at it like a child for the first time is so……I don’t know……Namaste :pray:t2::pray:t2: :blush: I’m grateful for this beautiful way to start my mornings.

I’m grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful I think she is getting better.
I’m grateful she’s been sick; :face_with_hand_over_mouth: I get to cook at home :blush: I’m grateful we’ve both loved the 3 or 4 meals I’ve cooked. I’m grateful for the time I get to have with my wife before she passes out on the couch. Hey, 12 out of 14 hours of the day isn’t bad :nerd_face: I’m grateful I get the big warm bed to myself with Benson and Daisy. Sometimes Alice and others. I’m grateful we enjoyed a stupid fun movie last night together :laughing: Envy Thanks @Salty Just what the doctor ordered. I’m grateful I forgot about the flan part :joy:

I’m grateful Benson the Trout stealer liked my dinner too.

I’m grateful for no plans on a Sunday.
I’m grateful to pause for the birdsong waaaay up above at the top of a tree. So far away and such a little birdy putting out a beautiful tune.
I’m grateful for my plants.
I’m grateful for my garden.
I’m grateful I finally got my Hope plant. Like an addict I couldn’t buy just one. It needed a friend right? I got Hope twins :blush: @Its_me_Stella

I’m grateful for cool mornings.
I’m grateful to see what today brings.

An attitude of gratitude is the secret of staying happy in every condition.


I’m grateful for this thread. It’s my go-to every morning even though I don’t often have the energy to post myself. Today I’m grateful for lapsang souchong tea with maple syrup and oatmilk (sacreligious but tasty), cozy socks, meditation, my cat, the ability to book a vet appointment online, and feeling like I have enough time to prep (mentally and materially) for the workweek ahead.


So nice to read you Jones.
What a grateful surprise


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My recovery
This amazing community
Got my ass to the gym and ran further in 24min than i typically do
Date day!
Going paddleboarding with hubby for the first time in many years, he had a traumatic windy experience in 2017 and hasnt done it since. So wish him luck :slight_smile:
Me, im a water baby
Im excited to get into nature
Im greatful for weekends
Im greatful for hangover free sundays
I get to go grocery shopping today and dont have to worry if im slightly overbudget which i think ill be
Payday and not having to worry about making the mortgage
My new therapist’s(?) Perspective of oh youve only been married sober for 1.5yrs, so youre still learning…love this view. Makes me more greatful for the progress weve made in our relationship sober
Mental healthcare, this forum made me realize not every country provides such access

Have a wonderful sober day my peeps


Grateful fur waking up this morning, instead of coming to.

Grateful for the fun family time last night at a food truck festival ending with fireworks. Been living in this community for 15 months and finally starting to embrace it.

Grateful for the text from my AA ladies checking in on me because I was a no show at last night’s meeting and dinner. Grateful I was missed. I didn’t think to let them know because I’m still adjusting to people caring.

Grateful for the beautiful sunny weather. Had a nice pool day yesterday with my daughter, after work and planning on doing the same today (no work… yay!).

Grateful we found a new day program for my baby girl, after many tours. I want her to go 5 days a week but we compromised at 4. Grateful it’s closer to home and they provide door to door transportation.
Grateful for the beauty of nature. I’ve mentioned before that we live on a lake in a golf course community. My husband feeds the fish, turtles and birds. This one big snapping turtle has grown fond of hubby. He named him Bubbles. Well, Bubbles got on the golf course and proceeded to scare the crap out of everyone and hold up their game. Hubby came to the rescue with a hot dog, coaxing Bubbles back to the lake and everyone cheered. I swear that turtle knows the sound of his truck and voice. He comes up on our backyard whenever hubby comes home, looking for food.

Grateful to everyone here helping to keep me sober another day.


Grateful for:

  • the Gottman Card Decks app, which has given me and my wife a whole set of interesting, emotionally exploratory conversations over the last few weeks
  • my cats, who are always glad to see me :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:
  • my wife, who gives me back scratches
  • clean water (I am deeply, deeply grateful that I can turn on the tap and have drinkable water any time of day, 365 days a year)

Things I am especially grateful for today.

I had enough strength and energy today to start the day with a short movement practice and go out for a run. Movement is so important. And even if I don‘t feel too good or probably especially then it always turns out to be beneficial. So I am grateful I managed to get out and grateful I realised that my actions do not have to be dictated by my moods. I frequently forget that. Today I remembered.

I did my weekly review, prepared for next week. I am grateful for this practice. It‘s a great way to close the week and look forward into the next. My job does not have workdays or office hours. So I have to make that kind of structure for myself.

My daughter and I took a short bike ride to her favourite ice cream parlour. We rode through the wonderful late summer sun shine. The summer is receeding. The days are getting shorter. This makes me a bit sad. But I also am grateful to live in a place where the seasons actually mean changes.

I did a short yoga practice in the afternoon. Now it‘s time to wrap stuff up, and for some chillaxing: reading, anime.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars: