Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7

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I am grateful today

AA Meeting - Topic Identification/Identifying with other drunks / great discussions

Sponsor Meeting - Progress is happening, Spiritual Awakening is at hand

Accounting work ahead of schedule

Gym time is a joy and so rewarding

Finding desire to make the most out of my days

Having no reason to smile laugh and have fun


I am grateful for a reminder that moderation doesn’t work. It reminded me, how aweful I felt all those years when I was trying to make it work. Looking back, I can only laugh at silly me. Life is so much more beautiful since I don’t even try to fight that battle anymore. Sobriety rocks.
I am grateful I could find closure on a lingering relationship. Took me close to five years to finally let it go. I am grateful there’s new paths to explore now.
I am grateful for podcasts and audiobooks. I love to casually learn stuff, while on my way home from work.
I am grateful for my childhood friends who live around the block. I love to have them nearby, even though we don’t get to meet up very often.
I am grateful for pumpkins. Spaghetti squash are my favourite. :jack_o_lantern:


I am humbled. I have a hugely positive announcement to make as I approach my soberversary. Stay tuned!


I’m thankful to be 6 years sober
Grateful that my feet is less painful and hopeful to increase my walking/sport activaties. Read somewhere I can go back to training if I am 2 weeks painfree :crossed_fingers:
Grateful to have a few days of from work left.


Grateful for this week to come, so much happening.

  • Tomorrow, accident anniversary. It’s been a year and I only remember things back to November-ish, tidbits pop in about the rest of the time but just “poofs.” ***Edit My daughter actually told me the accident was on September 29th, interesting as it’s my sober day of the month.

  • Less than a week to sober baby

  • Volunteering for Suicide Walk on Saturday. Much of me wants to cut out, mostly due to $$, but I know it’s important. It’s important for so many people. Each time I have been, I am touched and driven to do and be better.

And somehow moving-ish. I have a feeling that things will somewhat drop in my lap. It may not be big knowledge around here, but my intuition when feeling strong is deep and generally right. No lie, it’s part of my past drinking issue - thinking too much. Guess what? I think harder and more, sober.

Big time: Today is a “Z” day. Woohoo!


Wednesday lunchtime gratitude.

I’m grateful I call it a day. The only appointment left today is a massage I’m looking forward to as my left leg & knee hurt. Yesterday morning all cats were in my bed and two on me so I didn’t move and enjoyed it. Seems I badly turned the left leg in a wrong position with too much weight on too long.

I’m grateful the Dr.s are clear about what I have to do to improve my health issues. I’m a badly coping grumpy bitch when I get told what I should do. They are right and I have to work on my attitude. Don’t tell me what to do is deeply engraved in my soul with strong emotions of refusal and resistance.

I’m grateful next week the stonework will pause 2 days. I’m exhausted and need silence.
I’m grateful the preparations for the court appointment go on, I’ve got some solid arguments and offers to throw in. More to come. I’m grateful I prepare to settle this neverending story then. Yesterday the ex annoyed me. What is it that people think they can do as they please (and bullshit) when you are nice and friendly? Must be the season for this bullshit behaviour, I’m not the only one experiencing it. Time for stricter boundaries and communication. Ennervating.

I’m grateful for a purring Missi on my hip. My fluffballs are the sunshine in my life.

I’m grateful that all this organizing, work, stuff will pause in winter. I’m tired and looking forward to when the facade is done. Then I call it a year workwise and focus solely on myself to get myself together and on track. Whatever track it will be then. Essentially MY track, I feel quite driven atm. Nonetheless I’m deeply grateful for everything going on in my life. Keeping up with my stuff and household is a challenge I’m grateful for because it is worth it.

I’m grateful for modern amenities, hot showers, medication, valid available information, sunshine in autmn, the beautiful outlook from the couch into the sky, milk, friends, my reliable car, text, water closets, my comfy house, comfy cloths, everything comfy, having enough, feeling content, breath meditation, crime novels, my own courage to tackle things, that I’m kind to myself, cook for myself and take good care of myself. And naps. Always grateful for a nap. ODAAT


I’m grateful

  • for my Kyrgyz mom who was a wise and loving person
  • for all the time we could spend together over the years laughing, talking and drinking lots of tea
  • for everyone who has been supportive today helping with the yurt and funeral

I’m grateful for cat Zoomies!

I’m grateful for Zoos. Not crazy about the idea of caging animals at all. But Zoos are nice and I’m glad we have them and I pray the animals are as happy as possible and are treated humanely.
I’m grateful for Zoology. Glad that’s a word.
I’m grateful for rescue Zoos. There’s one near me I would like to check out.

I’m grateful for Zebras
I’m grateful for Zebra stripes. The cross walk and the way the Brits say it :kissing_heart:

I’m grateful I can remember growing up watching Zorrow. I’m grateful for the hilarious movie Zorrow The Gay Blade. Too funny if you’re a Zorro fan.

I’m grateful for Zucchini.
I’m grateful for Zippers. Where would we be with out them?
I’m grateful for full Zip hoodies.

I’m grateful for Frank Zappa and Led Zepplin and let’s give Warren Zevon another shout!

I’m grateful for ZZtop and Ziggy Marley.

I’m grateful for my Zest for gratitude and my Zest for my sober Al-Anon recovered life.



I am grateful for you friend and your A-Z gratitude :heart:

Loving the GIF - nice finish!



Visuals for Z. Thanks for the fun. I am grateful.


Grateful for it all


My gratefulness today

For my sobriety
AA MEETING and the greatest fellows
Friend providing a ride home when I dropped truck off for service. I don’t have many I can rely on and mechanic in next town.
Me staying calm. Change of daily plans could have caused high anxiety
I am so current with accounting. I am proud of my diligence to keep it that way
I am grateful God is with me and when I follow his will Life is good. Grateful I do not have to apologize for my faith. Clearly I could not stay sober and make changes needed for everyday happiness all by myself.
Grateful I can do what I want (maybe nothing) right now.


Mike drop! Yeah!!! :metal:


I am grateful!

I’m grateful for books. I’m grateful also for audiobooks because they make me wish my commute was longer.

I’m grateful for candles and a cool evening breeze. About time.

I’m grateful that tomorrow I get to visit with my 11 month old great niece who is toddling around. Toddlers rule.

Grateful for you all, so very much :heart:


I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful I kept calm this early morning realising I had forgotten my shorts for the gym.
I am grateful it’s only 2 in the office today.
I am grateful I don’t have the job of my boss.
I am grateful for a call with a friend yesterday about her family addiction issues.
I am grateful I have enough food in the fridge.
I am grateful I have enough.


So very grateful I have gone through this A - Z journey with you friend…and now I want to copy it!


Morning gratitudes

Still struggling waking up with the dark mornings and cold air.

Im so very greatful,

I will have some worktime today
My recovery
My AA grapevine Spiritual Awakenings read
My favorite ladies aa meetiing tonight
Hot coffee
My folks and our chats
Its nearly the weekend
The serenity prayer that reminds me to let go of those things i cannot control


I’m grateful for podcast episode about Wim Hof certified instructor who shared incredible information on winterisation and its effects on human body and mind, all backed up by scientific outcomes.

  • my health and being able to follow my training plan
  • my kids and glad they are healthy
  • my friend who supports me

I’m grateful you enjoyed it. I’m grateful I stole the idea from a lovely person at one of my AA meetings. I’m grateful it was a good exercise of my gratitude brain.