Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Today I am grateful for my 3rd day of sobriety. I can’t believe I could do 3 days a just last week. But here I am. I’m grateful for my job and I’m grateful I could start making the changes I need to get better before it ended in me losing my job or getting in trouble with the law. I’m so happy for today!


It has been a while since I posted on here…weird, strange things happening in my mind.

I have however been checking in every day. Looking at all the wonderful things everyone is grateful for. Laughing and crying and smiling and living and being in each and every one of your moments. Today, I am grateful for this community. Knowing it’s here. Looking forward to the wonderful ways @Dazercat is weaving the alphabet into the gratitudes, watching @JazzyS celebrate everyone’s moments and sharing yours, @tailee17 and the wonderful images…everyone here has made me smile and I am grateful for you. For all your journeys and the absolute honour that it is for me to be a tiny part of it with you.

Thank you!

I am grateful for the summer rains!!! I cannot wait for the first big thunderstorm of the season. I have the perfect book for it! A friend’s second book! He wrote a sci-fi!

I am grateful for obscure sorrows…today’s word:

nyctous adj. feeling quietly overjoyed to be the only one awake in the middle of the night - sitting alone with a laptop and a cup of tea or strolling down the centre line of an abandoned street - taking in the world like an empty theatre between productions, stripped down to a simple black box, open to be whatever you want it to be.

Thank you for being you! x


Thanks for the shout out friend :pray:t4:… great to see you posting. I look forward to learning new words. Appreciate your check ins :slightly_smiling_face:


Aww thank you SO much! I’m definitely grateful for all of you here at TS! :heart: :blue_heart: :purple_heart:


I’m grateful my Mom passed yesterday. I’m grateful she was in Hospice and hopefully had minimal pain. I’m grateful my siblings are with me. I’m grateful I was able to be with her for all but maybe 5 hours of her dying journey.

I’m grateful I know that drinking doesn’t cure sadness.


I’m so sorry for your loss, Emilie. Grateful you were present and sober for her final journey.


Thank you Eric. You are true source of inspiration for me. Some people on this forum you just seem to really click with and I think you are top of that list. You were so welcoming and full of kind words on my arrival.
I am grateful to have you in my life


Sending hugs and love to you my friend. So sorry for your loss. Grateful she was surrounded by loved ones and helping caring hospice staff :pray:t4:


So sorry for your loss.


My deepest condolences to you and your family :people_hugging::yellow_heart:


I’m grateful God carried me through my 3rd day at work.
I’m grateful I didn’t buy a drink to relax after work. 1 is never enough. I know that


Sending strength and hugs your way @TrustyBird

Great reminder


Grateful today

  • 204 Days Alcohol Free
  • Fun AA Meeting
  • Back orchard got mowed
  • Completion of accounting tasks
  • Good Healthy Food to create great meals
  • Gym Pool Time
  • My couch where I can rewind before bed

My condolences to you :cry:
Jen @Peace and Emilie @TrustyBird
I am so sorry about the loss of your mothers.
My thoughts and prayers are with you both and your families in this very difficult time.


Grateful for you too! Thanks for the shout out!


I am grateful for the lovely feedback on the work I do. It came unexpected, so it felt especially nice. I am grateful to have run into an old class mate of mine and have a little chat and make plans to meet again for a longer catch up, when he is back in town. I am grateful for my short lunch stroll along the waterfront - sun was shining, leaves are starting to fall. It was nice. Trying to be grateful for all the critters on this planet, but currently struggling with it. Saw a huge fleshy spider in my living room (size of my hand) last night. It ran off, when I tried to catch it and now it can be possibly anywhere, right? Trying to convince myself it’s just as scared of me as I am scared of it. I am grateful for a good night sleep, despite the unwelcome room mate.


I am really sorry for your loss Emilie. I am sure your mom felt you were all there and around. Sending hugs :orange_heart:


Grateful for waking up and not coming to.

Grateful everything is falling into place for my solo trip to see my sisters next weekend. I was going to surprise them and just show up but I don’t know where they will be when I arrive (taking an Uber from the airport) and I’m only there for a couple days so I wanna be apart of their plans. Guess I’ll shoot them a text later today.

Grateful my daughter is taking my trip well after daddy convinced her they’ll have fun together and mom deserves a break.

Grateful to be celebrating 5 years today. My AA celebration was planned for next Saturday and now that needs to be changed. Maybe I’ll celebrate at my Monday night meeting instead or I’ll wait to celebrate at the end of October. Grateful to be figuring out where and when to celebrate rather than where and how I’m getting my next drink or drug.

This is my last ST milestone chip to share. They don’t go past 5 years. I wonder why? Maybe Robin didn’t have room on the app for more. Grateful for Robin. Without him, I would have never met all you fine folks. Grateful for all of you and your amazing support. :heart:


I’m grateful I didn’t wake up hurting that much.
I’m grateful for my new job
I’m grateful for an interview tomorrow with a higher paying job.
I’m grateful God has me today


So happy to see this! Congratulations on your 5 years Lisa. So happy that you are going to be able to take this trip to visit your sisters. Hope you have a wonderful time. Many more milestones to come :muscle:t4:. Keep leading the way