Daily Gratitude, The Air Of Recovery

Quick evening gratitude

Im greatful i got my ass up and went to my womens mtg. I created a poll here and 100% of respondents said go. So i was like damnit judges decided lol
Im greatful i was picked to share tonight and i forgot my day count. Ive been living by my day count and today it just didnt seem as important.
Im greatful for the reminder to surrender. We cant control a lot of what i stress about. I just have to give it up to my higher power…still trying to define that and thats ok
Im greatful my sponsor told me not to stress about “finishing” the fourth step. Let it happen in time. Dont let it stress me out.
Im greatful for this thread and this forum. Keeps me positive.

I love you all so much.


Please don’t take this wrong but when I saw your poll I instantly answered while thinking well that’s a stupid question to ask here :joy:. I was willing to lay down $5 that there wouldn’t be a no. I’m grateful you allowed us a hand in your recovery today. Much love and respect :heart:


Lol yes stupid poll but it worked! There are some pessimists among us i thought id get atleast one no. Glad to know you guys have my back


I am so grateful for the online course I found by accident. It’s so interesting and how I just realized calming me the manner the professor is teaching. There are discussions and no arguing. It’s exchanging different views. Without raising the voice.

I am grateful to be sober.
I am grateful for a short video chat with someone from the yoga teacher training.


Grateful for sobriety
Grateful for healthy body
Grateful to catch up with work
Grateful to make a decent dinner
Grateful for the worst squall I have ever seen in my life happening AFTER I got inside
Grateful to do some housework
Grateful for my kids and their sibling bickering
Grateful for nice smelling laundry stuff


Good morning sober fam,

Im so very greatful for…

My sobriety, day 107 free from weed and alcohol
My hubby
Boscoe love
My mom
My family
My sponsor and her guidance
These past few months of immense personal growth
Learning to surrender and hand over my will
Doing the next right thing
Everyone here who shares in their personal recoveries.

Let us go out and slay the day soberly!


Hello, my name is Danielle, I have recently while incarcerated gave my life back to God, and am new to this group, I am a recovering alcoholic and have 47 days sober today. Although I’m attending I person meetings and church I’m looking for other forms of support to aid in my recovery as well. I hope that this will be one of them.


I’m grateful for the little espresso machine in my room so I can have a shot of coffee while I wait for my room service coffee. :coffee:

I’m grateful for over appreciated time well spent with my new family. I’m grateful I/we could just be available. I’m grateful for the pics we got of Norma, especially that tie dye onesie. I’m grateful my DIL was able to get away and get her nails done. I’m grateful, God Willing, we can come back the beginning of December. I’m grateful to watch my son be a Father. I’m grateful my DIL is a natural at being a mother.

I’m grateful I get to be sober during all this. I’m grateful I choose to be sober 957 days ago. I’m grateful I don’t drink and I don’t want to :wink: Pinky.
Love that one so much.

I’m grateful I went to bed alone without any resentment last night. Maybe it’s the tiredness from being a grandpa all day. I’m grateful I drank my Perrier and read and chatted with wifey and went to bed. I’m grateful for acceptance. I’m grateful I always thought it sounded easy but it takes work. I’m grateful I know I can say it. I can think it. But until my actions or reactions show it, I reckon I haven’t come to terms with acceptance. I guess like everything else some days are better than others.

I’m grateful my wife wasn’t fazed by doing any of the baby stuff like changing the diaper. Especially the poopy one. I helped. :relaxed: A little. And that booger :scream: she hates boogers. She got a big one yesterday from the baby :stuck_out_tongue_closed_eyes: I’m grateful my wife held the baby while we all ate the dinner I made and she ate later. I’m grateful my wife “does the right thing.” I’m grateful we make the best team. I’m grateful we have always been the best team. I’m grateful when my wife and I are together in new situations like alone with a new born when one of us asks for something the other one just does it, straight away. No questions asked. It works both ways. It’s so cool.

I’m grateful we get to go back home a get our pets.
I’m grateful the pets are doing well at the vets boarding facility because they better get use to it. Especially you Alice :smirk_cat:. I’m grateful we love our pets so much we hate leaving them.

I’m just sitting here looking out the 12th floor window thinking I’m just so fucking damn grateful 🥲
I’m grateful for all my blessings.
I’m grateful to God.
I’m grateful for y’all. I’m grateful y’all are one of my blessings too. Ya you are!!

If all you did was just look for things to appreciate you would live a joyous, spectacular life.
Abraham Hicks.


Welcome Danielle and congratulations on your 47 days and giving your life back to God. I’m happy you found us. This app has been my main support for my sobriety. Especially this thread. This gratitude practice has retrained my brain and kept me sober.
Have a good read around. You’re in a safe non judgmental place and you’re not alone. Join in when your comfortable. If you got any questions someone is always around and willing to help.
I’m grateful you found us.


Thank you . I’m glad you are here also !! Hopefully your introduction back to AA and meetings goes well . You are putting your recovery first and you are doing awesome :grinning:


When He woke me this morning I felt immediately grateful and it has just built on up as the day progresses. I am grateful you found us @Dtitus89 . Welcome. I am very grateful for guided meditation with Ram Dass early this morning. For Recovery Dharma online. For my many wise friends. For poppy bagels and vegan cream cheese. I’m grateful for my therapy session today. Grateful for a phone call with my dear friend Arlene. And,more food sorry,grateful for Beyond Meat burger w/sautéed 'shrooms. Grateful for Yo La Tengo. Grateful for all of you.


I’m grateful I can finally understand this…

I remember my first thread, asking for support because I felt like I was suffocating with the idea that I had to simply not drink ever again. Ever. I felt so overwhelmed in my first couple of months. I was constantly at the verge of tears. Blaming myself for the situation. Wondering how I could keep this up. Worried about past, present and future.

One answer that stayed with me was from @Butterflymoonwoman, and reinforced by @SassyBoomer…was that she was grateful for having been an addict, because it led her to her current path, full of love, empathy, self-knowledge and more…(I tried to summarize the intent the best I can, Dana, I hope it’s correct!)

I didn’t think then that I could ever relate to that feeling. I was angry with the world and disappointed in myself for letting myself get sucked into alcohol dependency.

I’m not that far along in my number of days - a bit over 4 months, but I’m finally at a place where I can say: I’m grateful my addiction led me here. To a place of calm, love, appreciation, gratitude and self-reflection. To this amazing group. To trying to be a better person, however imperfect I might be.

Much love to you all :heart:


This is beautifully written and it resonates with my experience on every level. Thank you.


Grateful for last nights much needed rain. I woke up early and went for a swim in the fog. It was magical. Grateful for lazy days, mostly lying on my back gazing at the clouds and listening to the life of birds and bees around me.
I am grateful I learned how to maintain boundaries and stand up for myself. A friend was about to bring drama into my holidays and I told him to step back. It needed a few repetitions, but in the end it worked.
While I very much enjoyed the last days of solitude, I am looking forward to pick up a friend who comes to visit at the train station. I am grateful I know we won’t be drinking and it’s not going to be awkward. I am grateful I learned alcohol is not needed in social situations. True friends will be friends with and without it.Thank you for being here, sober crew :orange_heart:


Grateful for your share . I remember how difficult those first couple months can be and I relate to the way you felt and some days felt like I was holding on and learning to feel again. Then the basics really started saving me daily. Only recently I have become really grateful for my story … even the bad parts and all the things that had to happen for me to be here. I’m learning so much about myself and sometimes that is really scary. Keep pushing forward one day at a time . Everything will come together as it should


I remember that post I made awhile back and u worded it beautiful. I am grateful that u have been able to experience this bcuz it changes the whole outlook of recovery (at least for me it does). The one thing I never, ever forget is the suffering of addiction and how much addiction consumed me. When I think of how things used to be, I am so beyond grateful for everything in my life today, including the problems I have today bcuz they are nothing like they used to be. It makes me sooo happy to hear that u understand and can relate to being grateful for being an addict. Life is soo good today! Hard times and all! Lol :slight_smile: thank u for the shout out also. Hope ur day has been amazing!


No, not again. I am closing on my Tuesday :sleeping::see_no_evil:


Today I’m especially grateful for NA’s Just For Today. “I cannot rely on yesterday’s program.”
If we’re not growing we’re shrinking, ain’t that the truth. I’m grateful for this daily meditation that always seems to tell me just what I need to hear. And I’m grateful that it’s not too late in the day to work my program so I don’t have to rely on yesterday’s!
I’m grateful for the progress I’m making mentally, the last few days Ive been pretty sick, and while I definitely haven’t been at 100% normal capacity I’ve still been going at top capacity I had at any given moment. I feel like I actually found a very healthy balance for being sick and for someone who historically sprints then stops, sprints then stops, this ability to pace myself is pretty incredible.
Super grateful for my recovery journey right now, my 2nd chance at life.
Grateful to wake up to my 152nd day clean and sober and that I understand if I keep doing what I’m doing (NOT relying on yesterday’s program for example) I will wake up tomorrow to FIVE months clean and sober. :hibiscus:
Let’s finish this day strong!!


Absolutely! :100: Aren’t boundaries THE BEST? I’ve been pondering this topic frequently. Wondering why it took me 42 years to be able to coordinate my feelings with my words and to not have to apologize for the way I felt. & no truly is a complete sentence. If I’m uncomfortable with what someone is saying or doing it’s like this whole new world, one in which I’m able to place a boundary, and then enforce it. It’s really quite magical. Thanks for your share!


Welcome Danielle! Ive spent more time in jail that I ever thought I would, but interestingly enough I don’t regret any of it. I didn’t ENJOY it, but I tell ya, I started calling it “God’s Motel.”
I can still remember stints I did during my addiction where He was able to clear my mind enough to communicate some pretty powerful stuff to me. To this day I cherish those moments He was able to detain and contain me long enough so that I could hear Him. Glad you made good use of your time in there. Welcome to TS, glad you’re here. :hibiscus: