Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Monday gratitude. Where did the weekend go? One blink and it’s over!

Today I’m grateful for

  • journaling and getting the new calender started
  • being alive as I transcribed not only birthdays but also some sad dates of death to the new calendar
  • heating the wood fired kitchen stove for the first time this season
  • the workers had 6 hours before rain started to proceed with whatever they are doing now
  • I didn’t get a heart attack when a truckload of gravel was dumped in front of the house. I thought it will be delivered wednesday.
  • The homecooked meal was mäh, but I was hungry and it was quite healthy. I’m grateful I have enough.
  • I’m grateful for logs in the cellar.
  • Some pieces of electronic trash found the way to the car to be dumped at the recycling center. Yes, I restart my procrastination fasting program
  • Missi is such a lovely, needy, purring furball
  • Made another round of jam
  • Binge watching a new series is fun
  • Keeping up with chores is useless but I give my best anyway
  • Gratefully thinking about what last week’s therapy session gave me to chew on
  • Knitting, it’s a nice way to be present

I’m grateful for all my blessings, for modern amenities, for my cozy house and comfy cloths & couch, for cats, for treats, for friends, neighbours and nice people in general. I’m grateful. ODAAT


Grateful I survived my first day of work and lasted the whole 10 hours on my feet.
Grateful my daughter went to the store with me because the wine really looked good tonight. Her support means the world to me.
Grateful for my family never giving up on me


Grateful for sobriety, sober energy to accomplish projects. Grateful light rain to keep new plants watered. Grateful for God keeping me strong today. Grateful for being able to sit down relax and not feel bad there are some unfinished tasks. I did what I could.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful it’ll stop raining today.
I am grateful the gym is opening at 6.
I am grateful for the massage yesterday. I’ll miss it. I am grateful I still could book two appointments.
I am grateful it’s easier to accept my emotional outbursts.
I am grateful I have enough.


@Peace I am sorry for your loss. I am right behind you in that grief as I am currently sitting at my dying Mother’s bedside in a hospice house.

Time to be grateful.
I am grateful I am able to be here. I wasn’t around for my Dad’s death. Part of that was Covid protocols part of that was alcoholism and fear.

I am grateful that this sweet 81 year old woman had sex 46 years ago with a sweet man which resulted in me.

I am grateful that my Mom will be with my Dad soon, if there is an afterlife she gets it. I’m grateful she would be swarmed by the 8 million, 47 thousand animals she fed and cared for in her life.
I’m grateful my sisters are here with me to help. I’m grateful she saw lots of family today. I’m grateful I will FaceTime my brother with her tomorrow if she still seems to be fighting something.

I’m grateful for moments of rest. I just had a few hours so my husband picked me up when I asked for a break. I’m grateful he knew the thing I needed the most was to be alone in our house. I haven’t had alone time in 2 days and it was precious. I’m grateful that when I told my sister my husband left me alone she was appalled and then impressed.
I’m grateful for nurses. We had the most compassionate nurse in the ER. I’m grateful I got her name and can recognize her. Lets start here, Robin you area badass and your compassion with my sometimes difficult Mother meant everything.

I’m grateful that when I returned from my break I learned that my mother gets combative now when her morphine wears off. I’m grateful I missed it and I really hope it doesn’t happen again. 81, with a broken ankle, on pounds of morphine lunging for the door. I’m grateful this feisty old lady is teaching me how to kick death in the dick.

I am grateful for this crazy ass circle we are fortunate enough to live. I am grateful I am getting to see the end stages up close. I am choosing to see it as a privilege and an honor. Sorry if this triggered, I was trying for compassion.




Thinking about you @TrustyBird during this time with your Mom. I’m glad that you are there.

@Peace thinking about you too … and all others who have ‘lost’ or are ‘losing’ loved ones.


Oh I’m so sorry love. :people_hugging: Sending you loads of love and comforting hugs. Grateful that you can be there during this time with her and have your sisters with you as well.
Your words were beautiful and compassionate.


Grateful for

Emilie having the opportunity to be with her mum. So sorry @TrustyBird :heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation::heavy_heart_exclamation:

Having an eye consultant for my syndrome and ongoing issues. Down and not out yet on that score.

Buses, they are rad

Baths :soap:

Silly kittens

Sourdough bread

All the opportunities I have that millions of others don’t… Basically everything in life is not a given.


Im sorry, i need to catchup on the thread again but would like to get my gratitude down before i rush out the door

Im greatful for…

Day 870 free
A milestone of 888 to look forward to
An aa meeting tonight
I got my ass up and running this morning
My endurance is getting better, not at 10k distance yet but working on my endurance
Boscoes better
Folks love Boscoe as much as us
Meds to keep me somewhat stable
A job where i feel safe to speak up
Catching the beautiful pink and purple sunrise
Not in a negative headspace
My higher power which i think ill call spirit
All made possible by sobriety


I’m grateful for Remaining sober.
I’m grateful for Red Roses. I’m grateful for all Roses and the fact that I do literally STOP and smell the Roses. I don’t care what anyone might think. Although I do wonder if anyone catches me sniffing their Roses. I’m grateful I have my own Roses to sniff as well.

I’m grateful for Red sky’s at nightfall.

I’m grateful for Raspberries. Especially when I bit into one that is so fresh and tasty that it transports me back to Canada on my auntie M’s farm where the raspberries grew in abundance and tasted the best ever.

I’m grateful I never ordered that Red wine, I picked out at the restaurant I was going to, on my 60th birthday with only 19 days sober. I came on here instead. And got help. I think that’s when I knew I was “Doing This!” It wasn’t easy after that. But definitely a memorable turning point in my journey. I’m grateful the TS Troops Rallied around this person they didn’t even know yet :heart:

I’m grateful for Rutabagas.
I’m grateful for Red onions.
I’m grateful for special Rocks.

I’m grateful for @Runningfree your, like the cool little sis I never had and grateful we can be on this journey together to support each other. Supporting you early on in your sobriety kept me sober like you will never know. So great to have you here.

I’m grateful for @RosaCanDo your love for cooking and pets and tomatoes and the support you give to all around here. And your beautiful dogs. And especially how you kept me sober early on in my sobriety on some late nights :pray:t2:

I’m grateful @Ray_M_C_Laren and you infinite wisdom in sobriety and I love seeing all your vacation pics and your garden.

I’m grateful for @Ravikamor hopefully we get to hook up again sometime if you’re ever in the Malibu area. Or I’m traveling in your direction. I’ll buy the donuts :doughnut: :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: you’ll have to eat them all I’m still off sugar.

I’m grateful for @Rob11 @RoseCityRonin @Rockstar24777

I’m grateful for Roosters, Rain, and Rainbows.

I’m grateful I can Relax more now that I’m not planning my life around the next drink.

“Living in a state of gratitude is the
gateway to grace.”





awww :smiling_face_with_three_hearts: this is sweet :heart: I still cherish my 1 year coin you sent me.


I’m grateful

  • for having online access to a counselor
  • for healing even though it sucks to go through and is hard
  • for the long walk I had today
  • for being able to get a bit of work done today despite my slightly grumpy mood and all my distractions
  • that visiting the kids at the orphanage cheered me up and we had a good visit playing football and talking to some of them about school and how things are. Those kids always make me smile…I just want them to feel cared for
  • for my very good friend S who always supports me and is letting me bunk at my place till the roof is done
  • for some roof progress

Im gratefull for

  1. My inner clock getting me up early so i can hit the gym #selflove
  2. Grateful for my wife, so loving and kind, great wife and mother
  3. Grateful for my sons being so young, what a special time in my life.
  4. Grateful to Brandon Sanderson for making stormlight archive.
  5. Grateful my wife and i connect on books and tv shows, specially reality competition shows.

I’m Relishing that Rainbow Rooster :wink: it’s Ravishingly Rremarable :rainbow: :rooster:


Tuesday gratitude.

Sending hugs to @TrustyBird and @Peace :people_hugging:

Today I’m grateful for tea after a night full of nightmares. For a better tasting meal than yesterday. For the workers to nearly finish the small stonewall. Next steps: gravel the driveway and rearrange all the stones still lying around the buildings. I want them parked for winter to not be in my way.
I’m grateful the old boy got fluids today and I took Missi to the vet, her eyes are infected. I’m grateful they all wanted treats when we were home again. Poor Schimanski was irritated.

I’m grateful I killed a wasp in the kitchen. No clue how it came in and very grateful I noticed it as I’m highly allergic.

I’m grateful I did some chores and office work today. Every task counts.

I’m grateful I rested and napped today, listening to my needs :pray:
I’m grateful for meditation and focused ME time. I was a lot less nervous afterwards.
I’m grateful for warm water. I’m grateful I can heat the furnace when the solar plant provides not enough. I’m grateful today it was not necessary.

I’m grateful that I watch this new series I started after the other one (that I didn’t like). I like it. I’m grateful I stop mid episode when I have enough. My life, my rules.

I’m very tired and go to bed now. Tomorrow is another day and early to bed is nice. ODAAT


Remember Remarkable! :upside_down_face:


Today I am grateful for 300 days of freedom from sugar and thus 300 days of my recovery journey. None of this would be possible without your support, this community here. I will be grateful forever I found TS :heart:

I am grateful for a good sleep this night. Grateful for a good morning.
Grateful we got my daughter‘s migraine episode very quickly under control. Grateful this new medical regime is helping. Grateful she could spend a normal day after only a few hours of migraine.

I am grateful for my work, the ideas I had, the time, energy and path I can follow.

I am grateful for the fabulous book I finished today.

I am grateful for relaxing yin yoga, a few walks today.

I am grateful I got so much done.

I am grateful for an inspiring phone call I had with one of my cousins. It‘s always good to talk to her.

I am grateful the day is done, I‘ll be off to sleep in a few and already looking forward to tomorrow.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


So grateful you found us too…love being on this journey with you Aga. Congratulations on your 300 day milestone :muscle:t4::tada::confetti_ball: