Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’m grateful

  • for getting in some alone time and exercise this morning
  • for a really good and successful clinic today and am SO grateful for the doctor that volunteered to come and do it
  • that all the kids at the orphanage could also be checked out
  • that everything went relatively smoothly today
  • for a quite night in
  • that my friend took care of dinner tonight and also helped with translation
  • that my dogs are being good and not acting jealous over having people they don’t know in the house- such good girls!

I am grateful I’m 9 months and a week sober (I missed my 9 month mark). This is normally the time I would question my sobriety and eventually cave in. Not this time, I have zero appetite for it and life as it is now is just too good.
I am grateful I got hired today for a better paid job. It will be more demanding, but because I’m not drinking I can handle it.
I am grateful for proper sleep.
I am grateful I got to see my parents today and they got the help they need.
I am grateful I talked to my son who I miss dearly.
I am grateful for two brown eyes who follow my every move :dog:
I am grateful life is going well.
I am grateful for the sound of the rain on my windows.

I am grateful to read your posts, they always make me smile.


Awe :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: I’m grateful for you too, and for thinking of me! I missed you too (and so many more) when I fell off. Sometimes I think if covid never happened I’d be closing in on 5 years, but then I realize I don’t know that for sure. I’m just grateful to be here now, and that you and so many others were still here to welcome me back :heart:

I’m grateful for this thread that I miss. Kinda dropped the ball on posting here everyday :sweat_smile: I miss the meme thread too, but I’m grateful I knew it should be the first to go when I don’t have the time. I’m grateful I know my limits when I’m busy and don’t try to burn the candle at both ends(too often :grimacing:). I’m grateful I made Checking In Daily my #1 priority upon returning this time, and think I’ve only missed 2-3 days in over a year. I’m grateful my mind comes up with weird rules sometimes, like ‘I have to read thru every post before I’m allowed to post my own’. I’m grateful that means I never get behind more than a days worth of posts. I’m grateful you got me in here today Eric :pray: I do feel gratitude in my life, but actually taking time to think about and list it reminds me there’s even more. I’ll definitely be popping in more often with the slow season on it’s way :grin:


I’m grateful for the word Kerfuffle. I don’t use it enough. At all :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: neither does spell check :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:

I’m grateful for Ketchup.
I’m grateful for Kite flying. Don’t do much of that lately either. Good memories of younger days.
I’m grateful for Kagaroos and the Kangeroo Song :notes: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m grateful for Kindness. Especially random acts of Kindness :blush:

I’m grateful I’m not Killing myself with my poisonous Booze anymore.

I’m grateful the Kennel at our vet won’t board Alice :grimacing: she’s too old :cry: I’m going to take it as a blessing and we will just have to find someone to pet/house sit for us when we need to travel. Fuckers! In the long run it will be less stressful for all.

I’m grateful when my cats act Kittenish.
I’m grateful for my Keepsakes

I’m grateful for @Kareness always nice to see you pop in.
I’m grateful for @Kaeo I hope you are well.
I’m grateful for @Kdog it’s been a long time since I seen you post, but you helped me early on in my recovery with your shares.

I’m grateful for K-os, Kinks, Ke$ha, Kenny Loggins, Kenny Chesney, Kendrick Lamar.

Grateful for Keeping Up Appearances
Grateful I’ve never watched an episode of Keeping Up With The Kardashians :face_with_hand_over_mouth::upside_down_face:

Grateful for Kale



Congratulations on the 9 months Naomi :boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom::boom:
Always a pleasure :pray:t2::heart:



I’m grateful for you guys here in TS community :wink:
I’m also grateful for:

  • God, Jesus, higher power and being able to have connection with them as long as my heart is open and mind honest
  • being persistent and disciplined as far as my daily diet and training plans are concerned
  • job and fact it’s well paid
  • being healthy and my condition is improving

Some of the things I am grateful for today.

Normal daily life is back. My daughter has been to school two days in a row, no migraines, no other difficulties. I am so grateful for that. For the peace that comes with this regularity, instead of worries for my child.

I started working on my game again. After a two months long summer break I assumed it would take me a while to get back into the mindset. Turns out it took me only a bit to get back into things. I even resolved one significant problem. I realised after all the technical prototyping I‘ve been doing, it‘s about time I get into the nitty gritty of the dramatic parts of it: story telling, setting up scenes, premises, characters, world building, story arcs. I so love my work.

Had enough energy to get all kinds of stuff done from my todo list this afternoon and do a yoga practice. I‘m glad I did so. It always leaves me feeling much better.

Now I‘m off to a meeting.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Well done! Congratulations on 9 months sober! :confetti_ball:


I am grateful for the delicious bread i bought by accident and how wonderful it tasted.
I am grateful I like my job and I enjoy going to work almost every morning.
I am grateful for the waterproof headphones I treated myself with. It’s gonna make long swim sessions a bit more entertaining.
I am grateful nights are cooler now and my sleep is getting better.
I am grateful for sobriety. The clear head morning noon and night :yum:


I love Keeping up Appearances!! Yassss. So grateful for Mrs. Bouquet :bucket:


Bucket :joy:

Great show
My wife is always telling me to Mind the bicyclist Richard :joy:


Way to go friend!!! So excited for you – 9+ months:muscle: Lovely to see you posting your achievements and feeling so strong in your sober journey!

Grateful to see you doing so well and congrats on your new job!


oooh - really - waterproof headphones? I love that! I will have to invest in those for a better swim experience


Hey guys!!! I know it’s been AWHILE since I’ve checked in but I’m still here and still sober! Wish I could tell you I was doing ok but that just simply isn’t the case. Medically, I’m in between surgeries for carpal tunnel right now. I got the left side done and still waiting to get the right side done. I have a condition called hortons disease ( I’ve had since I was 24 ) and I’m now in cycle, we’ll have been since February. It’s really kicking my ass right now. I’ve missed a ton of work etc and falling behind on literally everything. This isn’t anything new to me though, I’ll manage. Just really haven’t been myself lately and struggling to gain any type of motivation. Really feel lost right now. Anyways, enough about me . Hoping you all are doing well and holding up. I’m 582 days in and still counting.
I’ve missed this community. Time to get this app and you guys back in a daily’s rotation. As always peace and love to all of you!


Ah man - i was just thinking about you. Glad to see you posting here. 582 days!!! WOW friend :tada:

Wishing yo well with your 2nd surgery. You are dealing with a lot and I’m sorry that it is effecting your daily life / work. Sending you love and support my friend.

glad hear it - we’ve missed you too :hugs:


Thanks for the support @Pandita @JazzyS and @Dazercat. Although I’m not posting as regular as I used to, I always find my way back here to you fine people. I appreciate you! :two_hearts:


I’m grateful for
A jolly meeting tonight lots of laughter in the room
My HP for lightnesses of spirit today
My daughter phoning her mum😊
My mum sounding happier in her texts today
Chicken and stuffing
My ts crew
My little water heater for making my clothes warm today
Big bottle of water
Being kind to my letting agents today when the fire alarm went off for no reason at three AM last night
I’m grateful it stopped after two minutes
Im grateful I wasn’t drunk and kicking right off about said alarm
Im grateful no one was on fire
Im grateful my sponsor got her ass back from 200 miles away so she can take calls and look after this recovering hot mess



Wow 9 months congratulations!



Kangaroo Kite and Kid

Grateful today

Lost 19 lbs since July 1st

AA meeting simply the best

Met with sponsor today - step work

See so many changes in my life since I invited my God to direct me and my actions

Attended a women’s group today I enjoyed so much

Pool aerobics class - love the group


Welcome back congratulations 582 days!