Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I am grateful for a comfortable bed.
Grateful that surviving will give me stories someday.
Grateful my kids are healthy.
Grateful I am, too.


An hour in the sun just relaxing
To be going home tonight rather than ridiculous o clock in the morning tomorrow.
Fresh veggies from the garden
The dragonfly that landed on my leg for several minutes, beautiful burnt orange in colour
A clean home to return to


Iā€™m on 1 month 7 days sober and very grateful for each on of those days and hours and Iā€™m feeling so much happier


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for a shower.
I am grateful for food.
I am grateful for a nice day today. I am grateful my restlessness subsided somehow.
I am grateful theyā€™ll serve breakfast early tomorrow morning.


I am grateful for hot black coffee.
I am grateful I will move in 6 days.
Iā€™m grateful my husband helped me pack a bit yesterday. Iā€™m grateful I will probably only need to take home two more loads of boxes (bound for recycling) from my work before we are fully packed.
I am grateful that minus the slight increase in rent each month for our bigger space this move will cost me nothing.
Iā€™m grateful for good friends who offer to help. Iā€™n grateful I know my anxiety well enough to decline that help. 5 hours between hubs and I carrying and weā€™ll be done, maybe less.
Iā€™m grateful our only concern now is how to move the cats. Iā€™m grateful we both have the kind of kind souls who worry about the feelings of cats.
Iā€™m grateful to get this all out here and to know that there is some worry behind all this gratitude. Iā€™m grateful that moving day will come, today is the only day I have an impact on.


When you find people to help move those are true friends and are few.


I am grateful for friends
I am grateful no one asked me today why I wasnā€™t drinkingā€¦ I donā€™t think they noticed!
I am grateful for summer sunshine
I am grateful for bank holidays
I am grateful for being at home now on my comfy settee
I am grateful Iā€™ve nearly completed probably my first ever sober August bank holiday in 24 years


I am grateful to be sober, to finally feel full of life and to feel awake for the first time in years.
I am grateful for my two beautiful children, food and a home.
Iā€™m also grateful for my husband who has his own struggles but is supporting me and working on his own journey.
I am beyond grateful to be alive today.


Things I am especially grateful for today.

Woke up early. Did my morning run. Never thought I would become a morning run person :laughing:

Worked on the game. Itā€˜s not my favourite kind of game to work on, but itā€˜s for my daughter and itā€˜s a game.

Did some research on migraine prevention for my daughter. We started with some relaxation techniques. I am hopeful weā€˜ll find a good way to deal with that. Her migraine subsided later on. Itā€˜s good to see your child coming back to health. It was good to see her perking up, starting to draw and make up stories again.

Took a nap. Took a walk with my ex and our daughter. He is suffering. I really am sorry he is. Iā€˜m glad I can feel compassion and non the less know my boundries.

Had a good yoga session. I was able to practice despite my awful mood. Iā€˜m very grateful I was able to not identify with my moods and to let them be while practicing. Yoga did not improve my mood. Itā€˜s good to practice.

Iā€˜ll join a RD meeting in a few. Iā€˜m very happy to have found my group.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Very grateful that you can be there for your ex and still take care of your needs and keep your boundaries :pray:t4:

I have not tried the inner ear ones as I have issues with my ears but have heard they work wonders. Was given these pressure points today to try for migraines. Maybe something might be useful for your daughter.


Especially grateful today!

For my first big vacation of sobriety to Santa Fe, New Mexico. Stayed a full week. Visited my brother at his new house. Not one thought of drinking. It was a very spiritual trip for me, a demarcation of then and now; pivotal, transformative. It was the type of trip that inspires you and creates motivation.

For great traveling weather to put 2000 miles on my vehicle.

For my reliable low-mileage SUV that handled a climb up windy Santa Fe Baldy Mt to 11k feet or so without scaring me :laughing: I do want a v6 or 8 but I donā€™t want the fuel bill haha. I hate wasting money now. How did that happen?

For my brother who cooked meals and gave tours

For my health throughout

For the cat who is home now. I missed The Cat :cat2:

For exercising at high altitude for a week. Sober! Now I get a big fitness boost back here near sea level

For green chiles

For a feeling that this is the beginning of another major shift in my life. I have confidence now. Iā€™m stable and ready. What will it be? I know itā€™s good. Is it Pumpkin Spice? :laughing: Maybe even better, yeah

178 days alcohol-free. Free. Free. Freedom.

Home bed. :heart:


I am grateful that my son started his first day of college today, and that my daughter started her 3rd year. Grateful that theyā€™re both going to community college for their bachelors because it is saving everyone so much money.
@Dazercat I def watched The Iron Claw for JAW :joy:

Grateful that my niece sent me a video of my 10 month old great niece giggling her head off in a swing first thing this morning. That baby laugh was the serotonin boost that I needed to jump start my Monday.

Grateful to be here on this thread with you all :v:


Busy day, but will fit in my gratitude list before I start work.

Grateful I was able to talk to my kids this morning in a firm but calm, respectful manner about expectations. Iā€™m grateful I stepped away last night when I was really grumpy (for reasons that have nothing to do with them).

Grateful Iā€™m starting a big, exciting project at work today. Very complicated, and nothing that has been done before. Iā€™m grateful I have clarity of mind to lead the teams with competence.

Grateful for over 2 years with no alcohol and for the fact that I donā€™t miss it.

Grateful for this milestone for kicking the very bad habit of cigarettes that I started a year ago. I wanted to stop and felt helpless for a long time. But now Iā€™m confident I can do it. Feeling stronger and healthier each day :muscle:

Have a great day, everyone!


Thanks for thinking of us. I donā€™t know much about preassure points but will look into it. Do you have a recommendation where to start?


I am grateful that I am the guy who reads the dictionary because, as I recently found out, it is actually a poem about everything!

I am grateful for my commitment to working out. 3 weeks at the gym. 4 days a week. I can feel the difference. I can actually see the difference on my body. Which is nice. The little wins.

I am grateful I have a trainer who pushes me but understands my limits and has very quickly realised how very quickly I get bored but how much of a masochist I can beā€¦ (There is a thought process there but will explore it another time).

I am grateful for therapy and what it is doing to attempt to lift the fog thatā€™s always been thereā€¦grateful that I realised this is not the norm. Grateful for sobriety because without itā€¦I would probably never have known better.

I am grateful for Tuesdays. They are fun!

Grateful that I am facing the week head onā€¦I have to wear a suit which I donā€™t likeā€¦but grateful that I have one and it makes me lookā€¦meh!

Grateful for the sunshine and the birds and my doggos being so weird (Shadowā€™s obsession with shadows lately has been wild)!

I am grateful for obscure sorrows. Todayā€™s wordā€¦
Apolytus n. The moment you realise you are changing as a person, finally outgrowing your old problems like a reptile shedding its skin, already able to twist back around and chuckle at this weirdly antiquated caricature of yourself that will soon come off completely.

I am grateful for you. All of you. Thank you. :slight_smile:


Congratulations on your double digits of not smoking!!? Thatā€™s awesome workā€¦love living a addiction free lifestyle :people_hugging:


Of course loveā€¦I do find the pressure points on the nape of the neck to be helpful. It changed with the tipe of headache so she may need to keep this handy and try out a few to find one that hits the spot for that day (if you know what I mean). Sticking your tongue to the roof of your mouth is also helpful but I have bad TMJ so that causes stress on my jaw.

I do hope something helps her as I know these migraines can be so stressful


Thank you! 1 year is coolā€¦and I am learning a lot.

Thank you also for showing me a cool fun way to do my gratitude listā€¦it feels really different when I tell a story full of gratitude. My journal now has entries that are modelled very much on your way of gratitude, and I love it!

I went to a meeting yesterday (I try and do 2 meetings every week. My home group meets Tuesdays and Fridays, I will be unavailable tomorrow - which was meant to be my 1 year share - so I went to a different one yesterday) and it was great. It was awkward for me because I am that person who is awkward around new people. But it was good.

Like you, I am grateful that the meetings can be my higher power.



Top of the morning to yaā€™s.

I appreciate everyones gratitudes. Especially this reminder about the freedom felt in early sobriety when breaking those chains of addiction

Glad youre fighting for your sobriety @Courtni

Im so very greatful forā€¦

My sobriety
My recovery
An aa meeting after work to look forward to
Monday wasnt too bad
Hopefully todays workday goes well
I was able to wake up and soothe Boscoe during the storm
We took an hour catnap before i had to wake up for work
Hubby made dinner
Hot coffee


Iā€™m grateful for
-waking up feeling rested
-a long and much needed morning hike
-for seeing the eagles again and saw a desert monitor both were amazingly beautiful

  • Iā€™m grateful for my dogs who bring me a lot of laughter, comfort and make the best listeners
  • getting so much work done today
  • getting good news that both volunteers can come and seem eager/open
  • for a healthy and tasty dinner
  • for cardomon tea
  • for peace and hope
  • for a good mood and positive attitude
  • for being healthy and sober! Iā€™m nearly 5 months sober now
  • for another beautiful sunset