Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

So very sorry for your loss :bouquet:

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Yay 5 years!! Thats fantastic @Lisa07 keep leading the way.i appreciate your contributions to this community and am inspired by you. Maybe we can lobby with @Robin to make annuals up to 10 years?? Id get behind that


Good morning sober fam,

Running behind today and thought oh ill just not write down my gratitude but my ocd and practice is at play

Im so very greatful for
Those with more sobriety that give me hope
Those with less sobriety that remind me how hard it is to get and stay sober at the beginning
The newcomer
My recovery
Pushing myself for more
Not fixating on the scale
Flexibility at work
A run with the full moon on one side and the sunrise on the opposite
My folks
Hubby and good communication
The ability to save $, even if its not as fast as i would like, some dont have that luxury
Election season is almost over
My ladies aa mtg tonight


Sometimes in life, while fighting to be sober, you gotta step back and look at whatā€™s happening. Iā€™m in the midst of some of the most happiest days of my life. For 23 years iā€™ve been getting to work early, before my family wakes up. After making the leap and leaving my previous company of 10 years, iā€™m at a place now where i show up basically at 9am, but what that allows me to do is at the top of my Gratitude list.

  1. Being able to get my kids up, working with my wife to drop them off to school. I can get food ready for them, pray with them, and watch them walk into school. I then can drive and drop my wife off, allowing us some time to just talk. I only have FOMO when it comes to my boys. Driving to work after dropping my wife off, i just felt so accomplished.

  2. Another thing i appreciate is being able to hit the gym in the morning.

  3. Getting to the gym, showering, going home, getting the kids off, talking to my wife, and then driving to work, is a massive Self Esteem Boost for me. The negative talk is destroyed by Gratitude and appreciation for whatā€™s happening in this moment.

Itā€™s like Gratitude nulifies negativity and freeā€™s me from the prison of self preoccupation.

  1. Iā€™m sitting here at work, and iā€™m happy. Iā€™m not E the addict, iā€™m moving forward, ODAAT.

5 years!!! :partying_face::muscle:


You The Boss, Girl :boom::boom::boom::boom::boom:
Congratulations on your hard fought 5 years of sobriety. I am so happy you get to see your sisters to celebrate this monumental accomplishment.
So grateful for you and to be on this journey with ya.
:birthday: :birthday: :birthday::birthday::birthday:


Grateful I woke up with a positive viewpoint. I need to start working on it early, as time goes by my mind plays games.

Grateful I ate breakfast and need to focus on making that happen earlier.

Grateful I decided to get my sh*t together today, gather things, prepare to sell things, donā€™t spend time only thinking. With a mind like mine, itā€™s only good when thoughts are good.

I will try music today. Grateful I have all kinds of tools for that.

Grateful that @Lisa07 is a Queen of the World today!


Super on 5 yearsā€¦Thanks for being here to shareā€¦The success of others is the attraction for me to continue my sober journey.


Good Luck on your job interview. Sending you positive thoughts for success.


Today Iā€™m grateful for
Jesus. Always
My group meeting last night and the people in it
My camping trip next week
Autumn season
Clean sheets
Old tv shows (nostalgia)
For those of you who continue to grow in your sobriety and help pave the way for us. Itā€™s really awesome to see the days, months, YEARS


I love your posting. Made me smile. OK so I finally looked up FOMO meaning. Usually ignore because I didnā€™t know what it meant. Fear Of Missing Out, right? Thanks for making me seek meaning in all areas of my sobriety.


Thursdsay gratitude.
Iā€™m grateful for solid sleep. Not grateful for nightmares.
Iā€™m grateful I started the day early, morning chores, some ME time. Iā€™m grateful my ex sent me two beautiful pictures from places he visited and we talked about yesterday. Such thing never happened before. Iā€™m grateful for civil and friendly communication. Iā€™m irritated. By many things and feelings. Iā€™m grateful I live alone and can unwind after a busy day without any socializing. Iā€™m irritated that I appreciate that so much and donā€™t miss him but I miss missing him :thinking:. Iā€™m too tired to dig behind this imbroglio.

Iā€™m grateful the appointment with the endocrinologist went well. Next steps to improve health in progress. Iā€™m grateful she told me I look a lot better and more vital than last time. A remarkable change.

Iā€™m grateful for therapy today. I chewed a lot on last weekā€™s session. It helped clearing my mind and sorting some thoughts and feelings to discuss it. There is a lot of change going on in my life and obviously within me too. Iā€™m grateful I take the changes around me as they are without letting them too close to my heart and soul. My ex suddenly communicates: nice, feels more comfortable than silent treatment but not more. My elderly neighbour downtown moves to assisted living: Iā€™m grateful for it as his wife still works fulltime as a nurse and caretaking of him has been a real burden on her lately. We donā€™t have endless ressources and we donā€™t get younger. Iā€™m grateful she will find their little dog a new home. She canā€™t keep her, this uneducated barker wonā€™t stay alone and drive all neighbours nuts. He canā€™t take him to assisted living as they donā€™t take care of pets (you can bring them with you) and he is not able to take care without assistance. So many changes.

Iā€™m grateful I found time between appointments to run some errands, check the townhouse, collect mail, do urgently needed grocery & household shopping. I came home so tired I didnā€™t even notice the empty carport!!! The stones are gone, itā€™s filled up with gravel, oh man, I can use all my carport, not only half! Well, when my ex removes the oldtimer standing right in the middle of the driveway. And the big gravel pile in the driveway is gone. Iā€™m grateful for all the work going on.

Iā€™m grateful I rest and unwind in a healthy way: couch, series, Dƶner with double veggies, petting a purring cat, drinking lots of water with a sip of homemade sirup, a short nap when my eyelids get heavy.

Iā€™m grateful I enjoyed the warm autmn sun today, this is my soulweather. Iā€™m grateful I was able to shoo thoughts of not doing enough and feeling driven. I did a lot, I did my best, urgent & necessary tasks are done. Thatā€™s fine and it is enough. I must work on decompressing again and gratefully notice it. Progress, not perfection. ODAAT :pray:


Iā€™m grateful I found Tara The Mother Of All Buddhaā€™s. Weā€™ll havenā€™t really found her but Iā€™m learning more and more and Iā€™m fascinated by it all. Iā€™m especially grateful for the Green Tara Mantra
Om Tara Tu Tara Tu Ray Swaha
I get to use it to attract help, compassion, strength and healing.

Iā€™m grateful for my best friend Tommy. All the way back from my childhood on Old Marsh Hill Rd where we grew up. We never see each other but when we talk on the phone it seems like yesterday.

Iā€™m grateful for Todays Hope

Iā€™m grateful for
THINK is itā€¦?

Iā€™m grateful for the Time I have Today
Iā€™m grateful for Trees
Iā€™m grateful for Tomatoes, especially a good tomato when it brings me back to childhood memories eating tomatoes out of our garden like a fresh picked apple. Iā€™m Thandful I had That Kind of a childhood.

Iā€™m grateful for Televisions and Telephones.

Iā€™m grateful for our 7th cat Trax, our neighbors cat. He was neglected because they had 4 dogs and we asked if we could have him and they faxed those records over to the vet at lightening speed no questions asked :scream: I guess they really didnā€™t want him.

Iā€™m grateful for @TMAC Boston buddy, maybe next time.
Iā€™m grateful for @TrustyBird @tailee17 @Tragicfarinelli @Thirdmonkey you have all been a great support and great sober friends. Love you guys.
Iā€™m grateful for @tifflynn07 miss you. Hope you are well.
Grateful for @Tito23 @Tomek @Tony1878

Iā€™m grateful for Tom Petty :pray:t2::pray:t2::pray:t2:
Iā€™m grateful for The Talking Heads

Iā€™m grateful for Today and One Today At A Time

Iā€™m grateful for Tacos, Tigers, and Turkeys

Iā€™m grateful I still got my Teeth
Iā€™m grateful for possibilities of Tomorrows

ā€œI would lie in bed at night and say the alphabet, counting all the things I had to be grateful for, starting with the letter A . . . This made a great change in my life.ā€
As We Understood . . .
From Todays
Courage To Change


Iā€™m grateful for you, my friend! This place would not be anywhere near the same without your presence :slight_smile:


The best friends I have, are all from here.


Congratulations :sunflower::tada::upside_down_face: how wonderful. I am happy for you.

If I remember correctly you can add personal milestones in the app.


Iā€™m grateful

  • for good conversations
  • exercise
  • cooking
  • cuddles with my dogs
  • lavender tea
  • for being sober
  • for good days and for bad days
  • that I made it through today
  • for hope

Such a great share :orange_heart:. I am really happy for you and hope you have an awesome solo trip to your sisters.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I have the day tomorrow.
I am grateful I had a call with my friend I dreaded and it was okay. Again. When it comes to declining something towards a friend itā€™s usual acceptable.
I am grateful for the nice warm weather.
I am grateful that a new cycle finally began.
I am grateful I have enough.


Thanks for the mention there Eric,Tmac is quite right when he says TS wouldnā€™t be the same without you :100: :raised_hands:t2: :raised_hands:t2: