Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’m so grateful for @Laner new avatar.
I’m grateful it brings a smile to my face.
I’m grateful I actually knew it was you because I knew it was one of your dogs. I’m grateful it makes me happy to see that.

I’m grateful for my readings today.

I’m especially grateful for all your readings. And that I make gratitude fun @Oluoch what a grateful beautiful way to start my day. Reading that and seeing baby Mop or is it Leila :thinking:

I’m grateful for Ra Ma Da Sa Sa Se So Hang
Sun, Moon, Earth, Infinity: All that is in infinity, I am Thee ."

I’m grateful for my wife.
I’m grateful I still never have to do laundry.
I’m grateful I never have to do :poop: detail.
I’m grateful I would not want to spend my life with anyone else.
I’m grateful for my life.
I’m especially grateful for my sober life.
I’m grateful for my Al-Anon recovery life.
I’m grateful for peace and serenity.
I’m grateful for my cats.
And The Burner.
I’m grateful for Hope.
I’m grateful for single cat ladies :face_with_open_eyes_and_hand_over_mouth:
I’m grateful for music.
I’m grateful for recovery podcasts.
I’m grateful for AA and Al-Anon speaker apps.
I’m grateful for the magical world wide connection on TS.
I’m grateful for my health.
I’m for my new hood.
I’m grateful for movies.
I’m grateful for gorgeous mornings like this.
I’m grateful I haven’t had any trouble making coffee since the last time I had trouble making coffee and I don’t remember that now.
Grateful :coffee:

I’m grateful I can’t believe I’m quoting Frank Zappa
Without deviation from the norm, progress is not possible.


I’m grateful my dogs can also make other people happy. This one is Leila :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


She’s beautiful! :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for a nice chat with a hiker this morning at breakfast.
I am grateful being in the black forest. Therapeutic for me. Still miss it a lot. Feels like Reiki.
I am grateful I even did some touristy stuff.
I am grateful for a comfy bed and another day.
I am grateful I have enough.
I am very grateful that I haven’t had to regret not having changed my front tyre. It’s overdue.


Tuesday gratitude.
I’m grateful I can shower whenever I want, I sweat, it’s hot.
I’m grateful for yummi leftovers.
I’m grateful I had a talk with a company to finish all the ex-leftovers today. This was the first time I thought: Well, maybe this time I get an offer.
I’m grateful I put out the trashbox for collection tomorrow. Super grateful that one of the car canvas also found space. I want to get rid of this useless, torn pieces the ex puts on his oldtimers.
I’m grateful I urged the notice from my lawyer, it’s not ok that everything takes weeks to happen. I’m grateful I voice my desire for timely working.
I’m grateful I just killed the mosquito that annoyed me last night.
I’m grateful for a massage today, a nap afterwards and my wrist feeling almost ok again.
I’m grateful I call it a day and go to bed. Or fall asleep with Inspector Barnaby. Both welcome. ODAAT :pray:


I’m grateful for a never ending stack of books to read. I’m grateful I can tell my stress levels by how many books I am reading at the same time, current count 6. :grimacing:

I am grateful that moving day will come and no matter how often I worry that someone else will move in to the UNLOCKED apartment next door and invoke squatting rights before our move in on Sunday, these are just worries. I can’t control the future.
I’m grateful someone will tell me to ask my building manager to lock it and I’m grateful I know that attempting to contact my building manager is more stress than its worth.

I’m grateful to have a twitchy kitty upside down next to me having some ferocious dreams about chasing animals or maybe being electrocuted.

I’m grateful for a job I love with an easy walkable commute. I’m grateful for tank tops on 90 degree weather commute days.
I’m grateful my stress doesn’t leave after expressing gratitude here but it does feel less stressy.

Lets get this day folks, what will come will come, I’m just trying to roll with it.


I’m grateful I had a peaceful cup of tea this morning.
I’m grateful I was able to help some friends today and pick them up from the airport.
I’m grateful I wasn’t hungover for the drive so didn’t panic when I saw a police car.
I’m grateful I got some work done today.
I’m grateful my husband is home after a long weekend away.
I’m grateful for the cute little noises my old cat makes when she’s sleeping as it makes me smile.
I’m grateful to read all your gratefulness as it makes me more grateful :grinning:


Twitchy kitty :heart_eyes_cat:


Things I am especially grateful for today:

  • suddenly being a morning person
  • a nice bike ride
  • a checkup where everything turns out to be ok
  • some family time
  • a nice bus trip
  • visiting a dear friend
  • Recovery Dharma
  • summer

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


@cjp Ooh a catnap before work – perfect way to start the day :heart: Glad you were able t soothe dear Boscoe during the storm
@dazercat grateful that coffee has been on point and no trouble with making it lately :coffee:
@erntedank grateful your wrist is healing :pray:

Happy Tuesday gratitude’s :hugs:
I am so very grateful for a beautiful day of being alive
I am so very grateful spurts of good sleep. No dreams or nightmares.
I am so very grateful for cold showers
I am so very grateful for my lovely connections to my HP. Grateful for meditation and prayer. Grateful for finding myself in recovery
I am so very grateful for healing. Grateful for patience. Grateful to know that it will take time to get better. I am doing all that I can do and going backwards is not an option
I am so very grateful for having a positive attitude. Grateful for finding healthier ways to cope with my depressive episodes.
I am so very grateful for the amazing feeling of walking bare feet in the grass. Love squishing my feet in the grass.
I am so very grateful for working on reviving a tree. It was moved from a work building lot into our neighboring yard and I am tending to it to make sure it does not get too much of a shock and can make is new spot its forever home.
I am so very grateful for coffee. Grateful for freshly ground coffee and a thermal French press that keeps my coffee nice and hot for a long while.
I am so very grateful for my amazing family. Grateful that they are rooting for me and so supportive while my body heals.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


Day 242. 8 months in a couple days.
Thankful that my Dad will be calling today,
Grateful that for today, I am living under a roof, in the woods.
Grateful for all of you.


I am grateful for another chance


I am grateful for not knowing who I am or what to do next. For once. I know who I am not, and what not to do. For me, that knowledge opens things up and allows me to be creative, have faith and be confident. It is a bit scary, I won’t lie! Things are wide open and I have freedom I’ve never had before.


@JazzyS I miss barefoot grass! :heart: Here, if you walked barefoot you would receive 77 fire ant, 8 mosquito and 13 chigger bites within 10 seconds. Oh and sticker burrs in your toes :grinning:. I will have to go back up north just to walk in the barefoot grass!


Grateful for:

3 months sober

My son told me I’m a good dad

My sister has avoided a health scare

My family back home

A heated place to live in with clean sheets tonight.


Grateful to day

Achieved 6 months sober today
Stepped on scale today and the extra pounds are being eliminated consistently
AA Group Meeting where newcomers can come and see how great sobriety can be.
My Sponsor who is caring and understanding. I appreciate her wisdom and experience.
Daughter made it today to help with chores.
Had energy to make it to the gym when I wanted to just lie down.
Food in refrigerator to prepare healthy tasty meals
Having the skills to perform needed bookkeeping tasks
God for showing me a better way to live daily ( I thanked God today)


Congratulations on your 6 months Lam
Much respect :pray:t2:


Thanks so much. Being here and checking in every day has kept me connected. The daily reads and me posting keeps sobriety in full view and I have fun. I love the personalities we have here. Each one has it’s place and value. @JazzyS @Englishd @Matt @Lighter @Laner @Aussie_Tiger @MrMoustache @MrsOdh @Cjp and to all who shares this sober journey.


Thank you so much for your kindness and inspiration! You’re awesome, my friend!


Thank you, this words made my day :blush: