Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’m grateful for a relaxing morning with the Sunday group I attend, I’m grateful that I’ve seen others also being courageous in telling their struggles and being open and supportive. I’m grateful that the sheep/money for the stolen uniforms was returned. I’m grateful for my friend S who dropped by to bring me a slice of lemon meringue pie (my favorite and she seriously makes the best) :yum::yum: I’m grateful for a relaxing and easy going day. I’m grateful for the sunny weather and being able to spend time outside walking and then sitting outside to read. I’m grateful for my good mood and feelings of hope and peace. I’m grateful for support and loving friends.


I’m grateful for Benson
I’m grateful Benson is on my lap.
I’m grateful for Beatrix
I’m grateful for Barney. My first dog ever.
I’m grateful for Bowie. Our first cat together.
I’m grateful for Bowie as in David Bowie :notes:
I’m grateful for Bob Marley :musical_note:

I’m grateful for Beautiful mornings
I’m grateful for all the Beautiful sunrises and sunsets I got to experience in the desert :cactus:

I’m grateful for @Butterflymoonwoman
I’m grateful for @Button83
I’m grateful for @Bluekoolaid
I’m grateful for @Bomdhil

I’m grateful for Birds and Birdsongs.
I’m grateful for Bananas.
I’m grateful for Bathrooms.
I’m grateful for Boston my home area.
I’m grateful for long Bicycle rides with my mom when I was a child.
I’m grateful for the Beach and Beach Walks.
I’m grateful for the color :blue_heart:
I’m grateful to Belong here.
I’m grateful to Breathe.

I’m grateful for Baseball, when my grampa use to take my into Boston as a child to see games at Fenway.
I’m grateful I use to love playing Basketball.
I’m grateful I had the opportunity to coach my son’s Basketball team when he was pretty little. I’m grateful for the Boston Celtics. I’m grateful I can remember Bill Russell and Bob Cousy. Barely :wink:

I’m grateful for the Birdson accompanying my mantra right now.

:pray:t2: :blue_heart:

“When you arise in the morning give thanks for the food and for the joy of living. If you see no reason for giving thanks, the fault lies only in yourself.”

Edit oh fuck!! I’m grateful for Boscoe. We had a Boscoe at our meeting the other day.


Awe Eric! U totally put a smile on my face :smiley: thank u for the shout out. I too am grateful for i my friend :hugs:


Good morning sober tribe,

Im so very greatful for this collective practice. Im a bit behind (post 1423 for future ref) and will catch up later when i have down time.

For right now, id like to jot my own gratitude before getting on with the day.

Im so very greatful for…

My recovery
Hubby got me an NA whiteclaw…nope…to close to the real thing. Greatful i know now and can take them to my moms
Last day of being 36
Under 150lbs with 67lbs of muscle
Got to the gym
5k tomorrow
Count down to camping next weekend
A good chat with my sponsee yesterday and why shes scared to work the steps
My reiki session yesterday that cleared some stuck energy, i feel renewed
My reiki message of trust myself and allow myself to rest
I over schedule alot
Beautiful football weather
Got new tires and they’ll be covered by my credit card points…yay adulting
My folks
Good, healthy food
When time slows down
Spiritual progress



Sunday gratitude.
A day with no plans
Beautiful weather.
Being able to sleep in.
Getting caught up on here.
The smiles I get from reading posts here.


I am grateful for
@Dazercat letter B gratitude list
Delicious smoked salmon
Dear friends and their text messages
Daily check ins
Drinking cups of tea in my pyjamas
Dining on pizza
Doing my daily steps
Dazzling moments in the sun
Deciding to give sober living another try
Dedicating to being sober for 13 days


My Shakti mat
A comfortable home
Breathwork sessions
Plant hospital day, caring for my little ones


I’m grateful for moving day!
I’m grateful we have 5 days to complete this.
I’m grateful that as I take things off the walls it feels less like home. I’m grateful that I make nice homes.
I’m grateful for friends who offer to help move and who loan us useful stuff. I’m grateful that at 45 (me) and 50 (hubs) we can physically do this ourselves.
I’m grateful for 4-8 sturdy walls. I’m grateful for water and electricity that is safe and reliable.
I’m grateful putting things away in new spots always reminds me that I have enough. I’m grateful I’ll still downsize.
I’n grateful I am the only weirdo in my workplace who actually deeply loves moving. I’m grateful I saw a little glimmer of admiration when those co-workers expressed their amazement. I’m grateful I can enjoy things that others find difficult.
Goodbye 113, hello 111. Bring on the new adventures on the other side of the wall.


Some things I am especially grateful for today.

In the wee hours of the morning I was terrorised by some very unpleasant and intense dreams featuring my ex, his new girlfriend and my bike getting stolen. I usually don‘t remember dreaming. But today even after waking up I felt like the emotions from that dream haunted me into the day. Thankfully at some point this lifted and I could meet my ex without the images and arguments from the dream infesting our interactions.

I got to do my weekly review, did not spend much time with that, didn‘t feel much like it. After not feeling too well the last week I somewhat gained some energy, got to my drawing table and basically designed all the missing parts of the game I was supposed to have been working on in a very short time. I love it when my brain decides to wake up, connect the dots and makes me feel like a pro. I missed that a lot and it gave me a lot of confidence.

My father in law’s „Geburtstagskaffee“ went well. The house was decently cool inside, I did not care for any of the cakes and tortes, and we chatted amiably. On the way back I enjoyed the cooling wind while riding home on my not stolen bike.

I did some yoga, finally after almost a week‘s break, and felt like being my body again instead of carrying it around. I love this feeling of reconnection.

Cravings and hunger have been rather bothersome these last few days which led me to stuff myself at almost every meal. I know this will pass. I am very grateful I don‘t let this spiral myself into some crazy worrying anymore.

Now some down time and some sleep soon.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Sunday gratitude. So much to catch up later.
Thank you @desert_rose for your lovely words
Thank you @Lisa07 for sharing your snapping turtle stories. Makes me laugh :grin:
Congratulation on all milestones, I lost track :sunflower:

Missi is a purring fluffball on me. 1,5 days away and she needs extra Mami time. I’m grateful my cats love and miss me. I love them too. I enjoyed a night without them staying at my sister’s. Annual chosen family reunion yesterday. It was lovely and so much fun. My brother cooked wonderful, we had fun with my 6 nieces in the pool, the old dog girl became deaf and rather dement, I slept like an angel, I love the noises of nature and the wind there.

I’m very grateful for my reliable car and that I’m always well equipt, especially for a long drive: tank full, water galore in the car, mobile phone fully loaded. I spent hours in traffic congestion on the highway due to a broken down car in a construction site section and later due to a motorcycle crash with a total highway block. In this brutal heat my solid, reliable car was golden with it’s aircondition and comfort. I’m grateful I am safe home again. I’m grateful for a shower and a nap. I’m grateful for tomato salad.

I’m grateful a week full of work lies before me. I’m grateful I willhave time for enough rest and sleep. No appointments beside vet and therapy. I pray the work on the stonewall will go as quick as planned. I can’t imagine that in a week probably this big obstacle could be gone. I know how I want to celebrate: Pizza, Coca-Cola (a rare treat!) and binge watching a new series! Please dear universe, make it happen :pray: The workers will start tomorrow at about 9.

I’m grateful for my blessed life, for safety, freedom, love, health, laughter, modern amenities, connection, friendship, yearning for a good life and becoming a better person, for stability, faith and letting go. ODAAT :pray:


Grateful for dark times. I know there’s a porpuse, a meaning behind that now I can’t see


@Dazercat I am grateful for you too! your wonderful sense of humor and your constant support. Grateful for @JazzyS too. my angel here


Love the alliteration :grin:


Grateful for you Eric!!
Always appreciate your gratitude shares and contributions to this community. You have helped me so much in the last couple years and I’m grateful for that. I admire that even though you have solid sobriety time under your belt you still work hard everyday towards your recovery. Your a person that I can really look up to and learn from. Thank you so much!!


Thank you Trevor.
That was a beautiful thing to read.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful that I only read the threads that are valuable for me.
I am grateful for a wonderful ride yesterday.
I am grateful for a week of good weather. This week will be like the beginning of autumn and it will be a challenge for me. I’ll take it.
I am grateful I attended a webinar about ADHD and learned a lot.
I am grateful I have enough.


Happy birthday beautiful CJ! :birthday::confetti_ball::tada::partying_face:
Hope you have a wonderful time running that 5k today.


Aww thanks @JazzyS you really know how to make a lady feel loved

Good morning sober tribe,

Im so very greatful…

To be celebrating my 3rd sober belly button birthday
Up before the sun
Already walked Boscoe
About to run a 5k
Race day/birthday excitement
A day off work
My folks are still around
My husband and i are in love
Boscoe is my cuddle buddy
Fancy bday dinner to look forward to tonight
Camping weekend to look forward to this upcoming weekend
My sobriety
My recovery
Fresh air
This amazing community


Today is a day where I actually slept pretty well. Perhaps it’s due from the major intense anxiety and depression that my body was going through yesterday, or hey - a week without enough sleep may finally get to you.

I cannot control the world. I can control my reactions, to each and every thing and each and every person. Grateful.

Grateful for my mind telling me “Just go after it. At this point, why not? Can’t be more than what you’re facing.” Freedom with my own business matters. My body still needs sporadic rest.

Dogs. These dogs - Caiko and Luna - caring and soul seers. I know I am overreacting when they are basically big ol’ dogs in my lap, or head nudging my legs. My father believes I should get rid of them to find housing. Nope. They are beautiful creatures. Wild? Yes. :slight_smile:

Happy day to you, my people!


Happy birthday CJ. :balloon::tada::balloon: