Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

Congratulations on your 9 months of sobriety :muscle:t4::muscle:t4:…that’s huge! Keep up the great work.

With sobriety we start to change many other aspects of our lives. Health and wellness being key and overall mental clarity. Keep at it friend. .I see you making many positive changes :blush::muscle:t4:


Appreciate it, but it’s not until a week from today! :slight_smile:


I’m grateful for Warren Zevon
Werewolves of London.
And The Wizard Of Oz
The Who
And Weird Al

I’m grateful for this Wonderful thing we call life. More grateful for it now because I’m sober.

I’m grateful for Words. Bet we take that for granted :thinking: Or am I stretching it here :joy:

I’m grateful I always considered myself a professional Waiter and I’m proud to admit it. It wasn’t a secondary job for me and I took it seriously and I was damn fucking good at it.

I’m grateful for Women
I’m especially grateful for all the Women I’ve met in recovery. And all the women I’ve met in my life. Women have always seem easier to get along with than guys. For me anyway.

I’m grateful for my Walks and hikes. I’m grateful I have a body capable of doing that.

I’m grateful for ocean Waves. I continue to take pictures of them looking for that perfect Wave. Maybe they’re all perfect :thinking: :ocean:

I’m grateful for @WilliamBloke @Wakikki @waywardwanderer @wahtisnormal @Wunderbar @Willowwhiny

I’m grateful I got my Window replaced and I can see out of it now in the office/exercise room.

I’m grateful for Whales
I’m grateful for Water
And Walruses. Odobenus nosmarus :nerd_face: A Huddle of Walruses.

I’m grateful I have a favorite Whisk. It belongs to my late BIL. I don’t know how it ended up in my house. But it did and now it’s here in California. I think of him when I reach for it. He was taken way too young by complications of this fucking disease at barely 50 :cry: And of course he had the biggest heart :heart: ever!! And the nicest guy.

I’m grateful I’m not Wasting away my bronze years around my next drink.

:pray:t2: :waffle: :heart:

“As with all commandments, gratitude
is a description of a successful mode of living. The thankful heart opens our eyes to a multitude of blessings that continually
surround us.”

-James E. Faust


Aaah…I misread that. No worries love …we will celebrate you today for all you are doing for your recovery and in a week your proper 9 month milestone :tada::people_hugging::heart:


I’m grateful

  • for helpful neighbors and friends
  • for naan and kefir
  • for being able to rest today
  • for ginger tea with lemon slices
  • for knowing that things like colds, flus and the such are temporary and will go away
  • for good books
  • for my neighbors kids who came by to tell me a story so ‘I’d feel better faster’ they were super cute and thoughtful
  • cuddles with the dogs

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for a nice long weekend of active rest. Mental rest.
I am somehow grateful that my broken bike forced me on my MTB and slow down a bit. It’s fascinating how such a subtle change can change my perspective so much.
I am grateful there where few people out in the woods.
I am grateful I found such a good book to learn reading notes.
I am grateful for audiobooks.


I am grateful for today.
I am grateful I woke up after sleeping for a whole night.
I am grateful for ten months recovery journey. Grateful for all the people that supported me and and keep supporting me on this path. You all here, and my Recovery Dharma communities.
I am grateful for the marvelous late september weather, perfect for my equinox hike.
I am grateful I got to spend my day in nature, walking, admiring, enjoying the end of summer.
I am grateful could get there and back with public transport.
I am grateful for a nap on the bus.
I am grateful for good food.
I am grateful with my daughter‘s migraine at least the pain has reduced significantly.
I am grateful I can reach out to my ex every time she has a migraine how to deal with that and rely on his expertise.
I am grateful I can apply my mindfulness training to all the worries and anxiety her migraine episodes trigger in me.
I am grateful for my new progressive lenses which made my hike so much more enjoyable. I was able to read the map and see what I wanted to make pictures of without fussing around with my glasses.
I am grateful I was able to stay present today.
I am grateful for TV, books and music.
I am grateful for the wonderful summer I had this year.
I am grateful I live in a place with seasonal changes I can experience.
I am grateful for this life.
I am grateful for this universe.
I am grateful for this day.


Just For Today…:sun_with_face:

I’m grateful it’s now FALL! No more ridiculous heat, crisp chilly mornings, back to wearing hoodies and sweaters, the crowds of tourists here have finally dissipated, and I’m sleeping much better.

Grateful for a good, steady job. Just made my 1 year anniversary with my company.

Grateful to have this quiet, peaceful Sunday morning off.

Grateful for the fun game night last night with friends.

Grateful for coffee :coffee:, be it hot or iced.

Grateful to have very little to no drama in my life. Sometimes boring and mundane is JUST FINE.

Grateful I’ve finally learned not to sweat the small stuff.

Grateful for my Mrs. Bloke. You’re the best, baby!! :kissing_heart:

Grateful to have just what we need, and not being in debt up to our ears.

Grateful to my HP.

That’s it for now!



Sunday gratitude.
I’m grateful I was up early. Chill morning, beautiful sunrise never gets old. Waking up sober never gets old. Waking up not overeaten never gets old. I’m grateful Yesterday ME took good care of herself and didn’t borrow from tomorrow :pray:

I’m grateful I took pictures in the morning, if I don’t fall asleep I will post some on the fitting threads. I’m grateful I was grateful, happy, serene and full of energy this morning. After a crappy night and nightmares. Once they will kill me. Or a miracle happens and they vanish. I’m grateful this was one of the things I turned over to God at today’s service. I’m grateful for service on TV.

I’m grateful this round of preserving produce is done. I’m grateful for two dozens heaven in glasses, the dishwasher and funny cats. Missi played with a Jalapeno all day. And stole my teabags. I’m grateful the youngsters enjoyed the beautiful weather on the balcony while the old boy slept on the couch.

I’m grateful I cooked healthy today and have enough for tomorrow and 2 portions to freeze. The joy of not sweating and airing the house after cooking is unbeatable.

I’m grateful the ex fetched another trailer full of clinker today. I’m grateful I did not help him. I was busy in the kitchen and rested after lunch. I’m grateful I told him my opinion about working physically when he had fever the last 2 days and has a cold. And left it there. No overcaring, no nagging he should know better with his health condition. Simply kept my mouth shut, wished him a speedy recovery and worked on letting go. Not my business, not my health, not my decisions, nothing I can control or change. I’m grateful I fell asleep over breath meditating about it. Progress, not perfection.

I’m grateful for two calls with friends. It was nice catching up and chatting.

I’m grateful I take good care of Tomorrow ME. I’ll be happy to find the kitchen in an ok post-cooking-all-day state, the last charge of jars sterilized and ready to be stored, the dishwasher ready for the next loads, clean space to make breakfast, dry laundry to put away, a post it of additional morning chores. I do what I can and this is enough.

I’m grateful for silence, the noises of modern amenities working, for the comfy cloths I wear, for purring around me, for being at home all day, for hot showers, for finding confidence when I do my best. What will be will be, I can handle it as long as my mind is open and I focus on the things I can do and change. I’m grateful I’m good at making decisions. I’m grateful I’m only responsible for my life. I’m grateful days like today are learning and practicing days.
I’m grateful I’ll put my sober head on a pillow soon. ODAAT :pray:


Im greatful for…

My recovery
Challenging myself mentally, physically, spiritually
Good communication with the hubby
The sponsee i was worried about picking up found another sponsor
Hot coffee
Boscoe cuddles
A clean kitchen
Fall weather
Family dinner


I am very grateful for the drastic changes in me lately! It took forever, but then the world suddenly started to open up. The worst is over. It flows.

For a lot more sleep lately. Not normal sleep, but enough to function and I’m over the moon that I am able to begin a regular schedule.

For fewer PTSD wicked nights. Still having symptoms but I can manage them.

For the beautiful pool I went to today. It’s very close and I love to swim. New habit beginning.

For air conditioning! Fall isn’t here yet :sun_with_face:

For my new volunteer gig. Service work will help me.

For lots and lots of hope this week. It’s kinda everywhere.

For Fall that will come here too, soon enough. I am making pumpkin drinks at home. :heart:

For food in my kitchen.


Today I’m grateful to have woken up sober. :smiling_face_with_three_hearts:

To have been available to spend time with my niece and nephew rather than hungover. :two_hearts:

I’m grateful to get to teach my niece how to play chess and watch her love for it grow. :chess_pawn:

I’m grateful to have left the big city life for a slower, sweeter one in the forest. :evergreen_tree:

I’m grateful for this app. It keeps me on track and it keeps me motivated. :black_heart:

I’m especially grateful for Autumn. :fallen_leaf::heart_eyes_cat:


I’d love to know more about these pumpkin drinks :eyes::heart_eyes_cat:


I’m grateful for autumn! (But I’ll be more grateful when it’s not 95 degrees)

I’m grateful that it’s my Mom’s birthday today. She is where I got my sense of tradition, and I am grateful we both have that.

I’m grateful for my SMART meeting facilitator. She’s amazing.

Grateful for 269 days of being hangover free!!! Grateful for you all and your shares. I’ll be grateful to see what is going to come after Z, @Dazercat ! :grin:


Maybe I’ll start counting :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:


I am grateful I discovered a bunch of muscles in my body, I didn’t know were there. Took a barre fitness class and it immediately makes me appreciate what dancers can do so much more.
I am grateful for connections with my friends. I am grateful for all the vegetables I harvested and the day I took to turn them into sauces, pastes, chips and dishes. I am grateful for one last late summer day. I am grateful I found the motivation to fix my bike and it’s ready to be ridden again. I am grateful for this place and the people here - it’s such a wonderful place to come to. Have a good start into the new week, everyone. :orange_heart:


Grateful to start in the morning, when positive is sharp.
Grateful to be walking along with @Davina_Davis on the 269-day path.
Grateful that currently there is a lot I don’t remember. I don’t think I could handle all of that at the moment.
Grateful that there is still a roof over this head.
Grateful that hopefully this early week will plop me into work I am really looking forward to.
Grateful for coffee.
Grateful for a ton of friends I need to ask for help. I do have so many.

Grateful for this group and thread. Much love and power to you!


Self awareness
Audio books
Rocket leaves (Obsessed!!!)
My cats (though they are skating on thin ice thinking 2am is an acceptable time to wake me)
Hot showers
Compassion :pray:t2:


AllllllRight then. Before I get into X…….I’m not going to lie. X is probably gonna be a little lame.

I’m grateful I stared off yesterday with Warren Zevon. Ya know, I’ve never actually seen him. I only remember that album from about 50 years ago and his 5 or 6 hit songs.

Well, I came across this on Twitter last night.

I just think this was the coolest thing ever yesterday. My god definitely works in mysterious ways. I mean I haven’t thought or listened to WZ in years. And I had no idea what he looked like.
Whatever ……. I thought that was pretty cool.


I’m grateful I’m at the letter X and that means I’m almost done with this alphabet gratitude thingy I’m doing for some reason.

Ya, so I’m grateful for X- rays. I’ve had a few in my time. I’m grateful for the people that can read the X-rays.

I’m grateful I use to like solving for X in algebra. Basic algebra, until it got too complicated and who really gave a shit.

I’m grateful predictive text is going to be no help when I plug in the letter X neither is the @ thingy because I don’t know anyone here beginning with @X

I’m grateful Xzylophone begins with X so I can write something down here.

I’m grateful you can abbreviate Christmas with Xmas but I don’t usually like to do that.

But in this case I’ll make an exception because I’m grateful and have always loved Xmas lights.

I’m grateful for my Xmas trip to London last year. What a wonderful Xmas gift for us.

I’m grateful I grew up and went to school in the age of the Xerox machine. Can ya smell it :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

I’m grateful to learn this day:
Xerus looks like a squirrel
X-ray fish, ya there’s an x-fish
Xenopus** looks like a frog.
Ximenia fruit or Hog Plum is great for inflammation


Proverbs 14:15
The simple believe everything,
but the clever consider their steps.