Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Love this so much.
Congratulations on your 4 years of a greater beautiful you Sunflower.


I am grateful because each day I can eat and I know that it’s not common in other places


My only other encounter with the name “Bytheway” was on WILTY from Bob Mortimer whose stories are incredibly insane.

Always grateful for you. :slight_smile:


4 years is amazing.
giphy (5)


I have a great sugar free recipe! Just saying.


Im grateful for
Not acting out and letting go today . I’m confused and hurt about no contact from my daughter since Wednesday when she went back home (I put credit on her phone on Friday and let my ex know by text so she could charge it .tried to make contact with her today and her phones still off .my ex never answered his phone when I tried to contact her that way, or got back to me as to why )
Using P.A.U.S.E (pause action until serenity emerges
I’m grateful to the person on here for giving me that acronym
Grateful for running today
Grateful for feeling it :leg:
Grateful it’s probably going to hurt tomorrow so I don’t over do it
Grateful for my bravery today
For a hot shower
Being able to Show love today
Daily reflection s
Doing my Step work


I am grateful today

Yard work
I know I am sober and will continue to be today
Reading great positive stuff
Knowing I am enough
Having enough
Beautiful home to live in
My own intelligence standing up for myself


@Dazercat I like your gratitude entry today. I’m also happy for ‘Hare Krisna’ mantra. Haribol.


@19801 I like that.

P.A.U.S.E (pause action until serenity emerges).

Thanks for sharing it in turn. :v:t2:


Hi sober grateful people !

I’m grateful for streaming services. Growing up we had 4 channels. Being able to pull up any movie that I want to watch at any time is pretty miraculous.

I’m grateful for my doggie Russell. He’s such a good boy.

I’m grateful for bbq and local produce to go with.

I’m grateful to be here on this thread with you all.


Thanks very much Eric. I’m grateful for you too. For all our connections going back almost five years. That is indeed a long time. At times they have been fantastic, other times hard, for us both. I am glad I didn’t have to do it without you. I’m grateful that I get to believe that God puts people in my life for a reason and to trust that we needed and still can need eachother. He knew that. I’m grateful today for it all. Ranging from music, sober sports, our Kelly’s and white cats, gratitude galore, Halt , sober selfies, al-anon and AA, meditation and mantra challenges, memes, your quotes and Canadian connection, cooking, finding sponsors and Higher Powers. I’m grateful to call you a friend and inspiration, ya you!!

I’m grateful that today I am clean and sober and can turn my will over to a loving God of my understanding. I’m grateful that I have gratitude nearly all day everyday that shows up even when I don’t expect it, in my thoughts, actions and words. I’m grateful that I don’t need to post gratitude here all the time but I can if I want to. I’m grateful my gratitude has become permanently embeded in my prayer, every morning. I’m grateful that I find myself saying in my head before my feet hit the floor and sometime again out loud. Sometimes even down on my knees, getting right sized and fully surrendering to a power greater than me. I’m grateful I can admit that sometimes it still feels strange but seeing and experiencing that it works I get to believe that it can and will continue to work, so why would I stop if it has helped restore my sanity and is helping me become better just for one day at a time. I’m grateful that this once, looong time, low bottom alcoholic and addict, broken shell of a human gets to wake up. To somehow be blessed to have yet another chance to live my best life because of putting in the work through, the 12 steps, detoxes, treatment centers, dedicating lots of time to service, Church, work, getting a sponsor, becoming a sponsor, learning to stop hating who I was and what I have/had done. To be granted the gift of desperation that allowed me to be led to the gifts of freedom from all those steps I mentioned. I’m grateful for my family that loved me, gave up on me and love me again today. I’m grateful to have learned to love myself and to become willing to try and feel all the emotions that come with life. To accept that I need to feel bad to learn to feel good and will again. As much as my inner child doesn’t always like that, the adult me loves and needs that inner child but also gets to protect us from eachother through boundaries and by growing, caring and sharing all of life’s gifts not just the ones I like. I’m grateful for learning to try and find balance. That this journey can and, for me, needs to and gets to be, both serious and fun.

May our higher powers give us everlasting Hope.

p.s. You can do this. I believe in you because you’re awesome. Ya you!!


this is awesome. four years. soooo happy and grateful for you. keep it up :pray:


Today is my first day of work after two weeks of vaccacion. I am not really looking forward to all the stress. But I am still grateful for the oportunity of this job and that I am here and ready to start right back into a sober everyday life :smile:


Great share Brian!!! So much wisdom and recovery and just inspiring. God speed to you friend and to the addict who still suffers,
Thx for sharing


Thank you. :slight_smile:


Cooler weather means comfy hoodies
SEVEN HOURS SLEEP, can you believe that??
Blue wanting cuddles from 5am. Persistent little dude.
Lots of hot tea and coffee
Quiet walks through my local cemetery
The silver birch leaves flowing in the wind, it’s beautiful.
The two green woodpeckers I saw today in the cemetery. I haven’t seen them in ages, I was quite worried about them. They are both in fine health and happily sat looking at me from a tree branch. :two_hearts:

A breathwork session after lunch
Getting home to my little family after a two hour walk in the rain :cloud_with_rain:
Blue running to me and throwing himself down for immediate cuddles and it quelled my baseline sadness today.
Sitting with feelings rather than zoning them out. It might get easier?? :pray:t2:


Good morning friends,
I’m grateful I got to share my milestone with you all, thank you for all the love in return! I’m grateful my coffee is magical this morning, probably because I get to sip it leisurely since I don’t have to go to work. I’m grateful I have a weekend hiking trip planned with my Mom in December and I hope my daughter will join us, but I won’t be mad if she doesn’t. Everyone have a good day♥️


Grateful for good sleep time today. It’s not common for me


I’m grateful

  • for Turkish coffee
  • for a good hike and time alone this morning
  • for my week off from counseling (I was worried it’d be too much for me this week with having guests in the house)
  • that my guests made it in well despite bad roads and weather in the passes
  • that I feel comfortable and like them
  • that they also agreed to go to the orphanage and give check ups to the kids and also vaccinations!
  • for good tea…I have a new rooibos that I tried today!
  • for a relaxing evening
  • for the smell of baking bread and for tasty carrot cake
  • that my anxiety over guests has gone away…am feeling comfortable now
  • for this community

Monday gratitude.
Today I’m again grateful for HALT. A long hot shower, a yummi snack, lying down with a purring cat on me and resting. Really good selfcare.

I’m grateful I decided on the colour of the facade-finish today. Lilac it will be. Goes nice along with the light cream colour of the already finished parts.

I’m grateful the ex picked up another trailer of his stuff. I’m grateful I helped loading the clinker. I would not feel good letting this work to him alone. Not with his health issues and it helps me to let go when we work together. Bonus: I get some needed exercise. I’m grateful that I won’t have to deal with my ex for the next 1,5 weeks, he is on vaccation. I need a pause. I’m grateful I wished him a nice stay and good times and meant it heartfeltly. I’m grateful that the bitterness, frustration and anger subsided. At least for this episode.

I’m grateful I started a new series, find it rather boring and will not continue watching. But for today’s relaxing on the couch it was ok.

I’m grateful for my cozy house, for my lovely cats, for food, tea, rain, hot water, dry cloths, online everything, my late parents and my ex. Today I’m grateful for my life. ODAAT :pray: