Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’m grateful I balanced socialization with rest yesterday. I’m grateful I got the combo right and am feeling less stabby today. :stuck_out_tongue:
I’m grateful for a day off date day with my husband. Dinner and a movie is standard for us but since we both had great social days yesterday we are both craving an activity. Bowling, axe throwing, an escape room or (last resort) shopping could happen today.
I’m grateful for friends I love and the life I am creating sober. I’m grateful for health, mental and physical.
I’m grateful for cats and coffee and forward momentum. I’m grateful I know drinking halts that momentum.


Today I am grateful for wanting to be grateful and not forgetting to post and read here.


@dazercat Trout stealer :laughing: Glad Benson got them quick moves LOL. Happy to hear that Kelly is starting to feel better. Hope she tests negative soon too :hugs:
@oolongjones Great to have you posting with us – my favorite thread too. Don’t post as often but do read daily.
@cjp OOH have fun with the paddleboarding. Hope Hubby has a safe and fun experience. I too am a water baby. Have a wonderful Sunday

Oh how lovely Lisa! Grateful for a lovely IRL community you have :heart: Love Bubbles and the stories – makes me laugh imagining him hearing the truck pull up and realizing its dinner time :laughing:
@trustybird OOH have fun with your date day today – sounds like you have a lot of fun options to pick from. :hugs:

Sunday Gratitude’s
So very grateful for so many things… most of all this practice!

  • my HP and my growing connections to Him
  • my loving and supportive family
  • dark chocolate
  • Herbal teas
  • listening to live Jazz in the park by the river
  • having a open and honest relationship with my mom
  • for being able to walk. Not my normal pace but movement is still welcome.
    *for not getting upset that I haven’t been able to workout or be active
  • a really good sleep last night.
  • my love to cook / bake
  • good books and music

Wishing everyone a wonderful evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I am grateful for:
My son’s football coach for arranging a friendly game for them today, it got me up and out of bed early to enjoy being outside. All the kids were happy running around and it was a wonderful start to the day.
I am grateful that I wasn’t hungover on a Sunday for the first time in years and was able to thoroughly enjoy the football game.
This thread makes me smile… I am grateful I have rejoined this community after 2 years of returning to old habits


I’m grateful for
The weather being kind today
My 3mile walk
My ts friends (I really do love you all :heart:)
My little flat
My even littler cooker
My warm bed
My AA programme
My smart phone to post this
My higher power answering my prayers today :pray:t2:





I am grateful I made it through another very productive 4 days while Hubby was here. Grateful the bad shit was short lived. Grateful God kept me balanced and kept saying to me let it go! Grateful we have peaches and I got many pounds stored. Grateful I have my health and can keep up with the chores.


As hard to believe as it may sound, I am grateful for every experience, both positive and negative in my life, which made me who I am - and wouldn’t trade places with any other. That’s not to say I’m perfect, far from it, but genuine. Every challenge is an opportunity to learn and grow. We never chose this existence, we could have any form of alien bodies living the most bizzare lives or it could be a universe where donut beings orbit shoe planets or anything really and we wouldn’t know any better, nor would it be any less crazy and lucky. It’s all relative and a matter of perspective. If we could live out any other existence, what would we do? Live as a king or queen? Then what? Again? Hm, and then…? Happily ever after :sweat_smile: Sound immature? Because it is, nothing is what we think it is, we’re placing our values all wrong, and superficial or external things do not matter. We already have so much opportunity if we open our eyes, what more could we ask for than a chance…? Here, now? What matters is that we give our best to make the most of what we do have, because we know better. So I am grateful to be here, now, as I am, sober, with an unknown number of potential opportunities and a chance to shine in my own, unique way… Hope you all have a wonderful &/or productive sober day fam. Odaat. :heart:


Grateful for my morning workout.

Grateful I feel able and present to take care of my children. They are not little anymore, but still need me very much :heart:

Grateful for another week at a work I enjoy. Even if it will be a busy week!

Grateful for morning coffee, for clean, ironed white shirts that fit me well, for a day that is full of possibilities!

Have a great week everyone!


I am grateful that that half a cigarette I had 2 nights ago tasted so incredibly bad that I swore I wouldn’t touch the stuff again. It was absolutely horrendous I wondered how and why I subjected myself to that for all those years.

I am grateful that I found the one cigarette and experimented with it. I am grateful that it was the cigarette I reached for and not the alcohol (Is this weird?) I am grateful the reset button exists. I am grateful that I know how 54 days without a cigarette feels like and I am grateful that that is what I want.

I am grateful that the disagreement I had with my partner that led to my reaching out for the cigarette was caused by what I now know to be one of my character defects. I am grateful that I am working on it. I am grateful that even though I still reached for the cigarette (and not the alcohol…is this weird?), I still paused and asked myself, “What is my part in this? Can I clean up my side of the road? Can I do so openly and with due regard to my partner and their feelings? I can do these things. I will do these things.” And set the table for communication. I am grateful that it worked, and we have begun resolving some issues we hadn’t even thought to acknowledge.

I am grateful for 1 year 4 days of sobriety.

Grateful for what will be a challenging week at work but one I will face with a sober mind.

I am grateful for fun socks. The ones I have on today have penguins on them.

I am grateful for obscure sorrows. Today’s word is:
Heartworm: n. a relationship or friendship that you can’t get out of your heard, which you thought had faded long ago but is still somehow alive and unfinished, like an abandoned campsite whose smouldering embers still have the power to start a forest fire.

I am grateful for you. All of you. Thank you!

Have a wonderful week.


I’m grateful God, higher power fills the void in me with hope and energy to cure my addiction - never drinking again and stay sober forever. I’m grateful for all the wisdom shared in this forum and what I read in books, listened in podcasts. I’m grateful for my friend who brings light into my life. :heart:


i love fun socks – show yours off on the leg selfie thread :wink:

grateful you did not enjoy that cig and are still smoke free – keep pushing forward my friend-- :muscle:


Back for more gratitude on monday :blush:
I’m grateful I take it easy today, I need a day of rest. I’m grateful for brunch and talk yesterday, we both were happy to meet and chat. I’m grateful two long calls with other friends, what a nice way to spend a sunday: good talks and good food :pray:

I’m grateful catfood delivery is scheduled for today. The cats eat a lot and I’m pretty out of everything to feed them.

I’m grateful I remembered to mail pictures of the stone wall to two companies, maybe one of them is able to finish this fucking thing. My poor brain is cooked and it stays hot, I forget everything even when I take notes. I’m grateful for the FRO thread, I will visit later to vent away.

I’m grateful my wrist is a lot better today.
I’m grateful this week is “pamper me” week! I’ll get a pedicure, legs waxed, massage, will cook with all the yummi fresh veggies I have at home, drink lots of green tea, throw away some stuff and spend the weekend with chosen family celebrating my 2nd mother’s birthday. I will have a call with 2 of my sisters in advance as we know it will be too busy to chat much one-on-one on the weekend. I’m grateful for all my blessings, friends and chosen family. ODAAT


Grateful to read your post! Wow, so many things I can relate to :heart:

Thank you for sharing!


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for

My recovery
Mondays without guilt shame dread and a hangover
Got out and walked boscoe and ran this morning
It wasnt too bad out at 6am, 75 and humid :upside_down_face:
Air conditioning in this excessive heat
Hubby helping with chores
Another week full of opportunities
Showers on demand
Pre-birthday week
Time to train for my next 5k
Boscoe cuddles
Date day with hubby yesterday
Feeling more grounded today
My family


I am grateful to be alive and healthy. Hearing too many sad stories these last couple of weeks.
I am grateful I get to see my son this week, before he heads off again for six months. I miss him so much, the house is empty without him. But I am grateful he turned into this amazing young man.
I am grateful for my dog, he prevents me from falling down the rabbit hole of depression and the walks with him provide structure.
I am grateful my van is slowly transforming into a campervan. I decided to do some shortcuts and outsource some work, so it will be finished sooner.
I am grateful I get help when I ask for it.

I am so grateful I’m sober, especially during difficult times. I am grateful for the numerous relapses that taught me alcohol only makes things worse. I feel I am finally getting it.


Today I’m grateful for
-a good but hard counseling session
-for a job I love and that it is flexible

  • for my dogs
  • for my life, that I’m alive, healthy and healing
  • for tonights beautiful sunset
  • for pots of cardomon tea
  • for my very clean house and that cleaning helps work out my anxiety/stress
  • for good and understanding friends
  • for feeling peace and hopeful
  • for calming music
  • for being sober and growing in my strength
  • that I am learning to trust and love more naturally

I am grateful to God for lovingly guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions one day at a time. I am grateful for my family and friends. I am grateful that Peace’s first trip to the vet was a success he soaked up the attention and was calm and quiet throughout the trips there and back and on the exam table. I am grateful for days off from work and for the awareness and boundary that I don’t want or need days off from recovery. I’m grateful for music, humor and laughter.

God bless us all. :v: & :heart:

p.s. You’re a star shine bright. Ya you! :wink:


Radha :pray:t2: Radha :pray:t2:

I’m grateful I got up waaaay too early.
Grateful the espresso help clear my head and get my morning pet chores done that I get to do.

I’m grateful I forgot to bring in the catio blankets and it’s to wet out there. I’m grateful I got to enjoy more than a lovely hour with my cat, Benson and my Mantras with my coffee, in my parlor. Grateful I was up so early I did some research on the first mantra this morning. Always fascinating :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:

I’m grateful wifey watched a wrestling movie with me last night. I’m grateful even though she hates wrestling, I saw here getting into it. Maybe it was Jeremy Allen White all pumped up. Don’t matter. Grateful we enjoyed it.

I’m grateful we went out to dinner last night. We were able to sit outside and we masked up. I’m grateful for the dinners I cooked at home the past week. So much better. I’m grateful I don’t fight it when she wants to go out to dinner.

I’m grateful I can get back to going to my meetings this week. I’m grateful I’m giving it more time than CDC says but I want to be cautious. I’m grateful I know I need to fill my spiritual tank. When I have weeks were I’m feeling down I’m grateful I can make a connection to lack of meetings.

I’m grateful 12 step meetings can be my higher power that gives me strength and hope ALWAYS :pray:t2:

I’m grateful I’m good. But there’s just this extra uplifting in my spirit after going to a meeting.

I’m grateful to recall what an old timer in Al-Anon in Scottsdale said. To her. The shelf life of a meeting is only 24 hours.

I’m grateful for the new week and possibilities.
I’m grateful for the lovely new hike I found in my hood yesterday. I’m grateful I got a Pilates reformer workout in after.

I’m grateful for my little Hope plants.
I’m grateful for my silly cats.
Annnnnd the Ol Burner.

I must stop, have faith, look around me, and see that my Higher Power is offering me signs of hope each time a simple gift is given.
From Todays Hope .com


Hey hey hey.
Back this up 4 days.

Congratulations on your 1 year of sobriety.
Great job Oluoch
:pray:t2: :boom: :heart: