Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Good morning my sober tribe,

Im so very greatful for…

My recovery, without going thru hell i wouldnt have experienced this freedom
The AA program, the 12 steps, the rooms of aa
Looking forward to my ladies aa mtg tonight
Heard from my sponsee, we’ll see if theyre ready to work the steps
Got my ass up late and still ran/walked a 5k
Hot coffee
A good talk with the ceo yesterday, idk if what i said will change things but i feel a hell of a lot better sharing my perspective and having the courage to take action
A productive week
A positive mindset
Boscoe and hubby
Our lovely king sized mattress
A memory of my mom, sister, and i hiking the grand canyon early in the morning to catch the sunrise :sunrise:
This fantastic community


Today I’m grateful for air conditioning. I’m grateful tomorrow is payday and I will be able to get back to my breakneck pace of paying down debts once I know what the apartment transition will cost me.
I’m grateful for slinky kitties who will no longer let me go anywhere by myself. I’m grateful they don’t know that I packed all these boxes just to move them 30 feet.
I’m grateful I don’t think its too weird that I packed everything just to move next door. It’s exciting!
I’m grateful for two more days at a job I love and then 5 days off.
I’m grateful I no longer reach for alcohol in times of stress or celebration.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful this summer was not so extremely hot. It’s not now but the nights are fairly cool.
I am grateful to be home.
I am grateful for the wonderful trip I had these last 4 days. I can now write a bucket list of things I have unintentionally stumbled over here. I am grateful there are so many wonderful places to discover just nearby.
I am grateful I won’t be hungover tomorrow morning.
I am grateful I have enough.


I am grateful for being able to listen others and try to love them


Thursday Gratitude

The week is coming to an end and summer as well.
Business has been good.
My health.
Cooler temps.
Having all that I need.


Early Friday gratitude…

Grateful I woke up at 4:50am to get ready for a swim/run race. Grateful the past week was intense and busy, but ended well as I had a clear mind to navigate it all - work, family, social events.

Grateful my youngest joined me at the race, for a kids’ version of the race. When we finished the run at 8am it was already 34C :hot_face: he was a trooper! proud of him!

Grateful I felt strong and ran fast. I swam at a decent pace without struggling. Amazing what 2 weeks without willingly inhaling harmful chemicals will do! :heart:

Grateful the hubby was there to support us.

Grateful now I get to enjoy a quiet morning, coffee, lots of cool water and maybe a nap later…

Good vibes for the weekend!

Have a great Friday, everyone! Much love to you all! :heart:


Good morning sober warriors

Im so very greatful

Its friday and a long weekend
Got to the gym and had a good workout
The sun, the moon, and the stars
Hubby helping with chores
Not dreading another birthday, it will be my 3rd bday sober omygosh
A productive week
Boscoe, my shadow, he’s needy but he’s just so smart
Mental health treatment
A good paying job
The serenity prayer


Gratitude goes to:

A very hot shower
Finishing my book in bed this morning with coffee
Waking up feeling more emotionally sound today
Realising I can turn things around and that not everything is a death sentence or the end of the world
Realising that I can grow and am responsible for my own growth and accountability


I’m grateful to be up early so I can get to the beach meeting this morning.
I’m grateful for a warm Mavy on my lap.
I’m grateful for my Sonos speaker gently playing Aap Sahaaee Hoa :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:
I’m grateful I can Google that one later.
I’m grateful for the marine layer.
I’m grateful for my espresso before my grateful coffee.
I’m grateful for my health.
I’m grateful for not being afraid anymore.
I’m grateful for birdsong.
I’m grateful for catio dinners.
I’m grateful for my wife
I’m grateful for my grown up children.
I’m grateful for my grandchildren.
I’m grateful I can still learn.
I’m grateful to learn I can still learn at my own pace.

Dear ocean,
Thank you for making us feel tiny,
Humble, inspired, and salty,
All at once.

LuAnn :man_shrugging:


I’m grateful

  • to have a good friend who I trust to talk about things with and that today I can talk about my family situation and how it’s effected/effecting me
  • for being able to visit the kids at the orphanage today and that I social services listened to me about the bad things that are happening there
  • for pots of rooibus tea (is even a more fany one with citrus I really like)
  • for being able to concentrate better today
  • to be sober and alive
  • for the sunny but chillier day
  • for feeling peace and hope
  • that I have good support and that overtime I am healing

I am grateful for Alpacas & Reindeer. I didn’t expect to see them today on my walk with my daughter and it was a really nice treat.


Friday evening gratitude.

I’m grateful for courage, for making decisions and for staying persistent. I’m grateful I’ve come a long way to do so. I’m grateful for all the balance I work(ed) on, for letting go, for new energy, for achieving emotional stability (mostly), for being ME (again).

I’m grateful …

  • I found a firm who CAN finish the leftover stonewall and who WILL start working on monday :tada::tada::tada::tada: It will cost a lot. I’m grateful I decided to hire them when they called yesterday and said they could do it right away because another job was rescheduled short-term. It is very difficult to find someone who knows working on a dry stone wall, this was the 6th or 7th firm I talked to.

  • I’m grateful that :point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2::point_up_2: happened :pray: And even more grateful what it means for me: I finally get the driveway I need to bring logs to the furnace room and harvest to the refrigerator room by tractor. My ex looses his most powerful revenge-factor to badger me with his non-finishing things. I will never again have to think about this wall. Case closed.

  • I’m grateful for the opportunities life serves. I could have decided to wait until mid october whether the ex follows the authority notice and finishes this wall. Or not. As from my experience the latter is more likely. When the chance of solving this problem short-term professionally popped up, I took all my courage and grabbed it with both hands. Finally I don’t depend on him and his expertise to finish this project anymore. I’m grateful beyond expression :pray: And proud that I don’t give a fuck or even tell the ex. He had 2 years to do this. Now this is not his business anymore :pray:

  • I rewrote my lawyer’s note and I’m grateful I changed it again after hiring the firm. I’m grateful the authority notice to remove his oldtimers & stuff together with my lawyer’s note have been transmitted yesterday to the ex’s lawyer. Now it’s up to him to take action. I’m super grateful my stuff is clear and my tasks are already work in progress. I’m grateful I can take care of all this without feeling exhausted or drained or emotionally disturbed.

  • I’m grateful for catlove, comfort, safety, a home I love, great neighbours, good friends, long talks, starry nights, clean cloths, long showers, toilet paper, dishwasher, naps, smiles, a light heart and so much gratitude! ODAAT


Today I am especially grateful for:

Realizing - once again - that whatever discomfort is plagueing my right now will pass. Everything is impermanent. The same was me feeling gloriously invincible a few weeks ago was impermanent, in the same wane me feeling hopeless will pass. Also realizing this is - once again - brought on by my hormonal challenges. That I am not loosing my mental or physical capacities, but am only temproarily indisposed. Soon this will change.

Talking to friend who shares the same kinds of difficulties right know and us both realizing that we are not crazy, just going through stuff. Also the same friend telling me gossip about people I don‘t know nothing about, and in this way could have a really great laugh about.

My daughter feeling good enough to go and spend her day with my mum and maybe even spending the night there. This hormonal crap makes me a worrisome hen at times and I am glad my worries lessened at least this way.

My ex stepping up and taking care of the medical side of things. He has always been and is still very reliable in these practical terms. It‘s always good to have him at my side.

Knowing this place is a part of my emotional home. Reading, pondering, sharing. It‘s good to be here.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


I am grateful for a half day off from work to start a 3 day weekend. I’m grateful for employment. I’m grateful for my sobriety and good health.

I’m grateful for fresh produce.

I’m grateful for a great sewer system.

I’m grateful for you all, as always :earth_asia:


I am grateful for positive things that have happened.
I am thankful that somehow I can find a place to live.
I am grateful that somewhere down inside I know you can’t control other people and they may do what they want.
I am breathing. My heart is strong. My mind is smart and I need to properly speak with it.
I am alive and I am sober, now for more than 8 months - by a day.


Grateful for Storms and rain .


I’m grateful for
Attending a meeting out of town with seventy people in rows like school assembly and staying in my fucking🪑 ……(this was a BIG deal for someone who was hiding in hedges six weeks ago talking to herself )
I’m grateful I didn’t know it would be that big before I went in or I’d of been “FUCK that”
I’m grateful that I’m able to be proud of myself and acknowledge my bravery today
I’m grateful for my sponsor and her car
I’m grateful for the people who are still in the madness reminding me of the madness so I’m further away from going back to the madness
I’m grateful for all my ts friends who I don’t know but love very much and feel guided and supported by in equal measure everyday
I’m grateful I’m doing service at my home group (even if it sometimes feels it might be easier being a member of Mensa than serving teas and coffee to perfectionist alcoholic s that we are :exploding_head:)
I’m grateful for patience (occasionally,sometimes zero, but today I’m grateful that I know that that’s ok )
I’m grateful for spiritual progress not spiritual perfection :ok_hand:
I’m grateful for my peace of mind my sanity my flat and my solitude just for today :pray:t2:


Grateful for Jesus
Grateful for my Friday night recovery group. The times when you don’t feel like goin always seem to be the best times to be there.
Grateful for the pizza they had. I broke my fast and smashed.
Grateful for the family I do have
Grateful for southern charm folk
Grateful for empathy
And ALWAYS grateful for this community. It really helps


So good to read your post, @erntedank! I can really feel your happiness with this accomplishment! I’m grateful to have had you in my path in the past 2+ years and to know you’re doing wonderful :smiling_face:

I’m grateful for good, solid sleep. I’m grateful I’m using the weekend to recharge in the best way: coffee and a book in the early morning, time with friends in the afternoon, talking on the phone with another dear friend later on, spending time with the kids, hubby and my adorable dog.

Grateful I have not reached out for a cigarette for 2 weeks. Grateful alcohol is not even part of my thoughts for 2 years.

Grateful for life, family, my health, and simple things.

Have a wonderful weekend, everyone! :heart:


Five hours sleep and the possibility of a nap now after a brief coffee
That my cats get all the spiders. If I see them I capture and release, but I’m grateful my boys guard the perimeter all the same as it’s a phobia I have
For the mute button on threads :rofl:
For people who are curious and welcoming rather than always right and rigid
For the morning air dance of thousands of parakeets past my window :window:
The sound of seagulls in London. I know they just want the landfill, but I’m day dreaming I’m at the seaside
A warm bed
Shelter and safety