Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

I love it and watched. Thanks for sharing. Yep I had that album in my collection of vinyl. He died young and I can remember being sad. Xactly what I needed today. Xtremely!


I thought I should do my gratitude first thing today. I AM GRUMPY!

I am grateful for clean house. Never looked so great
I am grateful for vegetable juice
I am grateful for beautiful day
I am grateful 209 days sober
I am grateful for AA Meeting this morning
I am grateful for new way of thinking and learning to listen to my higher power on how to handle conflicts
I am grateful for all of you here.


Iā€™m grateful

  • for my neighbor who did my chores for me today and filled my water buckets
    -for my friend who brought me some food today and also washed my sheets
  • that my fever is lower today and I felt okay enough to move around more
  • for the sunshine
  • for my plants
  • for good books/audio books
  • for hot tea
  • that I have a comfy and warm house

You have some really GOOD FRIENDS and deserve them. Feel better my friend.


Iā€™m grateful for this monday.
Up far too early due to nightmares and a jodeling oldtimer. Iā€™m grateful I took time to journal about the nightmares. Seems my subconscious is processing a lot. Some made even sense when I wrote it down.

I accomplished and did so much today, my brain runs in circles. Iā€™m grateful writing it down helped with the feeling I didnā€™t do stuff today. Iā€™m grateful things start falling into place. Appointments, information, oranizing ā€¦ This week is packed until sunday. Iā€™m grateful for all of it :pray:
Iā€™m grateful I ate healthy, not so grateful I was too hungry or nervous eating, I overdid it with lunch. Grateful I have 4 portions of yummi food in the freezer.

Iā€™m grateful I rest deliberately even when I donā€™t feel like resting. Taking care that I donā€™t overdo it or go into overdrive.
Iā€™m grateful I enjoyed the beautiful weather outside, on the balcony in the morning sunbathing, on the terrace late afternoon with a book and tea. Iā€™m grateful for my wonderful life. Iā€™m grateful I felt competent today and handled things well. Iā€™m grateful I asked the workers how to plant on the stonewall. Next attempt coming up!

Iā€™m grateful for catlove and the vet. I love my furballs so much :heart:

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ll be early to bed. Tomorrow two important appointments are scheduled. ODAAT :pray:


Iā€™m grateful that today is one of the good days in the healing process.
We all know it isnā€™t linear, but the good days are a reminder that this is the path for me. :woman_in_lotus_position:

Iā€™m grateful to be letting go of the scapegoat complex and asserting free will. :yin_yang:

Iā€™m grateful that you all allow me this safe space to express my feelings and thoughts in a world where too many of us feel alone. :black_heart:

Iā€™m grateful for my animal companions, who have taught me unconditional love. :heartpulse:


Iā€™m impressed!! I knew X would be a tough one, but that was great! Iā€™m grateful that I do NOT have xenophobia :grin:


Good one. That would have come in handy this morning. Y shouldnā€™t be too bad.


Good morning sober warriors,

Im trying really hard to wake up and get moving. I hit snooze like 10x this morning.

Im so very greatful forā€¦

My recovery 877
This amazing community
The AA program and in person meetings
Got to work from home yesterday
Hubby calls often
Boscoe and i took 2x walks yesterday
I planned ahead and have made lunches for this week
Comfy pajamas
Hot coffee
Quiet mornings


Iā€™m grateful for the color Yellow
Thanks Twinnie :yellow_heart:
Iā€™m grateful for my Yellow Beanie.
Iā€™m grateful I bought Benson a Yellow collar and a Yellow Harness and Yellow Leash so we can match on our walks :yellow_heart:

Iā€™m grateful for good Yesterdays and learning how to let go of the not so good Yesterdays.

Iā€™m grateful for Youse Guys. Ohā€¦. :nerd_face: itā€™s Irish :shamrock: origin.
Iā€™m grateful for Yā€™all. Glad I donā€™t talk like that though :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes:
But seriously Iā€™m grateful for all of You. Ya You :wink:

Iā€™m grateful I tried Yoga and once had a lovely Yogini in Durango. Iā€™m grateful I can still use some of the principles she taught me in my reformer workouts, breathing techniques and meditations.

Iā€™m grateful for Yaks Yams and Yo-Yos. Do they even still have Yo-Yos?

Iā€™m grateful for Yogurt, sometimes.

Iā€™m grateful I grew up in the time of Yogi Bear. Cā€™mon BooBoo!!

Iā€™m grateful my good friends are getting to hike Yosemite Park this week.

Speaking of Yosemiteā€¦.Iā€™m grateful I grew up in the age of Yosemite Sam and BugsšŸ°


ā€œLetā€™s stop throwing blame around.ā€ This one idea could be explored, meditated on, acted upon, from now until the end of our days. What would happen if we stopped blaming anyone for anything? We would experience miracles of tolerance and graceā€”rich spiritual rewards, reflected in a life of real fulfillment.
ODAAT in Al-Anon


Iā€™m grateful

  • that Iā€™m feeling a bit better today
  • for hibiscus tea
  • for good friends
  • that being sick reminds me how terrible hangovers are and that makes reinforces my decision to no longer drink
  • that I could get some work done from home today
  • that my job is flexible enough that it wonā€™t hurt me to take off a few days now and then
  • for my animals
  • for cuddles with my dogs and their different personalities

I have some great friends! So thankful for them


Grateful for my familyā€™s support, both emotionally and financially. I couldnā€™t do what I am doing now without that.

I am grateful for my recovery friends, who understand me in a way no one else can.


Iā€™m grateful I remembered someone very important to me on my recovery journey.
@Yoda-Stevie your words of wisdom, encouragement and support was key to me in my first couple of years of sobriety. Always great to see you pop in Sensei :pray:
Iā€™m glad youā€™re here.


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I can feel my tension and exhaustion.
I am grateful I continued my excercises reading :notes: although I have a huge knot now in my head.
I am grateful I can wear what I want at work.
I am grateful the bike parts arrived today. Now they are waiting and waiting and waiting for me to change the wheel. I am grateful for YouTube tutorials.
I am grateful I am only exhausted and not hungover.


Gratitude for today

  • Morning panic subsided quicker then I had expected.
  • Took two fantastic bike rides through the city. I love this feeling of slight loss of control on every turn of the pedals. I love the wind, feeling my bodyā€˜s power translated into speed.
  • My daughter being migraine free and happy today.
  • Coupleā€˜s counseling was very productive today. The counselor helped me to voice my needs and my boundaries in a setting where my ex actually had to make the effort to listen and take responsibility. I have no idea if this will have any effect on his behaviour, but I did my part and I feel very relieved.
  • Getting all sorts of stuff done around the flat. Feeling far more energetic. I enjoyed this feeling.
  • Having enough energy for a yoga session and really enjoying it.
  • Some tv, a book, Recovery Dharma to wind down.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Yes you Yearned this!

Yellow Yam
Yogi Bear Yo-yo (threw in Huckkeberry Hound just for fun)
Yoga Yak (you Yanking my chain?)


Five :star: :star::star::star::star:


Yowza ā€¦!! Thanks.


Gratitude: I am still here knowing I need to be nicer to myself.

All the gratitude for all of you.