Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Today I’m grateful for
For the job I took when I decided to drastically change my life and quit bartending cold turkey, moving, changing numbers, and my routines. I now work for an outdoor fitter and took a big hit financially. But I’m so grateful because I know this is where I’m supposed to be right now on this journey. I’m getting back in touch with myself, the outdoors which used to be a big part of my life before I allowed booze and drugs to take control of my mind. Slowly but surely things are becoming beautiful again. I’m extremely grateful for that


You got that right I wanted to be upset that I had people treat me with spite but at the end of the day I can replace materials, I couldn’t replace me so I’m so grateful to be home surrounded by love 🫶🏿
In the words of Bob Marley Every little thing is gonna be alright :bird::bird::bird::relieved:


Grateful for my good Jehovah
Grateful for my family
Grateful my parents are still alive
Grateful that I’m not torturing myself with guilt(at the moment)
Grateful to be alive


Thanks for thinking of me @Dazercat
I’m grateful you mentioned me and took me here.

I’m grateful for this forum and its wonderful people and the amazing support they offer to everyone 24 hours a day 7 days a week.

I’m grateful for a fairly good night’s sleep, so I feel at least a little refreshed.

I’m grateful for my cat Coco. She’s the most wonderful pet and when she starts purr next to me I’m at ease.

I’m grateful for my family as I know there’s always help and support just one phone call away.

Have a wonderful Sunday everyone. Sober and clean.


I am currently in one hell of a funk. I’m going to try and “gratitude” my way though it.

I am grateful that I have a therapist who seems great so far and a doctor who really truly cares. I’m grateful that they worked together to define what I have been describing as a fog that has been there since my teenage years, never quite lifting, as depression. I am grateful that they agreed on a pill I should try. It has been 3 days now.

I am grateful that Shadow seems to have noticed the fog getting thicker and will not leave my side.

I am grateful that I am noticing the fog getting thicker and analysing it in my own way. A weird blue feeling from my recovery feeling even more real after a year. The increase of work in the last quarter of the year. The uncertainty of my residence permit in South Africa. I am grateful that I can see these as some of the reasons for the fog being thicker.

I’m grateful for the tools I am picking up in the AA program. The serenity prayer reminding me that there are some things I cannot change and helping me see just a little further through the fog. Grateful for the community here reminding me that I am not alone and holding my hand to take that step I may not see but you have taken countless times.

I am grateful for obscure sorrows.
Today’s word:

harke n. a painful memory that you look back upon with unexpected fondness, even though you remember having dreaded it at the time; a tough experience that has since been overridden by the pride of having endured it, the camaraderie of those you shared it with, or the satisfaction of having a good story to tell.

I am grateful for you. All of you.
Grateful that this little exercise has lifted the fog just a little. :smiling_face:


Grateful for:

  • my inner clock, which woke me up nice and early today so I could get an early start on the day
  • my oven, which lets me bake homemade bread
  • yeast, which makes the bread rise
  • Lord of the Rings: The Rings of Power, which is a show my wife and I enjoy watching together

Grateful for ts and connection. I’m a work in progress…
Early morning with the Heavenly Father
Freedom from SA
Confidence growing wiling to suit up for the day.
Enjoy people’s energy’s and vibration
Coffee don’t forget cofee
Love you guys
Slow ride - Foghat


Good morning friends,
Missed you guys! Life’s been lifey here of late, and I haven’t been gratituding like I should, but it was a wonderful surprise to wake up to my 4 year coin! I’m grateful to have reached that milestone! I’m grateful that I found TS by accident when all I was looking for was a counter (thinking I could do this sober thing all by myself.) I’m grateful for all the wonderful people who welcomed me, answered my questions, helped me with early sobriety issues, and continued sobriety issues and life issues :joy:. I love the “homethread” here and count on it as a source of comfort when I’m down and need to borrow some gratitude, or feeling great and want to share some gratitude.
I’m so very grateful that alcohol has left my life so completely that I lost track of my days. Not that the count isn’t important- it is to me. I was just was living, just doing life without drinking, and I think that’s what I am the most grateful for today. Everyone have a wonderful day :heart:


Today I’m grateful that I’ve been 62 days without booze and weed. I’m grateful that my mind is starting to feel clear, no more fogginess. I’m grateful that I have found again my lost relationship to God, I’ve been praying and reading the Bible a lot. I’m grateful that my Christian faith makes me humble, confident and happy inside of me although I’m still depressed and full of fear if that makes any sense. I’m grateful to be alive, it’s such a miracle. Thank you, God, for letting me experience another day in this beautiful world.


Huge congrats Sunflower! You are a great influence to be kind and authentic. Ty dear Soul. Keep rockin that sobriety!!!


I’m grateful

  • for sleeping through my alarm my body needed it
  • for having a relaxing day: good hike, book and lots of good tea
  • that I’m feeling more relaxed tonight and in a good head space
  • for good boots to truck through all the mud from melted snow
  • for lentil soup and fresh garlicky naan
  • for good friends
  • for my arm being freed from the brace and seems to have healed well- bit stiff but otherwise doing okay!
  • for laughter and joy

Congratulations on 4 years!!! Great work and an awesome achievement :muscle::raised_hands:


I’m grateful for
Staying sober
Walking three to the meeting this morning
Sharing at the meeting
Being grateful
Watching a bit of tv to feel connected and present
My comfy cosy chair
Pistachio nuts and dark chocolate kit-kats
Buying a nice sports top to jog in when blisters heal :roll_eyes:
Yesterday s list I exchange gratitude s with my sponsor each night but forget sometimes to post on here


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I don’t feel like going to work tomorrow which means I actually enjoyed my vacation.
I am grateful for recovery podcasts, f2f meetings and stories from here. They resonate so much with me. We say in German: Problem erkannt, Gefahr gebannt. Which means something like: problem identified, problem solved. Recovery isn’t like this for me and somehow I sometimes have the impression people around me thing that it is like this. Recovery is not linear. I am grateful that there are people who see this.
I am grateful for food.
I am grateful I don’t really need caffeine atm. I think it’s the meds. I will see how it goes when I am back into work tomorrow. Then routine will come again.
I am grateful I have enough.


Sunday evening gratitude.

Today I’m grateful I did a lot yesterday and rested today.
I’m grateful for plums.
I’m grateful for cats.
I’m gratwful for this spot in the kitchen:

I’m grateful for toast with cheese galore. I’m grateful the cats sniff it but don’t want it.
I’m grateful for naps on my comfy couch with cats on and beside me. And for my blankie. Rain is forecast, fall temperatures, I love my blankie to snuggle up. I’m grateful for the last hot summer day and harvesting plums in the sunshine. I’m happily looking forward to making jam and Powidl tomorrow.

I’m grateful the talks with the ex brought me more emotional peace. I’m grateful I get myself out of old thinking pattern and codependent habits / thinking rather quickly. I’m grateful I feel ok working on it and then letting go and focus on myself and my own wellbeing again. I’m grateful I’m a loving and caring person whose inner boundaries get better with every episode I go through and reflect on.

I’m grateful for my lovely friends, nice talks, funny stories, connection and mutual interests.

I’m grateful I have no kids, the hell of school starts tomorrow again and EVERYBODY is back again, nuts, stressed. I’m grateful for my peaceful, quiet home. ODAAT :pray:


@Laquitta95 grateful that you are taking care of you and not minding the people being spiteful. Material things are replaceable but you are not. Stay strong my friend and keep kicking ass
@Oluoch grateful for your support and hopefully they can help you get out of this funk. Sending hugs as you deal with the depression :people_hugging:
@Nowenbrace great to see you posting more and being around. Yeah to confidence… keep going my friend…you are crushing it :muscle:t4:
@Sunflower1 Congratulations on your 4 year absolutely amazing work!!!


I’m grateful for @Its_me_Stella Stella Luna :kissing_heart: my sober Twinnie :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: so grateful to have met you in this amazing recovery journey of ours. A day doesn’t go by when I don’t think about your experience strength and hope and all the recovery wisdom you have to offer.

I’m grateful for @I.cant.We.can , my Gratitude brother from waaaay back. If it wasn’t for you I’d probably still be starting a new thread every 4th post. We’ve come a long way brother. Love you man.

I’m grateful for Insight Timer.
I’m grateful for Ice Cream :icecream: too bad I don’t do sugar so no ice cream for me now.
I’m grateful I’ve been to Ireland.
I’m grateful for Ice and I have an Ice Maker in my freezer.

I’m grateful I’m not as Impatient as I use to be.

I’m grateful for icicles

I’m grateful for Inspiration.
I’m grateful I can be Inspired by so many people and their shares.

I’m grateful for Iris’s
I’m grateful for Impatiens. My mother’s favorite plant. The red ones.
I’m grateful for Ivies, like English or Boston. Especially the way they climb up an old brick wall or house.

I’m grateful for Intelligence and I’m grateful I’m intelligent. Ya me :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

“To have friends who will always take you to higher ground is an incalculable blessing.”
Ya you :wink: you all.
John Bytheway


For this perfect weather day! I can open the windows at night and enjoy walks and hikes again. Nature is my religion and healer.

For being able to look out my bedroom window and see a mother deer with a spotted fawn, grazing.

For the white rooster who has busted loose from some farm and decided to come live with us :laughing:. I got a better picture of Pierre today, and he was curious about me. I will try not to feed him but it will be hard. He is plucky and divebombs the wild turkeys. He is the annoying fake turkey in the gobbling rafter, the interloper. So grateful to watch all this from home. :heart:. :rooster: I’ve always lived in cities or suburbs where there wasn’t a living chicken or turkey within 10 miles :grinning:

For getting myself out at sunrise for a fast walk. Last night was difficult. Trauma from grief and abuse is being released and it’s awful sometimes. But I tell myself I’m safe, make coffee and breakfast and start housework. At 2 am. It’s ok. I am stronger than I was early on. No more fear about being functional again. I already am and can hold a job and have a happy life.

For delicious food

For knowing this will continue to get better.

For Death in Paradise when I really need a happy crime show :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: The reggae music helps

For so much hope and promise

For this place

Yeah and the 191 too


Grateful for waking up sober instead of coming to.

Grateful for Sundays, my only day off work.

Grateful for the ladies AA meeting last night, followed by dinner. We laughed so hard my belly hurt. Grateful for sober friends that know how to have fun.

Grateful for running water and electricity.

Grateful for another Sunday at the cinema. Was planning on seeing Beatle Juice but hubby can’t make it today and he wants to see it too. So we’ll see that next week. Today it’s going to be “It Ends with Us”.

Grateful I’ll have dinner out with my daughter after the movie.

Grateful @Sunflower1 stopped in to share her anniversary with all of us. Always good to hear from you
Congratulations on 4 years! :partying_face:


I‘m dead on my feet. My daughter‘s party was wonderful. I am very grateful for this day, for all that lead to it and all that will come out of it. And I am very grateful it‘s over and I can go to bed soon.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars: