Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery #7


For my time in peace to read and write in the stillness of nature.
Ink pen and paper
My dog
My sobriety


Iā€™m grateful I have
1 wife and 1 dog
Iā€™m grateful I have 2 grandchildren.
Iā€™m grateful I have 3 grown up children including my niece/daughter and 3 grown up children-in-laws and that we all love each other.
Iā€™m grateful I have 4 cats.
Iā€™m grateful at one point we had 5 cats and Alice is the last remaining one of that batch. Iā€™m grateful she rescued us even though we already had 4 cats 18 years ago. Holy Gratitude! That means Alice got me when I was about 47 :scream: seems like a lifetime ago.

Iā€™m grateful for @19801 Iā€™m happy you found us and Iā€™m enjoying being a small part of your journey. Iā€™m grateful for @1in8billion good to have you back again.

Iā€™m grateful @Zse @zzz @Zeekinout sorry I forgot you guys on my Z gratitude yesterday. Iā€™m grateful you all get to be part of my great sober journey I am on.

Iā€™m grateful I didnā€™t kill Benson this morning as I heard him going into the Cat Box Cafe :scream: :poop: Or coming out of it. Iā€™m grateful he didnā€™t do that his first 11 years.

Iā€™m grateful I didnā€™t kill Mavy this morning as he knocked over the dry dog food when I was in the loo. I heard that unmistakable sound of the dry food in Tupperware hitting the floor and I was helpless to do anything about it. And yes it exploded all over the kitchen floor. Before coffee :scream: :coffee: :scream: :coffee:

Iā€™m grateful my coffee came out good and both my boys sat on my lap his morning like it never happened. Fuckers!!

Iā€™m grateful for my cold mornings in the catio with coffee, blankets and a fire in the fireplace, with my mantra playlist, in the mist.

Iā€™m grateful I learning to be and I actually am content. Currently. Today. Right now.

Iā€™m grateful for the great big crow or raven sitting atop the pine tree bending the top branch looking around at all the beauty.

Iā€™m grateful for Acceptance. Iā€™ve tried for what seems like years for Acceptance, that I live with an active alcoholic. And thatā€™s where real true Surrender comes in. I feel like Iā€™m not trying so much this days. I think trying, or at least trying too hard, leads to controlling. And I canā€™t do that. I canā€™t control people, places and things. And Iā€™m grateful I know that. So, ā€¦ā€¦.anyway Contentment. Grateful for that. And I think itā€™s pretty cool :sunglasses:

Love you guys
:pray:t2: :coffee: :ocean: :heart: :purple_heart:

Gratitude and Contentment Lead to Happiness, Health and Success
DiPaola Consulting


Iā€™m grateful

  • that I made it through this hard day
  • for my neighbors husband who helped dig the grave and made sure everything was taken care of
  • for my friends and neighbors who gave me support today
  • for everyone who helped with food, tea and all these little things
  • for my friend S who sat with me and listened to my stories. It helped me process and helped me feel cared for
  • that my closest friend is staying over tonight because she knew I needed a friend

Thursday gratitude.

Today Iā€™m grateful I gave my ex a hand with fumbling the dumper battery fixing. Iā€™m grateful we accept that each other has appointments that mess with what should be mutual time going through stuff. Iā€™m grateful I insist to go through what he wants to take with him every single time. Today he wanted to take the ramps. Nope, I payed fot it. So they stay here? Yep, indeed. WTF? No, none of it came with any of his trailers, I ordered them a season apart about 11 years ago. Always the same bullshit. He bought the guest bed. Nope, mine, from the guestroom of my townhouse. He bought the Hiltis. Nope, you didnā€™t have any money 15 years ago, I fucking bought the Hiltis. I promise Iā€™ll throw a giant party when this is finally over, with the best sandwiches in town and tons of fresh smoothies, fruitjuice and hot chocolate. And a nut-nougat cake. A few more weeks to stay vigilant, more or less friendly and nice and mindful.

Iā€™m grateful I came home safe today. The weather caused me bad headache, starting before my drive home. There was an awful congestion on the freeway and Iā€™m very grateful my lane could pass it (transit lane).
Iā€™m grateful I picked up the last things of my late mumā€™s inheritance at the bank deposit, I completely forgot about it last year. Iā€™m grateful nice and competent staff noticed it and called me.
Iā€™m grateful for therapy, I needed this session.
Iā€™m grateful my left knee is a lot better today after yesterdayā€™s massage. Note to self: Even the purring cute cats must move before my legs go into hurt & clench mode.

Iā€™m grateful I thanked my ex for what he is doing now decluttering the farm and fetching his clinkers. Of course this should be nothing to highlight. I notice this reaction because it shows the below zero standard that is my experienced baseline when it comes to him doing things that a) need to be done and b) ME wanting to be done. I felt awful, tired, exhausted, dizzy and vulnerable due to the massive headache and was overly grateful he was doing stuff. Have to work on this feelings of gratitude as the intensity is not appropriate to what happens but a mirror of what I want to be cared. For me. The old confusing doing with caring. For today itā€™s ok, itā€™s nice to say thank you to him and crawl into bed.

Yes he had to load the trailer alone again. Iā€™m grateful I was able to be quite present in the meeting in the afternoon. Iā€™m grateful I set boundaries when the ex started chatting with the stoneworkerā€™s boss. My meeting, me headache, me want back to bed asap. Iā€™m always suspicious when he talks to people around and about the farm, bad experiences. Very bad. Again: A few weeks to go.

Iā€™m grateful for leftovers, I got hungry later in the afternoon.

Iā€™m grateful for my wonderful neighbours all around. At my townhouse we will meet tomorrow and change the property management. 4 ladies get a lot done quickly!

Iā€™m grateful Iā€™ll make fresh tea and take sleeping meds. Hopefully the headache is gone tomorrow.
Iā€™m grateful for my life :pray: ODAAT


Much appreciated my friend!


Grateful that I was quick to apologize to my mother for losing it, based on her reply to food things.

Grateful to know and practice that you cannot control people. You can only control your own actions/thoughts.

Grateful for Sober Timeā€™s quote today, ā€œA successful person begins with two beliefs, the future can be be better than the present, and I have power to make it so.ā€ It lies in the belief system I have told myself for years. I am grateful that I know blocking it is something only I can change.

Grateful for granola and I should make it. Knowing my kiddo doesnā€™t eat oatmeal in a bowl is a good reason to try.

Grateful for this group and things that will happen for me. Good or bad, they exist for a reason.



I think you are right. I say at least 10 times a day I am trying so hard to avoid conflict. Whether I try to avoid it or not IT still seems to be there. I really need to let it go and hand IT over to God. This is a learned skill and I must practice to get good at it. Love your gratitude and Thank you!




Gratitude list for today.

I am grateful for the meeting I hosted yesterday. Itā€˜s such a great feeling to hold space for a community. I remember being panicky the first time I logged into zoom to attend one of those meetings. Could have never imagined Iā€˜d enjoy hosting.

I am grateful I felt more energized today with less sucky moods. These hormonal changes of menopause drive me nuts. I am taking it one day at a time and sometimes more like one breath at a time. So I am grateful for todayā€˜s reprieve.

I am grateful with all those migraine episodes my daugher has, we seem to have found a medication that takes her out of the pain. She still is in a migraine state then but at least mostly free of pain.

I am grateful for rain and wind and bike rides in an autumnal weather.

I am grateful the dentist did not find anything to worry about and I donā€˜t have to think about that for a year. I also am grateful I can go to the dentist, get my teeth checked, cleaned and taken care of in case, and all of that included in our public health system.

I read today how much money people spend on education. I am so grateful I had the chance to study whatever I wanted and not pay a cent. I am grateful my daughter will probably have the same option in a few years.

I am grateful I could concentrate on my work today and go on a deep dive about the early Goths and their culture. This research helped me a lot to get ideas for visual and narrative designs.

I am grateful for coffee, great books and my renewed capacity to enjoy them. The last weeks were so challenging the only way I could relax at least a bit was TV series. And I really donā€˜t get much out of them, but sometimes I just canā€˜t concentrate enough to read which I prefer.

I am grateful for the day coming to an end and looking forward to a good nightā€˜s sleep. I could use that.

I am grateful for this life. I am grateful for this day.

Sleep tight sober friends :night_with_stars:


Oh I am so happy to read this and do hope that it works - continues to work for her :pray:


Grateful for the gym, where I can do my stair walk thing no matter what happened today :muscle: The stair machine doesnā€™t judge :slightly_smiling_face:


Grateful today

Day was almost perfect. Began with not well. Worried Hubby would come home to an unfinished chore list. I managed to clean and tidy house, changed sheets, Laundry done, bookwork completed. The best part grateful Hubby coming home tomorrow.

Grateful for the energy to get garbage out tonight.

Grateful for all the posts here. I find such a healthful dose of honesty and compassion here.

Grateful I have enough and I am enough. Progress not perfection.

Grateful for my ā€œlove bugā€ Woody. He is thrilled I have not lost so much weight that I still have a comfy lap.

Grateful always washer and dryer and dishwasher are there for me willing and able

Grateful mechanic needs truck another day so I didnā€™t need to find a ride to pickup.

Grateful for God loving me enough to show me a whole new ā€œhappyā€ world to live in.


Grateful for my sobriety.

Grateful I made it through an extremely stressful week. The kind that makes me question my career choice. Grateful I ā€œgetā€ to go to work. So many people would gladly trade places with me. But grateful for the next 3 days off from work.

Grateful I leave for my trip early tomorrow morning. Grateful the hurricane is hitting north of my destination. Praying for those that will be affected. Category 4 is no joke.

Grateful for a girls weekend with my sisters. Canā€™t wait to see them.

Grateful for my hubby and daughter :heart:

Grateful for everyone on this thread helping to keep me sober today.


So glad storm not in your backyard! Have a great few days off!


Seriously :flushed: youā€™re traveling and thereā€™s a hurricane :flushed: Last time you tried to travel there was some kind of computer black out or whatever they called it. Maybe you should stay home :laughing: Only kidding. But still too close. Iā€™m so grateful you still get to go on your trip. I hope you have a fantastic time with your sisters away from your family. Will you know how to act :100: away from your family? Like thatā€™s never happened before has it? Donā€™t mind my idle thoughts from the couch. Just get out there and have a great time. Grateful you donā€™t drink. That would have been a helluva 3 day bender right there :face_with_head_bandage:


Iā€™m grateful I had my Mom for 45 years of her life.
Iā€™m grateful from the time she decided on hospice to the time she died she was never alone.
Iā€™m grateful for tears.
Iā€™m grateful to be alive today.
Iā€™m grateful for Neil Youngā€™s Only Love Can Break Your Heart. That song usually gives me nerdy sway/waltz dancing in the kitchen vibes but tonight its helping me grieve.
Iā€™m grateful for this space. Iā€™m grateful Iā€™m starting to open up a bit about my grief. Iā€™m grateful for all the folks who shouted me out on the check in thread. I donā€™t have the mental energy to respond to all but I felt every well wish and I am grateful for it.
Iā€™m grateful my heart will heal and I will be sober when it does. šŸ©·
Sending hugs to anyone struggling tonight.


Receiving your hug and returning more.


I felt that. šŸ©·šŸ„°


Grateful generally. But more specifically for:

People who share their soul with bravery and vulnerability. I attended my Thursday night class yesterday and it was life changing, I am in awe. People doing the work and pushing through tears and vulnerability and sheer terror to show up for themselves. It was so powerful, I will never forget that two hours.


Fear. It has lessons.

My coping mechanisms. They tried their best.

The willingness to keep trying.

Rain. Wow, if I wasnā€™t grateful for awkward weather I would lose my citizenship. Especially lately.


That Bear is coming out of his shell again after his boarding trauma.

Hot water, when I have any :joy:

Breathwork. :heavy_heart_exclamation:


I am grateful for friends and family in my life. I am grateful for people long gone visiting in my dreams. Grateful itā€™s a new day and I get to try again. I am grateful I know what I want and am currently trying to figure out how to get there. I am grateful I have faith in the process. I am grateful for my coffee in the morning. I am grateful to have been reading Erics A-Zs list. It was quite impressive. It makes me wonder, if I could do it as wellā€¦ Maybe some day. I am grateful for so many beautiful shares, huge and small. Be good today, everyone :orange_heart: