Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Day 246.

  • Today’s quote on here: “I am tomorrow what I establish today.”
  • Today I establish gratitude to be strong - super strong.
  • Little sleep is sleep and I have a roof over my head that is not a hospital.
  • I am accomplish much. Some wounds do not deter all my abilities.
  • I pulled The Moon Tarot this morning. Good phrase: The Moon encourages the receiver to let go of fears from past experiences which may be preventing positive progression. I use that thought quite a bit with other people. I will speak to myself the way I speak to others.
  • Gratitude that I will carry morning mental strength throughout this day.
  • My Dad, though wouldn’t pay a penny for me to stay here, covered the same amount in bills I have been unable to pay. I woke up with more respect that is something not all people can ever see.

Grateful for you.


Grateful for waking up another day sober, rather than coming to.

Grateful for the ST app counter when I remember to check it. 1800 days came and went over a week ago, but I didn’t notice until now. Grateful to be coming up on my 5 year milestone (20 more days). I’m considering celebrating by buying a plane ticket to Florida for a sister reunion. It would only be for a weekend but coordinating care for my daughter is a challenge. Of course, daddy can handle most of it, but he can’t shower her and help with other hygiene. The thought of going away by myself is a dream of mine. Grateful I was gifted this beautiful little human, knowing I had to sacrifice a lot, but never imagined it would turn into lifetime commitment of care.

Grateful I didn’t panic too much when my daughter’s Uber took 2 hours to get her home (normally 40 mins). I was on the phone with her after the driver got lost but had no clue where they were to give directions, and she doesn’t have the capability to give me good landmarks or town names. The driver was new and obviously needs more education on using a gps. He kept apologizing for his mistakes. That night, I immediately downloaded the Life360 app. I’m beating myself up for not doing this sooner. How does a mother not think of these things? I’m grateful she’s safe and now I’ll be tracking her every move.

Grateful the power outage yesterday at home only lasted a few hours. This has become the norm whenever it storms. Grateful we remember to always keep flashlights, batteries, and candles on hand.

On a lighter note, that big snapping turtle made his way onto the golf course again. Hubby got a call from the manager saying “come get your turtle, he’s wreaking havoc and snapping at everyone”. :joy: Hubby’s response…“he’s not MY turtle and I’m at work”. By the time hubby got home, the turtle was back in the water by my house waiting for food. :joy:

Grateful for each of you helping to keep me sober today.


Good morning to all you amazing sober people cooking up better lives for yourselves in recovery!

It’s Saturday morning in Wisconsin and I’m up with my coffee and the dogs while hubby is still snoozing.

I realized a day or so ago that I missed making my Saturday post last week! I’m caught up in the crazy that is the start of a new school year and last Saturday my hubby left for a short trip that morning so my routines have been a little off.

It has been a good but also challenging 2 weeks of intense prep for the new school year. I continue to be grateful for not only this specific job, but also for all that this life’s work of education has been for me. On Friday we started the school year officially with our students and once again, it warms my heart to be a part of their lives and get this project of a school year off the ground.

I’m grateful for good health and the ability to work well and enjoy my life in recovery.

I’m grateful to have a safe and loving home and the resources to care for myself and my family.

I’m grateful to be on this recovery journey because it not only saved my life but it pushes me every day to be present and actually engaged in making my life happen instead of wasting it in the cycle of addiction.

I’m grateful for this community and for all the resources that are available to us in the work of recovery. I hope more and more people can find their way here.

I’m grateful for the support of my siblings, my friends, my sons, and most of all for the love of my husband in getting through all of this together.

I’m grateful for this 3 day weekend and the chance to take a breath from the intensity of the start of the school year.

I’m grateful for this coffee and this early morning time with all of you. I wish you peace.


@19801 oh what a lovely meeting… grateful you didn’t know how packed it would be and were able to enjoy. Yeah to being brave and tackling something new :muscle:t4:
@desert_rose wow…that’s impressive no smoking time!! Keep going…you are gonna just start craving clean air :blush:

[quote=“EarnIt, post:1430, topic:183120”]
Some wounds do not deter all my abilities
[/quote]Ove this and needed to read… physical or emotional wounds will not keep me from pushing forward :people_hugging:
@Lisa07 1800+ days…that’s fantastic! With all these new apps and technology it’s hard to stay on top of it all. Grateful your daughter arrived home safely and you now have this app to keep track :pray:t4:. I do hope you are able to have your get away and enjoy some sister bonding

So very grateful in this Saturday morning
I am so very grateful for having this time in my life to find ME. I am not sure how many boxes I’ve packed away parts of myself in over the years but it is an interesting journey unpacking it all (not always fun :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:).
I am so very grateful for the long weekend. Grateful that I had totally forgotten about it. Being unwell and not working really has made it hard to keep track of days and holidays. Grateful that I do have my supportive family that has given me the opportunity to heal and recover while taking care of me.
I am so very grateful for visiting with extended family. So much love and support all around me. I do not feel Alone :people_hugging:
I am so very grateful for my Higher Power. Grateful that I know I am always cared after and supported. Grateful that I keep this connection and know I am getting through this patch with His help :pray:t4:
I am so very grateful for enjoying a lovely cheesecake the other day and not going ballistic when I found out it was not vegan as I was originally told. Grateful it’s not an allergy and that I did enjoy every bite. It may have caused some inflammation but I’m sure I’ll be able to sort it out with my cleanse.
I am so grateful for soaked oats with grated ginger/ turmeric and apple :yum:
I am so very grateful for my TENS unit. I know it helps yet don’t use it regularly. Need to make it a habit.
I am so very grateful for this community and all you beautiful souls.
I am so very grateful for a better night’s sleep.
I am so very grateful for getting colder water for my cold showers.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day… sending you all so much love :heart::heart:


Those oats sound yummy!! And nice and anti inflammatory too :grin::fork_and_knife:


This is a beautiful share. Just so you know, my kids have been tracking each other with Life360, since they got their phones. I never did. They were homeschooled and often out and about. So, yes, you may have extra things that require concern, but I still don’t have it and can’t actually track them as adults. Though they should be!


I went back, because I missed that line, and YES! I don’t taste, but it most certainly would be a nice change!


I’m grateful
-for a relaxing morning taking care of my wellbeing and health

  • for the best strawberries
  • for a proper bath today and time spent in the sauna
  • for laughter and good friends
  • for a beautiful morning hike
  • for hope, peace and grace
  • good community and support
  • that dogs make the BEST listeners, friends and I can tell them anything without feeling judged. Also they are super adorable
  • for a healthy and tasty dinner
  • that I got through todays cravings by following my plan and knowing that it would pass
  • to be sober!!!
  • to be alive and healthy
  • that I know and understand that having cravings does not make me weak
  • for an evening pot of mint tea

I’m grateful for Alice :kissing_cat:
I’m grateful for her nickname Al :heart_eyes_cat:
I’m grateful for Another Day of freedom from everything booze.
I’m grateful for Al-anon
I’m grateful for Apples
I’m grateful for @Alisa
I’m grateful for @Alicat22 glad you made it back and brought your kitties with you.
I’m grateful for Air
I’m grateful for Animals
I’m grateful for Alpacas
I’m grateful for A good laugh.
I’m grateful for Austin Texas.
I’m grateful for Air travel.
I’m grateful for Airplanes.
I’m grateful for my sister Amy
I’m grateful for Apps.
Especially grateful I found this App.
I’m grateful for A Sober Life.
I’m grateful for A Smile.


I’m grateful for you Lisa, my sober sister pace car. You are an incredible mother. I hope you get to go on that trip. I want to say Just Do It. But I know it isn’t that easy. But I do know you. A bit. You’re going to figure something out.
Congratulations on the 1800 plus clean and sober as all fuck!



Good morning.

I am grateful for courage, the beauty in endings and the feeling of freedom.

I am grateful that because of NA I have learned grace. That was my goal at 3 months clean, I wanted to soften ny edges and I have been able to achieve that.

I am grateful for the sun, the energy it feeds me and the way it warms my bones.

I am grateful that I have enough energy to go to pilates this morning for a refresher reformer class. My reformer has collected dust over the last 8 years, now with this low bone density diagnosis, I figure I better start building my muscles again.

I am grateful for self awareness and the happiness I can feel in my eating disorder part, that she gets to exercise. I am grateful that I call myself out all the time even if I am not sure it can save me.

I am grateful that I have a huge amount of faith today and I trust the process. I am just going to let go, follow this path, not over think shit and keep pushing forward.

I am grateful for the divine mother and the unconditional love she pours out to all the parts of me. I am grateful for her acceptance, guidance, and her unwaivering belief in me. I choose to trust her instincts today and follow suit.

I am grateful for my life.
I love you. :white_heart:


And @EarnIt
Oh it was great…my cousin turned me into it and she keeps the ginger and turmeric in freezer which makes it easy to grate. So addicted to this now :sweat_smile:


Even not-tasting Jasmine, I ALWAYS have ginger and turmeric. :slight_smile: Yes, nearly impossible to get fresh turmeric, but frozen or powder - yepper!

Ginger in water, ginger in tea, ginger in everything. I love ginger. I still have no clue what turmeric tastes like. I am sure I have had it in dishes but didn’t know about it until someone put it in my seasoning drawer, after the happy taste went away. There are definitely people around here that are aware of how food obsessed I was (and hope to be again).


Oh wow…love your ginger game…I need to start adding more to my meals …I do powder but need to go fresh for sure.

I see some small bits of taste coming once in a while for you so hopefully it won’t be long before you are enjoying your creations in the kitchen. :yum::hugs:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for a good talk with a friend yesterday.
I am grateful for being calmer.
I am grateful I found all I need to maybe give playing a keyboard another try. Who knows. Now it’s standing there and staring at me.
I am grateful I don’t have to go far to discover new things.
I am grateful for a laugh with my boss yesterday. I met her by accident.
I am grateful I come along with my boss.
I am grateful for noise cancelling headphones.
I am grateful for a podcast my mother recommended me. It’s so funny. I can relate a lot.
I am grateful I have enough.
I am grateful that the taking the train this morning wasn’t boring at all. It was so much I could write a short story about it.
I am grateful I have enough.


I am grateful for football, the highs the lows, the team spirit … it is the beautiful game
I am grateful for my sons team and all the parents/ grandparents/ siblings … the family
I am grateful to my husband for buying and making the picnic
I am grateful for cushions … it feels great to be cuddling one now with my kitties and family
I am grateful to be sober
I am grateful for @Dazercat and his kind message - it’s good to be back


I’m grateful for
Having a hob
Having a mother who lent me the money to buy the hob
Being able to save the money I do have to spend the next four days with my beautiful kind caring wonderful daughter I’m very grateful she’s still in my life and the bond we’re building together .
My higher power and my fellowship for keeping me sober today
My warm dry bed
Great food
My twelve steps (faith without work for me is dead):pray:t2:
Not procrastinating today ,getting things done
Praying and being sincere when wishing my daughter s dad well on his wedding day today
Believing I am a good soul and I am worthy of a healthy happy life


Thank you for pain, thank you for the difficulty of this very day


Grateful I had a late night chat with my teenager yesterday.

Grateful for a good morning when the kids left to school on time.

Grateful hubby is here this week, even if he will come home very late.

Grateful for the beginning of a new week at work.

Have a great day, everyone! :heart:


Grateful for some sleep last night.
Grateful I am alive.
Grateful for the sounds outside. I will enjoy them while I can.
Grateful knowing that it will be OK, whether I think it is or not.
Grateful for this group.
Grateful my book’s monthly subject is “Boundaries.” OK. OK.