Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I’m grateful

  • for getting a lot of work done this morning
  • for being able to rest this afternoon
  • for ginger tea with lemon and honey
  • for fermented ginger honey
  • for cuddles with my dogs
  • for good books and relaxing music
  • for hot soup for dinner
  • for the softer kind of tissues
  • for good friends
  • for being sober

Utterly unbelievable that a unicorn uses umbrella! :hugs:


I am grateful for time with my dad. Even though it’s not easy and lots of emotions come up, I am glad he is around. I am grateful for september light. I am grateful I have a patch of garden I get to visit today. I am grateful I get to dig in the dirt and harvest what’s left of the summer. I am grateful for my friends and the annual meet up to visit the botanical gardens. I am grateful to be free of alcohol and I get to actually live my life.


Oooooooo, I love this line.

I am also grateful for that despair.


Good morning!
I slept in this Saturday morning to 5:30! My normal wake up is 4:00 and this time I was able to roll over and go back to sleep. I’m grateful to have had another good night of sleep.

I’m grateful to be sober. I’m so grateful every day that I made the change in my life and that I mostly have so much of my life in a good place.

I’m grateful to be sober because a clear mind with appropriate sleep and nutrition can handle a lot of work and a lot of life with patience and kindness. A hungover body and brain has so much going against it. So I am grateful for the work I do in my sobriety and recovery to take good care of myself.

I’m grateful to be sober so that I have the mindset and mindfulness to be able to make good decisions and continue the journey of finding my best self to share with the world.

I’m grateful to be sober and to be on this sober journey with my husband. Each of us has our own track, our own supports, and our own strategies. But doing this beside each other has brought us closer and made our marriage very special. We are able to be present for each other as we continue to process the meaning of our lives and what we want to get out of it in our remaining time together. To be in a sober marriage in which two people are truly working in themselves is a very special circumstance. This is a second marriage for both of us, and while we have always taken this seriously, it gets to an amazing level of emotional intimacy when we are working on our recovery in sobriety.

I am grateful for all the work that others have done in recovery knowledge and skills and the understanding of trauma in our lives. I benefit every day from learning and working on strategies based on the teaching of others. I’m grateful that I have been able to recognize when my mental health is at risk and have been able to access supports to get me through hard episodes.

I am grateful for the relationships I have with my adult sons. I am grateful that they allow me to be a loving mom of adults and that they are learning important lessons along the way. I am grateful to be able to keep working on being a good mom for them.

I am grateful for meaningful work in my life. I’m grateful that while it is demanding and rewarding, it is not emotionally dangerous or damaging. I’m embracing this stage of my career where I want to enjoy the routines of the school days and not be responsible for so many of the difficulties that school leaders face. It was a good decision 4 years ago to leave the principal role and return to the love and joy and organized chaos of the classroom. I am grateful that the little school I’m at recognized something in me and gave me this chapter of my life.

I’m grateful for my physical health. I escaped most of the physical damage that 30plus years of drinking can bring and with good nutrition, exercise, sleep, and a big reduction in stress, I am calmer and better than I have ever been in my life. I do not wake up sick and dehydrated every morning. I do not participate in the anxiety cycle that alcohol placed on me. I can work hard for long full days and maintain a sense of calm and kindness.

I’m grateful to have a safe and loving home and the resources to take care of myself and my family. It’s a small and humble bit of property and my car is old and dented, but I have what I need and I know that is an amazing thing in today’s world. I’m so grateful I jumped off the crazy carousel of trying to keep up with some unrealistic and unhealthy version of home. Being a wine lady just made me poorer and sloppier and full of angst. I’m so grateful that I was brought to the moment of despair that finally woke me up and shook me up and made me make a change.

I share all this to say that 1057 days of sobriety has undoubtedly improved my life. It has not been easy and it took a lot of energy to make the changes, but it is absolutely worth it and I share this to encourage you to keep going in your journey.

I wish you peace.


I am grateful knowing that not finding gratitude is a problem.
Grateful for a nice interview I didn’t expect yesterday, selling things over three states.
**For the line above, so grateful that HR depends on the human not the AI of the human resume
Grateful for the letter U and the coming letter V. Those things matter to me.
Grateful that I am still here, still alive, so are my kids, my dogs, the cat.


I’m grateful my life became Unmanagable,
again, two and a half plus years ago, and I sought help through Al-Anon. I’m so grateful for the tears of relief that came out of my soul on those first few meetings in Scottsdale and then in Flagstaff. All those people understood and accepted me with open arms.

Ahh fuck!! Just realized I’m on V :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: dang it :grimacing:

I’m grateful my Vanquishing spirit will carry me past that oopsie above and onto the V’s

I’m grateful for my Vegetarian daughter. I love eating vegetarian dishes with her in solidarity when our spouses won’t. I’m grateful she’s turned me on to some great Vegan restaurants. But I got to go with her because I don’t know what the hell to order.

I’m grateful for being so Vulnerable in my shares. At least I’m told quite often. It really helps my healing process.

I’m grateful for the Violin. Especially when my daughter played it in junior high. She was so cute. But I really do love the Violin in rock n roll music.

I’m grateful I’m Vaccinated and will be all Vaxed up again soon.
I’m grateful I’m registered to Vote. Imma gonna Vote my ass off!!

I’m grateful for Violet. The color and the flower.

I’m grateful for all the wonderful Vacations I’ve been able to take in my life. Especially the ones with family, children, where everything seems to go wrong and there’s unhappy children. But it’s sooo fucking worth it in the end.

I’m grateful for the word Voila! Don’t think I’ve ever used it with you guys. But I like that word. And it’s fun to say.

I’m grateful for @VSue you’ve been a great constant presence here and I always enjoy seeing you and your wisdom here on the forum.
I’m grateful for @Vanessa8 stick with us. This is a great community.



The **V’s :white_check_mark::white_check_mark::white_check_mark:

Each time you resist “being right,” and instead choose kindness, you’ll notice a peaceful feeling within.
Don’t Sweat The Small Stuff


I’m grateful

  • for my friends visit today
  • for board games
  • for being able to relax and stay in today (more like lay around pathetically)
  • cuddles with my dogs
  • good conversations with my friend and that we can be open and honest with each other. That she never judges me or makes me feel ashamed. That we can have serious talks and fun easy going ones
  • for hope and feeling peace
  • for being sober

I am grateful for this day.
I am grateful for bike rides in the sun shine.
I am grateful for yoga in the morning.
I am grateful for sleeping through the night.
I am grateful for having fun with my daughter at manga day.
I am grateful for my beautiful child.
I am grateful for having an argument with my ex, for yelling and for finally understanding why so many of our conversations end in me loosing it and yelling.
I am grateful for good food.
I am grateful for all my IT stuff, for computers, tablets, smartphones.
I am grateful for TV series that can get my mind off exhausting stuff.
I am grateful for realising that escapism is only useful for so long.
I am grateful for a nap.
I am grateful for my wonderful flat.
I am grateful for my plants.
I am grateful I know my neighbours will stop smoking at some point and go to bed and I‘ll be able to air my bed room.
I am grateful for the day coming to an end.
I am grateful for life.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


UGH – sorry you have to deal with that love. Hope you are able to get a clean smelling space soon so you can sleep without the icky smell :hugs:


Saturday gratitude.
Today I’m grateful I’m sober. With this workload I would be a exhausted, overwhelmed mess if my body had to deal with alcohol or overeating hangovers. Same for codependent mimimi. I’m grateful I do what I can, some even with joy, rest when I need it, focus on myself and take it ODAAT. Still exhausted and sometimes overwhelmed but not a mess. Well, not more than usual.

i’m grateful for HALT, when i’m too tired to remember what I’ve eaten (or if I’ve eaten at all) that day it helps so much to find the right balance.

I’m grateful for breath meditation and Insight Timer.
I’m grateful I’m home tomorrow, I had to drive grocery & household shopping today again as I forgot half of the things yesterday and I had a car full of stuff for the recycling center.
I’m grateful I took a very long nap after lunch and do the last round of cooking jam now. Well, I started. Will finish tomorrow.

I’m grateful I bought a wrist blood pressure meter at last. My Dr.s have been telling me to monitor my blood pressure for a year. Ok, they are right, it is too high. Let’s see what I can do with lifestyle changes until christmas. Then we can take meds into therapy. But first my turn. I’m not amused but nobody said life is only honey & unicorn farts. Now my fucking weight has to go down for health reasons. Poor mimimiME is definitely not amused *makes grumpy face pouting

I’m grateful I will recover from my mimimi and find a way.

I’m grateful for freshly washed curtains. Now the not-cleaned windows look double dirty.

I’m grateful I finished the series I was bingewatching and agree to the comments: Good that there was not another season. The last one was so boring I watched a lot in fast forward mode.

I’m grateful for funny, playing, miowing cats who come over and demand pets.
I’m grateful I call it a day and go to bed, the stove turned itself off and I have no clue why nor does it interest me. ODAAT.


OMG – i do look forward to seeing your word play and word imagery!

No they sure did not – what have I been waiting for? :laughing:



Happy Saturday my sober peeps! So very grateful for today. Grateful for Waking up to a new day of opportunities. Grateful for 21 months of sobriety. Grateful for my resilience and positive attitude even when dealing with annoying symptoms and overwhelming pain. Grateful for coffee. Grateful that I can use my french press to make coffee in the early morning hours to avoid brewing (my brother if you can believe it hates the smell of coffee - yeah that is shocking for me too LOL). I am so grateful for my Higher Power. Grateful for me pushing through and going to check out a event in a nearby town. It wasn’t as great as I had expected. I am so grateful for relaxing at home in my pj’s - grateful that i’m ok with this being my Saturday evening.
Grateful for you amazing souls - thank you for all the love and support and for being on this journey with me! :hugs:

Wishing everyone a wonderful addiction free day / evening – sending you all so much love :heart: :heart:


21 months Jazzy!!!
I love it.
I’m grateful you are here. Enjoy your restful Saturday Eve. And of course that coffee :coffee: :blush:


Thanks my friend. Appreciate you and your support. :people_hugging:


I’m grateful for
Staying sober today
P.A.U.S.E. ( pause action until serenity emerges)
A Warm bed
Food to eat
Learning it’s ok to not always be ok
My daughter
Being able to sleep as long as I like tonight
This gratitude thread
Doing all I needed to do today to keep my sobriety intact
Understanding I don’t always have the answers to things


Greatful to be inspired into my gratitude practice by @EarnIt post

Im so very greatful

Im having a relaxing saturday
Feeling tough emotions rather than drinking and numbing myself
My recovery
Time to clean and do chores
Afternoon nap
Walk with Boscoe
Forecasted fall weather tomorrow
A gym challenge tmrw am: 2000m row, 300 bodyweight reps, 5k run
Omg i just found the bob ross channel on roku!
Texts with friends and family



For my “real life” friends :pray:t2:
Support from you lot
Food in the fridge
Running water
New kindle book
Rainy comfy days
TV reception
To have a car
My cats
A bed


Grateful for a week of: Anniversary of a life-changing accident, from which I still live.
A week of living in this place, which has provided nice nature view.
A week of the Suicide Walk, which I am due to volunteer in.
A week where 9 months of alcohol-free life is mine.

Grateful for Indian food and two meals purchased by my kid, who last night told me I freak her out without being safe enough (eating), given my health and wellness drive.

Thankful for this group and for this thread that keeps my attention.

Happy Autumn, my friends.