Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

@erntedank Love that you live in a safe enough area where you can leave cars / homes unlocked. Long gone our the days we could do that here. I don’t think I would take kindly to someone just letting themselves in. Grateful for locks
@acromouse grateful your daughter is doing better today :pray: Well done friend on your 5 months of no UPF!
@noshame Its crazy that we do need to remind ourselves of how bad our addiction is and how much we hate it — the addict mind tries to romanticize our experiences and that is so BULL. Glad you found your way to the Gratitude thread - hopefully it helped shift the mindset. Keep strong friend - the urges do get easier to handle
@laner OH how sweet ! - grateful the tourists were able to give you a stash of coffee :yum:
@MrMoustache Well done my friend – just celebrating your 2 months again - you are doing so well. SO grateful that you sought medical help and are in a safe place :pray:
@earnit SO sorry friend. hoping:pray:

Gratefulness on this beautiful day
I am so very grateful that even on gray days I can witness the beautiful day break. As light seeps into the atmosphere it is truly beautiful to “see” my surroundings and a change my views
I am so very grateful for musicians, dancers, sculptors, artists, singers, comedians… all those that provide beauty, laughter, love to this wonderful world of ours
I am so very grateful for leftovers.
I am so very grateful for getting a good chunk of accounting done. Will hopefully complete the rest and some forms I need done by Monday taken care of tomorrow
I am so very grateful to have gathered up what is needed for the festival and will be loading my car tomorrow.
I am so very grateful for a lovely start to the day with a walk and a swim. Gonna miss the swimming once they close the outdoor pools. Grateful that our community doesn’t close them on Labor Day.
I am so very grateful that my lungs are improving (no more smokers hack and shortness of breath) - grateful that my swimming speed and underwater time is improving.
I am so very grateful that my adrenal cyst has not changed over the past few years. Not sure if this can be a cause to any of my issues but the doctors think its not worth looking into any further so I guess not. My lungs look clean (oh thank the lord).
I am so very grateful for my family, for my HP, for my meditation and pray practices
I am so very grateful for the healing my body is experiencing. Grateful for ODAAT. Grateful that I can have patience and see the small changes in health as big leaps towards getting better.

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening - sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I’m grateful to God for lovingly guiding me and helping me abstain from my addictions one day at a time. I’m grateful for my family and friends. I’m grateful that I logged onto my favorite and homethread(this one) and got to experience your gratitude. I’m grateful that I am comfortable in my bed and that I want to sleep as I start work at 7a.m and it’s 10:30 but I can hear my angel of Peace aka my cat playing with his toys many of which have bells. I’m grateful that he/we are pretty healthy, happy, joyous and free.

May our higher powers grant us opportunities to be courageous.

p.s. Don’t forget to smile and breathe it feels good and looks great on you. Ya you!!


Serendipitous! I wandered over to my laptop and this thread to find my dear friend’s @I.cant.We.can post :point_up_2: (good to read you, pal!).

I’m grateful it’s Friday.
I do so want another weekend in a tent, but I know I also want, and need, a weekend at home. I’m grateful to know what I need.
I’m grateful I didn’t tell my boss to take a flying fucking leap today. I probably wouldn’t have done that in the before time either, but I would’ve guzzled the night away. I’m grateful for tools, all kinds of 'em. I’m grateful for my work, and for opportunities to work with others. :see_no_evil:
I’m grateful for fall in the air.

I’m grateful the other night I got swept up in the @TrustyBird moving saga and omg, a page turner! I’m grateful it’s all settling down.

I’m grateful to read so many others, new and old Gratidudes alike. I’m always grateful to read those posts when people are leaning hard into their sobriety and getting to the other side of cravings with said sobriety intact. We draw strength from each other and these kind of words.

I’m grateful I’ll wake up tomorrow remembering when I shut the light off tonight.

I’m grateful for all of you.

I’m grateful for another day. :orange_heart:


Grateful today

Freezer left open for a long time and all my peaches and tomatoes were saved. Should have seen hubby and me remove fridge from motorhome to save all the food.


Thanks, @JazzyS! I’m happy that I’m safe now.


It’s Saturday morning and I had an amazing 10 hours of sleep! I’m so grateful for good sleep!

That first week of classes was busy and fun. And wore me out! I’m grateful for work that I enjoy.

I’m grateful to be sober. My life is so much more of what I want it to be.

I’m grateful to be healthy… good work and a lot of exercise this week is what brought me that good sleep.

I’m grateful for my safe and loving home.

I’m grateful for good food and clean water and the ability to navigate life without numbing myself with booze.

I’m grateful to have made some big progress in my therapy and to have gained some skills in how to deal with my feelings about my mother.

I’m grateful to have the resources to care for my family.

I’m grateful for the resources that helped me get sober and stay active in my recovery.

I’m grateful for a low key weekend so I can keep things balanced in my life.

I’m grateful for this quiet morning on my porch with my coffee and the peace and quiet.

I’m grateful for the support and learning that I have gained in this community. I wish you all peace.


I am grateful for my decision to get outside to a place 20 minutes away. The weather was beautiful and taste or not, there were free hot dogs.

Grateful for a pic with Smokey Bear and my daughter got one, too.

Grateful that I didn’t buy alcohol yesterday when it was majorly on my mind, in my heart, want to separate myself from me. I did not. I will not.

Grateful I am alive. I lived. It matters. Whether my memory is sparse from September to January I cannot disown that I was found and rescued and lived. When I read hospital notes it’s clear that it wasn’t always the forecast.

I am grateful that no matter what happens in my life next, it’s time to reach out to friends. I have spoken to very few in a year. I acknowledge that is not who I am. Apparently, that choice happened and though I cannot change the past, I can now.

Much love and gratitude here.


Grateful for:

  • my spouse, who listens and participates, both in our marriage and in our marriage counselling; my spouse keeps an open mind and that helps both of us grow in understanding
  • my cats, who are great company in the mornings
  • the rain, which gives me a break from exterior painting work (in the summer, we work pretty much seven days a week except for when it rains)
  • the chance to exercise and care for myself

Sat, 7 Sept, 24

Gratitude for:

  1. 7 days sober
  2. Discovered more AA meetings (in person /
  3. Shared to last night’s group. 1st time. My ‘coming out’.
  4. Checking my addiction
  5. Remaining sober ‘odaat’


I’m grateful

  • for the snowy day
  • for a good hike this morning and for again seeing the 2 eagles
  • that I’m getting better at handling my PTSD, anxiety and all the other stuff that comes with it. I’m grateful for the new coping skills I’ve been learning
  • cozy days in
  • the smell of baking naan
  • pots of tea
  • my dogs
  • supportive and understanding friends
  • that not every day is a bad day and that they will pass
  • for hope

grateful, for a beautiful week of vacaccions I spent with my partner. For my sobriety and this forum, for sunshine, the time to journal and reflect on my live and all the time I might still have in this world!


I’m grateful for:

I’m grateful for

I’m grateful for HUMOR
I’m grateful for Hare Krishna mantra
I’m grateful How we Help other people out.

I’m grateful for @HoofHearted You’ve been a very inspiring part of my journey since day 1 (I think :thinking: :joy: ) and I always love your shares.

I’m grateful for @HakeemOsman im glad you made it back.
I’m grateful for @HolySquid @Hotic @happyfeet @Hidden @HillbillyChris @Here.I.am

I’m grateful through my mantras I’m learning a little about Hinduism :pray:t2:

I’m grateful for Habaneros and a little goes a long way.

I’m grateful for Hamburgers and Hotdogs
Honey and Hot sauce.

Grateful for Horses
I’m grateful I’ve gotten to go to Hawaii twice.


“Those who are not grateful soon begin to complain of everything.”
Thomas Merton


I am grateful for a very nice chat very early this morning around a cup of coffee with a stranger.
I am grateful for music.
I am grateful for a podcast I was listening to all day long which brought back memories from the past. That are all too present in Germany.
I am grateful my sugar was okay during these last two weeks.
I am grateful for the nice weather.
I am grateful I have enough.


Thank you! I really appreciate all the support you all give in this group! Makes sobriety easy and inclusive! I’m grateful for you all as well!


For the coming and going of intense grief this morning. I lost so many people fairly recently in such a short time, including both of my parents. I lost several other family members and one of my closest friends. All while working at an insane job during a pandemic. So I’ve been grieving, but also numb a lot because it’s so much. Now these bursts of grief are needed. I heal that way. Now I think of honoring them. I’m not a sad person. It’s so much better than drinking. Let the feelings come, and leave again. They’re leaving now. And I feel a bit more healed.

For a lovely cold front that is moving in. First little taste of Fall.

For knowing that things are sometimes much better than I feel they are. I just needed some time.

For a squishy big tabby cat

For my new tea kettle

For all the hope and surprises ahead.

For 190 days of sobriety and all of you



Grateful for a long time of prayer today. I really needed!!!


Grateful for my sobriety.
Grateful I don’t have to worry about food or shelter.
Grateful my bills are paid and there’s still money in the bank.
Grateful for my parents and brother. I don’t know where I’d be without them.
Grateful for my job and the structure it gives me.
Grateful for my sponsor, and meetings.
Grateful for the big book of Alcoholics Anonymous.
Grateful for Hulu.
Grateful for YouTube.
Grateful for my freedom from being sober.
Grateful I’m not in detox, the hospital or withdrawing.
Grateful all I need to do is make it through today and repeat tomorrow.
Grateful for all of you and sharing your journey with recovery. Thank you for this community.


Additional gratitude: I have very little $ and I bought another coffee pot anyway. I tried and didn’t want to keep trying **Fixing it from well water… 1. Dead and trashed. 2. Cheap and working and new.


Well first weekend back in my hometown and well I’m just grateful to have what is most important my sobriety, my Id,my ssc, & I’m grateful to be surrounded by love and grace through what I thought sucked but a lesson to be learned that materials can be replaced,and my safety is genuinely most important so I’m thankful that I got home safe and sound to heal through this and come out of this a better woman​:butterfly:who will smash her goals and kick butttt no matter the circumstances​:butterfly::relieved::raised_hands:t6:


Yes you will! Glad you’re home safe, and you’ll have all new stuff soon enough! Your stuff is replaceable but there’s only one you.