Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’m grateful for Joy. I’m grateful I can find Joy almost anywhere I am, or look. And I think that is because of this gratitude practice. Sometimes it takes work. But the Joy is out here for me.

I’m grateful for Jacket Potatoes. :potato:

I’m grateful I’ve learned a lot about being Judgmental And the fastest way for me to loose my Serenity is when I’m being Judgmental

I’m grateful for Jesus. this is a hard one for me. I was having trouble coming up with J words. Eventually I thought of Jesus. I’ve been angry about Jesus. Not at Jesus. I’m grateful today I can be grateful for the teachings of a Jesus and separate it from religion.

I’m grateful for my Jean Jacket
I’m grateful for Jaguars, the animal not the car. Although I got nothing against the car.
I’m grateful for Jack-O-lanterns :jack_o_lantern:

Oh that reminds me :jack_o_lantern: I’m grateful for @JazzyS :jack_o_lantern: like I could forget. Your kindness and caring nature is unmatched by anyone I know. You are such an asset to my recoveries. And a good friend.

I’m grateful for @Just_Laura so happy you came back. I did miss you so long ago when we were both new here 4 plus years ago.
I’m grateful for @Jesile no more leaving for you either ok. Stick with the winners.
I’m grateful for @Juli1 same to you. Stick with us friend.

I’m grateful for @jbaldwin84 I’m glad you’re here. You’ve been a very helpful asset to this forum and my recovery.

I’m grateful for @Jasty2 glad you’re back.

I’m grateful for @JasonFisher You were such a huge help to me in my early recovery. I miss the meme wars with you. And your shares. But I’m so happy for you and your recovery. Big one coming up in November ay? I hope you are doing well.

I’m grateful for @james83
I’m grateful for @Jana1988 always, always appreciate your pics from my favorite country. Thank you :pray:t2:

I’m grateful for @Joy Still protecting that sober date at all cost. I hope you are well.

I’m grateful someday. Someday soon. Maybe next year. I will start Journaling I’ve heard over and over again how beneficial Journaling can be.

I’m grateful for my brother-in-law :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2: John. Who took care of my sister until the end when the MS finally took its toll on her. I’m grateful she had someone as loving and caring as you.

And I’m grateful for my gorgeous friend Julie in London. Such a wonderful relationship ship we have formed over the pond for more than 40 years :heart:


“We must find time to stop and thank the people who make a difference in our lives.”
John F. Kennedy


I wish I could express my gratitude the way you do! :confused: Very nice words! :pray:t2:


Awe thanks my friend :people_hugging:…so grateful for you and your friendship. Appreciate your sense of humor and your support! Grateful to call you a friend and to be on this journey with you :pray:t4::heart:


For sleep last night! A full 8 hours, only woke up twice and got right back to sleep. Sleep has been a huge problem for me so I’m delighted to discover I’m still capable.

For my new outdoor walking routine at sunrise. It’s finally late enough in the summer not to be hot 24/7. I want to have better fitness in time for winter and ski season now that I have family in snow country

For a delicious dinner mid-afternoon. Trying to eat less late in the day

For people that are kind and friendly to me. I’m still isolated and lonely as I try to navigate a new, sober life

For hope

192 days!


Back atcha my friend. Thank you for the warm words. Keep Walken in sobriety together



Ty for the great post Eric, I appreciate you. Let’s have a cappuccino shall we :pray::pray::pray:


Jaguar and Jack O Lantern … I am grateful too.



epic again! are you making these or actually finding them?

thanks for the chuckle my friend :hugs:


Actually do a search. Just trying to give some visuals for @Dazercat . He puts in so much thought to his posting I want him to know I appreciate them. :wink:


And I you :heart:
And that is a pretty cool pic.
Those J’s were hard. Until I got to the people part.
Good thing I am not grateful for Jelly too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:


I just may have to copy you and deal with “As” in my gratitude today. I have two buckets of apples I need to do something with. I am grateful for A pples . :hugs:


Grateful for
Apples to store for winter
Awareness of my Accomplishments
Awesomeness (my :hugs:)
Attitude - good
Access to sober resources
Affirmations- daily
Assertiveness - mine


Gratefulness my peeps – i’m here to practice some gratefulness
I am so very grateful for …
*my increasingly approving lung capacity
*being able to be more active these days
*pizza for dinner
*was able to get some important paperwork completed today and made it to the post office to make sure it gets mailed today
*actually had energy to make a few important calls today
*my pain is insane today but I managed to keep going
*my HP… I prayed and mediated today to feel connection. It was a hard day emotionally but being busy made it easier to get through. Grateful that I knew to lean into my HP when I felt overwhelmed.
*cooler mornings (hoodie weather)
*for my neon vest that arrived yesterday so that I can safely walk in the darkness of the early mornings
*for my new Yuki app that helps me see what foods an products are safe to use based on the ingredients they contain
*for music! for comedy! For laughter!

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day /evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


I’m envious of the hoodie weather!! It was 103 on my way home from work today…hopefully cooling down for spooky season soon!! Xo


yikes - i’m sorry – yeah that is not spooky season weather… hope you are able to get cooled off soon.


Awwwwr, thank you for mentioning me! I am GRATEFUL for that. I made some positive impact in somebody’s life :heart: That is so sweet and warmed up my heart :purple_heart:

It’s a very nice gratefulness expression btw :smiling_face::smiling_face::smiling_face:


Tuesday lunchtime gratitude.
I’m grateful I can take a day off. The old boy had another seizure yesterday evening. I’m grateful he is ok, I’ve got emergency meds, but the night was crappy as he miowed me awake 4 times. I’m grateful I slept in after feeding the cats 5.30 a.m. I’m grateful I woke up on time for the old boy’s weekly fluids at the vet, I overheard the alarm clock. I’m grateful for breakfast and sunny fall weather.

I’m grateful the work on the stonewall continues.
I’m grateful I lie on the couch, one cat cuddled against every hip, sleeping.
I’m grateful I scrolled through the inteenet hunting diy ideas for inspiration. I’m grateful I remember that I have all material I need at home. I’m grateful I can let my brain just run around for a day when I am tired, dizzy, unconcentrated and clumsy. I’m grateful I accept such days as an opportunity for selfcare and trying new ways of it (even if it’s only imaginary idea hunting).

I think I’ll find energy for the first part of plum preserving a little later :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:


I am grateful for being in a nursing home visiting some elderly. I could share some love and company


I’m grateful to be developing a connection with a loving higher power and with myself, family and friends.
I’m grateful for themed gratitude. I’m grateful to give it a try.

Im grateful for my four letter vocabulary.

       Then        vs.           Now
       fuck.                      hope.

       damn.                      pray.
       hate.                        love.

       shit.                           poop.

I’m grateful for growth, humor, laughter and music.
God bless us all :v: & :heart:

p.s. You’re a star, shine bright. Ya you!!


Ooo I’ve just noticed … I’ve become a regular empathetic member of ts :blush: I must remember this in all my affairs with the outsiders :roll_eyes: